Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
February 5-11, 2024

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for February 5-11, 2024. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

dragon year 300x200 - Your Weekly Horoscope February 5th thru 11thIt’s Lunar New Year. Year of the Dragon. Saturday, February 10th, 2024, is the start of the true Asian year, based on the first New Moon of the lunar calendar.

I’ll talk more about this on YouTube but from Cambodia to South Korea, Singapore and Shanghai (and also Chinatown in Sydney), this is about a completely different zodiac. Year of the Dragon, or Naga in Thailand, will be followed by Year of the Snake on January 29th, 2025, and Year of the Horse on February 17th, 2026. As you can see, the first New Moon falls on different dates.

This does tie in with Western astrology. The 12 signs of the Asian zodiac are based on divisions of Jupiter’s 12-year cycle, with the star thought to oppose Jupiter during each lunar year personified as a heavenly general, God, duke and so on.

In the West Jupiter is the lucky planet. So this is where the idea comes from that if you are, say, a Dragon in Year of the Dragon, your luck is in. It won’t begin until the New Moon though. Those are the rules.

Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Aries – Relationships that have fallen over in your past are now something to be processed. One of these was toxic, Aries. The reason for this is the South Node in Libra in your Seventh House of duets and duels. Particularly partnerships that are no more, but also people you battled with. The South Node will always get you looking back at yesterday. Even 18-19 years ago. There is a square to Venus, the ruler of sex and seduction, on Tuesday, February 6th, 2024. So it’s hard to square who you are, and what you have to deal with, in terms of others who’ve fallen by the wayside in your life. Yet there is a fantastic message of hope and potential new beginnings too. I see a group which can carry you. Or a friend who can carry you. There is a bridge to the future and there is a new place to be, geographically and emotionally. Plus – you have a couple of solid gold people you’re forgetting about.

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Taurus – There is lots of money to go around this week either for you or a woman who matters to you financially, or in terms of the garden, house or apartment. If you are a female Taurus, it could in fact, be you who is surrounded by wealth. Does one spend it, save it or just invest it to make more of the stuff? With Ceres in Sagittarius in your Eighth House of joint finance, that is quite the question. Ceres is quite productive and powerful. She managed the four seasons. To everything, there is a season, so you must now turn, turn, turn to the terrific choices for yourself or this woman. This is the last stand for Ceres. She is about to leave your zone of joint finance, property, business, retail, possessions and charity. Use it or lose it is the message this week. But a bit of research could help you save or make money. If this is a woman you must negotiate with, find out who she is and what she wants.

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Gemini – This week is all about the next generation. This applies no matter if you are single and child-free or have a whole dynasty of children around you. The South Node in Libra is making serial aspects in your Fifth House. The Fifth House is where you rule, lead and guide the children or the young adults. If you are a woman this is probably you, or at least a powerful and important woman in your world. If you are a man this may be your wife, mother, the teacher of your children and so on. I would say this is a J.K. Rowling figure for you – quite Leo influenced – very strong. Of course, female Geminis often have Leo factors in their charts and if this is you, this side of your nature will be triggered now. There is an idea, concept, plan or proposal. It is surrounded by questions about how you will seed a future generation. How you can guide and mentor – lead by example. Hop to it, Gemini. Either this woman needs your support or you, as this person, must grasp the mettle and do something about that grand notion.

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Cancer – You are now in the right place at the right time – be it house, garden, local park or apartment. The South Node in Libra is in your Fourth House of sanctuary, belonging and home. A stunning trine to the Sun suggests you have found your place in the sun – if you are a woman. If you are a man, this is the woman in your life, who may be landlady, friend, wife, girlfriend, mother and so on. These aspects can only happen every 18-19 years or so. Good karma has put you where you belong if you are a woman. What you did for others in terms of their accommodation, house, land, garden, apartment or the environment 18-19 years ago is coming back to you. If you are a man, then you need to understand that this woman is all about evergreen love. Romance that can come back to life in a new way no matter how old established it was.

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Leo – The South Node in Libra is about your ideas, projects, plans, qualifications, website, journalism, book, script and so on. It is neatly tied to the North Node in Aries in your sector of academia, the worldwide web and publishing. These two factors can only be in these spot every 18-19 years or so. Consequently, this is a bit of a moment.

If you are a man, this is a woman in your life. She may be an academic, student, writer, web citizen and so on. She may be your teacher, guide, unofficial tutor or go-to wisdom source. If you are a woman Leo, then it is you who is probably in command of the knowledge. Of course, you can be a Leo woman and have a female mentor like this, or perhaps a female professor.

Most of all this week is about the word. Be it printed or digital it is time for this incredible information source to be weighed, valued, cherished and then above all – used.

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Virgo – We now have to look at the heart, above all else this week, because the two heart zones of your chart are a challenge. If there are three of you, then ask yourself why you have to be the third contributor to such a difficult situation. The answer is you do not. This may be you and your two children. You, your husband and his lover. I mention this because you have a huge stellium in Pisces in your Seventh House of duels. Saturn is in there so this is a bit of a learning experience. The duel or difference can come from any intensely personal situation at all. Very commonly it’s a love triangle. However, we also need to look at your Fifth House of children, godchildren, grandchildren and so on. This is packed this week, and the Moon is going through there so it’s all emotional.

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Libra – Well, we have Diana with all her space, independence and freedom in your zone of groups. There is such a thing as too much space, though, which brings a lack of unity and solidarity. Be this a club, society, team, charity, political party, band or feminist collective, unless you do something to join together this is going to land in a heap. This is typical of the asteroid Diana. She is actually associated with tribes and ran with one, mainly composed of nymphs. Yet she was very much her own woman. The alpha female and lone wolf. The nice thing about this week is that if you turn it around with these people you will land in some kind of miraculous R.A.F. formation. The crowd will be stunned and amazed. It can be done. But to do it you have to remember that for all the marvellous tolerance, bandwidth and room you give each other, you actually need to pull closer and do something together. This is also in your natal chart thanks to the Aquarius transits.

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Scorpio, when we see a stellium in Pisces we just know there is a lack of reality there, and of course this is your son, younger friend, younger lover, nephew, godson and so on. Sometimes it can be a girl with a tomboyish side. If you are yourself younger than just about everyone else, then this is about you. Pisces the two fishes swim in opposite directions and go through crosscurrents. Everything is a bit random and not quite steady. There is no anchor and no ground below. That is what is now happening, possibly with your son or even a younger male cousin.

How do you bring it back into something resembling the real world? Well, Pisces is an elusive, slippery influence. I don’t think strong arm tactics will work. You almost need to communicate on his level, this rather effeminate, expressive younger man or boy. The issue here is that there is real potential, a bit of a goldmine. Yet nothing will happen if nothing happens. Playtime and escapism are not really what is required here.

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Sagittarius – We have quite a lot of Capricorn aspects this week, so the money is there, but it has to be negotiated. On Tuesday, February 6th, 2024, the Moon, Ops, Psyche, Venus and Mars are all in your business, finance, charity and property zone. Right opposite where your own income is concerned, we find Apollo. It looks like Monday to Wednesday then, for some bargaining. This may be you if you are a man.

If you are a woman, then it’s definitely a man. Capricorn is rather slow, grounded, steady, guarded, cautious. So this is the very picture of something taking ages to work itself out. Do not expect fast and easy results if you are trying to sell to this man or if he is going to perhaps pay you. On the plus side, this earth sign Capricorn overload suggests there is something really solid here that could take the investment or the payout.

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Capricorn – Diana in Leo is in your sector of the afterlife and the departed family and friends, plus extended family, you find over there. Diana is a symbol of freedom, liberation and independence. This does look like Independence Day for someone in spirit. This affects you too if you are sensitive. And, of course, it can happen that you do something here, or say something on this side of life, which helps them evolve. In spirit, we go through stages of growth, just as we do here – but on a soul level. So, that is what is going on this week with Diana in Leo trine Salacia in Aries. It takes great insight to understand what is going on. You don’t have to be a medium, though. Just attuned.

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Aquarius – There is a lot to be said for joining a crew and climbing aboard a group enterprise. It stops the isolation and detachment for a start. This is true of a man you know, or perhaps you yourself, if you are a man. If you are a woman this week is definitely about a man. We have an overload of Pisces in the heavens and whenever you get that, there is a kind of drifting, floating quality to life. People who don’t settle and are not connected tend to be brought in on the tides and currents. If this is you, as an Aquarian man, it would change your life to join the group. Will you do it? Maybe, maybe not.

If you know a man like this and, particularly, if you are a woman, you have to be a realist. He is not a realist at all. He is an unrealist. But maybe you can steer hi around to this crew, or the crew can be steered in his direction. This comes from the equally important Aquarius overload in the birth chart this week in the Eleventh House of community, team spirit and so on.

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Pisces – The South Node in Libra in your finance zone and the North Node in Aries in your assets, business, charity and property zone do all the talking this week. If you are a woman this may well, be you with a lump sum. Or it may be a female you consider to be enjoying the good life, but she has money there too, which affects your life. If you are a man, this is definitely a woman. Libra is ruled by Venus, the goddess of the good life. She is associated with the finest sculpture and paintings. So we might say you are a tastemaker if you are a Pisces woman and now there is enough money there to please your tastes. If you are trying to get inside the head of your wife, boss, business associate and so on – and you are a Pisces man – try to see what she values. It is very likely nature, or beauty, or security. Not so much profit.

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