Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
February 13-19, 2023

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for February 13-19, 2023. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

Astrology eCard Libra Happy Valentines Day 300x213 - Your Weekly Horoscope February 13th to 19thIt’s Saint Valentine’s Day this week. If you are a Premium Member, you can choose one of 12 zodiac sign cards to send. If you want to send somebody his/her natal chart, you can enclose a subscription to this website from $7. If you’d like to look him/her up then use our Family and Friends chart service. These charts are all based on the Natural House system and use the 34 factors of modern astrology.

So, not just Neptune, but also Neptune’s wife. Not just Jupiter, but Jupiter’s wife. This updates the horoscope for the 21st century; Neptune’s wife was only discovered recently. If you are curious about why you two got together (or why you are attracted) the answer may lie in matching stelliums. A stellium is an unusually high number of factors in just one zodiac sign. So you may be heavily Taurus and your boyfriend may be heavily Taurus. If you’re a Premium Member, don’t forget to pick up a free copy of Modern Astrology 2050, which has all the information you need about your stelliums, or those of (say) your wife. Happy Valentine’s Day.




Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Any changes which take place in your career, unpaid work or degree in late March won’t seem like minor changes at all – the shape of the events unfolding will be deep and profound. It’s about power, you see. And control. The upper hand. The people or organisation which made that so, will disappear from your radar by the final week of March, or you will no longer care. Or they will remain, but the system will change.

Classically, you will soon meet one major professional, academic or unpaid career situation which puts a full stop on all you went through a few years ago. Or…you’ll come across a new development in your workplace which is entirely fresh to you, but you nevertheless know exactly what is going on. This is prep week.

So, the final week of March or first week of April may already be in your diary, Aries. Maybe people are talking about April as a deadline. Pluto’s exit is historic. If you don’t work full-time or part-time, this cycle tends to affect your other roles and goals. It may influence your life as a professional wife, for example, or your unemployment-benefit musical career, or your university degree. Ever since you had Pluto enter Capricorn, around the same time Obama was debating Clinton (!) you have seen what a power shift or system shift can do to people. That’s over, late March. Think about how you would like success to be for you, in future.

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Pay special attention to the new friends you make or remake from now until early March, when Saturn enters your sector of social life, networks, circles and friendship. It’s time to be a realist, Taurus. The time has come to find people who can advise you with tremendous wisdom and detachment.

So, from early March, entire groups of people sort things out. Having floated and drifted in another reality for a long time, you need to be aware of ‘the return to reality’ now, so you can avoid bobbing along, too far out, this week. There are no accidents in astrology, or in life. If you just happen to stumble into a new network of people at this time, or reboot with them, or if fate seems to be pulling you inexorably towards a particular team, club or association – take it seriously.

The most common kinds of bonded groups were once military in nature. Today, it could be a yoga class or karate team. You’ll hit challenging new situations with friends and groups in this cycle, from around March 7th. Try to feel wonderfully distanced from proceedings, as if you’ve seen it all before – and you will have, if you are old enough (28-29 years before).

You can bring an impressive amount of strategic nous, to all kinds of scenarios involving your social life, friendships and group involvements at this time, if you know March is in your diary. Ask an old hand at the game. This may be the Liberal party, or your suburban church. It may be a cast of actors in a hit show or your branch of the Freemasons. Try to keep it real, even though none of this is very real.

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This end cycle for Mars Retrograde in Gemini will draw your attention to your image, appearance and reputation. It’s about the person you see in photographs or in the mirror. It’s also about your outer packaging in the eyes of the world – the way you are rated, reviewed and received by people you don’t know.

Don’t be vulnerable to stuck feelings with the endless time loop now. It’s quite true that you will meet the same situations, again and again, about your name, face, title, reputation – to the point where you wonder if you’re ever going to get off the merry-go-round. By consciously developing the best possible attitude to these ‘loops’ in your life, as Mars has been on a loop in Gemini since last September 2022 – you will be able to cultivate a state of mind which could improve your entire being. Legendary musicians have this cycle and have to face the same old malarkey about their past, when they give interviews.

Solution? If you cannot change the situation, then at least be clever enough to change your attitude towards the situation. In this way, what was a hamster on a wheel for you, can become the grit in the oyster that helps cultivate the pearl. In this case the pearl might be a bigger sense of humour, or a more philosophical outlook, or greater wisdom. It may be your Zoom face or Twitter account. Your portrait in oils or your name – in the business. The cycle ends in March, and the fascinating thing about all this repetition or cancellation, delay and so on is if you treat it as research, then it serves you from June 2024 when Jupiter goes into Gemini and you have your most outstanding year, in 12 years, for a successful relaunch, adulation and general worship. (If 2024-2025 is being mentioned as the date for something special, say yes with all your might. Jupiter in your First House is a gift, gift, gift).

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Let’s talk about your partner or your opponent. Your other half, or the other side. Pluto is the planet which changes your world in the most dramatic way, offering a strange combination of decisive endings, and powerful new beginning, all at the same time. He changes signs in the final week of March, when it all changes for you.

The situation you face with a partner or foe now will either give you all the influence, all the control and all the power – or it will apparently take these away from you again. However, what is seen on the surface now (no matter if it looks empowering or not), is just a glimpse of the reality. The whole point of this end-game cycle with Pluto (it began in 2008) is that – with this person, or a series of faces – you find out how empowering it can be, to wrest back control from who/what aims to be top dog. So, this is the end of that.

Pluto’s purpose at this time is to get you to play a very different kind of game with, through or regarding your partner or enemy. That way lies real, proper, lasting empowerment. And it will happen once you find out what it is about yourself that runs deepest and offers you the best chance of constructing a life which genuinely gives you control. No matter if you feel like your life is just beginning now, or if it’s effectively over, the story is the same. Find who you truly are Cancer – and play a new game. Prep week!

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Leo, you are in a karmic cycle with home, household, town, country, family until July. Quite apart from the bricks and mortar, though, this cycle is primarily about your relationship with your birth family (parents, siblings, relatives) as well as any family you have created (partner, children, in-laws.) It is no exaggeration to state that this cycle will do more to bring karmic closure with the state of play within your family, than any other in your life. So, get ready. You’re about to be pulled out of the karma again and again, from 18-19 years ago, until you finally settle up in July. This has been with you since last year, Leo.

A departure, an arrival, a reshuffle, a shift in the paperwork, a divorce, a death, any kind of change at all with the family – and immediately, you may feel as if you must go back to find how to go forward. Correct. When this happens, promise yourself you will find out who you actually are today – and who you probably always were. So, this may be about the house, apartment, garden, household, town, country – or the family system that you had. Go looking for your soul now. It’s where your truth is. Pencil July in. It’s time for a new game, a new approach, and a rebirth. Until then, cycle through, change on the inside. Changing on the inside makes you far more serene about repetition.

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Your relationship with the world of babies and children, will go through a deep transformation during this cycle, as you end a 2008-2023 phase in the final week of March. Your son or daughter may move from childhood to adolescence – or adolescence to adulthood – at this time, which is one obvious cause of big change. Another possibility? You will deal with the realities of abortion, adoption, miscarriage or IVF treatments, and find that your old attitudes and expectations fall away, to be replaced by a new outlook. There are many different ways in which the changes involving children will manifest now.

As with all Pluto cycles, though, this one is about letting go of what ends, and accepting what begins in its place. You may have been controlled by your wife. By your mother-in-law. By your father. Sometimes, by children themselves, a tiny infant can run rings around you and deprive you of sleep. An adult step-daughter has her own power. This has been quite the cycle, and this is prep week for closure.

Your connection to children may be less personal now – you may experience this cycle through your job (for example, if you nurse or teach infants or teenagers) or through your interests outside work (charity) – or the young people in question may be godchildren, nieces, nephews, stepchildren or grandchildren. The world of the next generation, will bring empowering new beginnings now, and dramatic endings – which force you to find your power too, in late March. Find out who you really are, one more time, now. As I said, it’s prep week.

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This new Saturn in Pisces cycle will change the way you approach your health and well-being. Saturn joins Neptune and you’ve not seen anything like these new restrictions, from March 2023. Time to prep! Question any ideas, habits or set-ups which aren’t appropriate for the real world. Not surprisingly, this cycle often sees changes in the way people eat, drink and exercise, and also in the way they approach self-medication (anything from sugar to cigarettes falls into this category.) It can also change the way they think about the connection between their mind, body and spirit. You have not been remotely in the real world for years. Neptune has been in Pisces. Altered states is pretty normal. How you obtain them is a personal preference.

Get ready for a shift from the second week of March, for some time. Looking ahead, Libra, you will be forced to do deal with obstacles, walls, barriers and boundaries – very new. In the process, you’ll find yourself finally coming to terms with aspects of your body, and your mind, and your soul that have been missing in action. This cycle is about discovering what will help you get real about work, too, above all other things. So, this is not just about the spirit, as well as your body. Mental or physical health. It is also about housework, unpaid work, paid work, study. Try to filter a few things now, or rein them in, so you have less to deal with from around March 8th.

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This Jupiter and Chiron double cycle famously affects your working life, as well as study, unpaid work or health, if something stops you working at full capacity. Jupiter is overdue improvement. Chiron is getting away with the unthinkable. Heady combination, Scorpio. If you have home duties, this means your domestic chores and commitments. If you have a part-time job, or full-time job, this means your career in general. You will crash through to solutions in late March to late April, and you will also hit the heights in terms of well-being, duty, service and lifestyle. will feel as if it means everything to you! Jobs will end. Jobs will start. Home duties will finish. Other domestic commitments will begin. Projects and plans will start, and projects and plans will succeed, to the point where you begin to feel like you (almost) rule your own lifestyle by May. In each case, remember that other people’s game is not your game. You can’t separate your body from your job now. Or your mental health from your work. In astrology they are all entwined.

This is thinking time, but you may well think yourself into a grand solution by May when this cycle ends. There is a way to do what you do best, without having to risk your peace of mind or general well-being. Door opening, as they say on the London Underground lifts.

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Mars Retrograde in Gemini has been keeping you on a loop since September 2022. It ends in March. The issue is your other half. Or the other side. The endings may arrive as a marriage or relationship fails, as one partner reboots the relationship, or as the partnership changes shape, for other reasons. The endings may also come when an enemy, difficult ex-partner, rival or opponent gets off the hamster wheel, and you realise that you have been thrown into a different era with him/her. Other variations on this theme include a dramatic gear shift in the dynamic of your relationship or marriage which makes you feel as if you’re finished with the loop. Repetition is common.

Mars is action, and often battles. Going backwards, it’s backwards action or a rear-guard reverse outcome. This is with (say) your former wife, current wife or just someone against you in your profession. Mars is almost back to normal, just a few more weeks, Sagittarius. If your old boyfriend came to town and never called you, with his second wife in tow, it may be about him. Mars Retrograde in your Seventh House suggests that situation could easily reverse! It’s odd to see the way the wheel turns around as you go from February to March, but there will be resolutions with your other half/the other side next month.

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This new Saturn exit and Pluto entry cycle in Aquarius, March-June will dramatically change the amount of control and influence you have, in terms of money, property, business interests and your assets and possessions. The changes will come as a result of dramatic turning points involving other people’s stake, share, debt or other position. That whole self is what you must now take forward, into a new life. March-June is a preview.

This is a really long cycle to 2044 but it begins with definite themes. Recognise where you have power or do not have enough power, Capricorn. Happily, though, most people going through this cycle get rich (or get secure, at least) by the end – and are smart enough to use their new position to achieve something good – as in, good for everyone. The point at which your cash, home, possessions or other resources puts you up there on the winner’s podium, is the point at which you need to use that position properly. What begins in a small way now, grows later.

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Pluto is leaving your house of solitary self-knowledge. Time to search harder for who you really are, from your core to your shell. Let the old set-up – the old rules and roles – disappear. In time, it will seem irrelevant except as a learning experience! What is far more important is that you set a new agenda and play a new game, preferably using your whole, authentic self, rather than the version of it that you were relying on before.

The last 15 years prior to March may have been about Buddhism, religion, Tarot, quantum theory, hypnosis, therapy or your own path. Thus, your exploration of what you believe in will also empower you now. In fact, you may find yourself at the peak of your influence, over yourself – and at the height of your powers! Just as Pluto has sent you crashing out of various situations in these past 15 years, it has also put you back up there, when the time is right. Just because you’ve won this particular game doesn’t mean you can give up. Be who you really are.

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This Pluto exit cycle March-June will alter the state of play in your social life, with your friends, and in the groups you belong to. This exit can make it almost impossible to hang on to the way things used to be – as well as the way you view your place in the group, or with a particular friend. Interestingly, these kinds of gigantic leaps are only an issue if you try to resist the obvious next move – which is a step up for you, or even a giant leap into a far more relaxed and sociable future. If an entire group of people is involved, or if there is some general trend pushing you to change, you can be sure that trying to maintain your old situation will be untenable.

What if you feel held back by the past, in terms of a friend, or by a group involvement? Fortunately, Pluto in exit mode from Capricorn, and your Eleventh House, has a strange way of providing natural openings for change in this cycle. Others will move on, making it possible for you to do the same thing. 2008 was a long time ago but look back and remember. You will realise you are in a far stronger and much more powerful position.

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