Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
January 2-8 2023

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for January 2-8 2023. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

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Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Transits in your Eleventh House of friends and groups – and Tenth House of success – dominate this part of January. A friendship circle will overlap with an old or new friend now and the barriers will be obvious. Avoid what could become complicated, as one friendship has a family or marital feel, and not in a particularly easy way. Venus in Aquarius is here, and she is notorious for ushering in vanity, but also a certain amount of joy in complex relationships. Do you really need that?

In any case, Aries, March 2023 brings down the barricades which have surrounded your social life, friends and groups since Christmas 2020 and not before time. Your success in life is ultimately decided in March as well, when the endless questions about who/what has the controls, vanish for you. Until then, you will see tremendous flux as the resignations, promotions, new appointments and reshuffles which date from December decisions, go well into early February. If you have to sign or accept a signature, read the fine print and have a second pair of eyes look over it. This was predicted a year ago, by the way here.

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Taurus, I am sure you have had quite enough of Saturn in your sector of success, achievement and ambition, but the walls do come down in March. In fact, March could easily see a reshuffle in your workspace, university or unpaid work sector. A change in the balance of power is quite normal with Pluto and perhaps people now are already talking about March as a demotion (say) and promotion elsewhere.

For now, avoid the usual emotional or sexual complication that comes when Venus walks in the door. You really don’t need it on top of everything else, Taurus. Foreigners and foreign countries have been a constant and demanding challenge for a very long time. That also ends in March. Pluto goes out of your Ninth House and with it go the continual questions about who or what is top dog!

This Capricorn weather now is in flux, so your diary or schedule could change, with reversals, cancellations or delays. Travel is an obvious source if you are even travelling during this pandemic.

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Transits in Capricorn and Aquarius start the year for you, Gemini. Let’s begin with Capricorn which rules your mortgage, property investment, salary, fundraising, shares, business interests and so on. Through sheer resistance and determination you have become so much stronger since the difficult days of 2021 and may even be silently blessing the person, situation or organisation which has given you such a run for your money. The cycle is over in March, when Pluto changes signs. Until then try to keep life simple.

Your ruler Mercury is retrograde here so people will change their minds. You may be deceived. The dates may alter. “Recollections may vary” as Her Majesty the Queen famously said. If you have to go ahead now, just keep the rubber at your elbow and put it all down in pencil. Aquarius rules foreigners and foreign countries in your life and foreign cultures in your space. Again, March ends a cycle when barriers come down. For now, ask yourself why you would want to complicate a situation which has already tested you.

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You are ruled by the Moon and so the Full Moon in Cancer, pushing hard against the Sun in Capricorn, suggests you’d be better off avoiding career, academic career or unpaid work moves, if you have Capricorn factors in your birth chart. Not only that, but you have Mercury Retrograde there too in your natal Tenth House. And Pluto. If anything, you seem between a rock and a hard place with your colleagues, employer, staff, professor, classmates and the rest. Give yourself a break and leave judgements and action plans for another time. Apart from anything else, nothing is going to stick or be on schedule until February. Even if you don’t have Capricorn factors (or you don’t know) you are likely to be affected by the other great transit, involving your wife, husband, professional partner, boyfriend or girlfriend. Then there is your enemy in life. Keep your eyes on March. In the blink of an eye, the recurring question about how much control you have, vanishes.

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Ever since Saturn entered Aquarius in Christmas 2020 your marriage, common-law marriage, separation or divorce may have been the main story. Barricades and barriers went up but will go down in March 2023.

Aquarius also rules professional partnerships. It’s the sign which rules duets and duels of all sorts in your life, and it has been tightly ring-fenced in 2021, 2022 and notably – this week. Venus goes into this chart zone now, so buyer beware if you want to start a new relationship. She is a symbol of sexual seduction and female beauty and vanity. You could start it, but it would be heavily weighed down by obstacles, and then in March, change your life. Know what you’re doing, Leo. The other issue now, which may or may not be related, is your workload and well-being. Again, March ends a relentless cycle.

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The arrival of Venus in Aquarius, in your Sixth House of workload and well-being, could complicate your life more than you need. You already find the whole situation heavy enough, no matter if you are in paid work, unpaid work or academia. That ends in March, when a deep transformation in your approach to your body, mind, spirit and the rest becomes essential. At that point you will also be asked to rethink your workload.

For now, Virgo, try to keep life simple as you have enough to deal with. Venus complicates things, as the Romans would have told you. Your chart also shows courtship, the bedroom, pregnancy, babies, infants, children, teenagers or young adults are about to put you at a crossroads. Skip the Full Moon for decisions or action plans unless you like being stretched.

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The Full Moon pushes against the Sun in your family, household, apartment, house, town and country sector. Choose another time to decide unless you like being stretched. In any case you will no longer have to draw on your willpower and self-control in March. The situation will vanish, or you will no longer care. This does rather look like the change in the balance of power within the family hierarchy, or the household is a convoluted process. Mercury Retrograde tends to make people go back on their word, or the postman goes on strike, or phones don’t work – and so on. There’s no connection. Yet, from 7th February it’s back and that takes you to March when you can wave goodbye to a long, long era of politics at home, or with property, or even with your local area or country. Connected to this for a great many Libra people is the issue of a son or daughter, godchildren or young relatives – nieces and nephews, say.

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The family, your town, country, household and property has been encircled by insurmountable obstacles since Christmas 2020. You were helped greatly in 2021, but in 2022 you have been on your own. Just you and Saturn. This ends in March, thank goodness, as Saturn leaves Aquarius and Pluto, your own ruler, goes in. There will be an historic shift that month, so treat this week as a pre-examination period. You will in fact be examining every detail anyway, in January, February and March, but this week in particular is useful for coming to terms with what might change, in a couple of months.

Venus arrives in Aquarius this week and with her come mother-son issues (usually) and frequently, issues about the in-laws. Marriage and adultery questions can also come with her. Maybe this is your answer, maybe it’s something else you don’t need, but you do have to figure out what you’re going to do.

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The business, finance, property, charity, banking side of your life is very different from March. You’ve had this long-running issue about the amount of control you have since 2008, but it’s virtually over. Until then you have a Full Moon to get past and this week, as you see it above your apartment or house, you may want to leave decisions alone. It’s a hard time to make them.

March will end a period when your only way of having any kind of power in the situation was to use all the willpower at your disposal. This week is a good time to think about that in advance. You also have Venus in Aquarius. Your projects, plans, courses, concepts, ideas are now influenced by a woman (or an effeminate man) who is good-looking, seductive and complicated. Maybe one of Woody Allen’s kamikaze women. By the way, he really dislikes astrology.

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Your accountant will be dealing with a completely different set of paperwork in 2023, and in March you will make a new set of calculations. At the moment, you are still dealing all kinds of restrictions or limitations.

For whatever reason, an intensely personal note is struck this week, as Venus changes signs. I guess it depends how much you want to complicate your accounting. You also have a Full Moon in Cancer, against the Sun in Capricorn, your own sign. Let it pass and try not to judge or act too dramatically, with your title, reputation or appearance.

You’d have to be bonkers to cut your hair, lose weight or get cosmetic surgery, order a new business card, switch your title and so on while Mercury is retrograde in Capricorn, anyway. Or – the process may unfold (title change!) but the spelling will be wrong. Treat this as first attempt, second attempt, third attempt then go, from the 7th of February.

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You’ve probably had quite enough of Saturn in Aquarius since Christmas 2020. Your reputation, title and appearance has been a hard-work issue since that ingress. It ends in March. The obstructions and obstacles vanish. Instead, you will be given a chance to use your self-control and willpower to find your power. Losing weight is a common example. Whatever the story, Venus enters Aquarius this week and a woman or effeminate man may be a key player in your story.

By March, you will be delighted to see the end of 2022, well and truly, as the walls come down and you can treat your reflection in the public eye in a new way. This week is also about religion, psychics, therapy, dreams, hypnosis, spirituality.

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They say Pluto transits are like a long book with definite chapters. You would say that is true about your social life, friendships and group involvements since the year 2008. Now, the end of the book is coming. March suggests you can slam it shut. Until then, skip this week for major choices or action plans, as the Full Moon is a stretch.

You also have Mercury Retrograde around so until February 7th, people will go back on their word, or you will change your mind. This may be about a band, union, team, club, society, association. Pisces you also have transits in your sector of therapy, psychics, God, religion, hypnosis and so on.

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