Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
January 15-21, 2024

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for January 15-21, 2024. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

paul fenton smith 271x300 - Your Weekly Horoscope January 15th through 21stI’m happy to welcome the brilliant psychic, author and teacher Paul Fenton-Smith to The Sun Sign School as a guest tutor in 2024. From The Astrological Lodge of London to the address book of Princess Diana; from the bestsellers on Amazon to the pages of Harper’s Bazaar – our tutors are really special.

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Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Aries – Well, the Aquarius weather starts now. This is about a new and better social life in 2024. It is about old friends who become far more important. It is also about existing groups or circles of people who reward you. Any friends or groups which no longer serve you should be on the way out. Or you will find a good reason to show them the door. The big news now is both the Sun and Pluto in Aquarius in your Eleventh House of communities and friendship.

If an old friend re-enters your life now, he or she will connect you to a powerful network of people. If you make a new friend at this time, this man or woman will also open up your world, either online, or through a whole chain of invitations and introductions, giving you more control. The Eleventh House is also about existing friends, of course, which might explain why that person who has been there forever suddenly goes to the top of your list, because you realise friendship is so empowering – and your friend is likely to make waves in your life now, and a lot of massive changes will result in 2024 thanks to the events or discussions this week. If you have been feeling bored or lonely, this cycle can fix it. A little bit of work on your part can trigger a new social life, if you want it – or a new angle on the old one.

A group, club, team, organisation, association or social network will also take up your energy now. If you are permanently involved with some kind of group, and it’s central to your life, then do use this time to find solutions to all those unanswered questions you may have. You will be amazed at the number of resources, and sources, which suddenly become available to do this. In 2024 people power will rule. If you and your friends or acquaintances get behind a goal, even if it’s a big one, you will change your world.

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Taurus – This week is about success and status. Pluto and the Sun are in Aquarius at the top of your chart. You will see promotions, demotions, mergers and reshuffles in January and February, partly as a result of what happens this week. This cycle, which can only happen every 248 years, is going to open up new possibilities for success and achievement. New career territories, new jobs, new projects, new places and people…almost everything which is on offer now promises to take you away from what you know and introduce you to possibilities which offer more of almost everything. If it’s time to leave your job or profession, then it’s time. That also has to be accepted.

If you don’t have a job; if you are a full-time parent, or if work is secondary to your other mission in life, then this general message of a crossroads leading to far more power, will apply to your overall potential for success, rather than any fixed professional circumstances. Pluto is passing over the Midheaven, or the highest point, of your solar chart now. If you stay where you are before this cycle begins, or even attempt to go back, you will be turning away from a unique set of circumstances which may never be there for you, in quite the same way again. You are going to need a lot of willpower to do this, but you have it.

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Gemini – From this point on it’s all about foreign people and foreign countries. Also, foreign cultures in your own country. You may emigrate by 2025 or just plan an ambitious work trip or holiday. In your own town or city another accent or language may become far more important. This is the Sun and Pluto in your Ninth House for the first time in 248 years. The different accent or language will matter because of a website, a university or college course, or a book. Education, travel, publishing, spirituality, and a new life in a new place – all of these life options are now on offer to you, on the most powerful level, in the most potent way.

Of course, you have chances to travel (or study, or reach an audience, or publish online) all the time. But what is unique about this twelve-month period is the remarkable way in which you are changed. And change others. The educational process now might be formal, so you may be attending workshops or seminars, or taking evening classes, or making a commitment to a degree course. Alternatively, you will learn in your own way, at your own speed. And you can do this just by learning from a foreign person. Just by being with them.

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Cancer – All the astrologers this week will be talking to you about finance or property. Pluto and the Sun are in Aquarius in your Eighth House of shared money, assets and debts – for the first time in 248 years.

The money, property, possessions or assets which belong to people in your immediate circle – or big organisations or government departments – is now your key to the controls. What is given, paid back, lent or shared could now give you power and offer you a new pathway which simply was not there before. IF something or someone is in the way of that, it will go. It may go in stages or all in a rush, this week. You will not have this fork in the road, in quite this way, for another year, so it’s wise to follow all the clues, signs, tips and pathways now.

Marriage and mortgage is typical. So is inheritance. So is a shared business. Pluto shows you powerful people and empowering possibilities that simply could not come along at any other time. You need to know your own power too. Know your hands on the controls. If anyone tries to power trip you then choose if you are going to engage or not. Maybe you have better things to do. Still, this week is positive. You are being offered something pretty amazing here Cancer and it’s been a long time coming.

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Leo – This week shows you the partnership that matters most in 2024. There may be two. One work, one personal. Pluto has arrived with your ruler the Sun and that is powerful.

For the first time in 248 years, you are about to discover what it means to have someone on the other side of the scales, who brings all her or his strength to your life. Leo if there is anything about your marriage or work partnership that does not empower you, it has to change or even go. Those are the rules on this cycle. If you do not feel in control because of this person or the situation, then you can expect January and February to bring a shift.

In most cases, your partnership or partner will become more influential and important, for whatever reason. Your husband may get a promotion for example. If you are single then any new potential date in January and February will change your life and you will change theirs. And not in any ordinary way. Pluto is a symbol of nuclear levels of energy. Great power comes when it’s never used but always there. That’s what is now in the room.

If you have an enemy or opponent then this week is your best chance in many years to begin the process of eliminating them. The Seventh House is about people against you. Pluto is about using your self-control and willpower to get rid of him, her or them from your life. You start now.

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Virgo – Your week is about your lifestyle, health and wellbeing. It is also about your housework and daily routine at home. Finally, it is about your paid work, unpaid work or study. You can expect great change as the Sun and Pluto both move through Aquarius.

Powerful new options for your body, health, wellbeing and medical situation will appear in this cycle. Don’t miss a trick. That ‘random’ website which turns up on the Internet – but also happens to talk about a new way to lose weight – will be anything but random.

I know of no other cycle which opens the doors to greater control for healing, treatment – even cure – of conditions you have been stuck with for years. Seek and ye shall find. Sometimes you just need time or money to deal with your problems; if so, that may appear now. Alternatively, you just need medical breakthroughs, scientific advances, hi-tech inventions or new people in your world, who can improve your quality of life. When you get Pluto, power walks in the room. Some very, very influential people and organisations can now help your health.

You will get a new job in this cycle, retire, resign, or find your current position is reshaped in an amazing way. If you have full-time home duties you may enter the workforce, or just find that there is a new spin on your life at home which massively empowers you. Any situation or person which makes you feel you have no control will go. So sometimes there may be the end of a project or position. That can happen. If it does it is because you were not being served by it.

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Libra – Change is coming with children, teenagers or younger adults. Those young enough to be your son or daughter or your actual offspring.

Let’s look at children first! What happens in terms of your own, or other people’s children, will help you to take control. A confirmed pregnancy, or a big leap forward for (or with) your son or daughter is a very common outcome. Grown-up children could empower you. Adoption or step-parenting could be in the mix too. Other people’s children will powerfully affect you now if you do not have children of your own. So, a class you teach for example.

This cycle is also about courtship and the bedroom. Again, new power is there. New control. Pluto is about transformation which makes you stronger. It is always a test of your willpower and self-control. If you are single a new lover may appear in January or February who fits the bill.

Pluto is also about discovering who you are with the world of babies, infants, children or younger adults. If you never knew what you were capable of – you will soon. It’s the same with sex. If you never knew how impressive you could be, you soon will.

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Scorpio – You have probably known about this for months, but 2024 is going to change your life, thanks to developments with the family, your home, your town and or country. This week starts the process. Your ruler Pluto and the Sun are in Aquarius for the first time in 248 years.

Any place, situation or person which did not give you the power you deserved will be replaced. You can double that message if you have actually felt that you didn’t have control. That’s going to alter.

People who are influential, have clout and a great deal of strength will make a big difference to the house or apartment. To your town or country. They are Pluto types and are assured, certain and do prefer to lead not follow. This may be a builder or the person who buys your flat.

Pluto is with you for about 20 years from this point. So, it makes sense to start off on the right foot. If someone feels her or his power is threatened by you, then you can choose to participate or not. You don’t have to engage. You can steer clear. This is very true in the family, the household, or with the home itself.

Your only priority now should be surrounding yourself with those who back you and support you and give you the reins.

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Sagittarius – This week the Sun and Pluto pick up your brother, sister or cousin. They also pick up the internet and media. The neighbours. Finally, short journeys and commuting. I know that is a mixed bag, but in some or all areas there, you are about to see the biggest changes in years.

You have known about this since March, April, May even if you did not realise at the time what the full meaning and impact would be. Now you are waking up to the potential. You are being given the chance to bring a powerful person, or powerful group, into your life or much closer. This will transform you and transform them.

Everything altered when Pluto first changed signs last March, April, May. Then it went off your radar or it just halted. Now it’s back and you have likely made a strong decision already. A real commitment. Are you right or wrong? Time will tell but this is irresistible.

You may not have realised how much clout and influence you could get from an involvement. That is yet to show itself to you, but this is the start, and some are already reacting. The actual project, course, website, trip, vehicle, sibling or cousin relationship itself, neighbour – could also become a real powerhouse by 2025. That takes time but this week is day one.

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Capricorn – You could become very much richer, have a lot more clout in business or charity and/or see your property go up in value from this week forward. Capricorn, if anything or anybody is stopping you from being powerful it may have to go. So, for some people born under your sign this week is the beginning of the end.

If you have a financial, business, retail or property involvement – maybe a banking involvement – which does not give you the influence and clout you deserve, it may go West now. Feeling controlled or being controlled by whomever pays your salary is an example of that. Just no.

Yet if you are now in the right time and place with the right people or organisations, a massive change will seem meant to be. You have never really known what it feels like to be empowered in your finances. Not properly. Well, that’s coming if you want it.

It will take work and effort. Pluto always does. But Pluto in Aquarius is also about being rewarded for incredible self-control, self-discipline and willpower. And that’s where you come in.

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Aquarius – Into your zone of image, profile and appearance goes Pluto this week. You have had a particular pattern for years, with your look, title, brand and name. You may never have seriously thought it would change. But the changes began in March, April and May last year. That is when the situation you are offered now was set up.

You are now in the strange position of playing quick catch-up with what and who is actually there, at the same time that you realise the aftermath of this week’s decisions will take months, maybe years, to really deliver what you can see is the ultimate outcome.

This may be a new and powerful title, based on a new and powerful job. It may be a completely different identity. Extreme weight loss if you are obese is an example. So too is a totally new role and profile as a result of that. This week is step one. You are not sure how this is going to go, but it has already started.

Aquarius, if there is anything or anybody affecting your reputation or look, which stops you from being in control, it will go. It may go now or later. Any kind of loss in January is Pluto at work. Pluto will remove situations which block you from having the influence you should.

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Pisces – Pluto in Aquarius and the Sun in Aquarius have you turning to your God, your Tarot, your belief in science, angels, therapy or hypnosis. Nobody else can see or know. What is happening now is changing your life even though you are only seeing the tip of the iceberg.

Nothing is happening yet and there is an odd time warp, whereby you remember what you realised last year – and never followed up – and now see a spin off episode from that. This time you are up to speed. You also have more questions than answers and it will take a bit of time to find the right moment to ask.

This cycle is about religion or meditation, quantum or miracles, psychics or self-help. It’s private and usually alone. Pluto is associated with people who want total control. It is also associated with the means to that control which is a nuclear bomb. Let’s be honest. He was found in 1930 when the neutrino began to take hold in the minds of inventors. When Fascists and Nazis rose to power. So, quite negative then. But the transit over time has come to mean self-control which gives one tremendous control and offers others the chance to have the same. Positive, actually. This may be Alcoholics Anonymous or your favourite medium. Your acceptance of the Multiverse or God.

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