Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
February 20-26, 2023

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for February 20-26, 2023. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

Taurus Weather 300x169 - Your Weekly Horoscope February 20th to 26th

The next Zoom event – Taurus Weather in 2023 with Astrologers Jessica Adams & Deborah Houlding – is scheduled for March 18th and 19th, 2023. I’ll look at the North Node, Jupiter and Uranus all in Taurus from May to July. My special guest is Deborah Houlding who will talk about Taurus, the zodiac sign and Alicia Fulton from The Astrology Show is our host.

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Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Aries, having spent 2011-2023 alone online, losing yourself in psychics, Tarot, Hellenistic astrology, self-help, hypnosis, meditation, Buddhism, God or Humanism – you are now restarting. The New Moon in Pisces will do that for you on Monday 20th February. Just watch what you are getting into, if you know March 7th (or thereabouts) is in the diary too, as once you are committed to a situation, you really will be, quite heavily – Saturn is in Pisces from that point forward until 2026. Aries, you can double that message if you also have Pisces factors in your natal chart as these are also in your Twelfth House. What else is going on this week? Well, your long relaunch is rebooted. Venus in Aries is with you, and between now and May you will resurface with some classic title, appearance or reputation changes. This is to your total advantage, and having spent years with long transits in Aries, in your First House of image, you know very well why people judge a book by its cover.

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Taurus, let’s talk about your social life, friendships and group involvements. These have been something you have lost yourself in for years, Taurus, ever since Neptune moved into Pisces in 2011. We have a New Moon in Pisces this week so you will be making a fresh start, either rebooting involvement in a community of people (like Twitter) or joining a new group (say, a book club). Sometimes the issue is just one friend, so you revive the friendship or make a new friend. All well and good but be aware that from March 2023 there will be some quite heavy barriers and restrictions that accompany the situation. A classic example would be trade union membership. Take your time getting into any new social or friendship situation on this New Moon as it’s awfully close to the Saturn ingress in Pisces on March 7th and you don’t really want to be lumbered with circumstances that bar you or block you, stop you from gaining access – or make it hard to get out. Of course it may be you think this is a fair price to pay for what you gain in orderliness.

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Gemini, your horoscope shifts in two directions this week. Firstly, towards a very different sort of career, unpaid work or academic career atmosphere. What was so random for so many years (since 2011) will become necessarily structured from March 7th. In fact, the rest of 2023, 2024, 2025 and the very start of 2026 suggests all manner of obstacles and barriers in what used to be a pretty free-floating experience. That’s not such a bad thing; Saturn in Pisces in your solar Tenth House makes you try harder. From this comes a C.V. which will prove your stoicism to you, in the years afterwards and some real-life skills which will make you a serious contender. Still, take your time getting into a new situation, or rebooting it, or even leaving it, this week. Be sharply aware of what you are setting up from next month, for quite some time into the future. The other shift this week is your social life, friendships and groups offering up a complicated relationship. This is part of a rich tapestry (new and colourful weave) which you’ll complete by May, very happily.

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Cancer, Venus in Aries suggests a multi-layered relationship is crucial to your success by May. This complicated person or situation requires a lot of time and energy, but it’s all part of a general upward trajectory until May 2023, when you will have gone as far as it is possible to go, in a very short space of time. You have Jupiter and Chiron in Aries in your solar Tenth House of ambition, achievement, rank and status. It will be another 12 years before you have this sort of luck again and this week is important to the whole process of reaching for the top. The other major story this week is the New Moon in Pisces in your Ninth House of foreigners and foreign countries. Take your time with this new beginning, because from March 7th you will be stuck with whatever you are setting up now. The new situation from March will be heavily restrictive and restricted too, with all sorts of walls, moats, drawbridges and gates. This is entirely new to you, given that you’ve been drifting in another reality since 2011, no matter if you have been travelling or just inhabiting an online space with foreigners.

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Leo, you have a couple of transits this week to watch. One involves your ruler the Sun and suggests a new financial, property, business or charity commitment. Commit carefully, for you commit with Saturn going into this sector of your chart from 7th March. That means you will be unavoidably stuck with something, but the trick with astrology is to make the ‘something’ minimally invasive. You do have choices. Some kind of reality check about the way things actually are, seems inevitable, though, as you have been drifting in a holiday from reality since 2011. Be aware that if you start something new now which is escapist (to the point of being off with the fairies) you will be confronted near March 7th when the trip is paused. Leo, the other obvious story now involves foreigners and foreign countries. This is all terrific and has been in motion for a few weeks now. By May you will have your final rewards with these people or nations, their cultures or pins on the map. Venus in Aries suggests a complicated person wants a complicated relationship with you and it will involve a different accent or time zone, perhaps.

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Virgo, you are now in the right time and place (again) to save or make a lot of money. Venus in Aries is bringing the human side of the relationship with money, property, charity or business into the frame this week. You’ll have to figure out the other person and that takes time, but it is also part and parcel of what you have to profit from or benefit through. Your luck holds to May 2023 with Jupiter in Aries and this great Roman symbol of expansion, empire-building and gain is to your total advantage. Chiron is also in Aries, so you are in a position to attempt what is frankly quite audacious and perhaps even outrageous, to some people. What else is going on this week? It’s about the central duet or duel in your life. Take your time with a new beginning on the New Moon in Pisces. You will have to live with the consequences from March 7th, until early 2026. This strongly applies to a new relationship, the end of a marriage, the start of a business double-act and so on. It may just be a new phase in your duet but go in cautiously. If you are at war with someone and this is a duel (the other great Seventh House outcome) then again, be extremely careful with what you start as you will be lumbered with restrictions later.

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Libra, you are now in a classic cycle for adultery, jealousy which reboots a marriage and seduction. Venus, your ruler, is now in your opposite sign of Aries, which rules your solar Seventh House of partnership and separation too. The rules of engagement suggest whatever comes out of this by May is good for you and good for the other person too. Jupiter was always associated with benefits by the old astrologers. Friends with benefits? Well, perhaps. Maybe you just need to know what a fully realised double act feels like, even after all this time. The long-term looks important too. From July 2023 there is karma surrounding this person or quite another and it extends to 2024, so there is more to this week than meets the eye, Libra. You have the South Node going into your solar Seventh House after July and that’s not happened for 18-19 years, so the karmic settlement is rare and quite important, partly stemming from what happens now. As XTC’s Andy Partridge once said, it’s just a Complicated Game.

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Scorpio, your week is ruled by Venus in Aries and a New Moon in Pisces. Venus in Aries nods to a hugely improved lifestyle, workload and daily routine by May. It goes in stages, and it will help you sort out your work-life balance with one eye on your health. That means your health on all levels. The person who is involved in this rolling outcome by May is now in view and although s/he makes life a tad more complicated, so be it. It is the interesting relationships and the interesting people who make it all seem more seductive, somehow – ‘it’ being your particular duty statement. The Pisces New Moon is also important as it involves the bedroom; courtship; heirs, spares and pretenders to the throne. Take your time with a new beginning as you will be lumbered with the outcome from 7th March. The usual non-reality prevails this week, but as Saturn goes into this sector of your chart soon, you may want to be astute about (say) getting someone pregnant or agreeing too quickly to particular new plans with your son. Take your time.

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Sagittarius, take your time as you sort out your plans for the house, family, flat, household – or larger issues, like your hometown and homeland. A new beginning this week is indicated by the New Moon in Pisces in your solar Fourth House. You are not likely to be living in the real world any time soon, are you? (You have been in an altered state since 2011) Nevertheless, despite the attractions of being comfortably numb, it looks like March 7th will change all that. Saturn also enters your Fourth House then and for the first time in about 28 years you will have to deal with a proper set of restrictions or a few multi-obstacles. If renting or buying, having a child or reshuffling the household, bear that in mind. Don’t just walk into this. The terrific Aries transits continue in your chart, concerning courtship, the bedroom, heirs, spares and pretenders to your throne. Venus is a shoo-in for seduction any time you see her, should you be eligible. In general, though, what you are seeing this week is a nicely complicated relationship which helps the overall upward trajectory of life as a parent; aunt; uncle; teacher; children’s writer and so on. May is the final gate for this, flights are departing so you’d best get on board with this.

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Capricorn, you have really great prospects for renovating, redecorating, moving, investing in property and the like – until May. These come centre-stage this week and a woman will likely be involved, or an extremely effeminate man. Venus is joining Jupiter and Chiron in your solar Fourth House so this may be a ravishingly pretty new member of the household, or – your sister. Sisters are a fairly safe bet as you also have Third House transits. Brothers and cousins too. Family expansion is pretty common and so babies arrive on this cycle, or a new leaf goes onto the family tree for other reasons. I mentioned siblings and you have a New Moon in Pisces this week, in the sector which also rules cousins. A New Moon is always a new beginning. Take your time with this one, though, as you will be well and truly committed after March 7th when Saturn also goes into Pisces, and you will be stuck within, or without, a situation which is building right now. You do have choices.

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Aquarius, you have a couple of transits this week which suggest finance or property is going concern – and on another note – the internet. To start with the business, bank account, house or apartment first, you may want to go in carefully with a new choice. The New Moon will deliver it, but you don’t have to proceed as usual. In fact you may choose not to. You may habitually be so used to floating, drifting and cruising with these matters that unreality is your go-to norm. In fact, Saturn from March 7th suggests you will bump into reality, the way a yacht bumps into uncompromising weather. Thus the need for a sensible outsider, perhaps, to talk to you about what is actually going on. The other transit is the hugely beneficial internet, media, publishing and academia transit of Jupiter and Chiron in your Third House of communication and connection. This gets an interesting reboot this week as a complex person who only deals in complicated relationships is on the scene.

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Pisces, we have a New Moon in your sign ahead of Saturn’s ingress in Pisces on 7th March. It’s all about you. Or at least what is in your shop window. All this activity in your First House of title, appearance and reputation suggests you may want to take your time with new choices. You will be lumbered from March 7th, and you must decide if the deal is worth it to you. For example, losing weight long-term will be more onerous than usual on a Saturn transit, but you may decide it is completely worth it to live with all the restrictions. The other transit this week is really about making money or saving it. Venus in Aries suggests a female or intensely feminine man is around; this is part of the wider story about profits or bargains, or free rides, which is with you until May.

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