Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
January 22-28, 2024

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for January 22-28, 2024. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

COVER 214x300 - Your Weekly Horoscope January 22nd thru 28thYour 2024-2025 Astrology Report is now on sale here. The first 200 with forum access sold out, but I hope you will still get a lot out of your report anyway.

It begins on Lunar New Year, February 10th, 2024, and takes you through to January 29th, 2025. Each report is based on your Sun Sign and solar chart. It also includes information about your natal or birth chart.

New this year, is the addition of Astrology Delivery booking dates for you through to 2025. Readers have reported lump sums of money; engagements; dream holidays; new careers; and YouTube hits. I think it’s well worth trying to see what you can do.

The price for the 2024-2025 report has been frozen at US $100 for another year. This year you can also order for friends, partners and family.

Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Tarot Deck The Chariot 300x200 - Your Weekly Horoscope January 22nd thru 28thAries – Pluto out of Capricorn and Pluto into Aquarius is the big one this week. Nothing else comes close. Well, your Chariot has arrived. This is your Tarot card too. Power is in the room. You tend to get that when one person has two cities covered, or two countries, or two regions. What’s just happened in your chart is that Pluto has moved into your sector of networking and connections, between friends and groups. This is internet-based, but also real world because there’s a regular commute here, or two bases, two centres, two homes and so on.

Furthermore, when Jupiter goes into Gemini, which rules neighbouring places – in May – Pluto will soon make a stunning trine. I really like your week because it’s so empowering. You can either get on board with a mover and shaker who is (say) across LA and NYC or perhaps Sydney and Hong Kong – or be that mover and shaker.

I can see the Gemini-Jupiter cycle up ahead too, in your zone of media and internet, so a big screen or small screen will be involved. Onwards and upwards, forward charge.

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Taurus – There was movement at the station, to quote Banjo Patterson. You’ll really feel the winds of change this week as Pluto goes out of Capricorn and into Aquarius. All eyes on a boy or young man who is on a mission. He is moving, or going back to where he came from, or stuck between ‘That was then, and this is now.’

There are two things going on here. Diana in Leo in your zone of family suggests a free spirit who will not compromise and only wants to be single, with no children and no marriage in sight either. Juno in Virgo in your zone of children and young people, meanwhile, shows the pros and cons of commitment. So here we have a person, central to your plans this week (he may be your son, for example) who does not know what direction to take. He just knows he has a lot of energy and not much patience. He is also on a mountain of instability. As an earth sign, this does not sit right with you. Yet you have to understand who you are dealing with.

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Gemini – Pluto is actually in Aquarius, the sign of the group, from this week forward. This hooks up with Aries, the sign ruling groups, in your own chart. Basically you all need to pull together and find a way to land together or accept that something is going to end in disarray. Maybe even a complete break-up of the network. This may be Twitter, or a football team, or a trade union, or a rock band.

You have the North Node and Chiron in your sector of communities, Gemini, which puts you on the line. And your friends or acquaintances. This is really like being in the R.A.F. during the war. You can all stun and amaze with your precision timing and almost telepathic connection, pulling off jaw-dropping displays – or you can deal with the consequences when there’s really no teamwork, no sharing, no real strategy.

I do think Pluto moving into a sextile with your Aries transits is quite relentless. You either do this, or you don’t. It happens or it doesn’t. It’s rather like a football team full of quite separate players who can’t get it together and thus risk losing the match. It’s also, more positively, like Spinal Tap who are on their last legs and then hear they’re big in Japan and go on the road again. Once more unto the breach, dear friends.

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Cancer – There’s this great Englebert Humperdink song – Please Release Me – which sums up your week. Please release me, let me go, sums it up. This is you, ready to escape, or somebody else, ready to escape. Pluto is about being controlled. It is about being dominated by something or someone that feels insurmountable. Actually, that’s no longer the case. Pluto out of Capricorn and into Aquarius suggests you or someone else, likely a woman, can now be proactive. Willpower and determination can be quite powerful. I don’t doubt that you or she has suffered the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune.

But that was then, and this is now. The tide is turning. And this situation is going to fall over sooner or later. The breaking free could happen a lot faster than that with a bit of willpower and a strategy. Nobody and nothing is really that hemmed in. Find out who and what is actually there. The answer could be so liberating when you realise – nothing. You or she are free to go.

This is an intense crossroads week for you or a woman in your life. I would guess this is a friend or partner if you’re a man. We have this incredible line-up with Uranus at 19 Taurus and the nodes at 19 Libra and Aries. You may know Uranus is a symbol of the revolution that sets you free. If you are a woman, then it is time you did just that.

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Leo – I quoted Banjo Paterson for Taurus this week and said there was movement at the station. And, also for you. Fast and furious just about sums the mood up. Pluto is really powerful and now he is in your zone of attack and defence, it looks like he is showing up as a partner or an opponent. One or the other.

If you are a boy or young man (Leo), then this is you on the warpath. If you are a woman or older man, then this is somebody else on a mission. A knight in shining armour, perhaps, coming to the rescue of a fair maiden like you. Or it may be your son. Only you can say if this is about ‘the two of us’ or ‘him against me.’

In any case, there is an argument for slowing down and cooling down, Leo. What we have here is Pluto, Fortuna, the Sun and Cupido in Aquarius, all in your opposite sign, all going against something, or someone. Of course, two can be against the same common enemy, can’t they? The issue with Pluto is overpowering force. Not required here. The other possibility I am seeing is that Pluto is now out of your health and work zone, but Mars remains. So it may be that there was a problem here which vanishes with Pluto, but now Mars is here to declare war on who or what remains. And that is you, if you are a younger male, or a younger male, if you are a woman or older male.

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Tarot Deck King of Pentacles scaled e1701571554881 300x265 - Your Weekly Horoscope January 22nd thru 28thVirgo – Your Tarot card is the King of Pentacles this week. That’s power in a package. If you are a man this, is you, in your newfound powerful position at work, with business, charity or unpaid work. Or – you may be a Virgo man, but this is your male boss, staff member, colleague and so on.

If you are a woman then this is your employer, professor, or a key contact within your profession who is all about budget. Pluto is out of Capricorn and into Aquarius which rules your lifestyle, workload and duty and responsibility to others.

Your question this week and this year is about how much you are worth. How much the project or job is worth. How to negotiate. How to wheel and deal. What price do you put on things? Pluto in Aquarius will square all the transits in Scorpio and Taurus to come. So the issue here is, how do you square the bank account with the price tag?

We have an unusual line-up this week with Uranus (the need for change) in Taurus (money) in your birth chart, with the nodes. In your Virgo chart this also shows up as the need for a new direction, especially with money, as the nodes are in your sectors of insurance, shares, bankers, paymasters, investors and the like. Uranus is of course male in astrology. So if you are a man, the onus is on you to stop hoarding or saving, to stop sitting on the proverbial pile, and to cut and trim. And, of course, this may be another man even if you are male. If you are a woman, this is most certainly about a man.

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Tarot Deck Eight of Wands  scaled e1701569253156 300x254 - Your Weekly Horoscope January 22nd thru 28thLibra – The Eight of Wands is your card this week. This also turned up for Gemini. So if you are in a group with a Gemini, you two have big choices to make about staying united or being divided. Whatever the group, and whatever signs are involved, it’s made or break this week. You can all pull off something amazing, or you can fall in a heap. It’s up to you.

Pluto in Aquarius is in the sign of clubs, teams, bands, political parties, trade unions, book groups, charities, associations, societies and so on. His historic move into this sign will show up in your birth chart. Pluto shows what willpower can do. It can empower the group and transform it. Pluto also shows what happens when people feel they have no control, or a situation is out of control. Leo rules your group zone and here is Pluto right opposite.

There are a couple of things going on here. One of them is Diana in your zone of groups and friends. Diana is the independent woman who refuses to get married or have children because she wants her freedom. Even if she does either of these things she will never be there – not really. So this may be your friend or someone in the group. A free spirit. Or it may be that you have a friendship or a group which makes you feel like this. It makes you feel fiercely liberated; unwilling to compromise; always ready to run. An alpha female – of course if you are a woman. Now, how does that tally with a group effort?

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Tarot Deck Two of Wands 300x200 - Your Weekly Horoscope January 22nd thru 28thScorpio – The Two of Wands is your Tarot card this week. You are poised to export your ideas, search in another region or country, travel or move. You may emigrate. This makes sense. Pluto is out of Capricorn this week which rules neighbouring countries and regions. It also rules the internet, the media and all your ideas on the computer. There is a huge shift coming which will enable you to take charge and do something. At last. It is also true that Pluto goes into Aquarius and your home zone. If you were ever going to emigrate or relocate it would be from this point, Scorpio.

I would say the exit of Pluto from Capricorn is the bigger story. You have been controlled, or dominated, by a person, situation or organisation for quite some time that has kept you where you are, with all your projects and plans. Yet now you are poised to act. And this has to travel.

The other obvious issue here is Apollo in Cancer in your foreign country zone. So you might want to take the lead on that and have your eyes on another nation. I do think your ruler Pluto leaving your ideas and local travel zone is the big one though. That leaves you with Mercury, Psyche and Mars all in your Third House. Scorpio, if you have any natal factors in Gemini, you can double this message. And in fact the concept or project, the plan or role, would take off in a neighbouring place from May 2024 when Jupiter changes signs.

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Tarot Deck The Sun 300x200 - Your Weekly Horoscope January 22nd thru 28thSagittarius – The Sun is your Tarot card. It shows a child in celebration. I would say the arrival of Pluto in Aquarius is enough to put infants, schoolchildren, teenagers or young adults on your radar. In a dazzling way. Pluto will form a series of sextile aspects to all the Aries factors in your chart in 2024. Aries rules you as a parent, godparent, grandparent, aunt or uncle. As a teacher or perhaps as an entertainer of the young. Be this free or paid work, a personal or professional connection, there is real power in your life now. You may adopt, get pregnant of have IVF. You may date a single parent, for example. Your own son or daughter could do very well at school or make a breakthrough in another way.

Pluto in Aquarius and his sequence of sextiles to Aries factors starts now and peaks in April. When we look at your chart we find Proserpina, Salacia, Chiron, the North Node and Panacea all in your Fifth House. That is a very, very packed chart sector when it comes to courtship, the bedroom, pregnancy, babies, infants, schoolchildren, teenagers and young adults. Of all these I think Salacia is most relevant. There is another world here. Another reality. An escape from the real world. A vacation from normal. A holiday from the everyday. This younger person is in it or is attached to it. Salacia is at 7 Aries this week in an exact conjunction with Proserpina at 7 Aries. So, this younger face is a go-between, connecting two unreal non-realities. It all lends life a rather splendid cinematic or poetic aspect.

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Tarot Deck Ten of Pentacles 300x200 - Your Weekly Horoscope January 22nd thru 28thCapricorn – Your Tarot card is Ten of Pentacles. Money galore on a money-go-round is the outcome of Pluto in Aquarius. You now have access to a family dynasty of property, assets, business interests and so on. This may be a family you marry into or married into. It may be your own family. Aquarius in your chart rules your Second House of finance. Pluto is powerful and of course an abundance of money is power.

The Pluto story is also about family politics. It was about mother and daughter, then mother-in-law and son-in-law. So, there is more to this than just the numbers. It is about the way people are with each other across three generations. And even the dog. It’s about how things are shared and how this translates into the way you all deal with the balance of power.

When we look at your natal or birth chart it is the same story. Uranus at 19 Taurus aspected by the nodes at 19 Aries and Libra is quite unusual. There is freedom here, to sort out the money in quite unique and independent ways. Think laterally. Uranus is in your Second House of values as well as valuables. What you price so highly that it is priceless, and that is usually people or dogs – or principles.

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Tarot Deck Seven of Wands 300x200 - Your Weekly Horoscope January 22nd thru 28thAquarius – Your Tarot card – the Seven of Wands – tells you it’s all about being publicly identified with your ideas this week and beyond. This suggests the group, band, organisation, society, association, union, political party and so on. We get that from Pluto going into Aquarius and your Eleventh House natally. Together these people are potent even if they are all together and not individuals. And you may be in their ranks. Or – you are against the group. You are very much front and centre here.

Pluto is in your First House now, and so this is about you flying the flag for who and what you are, and what you know to be true. Mr or Mrs Opinions. The difference here is that there is just one and the many. So how are you going to play this? Big tip from the universe. Get grounded. Get a leg to stand on. Figure out the map. Where are you located and where are they located? You need to centre here and get a sense of where this is going to be nutted out.

You do have an opposition there in your chart between Diana in Leo, and the Sun and Cupido on their way to a clash. So this tends to be reflected in ‘Me versus all of you’ at least intellectually. It can be rather like a funder of the Democrats having to deal with Democrats they do not agree with. It’s on that level. Or a philosophical disagreement between you, as part of the anti-fracking movement, and some lone fracking farmer. You need earth here. You are an air sign. This is quite an air-fire kind of week so when in doubt, ground, focus, centre, find your feet and most of all get this on the right map. The gaps in location are an issue.

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Pisces – It is amazing what can happen when Pluto goes out of your zone of networks, friends, groups and so on. Having been controlled and dominated by something or someone for so long, you are now free to experience the collective and the community in a fantastic new way. There is something spiritually uplifting and emotionally fulfilling about these people. You are all distant but connected. This comes from your Eleventh House of networks and, of course, it may be Substack.

When we also look at Pluto in Aquarius, just one sign behind you, we find Christianity and also Buddhism. We find spirituality and religion. So there’s that too. This feels like a bit of a game-changer for you Pisces. Your cup runneth over. If you have any Aquarius factors in your chart, then the group you join or rejoin or reboot this week is incredibly important. You share the source.

We have your natal chart showing Pluto, Fortuna, the Sun and Cupido all in your Eleventh House of the collective. That’s quite unusual. In your solar chart, Mercury, Psyche and Mars are in the same zone; the Eleventh House of the shared connection or widely linked pool of friends or acquaintances.

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