Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
December 11-17, 2023

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for December 11-17, 2023. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
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Aries – A friend is so much more on this cycle than a friend. And a group is more than a group. You are weeks away from Pluto’s historic return to Aquarius. Aquarius rules old friends, new friends, bands, teams, clubs and circles of all kinds. Pluto is power. So, the powerful, rebooted friendship is coming in January – this is the reinvented group.

You can also have it all ways and have new friends, old friends, old groups, new groups – in a kind of a huge Venn diagram. These are not any old groups. They are circles upon circles. They could go back years, but also go far, far into the future.

This is a very new way of thinking about friends. Yet it’s absolutely right for these times. As you will see in January and February you can get as much from a friendship as other people do from a marriage. You can get as much from a group as you can from a family.

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Taurus – The new developments, and rebooted developments, with your staff, employer, colleagues, professor or classmates are the very start of a massive change in your life in 2024. We could say it all seems very new, and yet you have felt this coming for a long time. Perhaps you hoped it would happen and yet you are still not sure how it’s all actually going to land.

So many unknowns, and yet weirdly, so many knows. And this could go back years for you Taurus in terms of the people. It’s really a two-step as you sign off from Pluto in Capricorn in January and sign onto Pluto in Aquarius.

So it’s the absolute end of the way you used to operate with the worldwide web, publishing, and/or foreign places and people. That person you were is no more. It is also the start of an amazing new doorway into a world that comes without a guidebook. But you can be sure there is real power there.

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Gemini – Having had a particular position with your house, apartment, finances, business interests, charity, valuables and bank, you are now having to accept that 2023 is the end of an era. Perhaps you made it happen. Perhaps life just happened to you while you were trying to do other things, as Patric Walker and John Lennon both said. (Patric was his astrologer).

This has been a really long cycle for you starting with Pluto in 2008, and ending with Pluto and many other factors, from now until the end of 2024. It’s all very new at the moment, but your instincts are correct. You are being led towards foreign people and places; foreign cultures; academia; the worldwide web in all its latest developments and publishing. There may even be a combination of these, Gemini, so the web and foreign universities for example.

However it is panning out, you were set up for this in March-May 2023. Now, you are looking to December and January for a sign-off on financial, business, property or charity challenges still not overcome – but also seeing what could be a hugely different year ahead.

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Cancer – You spent years exploring all the politics; all the new realities; all the ins and outs of partnership. This was one or more romantic partnerships (like a marriage). Alternatively, this was a professional partnership. Two brothers who were supposed to be in a duet but no longer are. A comedy act which is no more. Your own situation is your own situation.

Throughout this very long 2008-2023 cycle you have also come to know what it means to have a difference or dispute. Perhaps, a full-blown war. It really depends on the choices you made, way back when. And now, here you are in December, and you are being asked to get real, give yourself marks out of ten and actually change your life and yourself next year. It starts here and goes in stages, Cancer. You know what is still (despite your reasonable efforts) an issue, but just lately you have also been shown how to fix it.

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Leo – This is a momentous couple of months signing you out of a work and health cycle and signing you into a partnership cycle. You will not work the same way or look after your wellbeing the same way next year. It will start in slow stages in December 2023 and gather speed in January 2024.

The writing is on the wall, and it basically tells you that if nothing has ever really, seriously worked – then you need to pull out all the stops to find out who or what will. You may have had a bad doctor. You may have had a bad attitude towards food, say, or cigarettes, or even medical marijuana. Rather than run through the entire list, let’s just say this is personal. The switcheroo is connected. You get rid of a lifestyle issue starting this month, but you also gain a huge partnership choice not possible in 248 years.

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Virgo – The phrase ‘once and for all’ resonates in 2024 in terms of your life in the bedroom; your courtship rituals; your definition of romance. This can be within a marriage, by yourself, or in the dating game. Once and for all, means that you have now seen what you can do – what is possible with new people, resources, solutions – and you are going to hunt that down in December, January with a view to using the next year to really get rid of what has been so very hard for you to master. This may be a son or daughter; grandchildren; great-grandchildren.

Often with these Pluto cycles the issue is something or someone more powerful than all of you. Covid for example, in the schools, or the headmaster’s poor management of the same. You may also encounter Pluto takeover tendencies actually with a child or young adult in your life. You are now starting the most potentially successful cycle in 248 years for ending what ails you. This may be a difficult phase in a difficult stage, with your son. We’ve not even got to the bedroom and courtship part of the cycle yet but of course that is interwoven.

Teachers, the co-parent, the power of social media; all can have an impact on your offspring and yourself and that’s even without involving your love life. 2024 could be transformation. It’s Pluto’s final year in this zone of your chart. He won’t be back in your lifetime. If you wanted to do things extremely differently, then you could. The courtship and bedchamber part of the cycle is just as well known as the heirs, spares and pretenders part. So once we’ve got beyond surrogate mothers and the line of succession (for example) we get to the business itself. As Flight of the Conchords had it, Business Time.

Again, this is the year you can transform what was and yourself along with it. This is an intensely personal transit so who knows what your priorities are? Your wants, needs, hopes, dreams and most of all…needs. As always, willpower is empowerment and self-control is the control that leads to massive change. You can actually begin it in December.

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Libra – Figuring out the balance of power with your partner at home; husband or wife; the family; the household – it’s still ongoing. You have been through all the scenarios since 2018 with yourself suddenly being in quite a position of power, actually, and then very much put in your place. Not that you were you are too clever for that.

Pluto in Capricorn in your solar Fourth House of property, family, household, town and country has been there since 2018 and 2024 is his last year. What you have not managed to achieve despite all your efforts over many years, is actually within reach now. You were told as much in the last quarter of 2023 when it became clear something or someone new was on the scene to assist.

The other great thing about this cycle is that you can now write off something/someone that has been bothering you for many years, at home – or with the family. It will take a bit of time but in 2024 it can be done. You can also gain, in the most astonishing way, with children or romantic partners; courtship or the bedroom; parenthood or the business of being aunt, grandmother, godmother and so on.

That last bit is really important because it’s nascent but budding. Rather like something that could grow like Topsy in 2024. By jingo it’s going to take self-control, but you could come out of it with far more clout, as a mother (say) or as a teacher (perhaps). It’s about the younger generation however it meets you.

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Scorpio – Bacchus and Hygiea in Aquarius in your home zone say a lot this Christmas. Later on in January Pluto joins them. So this is a preview of what is in store with your house, flat, family, household, town and/or country.

This cycle also encourages you to make progress in terms of the extended family. Where is the next logical step, or even the step after that? This can be a pretty loose definition. It can be your old boyfriend’s mother and his niece, for example. It can also be your godson and his mother.

Family means many things on this cycle. It depends on your recognition of who and what you feel at home with, a sense of belonging. You’ll now spend a few weeks obtaining quotes on home repairs, renovations, furniture, domestic appliances, gardening equipment. January, February is crunching time.

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Sagittarius – It’s all about the internet, the media and/or siblings now. Maybe cousins. Communication – your way with words and images, or ideas and messages – is also key now.

It’s time to be planning to be admired and recognised (even celebrated) if things are going well by January and February 2024; your memo, speech, website, blog, statement, essay, academic paper, letter, meeting, postcard, song lyric, screenplay – or just your ‘big talk’ – could work wonders for you now. Call this a week for planting.

Your brother or sister could be your passport to a bigger, potential-packed world next year. Alternatively, your relationship with them will offer you much more scope for improvement.

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Capricorn – The transits this week are about finance, property, shares, business, charity, valuables. You have new power in January and February next year if you want it and the situation or person is staring you in the face now. When it comes to your own affairs (that credit card bearing your name, your own chequebook, your own salary, possessions or property), you will have a lot of wisdom to draw on, along with a lot of life experience. It’s only when you need to face the involvement of a second or third party in your security, though, that you’ll realise the gap between your own life budget and that of others.

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Aquarius – These cycles now are about your relaunch in 2024 as you will lose a lot of weight, drastically change your hair, get a new title, acquire new glasses, a new role and so on. It’s reboot year.

This week is a tiny, tiny hint of what might come. If you were a TV star, you become a politician. Or you get far more than a TV show; you get some kind of interactive Web 5 takeover. If you were a Goth, you become not a Goth. If you were a brunette, you go silver. What happens on the outside is just a clue though. You really want to be more powerful; to have more presence; more clout; more empowerment. It comes in January, and this is a clue.

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Pisces – The transits now are about your faith in God, if you go to church, or your use of the Tarot. It’s also about a psychologist, self-help, hypnosis, meditation or other inner pursuits.

A huge, huge change is coming in January and February 2024. Sometimes this cycle coincides with a period of recuperation, or a change in your working life or domestic circumstances which finds you marooned by yourself for a while. There are many possibilities, but a path will emerge that changes you on the inside. It may be Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for example.

This cycle can also bring a period of hibernation, as you remove yourself from the outside world and turn your attention to your inner world instead. The Twelfth House rules the time we spend by ourselves, when we discover who we really are, without other people.

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