Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
February 19-25, 2024

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for February 19-25, 2024. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

ezgif 7 c456cf6245 300x169 - Your Weekly Horoscope February 19th thru 25thCome along to The Pisces Weather on Zoom here, if you are a Premium Member or Sun Sign School subscriber.

We’ll go into your sun sign, natal chart and Tarot in this session. Alicia Fulton is our host, and you can organise your free invitation here, at our Meetups in your nearest time-zone: New York, London or Sydney.

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Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Aries – You have Pisces weather in your Twelfth House this week and it will culminate in a decision in March, very much about your therapist, religion, hypnosis, self-help, Tarot, psychic, medium and so on. It may be about Buddhism, or it may be about the religion you were born into at the Christening font.

Tarot Deck Ace of Cups scaled e1708226587903 300x261 - Your Weekly Horoscope February 19th thru 25thThe Ace of Cups is your Tarot card this week and shows that network of spirits or souls in all the floating lotus flowers. It also shows the Holy Grail or the Roman Catholic chalice. Time alone is required. You have already been alone far more than usual in 2023, as you know (because you had to be, or chose to be).

There is method in the Universe’s madness. You have to be by yourself to get to your soul. March, so close now, is all about your soul and its growth.

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Taurus – For you, this stellium in Pisces is all about friends and groups. So a political party, a religious network or an ensemble cast. The Freemasons or a band.

Tarot Deck Three of Cups scaled e1708226800568 300x226 - Your Weekly Horoscope February 19th thru 25thYour Tarot card this week is associated with the Three of Cups. One for all, and all for one. No boundaries but lots of learning if you don’t.

The truth is you have the oddest situation going on. You cannot really extricate yourself from the group. It is an escape from reality – a way out – but it is quite difficult to let go and walk away from. The combination of Neptune and Saturn in your solar Eleventh House of social circles and social life, is also life-changing if you are a Taurus with Aquarius factors in your natal chart. The group you join, change or leave in 2024 is of quite rare importance.

In all cases, whatever your natal chart looks like, this week it is time to promise yourself that you will simplify and streamline friends and networks.

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Gemini – The potential is always there for a change at the top in 2024 and for you to move on up. This may be in your chosen field, so one company’s CEO is replaced by another. It may be in academia or with your unpaid work.

Tarot Deck Ace of Swords scaled e1701568632785 300x241 - Your Weekly Horoscope February 19th thru 25thAll this Pisces weather is reminding you that you have Saturn and Neptune here in 2024, all year long, with your goals and roles. So there are no boundaries. The group around the boss or leader (or other top person) is everywhere all the time. Yet that would have to change if someone else took over.

The situation with your profession, university/college degree or unpaid work in life has been muddled for a very long time. Neptune transits can do that. You can try to pin things down and sort them out but sooner or later Life with a capital L gets in the way. This is not your fault and yet you can be proactive in March and come to a really big decision. Ditching or dropping particular projects or even roles is one possibility.

At the same time, there has to be acceptance of something which is either:

a) impossible to get out of or escape, or
b) extremely difficult to ever get into.

It’s an odd one, and it takes a lot of thought. This week is good for preparation.

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Tarot Deck The World scaled e1708227094759 300x253 - Your Weekly Horoscope February 19th thru 25thCancer – No wonder The World is your Tarot card this week. The Pisces weather is ushering in foreign people, other cultures, different accents and backgrounds. It is ushering in distant points on the map, no matter what you call distant.

In your own country, of course, you can find people who challenge you to understand another language, for example. Saturn and Neptune have been here in Pisces in your Ninth House for a long time. So you may be grappling with the Commonwealth or dealing with the reality of Israel and Palestine. Or just having a moment with your French class. This chart zone is also linked to academia and publishing. That can cross over too.

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Tarot Deck Ace of Pentacles scaled e1708227331626 300x292 - Your Weekly Horoscope February 19th thru 25thLeo – This week and, in fact, the month of March is about joint finance and property, business and charity. We have transits in Pisces in your Eighth House which rules marriage and mortgage, but also big-ticket items you leave in your will to others. It also rules anything in a legacy to you.

Big wheels are turning as we have the Sun, your ruler, moving into Pisces and you obviously have a decision to make. The issues are lack of access, and no way in – or very high walls in a situation and no way out. At the same time there have been no boundaries for years. Saturn is the ring-fenced situation and Neptune is the total lack of any ring fencing. This is a truly unusual scenario, and you are still getting used to it, as are other people.

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Virgo – No surprises here. This week is about the stellium in your Seventh House – so your partner, other half or the other side. The duet or duel.

Tarot Deck The Lovers scaled e1708227449673 300x234 - Your Weekly Horoscope February 19th thru 25thThe Lovers is your Tarot card, and it can show two people who are attracted but not acting on it. It can also show a husband and wife thinking about a split. This is more likely if you have Libra factors. The South Node in Libra is with you in 2024 so karma from 18 or 19 years before is here. You owe, spiritually, or are owed.

This is either with the same person or another, playing out familiar themes. Commit or split, or recommit, is what we associate with this cycle, if you do have Libra natal chart factors. In all cases, though, whatever the duet or the duel in your life, March should be used to resolve as much as possible. That is set up for you this week so if you focus hard on a goal, your horoscope will meet you halfway.

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Libra – The Pisces weather now is in your Sixth House of health, wellbeing, workload and lifestyle. So, there is a decision coming up for you with a doctor, surgeon or alternative therapist, for example.

Even at the lightest level, March will bring a choice about food or drink, say, or exercise. Your work ethic, sense of duty to others and service to others from housework to the dog is also on the line now. Saturn and Neptune have been in this chart zone for a long time.

Tarot Deck Ace of Wands scaled e1708227736989 300x226 - Your Weekly Horoscope February 19th thru 25thThe Ace of Wands (or Staves) is your Tarot card. It’s the sudden idea or notion, the news or the concept, that arrives in the middle of nowhere. So, a diet, or a new drug, maybe. A new project or concept. The stage is set for solutions in March. Thanks to medication, alcohol, recreational drugs – many Sun Libra people have gone way off track far more than they realise. This is typical of a Neptune transit, and it needs periodic review. Which is now. Even if substances or pharmaceuticals have not affected your grip on the real world, something or someone else may have done that.

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Scorpio – The Fifth House transits of various factors in Pisces is really about your admirers or your bed partner – it is also very much about babies, children and young adults. Talk about a slipping and sliding situation. That’s Neptune for you, so there have been no real boundaries for years, either with or for someone – or around them. The faces can change too so you end up with the tides ebbing and flowing with different people but the sensation of never really knowing what’s going on, remains. Now you have Saturn there too.

The Empress e1708227848455 300x249 - Your Weekly Horoscope February 19th thru 25thThe Empress is your Tarot card, and this shows a kind of flooding or overflow in the picture. And also total escapism. And you can see Venus in the card. The Tarot is chatting to you about the astrology then, which is about the need to understand that nobody and nothing can exist in a nice bubble forever. Attention must be paid to circumstances where there are no boundaries to contain and control a situation. March is the time to act, but you could turn in that direction now.

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Sagittarius – The Fourth House is ruled by Pisces in your chart and it’s where the aquarium is. Also called your household or family. Everybody is all over the place, all the time, everywhere. Yet, at the same time, the aquarium has no access areas or can’t get out areas; bars you cannot get past, or spaces you cannot get into. It’s very unusual and is a function of Saturn and Neptune in Pisces.

Tarot Deck Four of Wands scaled e1708228003533 300x247 - Your Weekly Horoscope February 19th thru 25thA choice is coming in March 2024. This will go a long way to helping you resolve your home, property, relatives or those at home.

The Four of Wands (Staves) is your card and shows a gathering of family and extended family and a very important house, apartment or other residence at the heart of it. You’ll surely have that reunion or a family circle discussion in March.

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Capricorn – You have Pisces weather in your Third House of siblings, so brothers and sisters, but also cousins. We also count neighbours in that category. Saturn here is very much associated with defensive walls and protective barriers which try to keep out particular people or situations. At the same time, you have Neptune there so then the walls dissolve. It’s the most peculiar combination which may explain why 2023 and 2024 have been the way they have.

Tarot Deck King of Cups scaled e1708228155449 300x271 - Your Weekly Horoscope February 19th thru 25thThe King of Cups in your Tarot card is you, a brother, male cousin or male neighbour. He is everywhere, all the time. But he is also inaccessible. And sometimes a woman can embody the King so your sister, for example. It’s her male side.

In March 2024, you will have a splendid opportunity to weed out any confusion over who is where, or what is actually going on. And this may be your brother, cousin or the people next door. Filters can be applied.

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Tarot Deck Four of Pentacles scaled e1708228334174 300x282 - Your Weekly Horoscope February 19th thru 25thAquarius – The Pisces weather now is about your tax return, finances, property sale or purchase, business, charity, possessions, valuables and above all, your bank account. That combination of Saturn and Neptune in Pisces is really unusual and explains why a situation, person or organisation has been so confused and confusing. Yet you also have sea walls.

If you’ve ever been to Brighton and seen storms sending the waves crashing over the high concrete walls at the Marina, you have an image of what this is like. Yet we also associate Neptune with escaping from reality. A bubble. So you or someone else is in your own little world financially. That’s a way out, for sure, but it also needs strategies and trusted, tried and tested opinion. March is all that.

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Pisces – It’s all about your personal appearance, name, title, reputation and brand from here to March. It’s also your birthday, or thereabouts. The Sun enters Pisces this week and joins Neptune and Saturn among others in your own zodiac sign in your First House of projected image.

Tarot Deck Temperance scaled e1708228440874 300x231 - Your Weekly Horoscope February 19th thru 25thTemperance is your Tarot card, and it shows the need to contain and control what is everywhere, all over the place, all the time. Like water flowing. It shows an angel pouring water from one cup to another and below the angel, everything is pooled. So from what is random and all over the place comes some kind of order. We might say this week is alchemy. You are a cocktail of all sorts of ingredients. It’s a muddled cocktail if you like. What you need is a remix.

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