Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
January 16th to 22nd, 2023

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for January 16th to 22nd, 2023. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
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Aquarius weather. Situations you cannot sidestep, and conditions you cannot avoid, are going to make friendship and group commitment, equally hard. But…if you become an expert on all the issues now in front of you, and if you work like a dog at coping, and managing, and enduring, you will get through. March brings the change. Aries, the way you are now building and structuring your social life, is probably the right way. Yet, get as much outside advice as you can. How will you know if your strategy is sound? The barriers and barricades come down in March anyway, but you have to get to there from here. Any potential new friends or communities of people which show up now are very important and may change it all, from next March.

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So, success. Even – your career. You wait. And you wait. How to cope? On the simplest level, I think you can honestly avoid the concerns of this cycle by trying to be practical about the finishing line, in March 2023, almost as soon as it appears. Don’t hide your head in the sand until then, though. Get real. What are the scenarios now? What’s going on out there? Where do you stand? What’s the truth of your situation? Once you know, build a life which can ‘take’ all those realities, and accommodate your most basic needs with your job, academic career or unpaid work. At the same time, there is no point in tightly constructing such an impossibly safe, disciplined and rigid little world for yourself, that you lose the connection to life altogether. As I said, March ends it. For now, strategise.

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March is on the calendar or in your diary, and this is about your career, unpaid work or academic career, Gemini. So let’s look at your job, or role, in life. You’ll either take up a new place in the scheme of things, then – or you’ll stick with the same job or lifestyle, but find that over the next year or two, the much heavier conditions with staff, equipment, hours, job descriptions or even the industry itself, will confront you. I mention this now because discussions or paperwork may be here in January or February. Ask around and do research. From March, you’re stuck with the position, the situation and the people. But – here’s the solution. The harder you work at developing a proper set of strategies, rituals and routines, then, the less ’Saturned’ you will feel.

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This Capricorn cycle will affect your marriage, partnership, dating chances, and the state of play with any rivals or enemies. You will have to live in a different world from March 2023, as Pluto goes (at last) and the facts about yourself and your situation will need to be dealt with, in the most practical way. Thus, the kind of relationship, the kind of single life – even the kind of status quo with your opponents – which no longer includes questions about power, is coming.

Don’t imagine your duets or duels at this time will be easy. This cycle will ask you to draw on your experience, make a plan, put everything together, then roll up your sleeves and do what is necessary in March, when Pluto leaves your Seventh House having entered there way back in 2008.

It’s really important to be clear about the sort of relationship, or the kind of single life, which you are now building. Equally, if you are trying to structure your world a certain way in order to deal with enemies, you need to be fully conscious of what you’re creating.

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Let’s look at the diary or calendar for March. The realities of having other people (or organisations) so heavily involved in your own financial or property situation is, sooner or later, you’re going to have to accept that there’s no such thing as ‘avoiding Saturn in my Eighth House.’. Deals, contracts, binding obligations, legal requirements and casual agreements all add up to the same thing – a big reality check.

Leo, there will be new restrictions, barricades and obstacles with partnership finance or family finance, perhaps property. Beyond marriage or parents, there may be other kinds of arrangements which are named in your will or inheritance.

You will enter into new financial, business or property arrangements over the next couple of years. You hope these will take care of your concerns. But do your homework, now. What’s the track record of these schemes or plans? And is the price you’re about to pay for them (financially, or in terms of work, energy or effort) worth it?

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This cycle brings regular mini-revolutions involving travel, people from other countries and cultures, education, publishing and academia. The web, too. In a nutshell it’s about the decisions you make, which you hope will expand your horizons. So it covers writing books and website blogs, as well as study, and global Zoom sessions. Foreign interest in your life, too, and the freedom this gives you, Virgo.

The most common outcome of this cycle is a terrific fresh start (in May) with someone who has a totally different national or cultural background to you. They may be visiting your country or be resident there. Alternatively, you may be dealing with them on the other end of a Zoom session. Nevertheless, there is nothing (and nobody) so foreign to you, that you cannot do some research now. As I said, May is the start of something big.

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The bedroom, courtship, heirs, spares and pretenders to the throne are on the agenda this week. Millions of people are going through this at the same time as you – and millions have survived this cycle before you. So do what you must. Gather the facts, address the realities, and then wait until March, when the barricades come down and the obstacles vanish. Libra, older and more experienced people can be very helpful. You cannot change who you are, nor can you change aspects of your children’s lives, or the people in charge, or the state of play with the bedroom. Nevertheless, you can create and control your response to all of that. Boringly enough, it’s usually the ‘sensible’ and time-honoured approach that works best at this time. But it’s your choice. Once you’ve asked enough questions, just go with the system that you trust.

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Are you about to take a new job, course, project, role or goal, as this new Jupiter cycle begins? Find out all the assets that you could gain, not only about your employers, but also about advantages or perks involving your business/industry. You can now inform yourself, educate yourself and update yourself as much as you can, about the work that you do, or the position you’re about to take. If you don’t, you could be missing some terrific pluses. Jupiter is here until May 2023.

The same advice applies to any new project, special work plan or new role you take up while this cycle operates. Jupiter welcomes hopes and dreams, professionally, because the particular profession or position you’re choosing, suggests the more optimistic you are – the better off you will be. When it comes to your working life, there will be a temptation which is hard to deny (usually within a few weeks of this cycle beginning, and it started near Christmas Eve.) Specific people may be making you more hopeful. Or you may be all too aware of the far more enticing professional territory you’re stuck with, these days. If you don’t have a full-time or part-time job, then this applies to your other role and goals. And if you need a get-out clause? It’s coming.

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Be clever about the internet, language, literacy, speech, digital, publishing or educational issue. You will need to build up some kind of stronghold now, as you manage this ongoing situation. It may be psychological (so you need to think a certain way, or respond a certain way, to feel safer and more secure.) It may also be practical and hands-on – a computer system, or professional routine, which will take care of what keeps you stuck inside, with no way out – or stuck outside, with no way in. It works both ways on Saturn transits. This will really stretch you. But it is your best bet, as the alternatives (trying to forget what’s happening, or trying to pretend it’s not there) are no alternatives at all. The cycle ends in March 2023.

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Karma. You have a group involvement which is going to require quite a lot of sustained hard work and careful management until July when the South Node leaves Scorpio. It could be a rock band, political party, book group, investors’ circle, golf club…whatever. If you’re not really a joiner by nature, this group could easily be your usual circle of friends (your social life, as a whole) or perhaps it’s just a network of people you are temporarily involved with – like a travel group, on a tour. Life as it was 18 or 19 years ago is crucial.

Destiny will line up the people you need most, at this time, to teach you the most about your own karmic debts or credits. Capricorn, don’t necessarily think age has much to do with this situation. Instead, it’s all about your ability to quietly accept what you owe, or are owed, and then get on with the business of trying to make your life work.

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This intense Pluto end cycle will give you a rare chance to get to know yourself better, with God – or your God – and learn about what really makes you tick – if you don’t believe in any higher power. You can expect a long confrontation with yourself again – just you and the mirror, or you and a diary – or even you and a therapist, psychic, or priest.

You can expect to spend more time by yourself now, as the Capricorn weather rolls in, starring Pluto at the centre – either by choice or by circumstance. Pluto and other factors in the Twelfth House typically finds a way to remove you from the outside world and put you on the sidelines. It’s this isolation which will trigger the empowering confrontation with yourself, as you realise yet again that the only way to handle this is willpower. Self-control makes you stronger.

I’ve adapted some of this information from my last book. If you are a Premium Member, there is more about this cycle in the new book, Modern Astrology 2050.

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From March, Saturn and Neptune will both be in Pisces in your First House of title, reputation and appearances. Prep this change now. You’ve always looked a certain way or been seen a certain way. And now, everything is about to look and feel so different, Pisces. Perhaps March is already in your diary. A different kind of look, label or reputation is possible as there will be new barriers and obstacles that were not there before. Neptune in Pisces was there without any walls for years. Life, in terms of how you appear and are regarded, remains confused and confusing. It’s been an escape from the real world, to be honest. A bubble to ride around in. Well, March is close. You can try and hang on to your old face, your old body, your old clothes, your old role, your old title, your old image if you like…but you need a new angle. Research now is going to help you later, Pisces.

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