Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
January 30th to February 5th, 2023

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for January 30th to February 5th, 2023. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

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Come along to The Pisces Weather on Zoom – a free online event about the historic transit of Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, starting on March 8th 2023.

The event will be held through Meetups on Sunday, February 19th from 9.00 am to 10.00 am from my Hobart base, with Alicia Richardson hosting from Bondi Beach – but be available to you in New York on Saturday, February 18th from 5.00 pm to 6.00 pm and in London on Saturday February 18th from 10.00 pm to 11.00p m.

You can join Astrology and Tarot Meetups online for FREE in New York, London or Australia.

Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

For all the time that various deals or understandings were in place with the group, you were not your true self. It’s your whole self that Pluto is now interested in, not the version of yourself you were trading with before. You are yet to reach the big turning points of March 8th and 24th, but the old barricades and restrictions will go. That other self is what you must now take forward, into a new social or group life. That means taking the larger picture of others’ lives into account, but also promising yourself that now you’re potentially in far more control, for the future, you’ll start living a life which honours all the aspects of yourself – not just those which so successfully got you where you are now. You had to wait patiently on the outside, or stuck on the inside, for all of 2021, 2022 and even now – with big walls. Your diary may be telling you how and why the walls are coming down, near those two pivotal March dates.

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Your journeys, your studies, your new web environments, your ventures into publishing (the internet is included in this, along with traditional publishing), and your exploration of what or who is foreign will change now. In fact, you may find yourself at the peak of your influence, and at the height of your wisdom. Just as Pluto sent you crashing out of various foreign situations in these last few years, it will also put you back up there, when the time is right, in March. Enjoy the impact you are making.

Keep going, though! Just because you’ve won this particular game doesn’t mean you can give up now. It’s now or never. Be who you really are. Pluto is set for your Tenth House. Your ambitions, your ideas about success, and your mission in life will trigger a journey of deep soul-searching now, and result in dramatic changes in your path. A complete change of position, status or employment is possible. So is a new place in the world, which gives you extraordinary power.

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During this time, when Jupiter is on side, you will find out who you are – at your core – by allowing yourself to choose certain group involvements rather than going it alone. What follows could leave you in a very interesting space indeed. But it is only when you face yourself in the mirror, as you actually are, with those people –– that you will begin to glimpse your entire, authentic self. Doing so will give you a genuine feeling of hope, optimism and trust in 2023. It will be much more satisfying, and far more promising than the situation you were in before. But your new life will allow you to set a totally new Twitter, Meetup (or similar) agenda, and this time your involvement with any kind of group will do a better job of serving who you actually are.

The groups you are involved with by May will change, but the message remains the same. No matter if it’s a circle of friends, a rock band, a book group, a charity, a yoga class, a management committee, a professional association, a political party…expand! Numbers could swell or you may find a friend in the group is worth his/her weight in gold.

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Let’s talk about duets and duels. Maybe both, or either/or. What on earth is the point of being who you’re not, in order to gain ‘control’ over a game of life which isn’t really you? That’s Pluto’s message to you now. This week is a preview of March, Cancer.

What you do to sign off on the duet or duel in March could give you real influence. Pluto means you will find that you are left holding the reins now if you have earned them. Use them while you’ve got them. As your current position rests on the fact that you’ve been trading on certain aspects of yourself (while burying or forgetting others) you may want to start by bringing all of you into the picture. Can you get away with it?

Only you can judge just how ready the world is to welcome you, as you really are, doing battle – or joining forces. But as that’s the only way you’re going to feel genuinely in control of your life, it may be worth a try. That way, your newfound power has the best possible chance of lasting.

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This Saturn déjà vu in Aquarius now will also be happening with your partner, ex-partner, potential date or opponent at this time. Saturn is in the Seventh House, which is causing the ‘stuck’ feeling about a certain someone. This influence on your marriage, partnership, disputes, dating strategy or ex relationship will probably hang on to you. Even though you’ll feel as if you’re watching life press the rewind button, you’ll feel the time is right, so Saturn can help you make some wise decisions. Even though you will feel as if you’re stuck on a merry-go-round in your love life, or with your battle, when it comes to unusually smart decisions you are in the zone. You should feel utterly calm and confident about your next move! March ends one era and starts another. Saturn goes out of Aquarius and Pluto goes in. This week is part of that.

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The optimism that accompanies certain financial discussions is real as Jupiter moves through Aries. It is extremely likely that the man or woman who now has the biggest influence over how rich/poor you feel knows you want that optimism. In any case, you will be amazed at how hopeful you feel about what is unfolding – Jupiter in your Eighth House will probably make you feel quite expansive where other people’s money, property and assets are concerned. You have experienced so much, about your finances over the last few years. Uranus in Aries, for start, made life so unpredictable. Now, you can increase what you have.

The line will be very clearly drawn by May when your luck ends. When it comes to your own financial affairs (that credit card bearing your name, your own chequebook, your own salary, possessions or property) you will have a lot of wisdom to draw on, along with a lot of others’ life experience. Thus, when you need to face the involvement of a second or third party in your security, you can save money or make it.

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Don’t be surprised if you keep going back (and back) to one particular financial, business, property or charity destination in these years. Alternatively, you may find a strange sense of familiarity about the area and the people. Chances are, you knew it in another guise, 18 or 19 years ago. You will face all-too-familiar issues with the whole business of business, for example. Because you either keep ‘revolving’ with the same scenario at this time (or because it’s familiar to you from long-gone, experiences) you’ll feel a sense of ‘been there, done that’ with what is going on. You’ll handle all this expertly now, because you not only find yourself facing the same scenario repeatedly, but also because astrology says you have old knowledge to bring to the situation. You’ll feel brilliantly philosophical now, even about an inheritance – or the value of property. You can bring intuitive knowledge and practical experience to almost any situation which involves money at this time.

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Saturn is ready to move into your sector of the bedroom, courtship, babies, children and Millennials. Adult children and grandchildren too. Godchildren, or children you teach. Your approach to children (your own, or other people’s) will be helped by your innate wisdom from March. You will either hit repeat scenarios of situations you have faced many times before – 28-29 years ago – or come across something new to learn, which still seems strangely familiar to you. This sense of familiarity, or ‘knowingness’ is one of the reasons it’s now possible to take the world of children in your stride, though March brings barricades or barriers. Your son may refuse you access to your grandchildren. That can happen.

More positively, after years of no boundaries, some can come in. Neptune has made life boundary-free for years, Scorpio. March brings new rules for you. Perhaps you really have known your son or daughter in this context of zero boundaries. Or maybe you’re dealing with a ‘same old, same old’ situation as you pursue IVF treatment again. Your personal chart tells the story.

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With opportunities for courtship and the bedroom at a 12-year high, you have until May 2023 to take advantage of who/what has just turned up. Or turned up again. Jupiter in Aries, alongside Chiron in Aries, is a double message about using your optimism to maximise an opportunity. You can also get away with what is frankly outrageous or beyond the pale. Sagittarian parents are more likely to be thinking about a son or daughter; the door is open to the biggest and best outcomes by May.

If you are one of those Sagittarians who has Libra natal chart factors, then 2023-2024 is your most important marriage, partnership and relationship cycle in 19 years, and if you are karmically owed from 18-19 years ago, you will collect after July – and if you karmically owe, you can find closure. This may be about the person on your radar now, or quite a different face, who still has something to say about your next relationship question.

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If you have a part-time or full-time job, this Libra cycle in 2023, kicking off with Ceres in Libra, will help you manage your working life, by delivering the same people and situations in an endless loop. Ceres is going backwards. This applies to all kinds of careers, though. And the sense of familiarity and ‘been there, done that, written the screenplay’ you have about a job now, may well be down to Ceres rotating in 2023.

This is also the year the South Node goes into Libra. More circuits and loops. That happens in July, but of course July may be in your diary now. The South Node in your Tenth House delivers familiar scenarios to you in two different ways; firstly, it rewinds people and situations over a period of months, so that while it is passing through the Tenth House from July 2023, you can steadily get to the point where you can be a detached observer about work by 2024.

This point in the horoscope also brings us people, challenges and experiences from 18-19 years ago, though. This is why people who begin a new job, and launch into a new career, can be so astonished to find themselves intuitively knowing what’s coming next – even if they are totally inexperienced.

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You’ll go into completely different territory in March 2023, with the same financial, property and business issues now. In fact, you may feel as if you’re hitting new walls, as there is a strong sense of ‘seen it all before’ with the lack of boundaries around cash, houses, flats, paperwork or your precious possessions – but a very new sense of ‘must adapt’ with new rules. This week is a preview, Aquarius.

The transit is Piscean and in your Second House of all that you own, earn or owe. This knowledge can help you to remain wonderfully calm about what is going on. The names, faces or amounts on the cheque may change, but everything else is extremely familiar. Everything and everybody is all over the place, all the time – financially. The goalposts keep moving. Part of this is the global economy, which is erratic until 2026. Some of it is your own need to escape from reality. You have been cruising, drifting and floating for years. March changes that, with prep time now.

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On the plus side of life, this Jupiter in Aries cycle can make you feel remarkably optimistic about other people’s money, other people’s property and other people’s possessions in relation to your own. You have amazing options now. You can afford to reflect on all those ‘repeat, repeat, repeat’ situations from 12 years ago, which are now being fast-forwarded again. If you have financial, business or property-related issues to deal with at this time, Jupiter can protect. It is the great shield of astrology and the great saviour. If you began the Monopoly game with a good hand, then you are now on GO with a view to May as the end.

The central question now is, ‘Should I get expand?’ and only you can provide the answer. Astrologers prefer people to try harder when Jupiter is in the Second House. And, even if a complicated financial situation is in the picture, perhaps it’s time that you admitted the reason you’ve reached this point in your life, is to use it as a launch pad for new angles, new attempts, new possibilities. As always, it’s up to you, but the luck factor this week is high. Higher near Easter.

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