Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
August 7-13, 2023

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for August 7-13, 2023. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

Mercury Retrograde in Virgo is here.

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This is even more important if you have four, five, six or more factors in Virgo in your natal chart; a Virgo stellium.


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Sydney Event
Date: Saturday, September 30th, 2023
Time: 11am-4pm
Place: Bondi Pavilion

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Melbourne Event
Date: Sunday, October 15th, 2023
Time: 11am-4pm
Place: Abbotsford Convent

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Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Either you are on the move this week, Aries, getting right away from a difficult situation, or we find others escaping and coming to you. You have patterns in your zone of short journeys and travellers too. Sometimes the travel is an outright move. When we ask who or what supports such a move, it’s the group. And within the group there is proper friendship. This is down to Hygiea in Aquarius. The sign of true brotherhood and sisterhood, allies and people power is showing up. However, we also have to say that what makes this journey or move possible are the problems. Without the actual spurs to a trip or move, nothing would be supported anyway. So this is the grit in the oyster that makes the pearl – or the promise of pearls, anyway. You may be the traveller or migrant here. Perhaps others are. But the distant shore is a mystery at the moment. The journey is the thing – just getting away.

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Taurus, with Psyche, Fortuna and Cupido in Scorpio, you are not going to get away without a major question about your heart this week. Whenever we see action in your opposite sign, we also see a now or never moment for the emotions. This may be you and your partner and a third party. It may be a family of three. Scorpio is in opposition to you so there is a major question here about people coming from opposite sides of the fence. The only way to fix this is for you to pull out of the game. You can actually practise avoidance with this kind of cycle. You can see the obvious risk of a three-ring circus and sidestep it. This can happen with a rocky relationship or marriage, say. With all the transits in Virgo it can also be a child and two parents. That can happen too.

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There is healing this week. You either give or receive it, Gemini. It may be physical, like the doctor or dentist. It may be mental health so based on the psychologist or the therapist. Then there is spiritual healing or the broadest sense of the word. You have Psyche, Fortuna and Cupido in Scorpio, in the zone of your chart which rules that special bond between the healer and the healed. It takes a huge amount of trust on both sides. The Sixth House of the chart is about duty and service too. You owe it to your healer to let them in. If you are being healed, you have a duty to your helper, in other words. It works the other way around too. Obviously if you are here for some repair work or therapy on any level, you have a duty of care.

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Cancer, the South Node in Libra and Ceres in Libra now, with Ops in Libra too, point to the family tree. Something has to give here, and it doesn’t matter which branch of the family this is. It may be your mother’s side or father’s side; it may be yours or your partner’s, so the in-laws. Ceres and Ops are both female and this week is about a strong woman. This may be you if you are a Cancer female. If not, this may be your wife or mother, say, or sister. The message is “This far and no further,” and the boundaries are really being set. We do associate Cancer with the Moon, her ruler, and thus with the power of mother or grandmother. This is a matriarchy and make no mistake. In the history of this woman (which may be you, Cancer) there are children who were once small – babies – but also any pregnancy which never came to term. This also has its part to play.

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Leo, the pile-up in Libra, in your zone of ideas, plans, projects, education, academia and just ‘the message’ is really striking this week. In fact this is a stand-out week, Leo, when whatever is on your desk is really powerful. You are owed from 19 years ago or so, karmically. You’ve earned some good karma from whatever you were working on, or studying, back then. So now the ancient node cycle is returning to you and it’s time to gather together all the different tools you have and do something important. You may be lecturing, using the web, making a speech, creating a proposal and so on. You also have this Jupiter transit in Taurus in your zone of success and status. Nothing succeeds like success, so if you’ve got it this week, you will flaunt it. Jupiter can also deliver you the tutor, professor, mentor or teacher you need to soak up some brilliance.

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Virgo, the Libra patterns this week involving the South Node, Ceres and Ops are all in your money zone. This is also where we find valuables, business, possessions or property. Or do we? That is the question. With Ops, you always get the optimistic search. The start of the quest. You also get that classic optimism that she comes with. She was Jupiter’s mother after all. The fact is you don’t know anything. None of you do. This may be rather like setting off to explore Titanic for salvage and not knowing what lies below. Or even if it’s worth it. When we go to your birth chart, we find the usual Taurus-Scorpio patterns we expect when people are looking for a Bitcoin investment return, or a tax return, or some aspect of an inheritance. So if you also have factors in those two signs, then publicly but also privately this week, the game is on.

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When I look at your chart this week, Libra, I can see Ceres, Ops and the South Node in your own sign, so you need to find out who you are. You are ripe for relaunch and that time will come, but at the moment, you don’t seem to be in tune with yourself. So you’re not looking in the mirror and truly recognising yourself, or you’re just in the dark about who and what you are. This could change in the blink of an eye. What is also important is a reality check. You have visions of money that could be, with these Scorpio cycles. A house or apartment that could be, with these Capricorn cycles. We even have people or situations which challenge you, confront you or seem toxic to you. That is all there in your chart. And none of it is real. Once you understand that you are projecting everything you want, and everybody or everything you find repellent, you can set to work.

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Scorpio, with Pluto in Capricorn and Juno and Apollo in Cancer, the two zones of internet, education, academia and books, you are ripe for a big moment. This may be you if you are a Scorpio woman. If you are a man, then there is a woman to learn from.

The Cancer transits in particular are about females. So this is Professor Germaine Greer, perhaps, or J.K. Rowling. And this may be an aspect of you if you’re a female. Your knowledge, brilliance, insight and wisdom find a home. If you are a man, then you need to take advantage of this chance to learn.

The Third House, ruled by Capricorn and the Ninth House, ruled by Cancer, suggest the rare ability to take very big subjects and make them accessible. This is you, guiding others, or you – being guided.

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Sagittarius, the Libra transits now with Ceres, Ops and the South Node are all in your zone of groups and friends. You might say this situation is waiting to land. The club, team, society, Twitter account, association, and so on is not yet in place. Yet it will come and maybe sooner than you realised. The other big factor in your chart is the fact that Aesculapia, Neptune and Saturn all in Pisces talk to you about your family tree. And about the ground beneath your feet. Your place in the world and your foundations. Whenever you get Neptune it’s all a bit uncertain. The boundaries slip and slide. And whenever you get Saturn there is a great need for a plan. A method. A strategy. Aesculapia suggests one situation with the family tree could come back. Just when you think it’s nearly over, it can return. There may be a son, nephew, young male in-law and so on, in the frame. I say this because you have the North Node in Aries, a male sign, in your zone of offspring and youth. Perhaps this is at the heart of it all.

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Capricorn, I have mentioned the Scorpio transits this week, and for you these are about the group. This may be a band, team, charity, club, society, association and so on. This is a very important week with Psyche, Fortuna and Cupido all in Scorpio, so something here (or someone) will live forever. It’s rather like The Kinks making a record in the Sixties. Waterloo Sunset will be here for thousands of years into the future. Now, whatever your circle is, or whatever your community is, there is a question about how aware you all are, of what is to be created or produced here. Do you actually all know how special this is? Perhaps you do. I should also say that a lot of Capricorn people have Aquarius factors in their charts, because it’s the next sign along. And this week we have Hygiea in Aquarius, the sign of people power, and Vulcano too, so this feels like something being orchestrated for you, if you do. Are you in the orchestra or are you conducting?

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Aquarius, I’ve spoken a bit about the Libra cycles this week and for you this is about exporting an idea, travelling, or using the web at a high level. In fact you have the nodes in Aries and Libra both, one of which rules the short trip and the other which is international. The only thing I would say, Aquarius, is that you need to be grounded. You are an air sign and so can live in your head. You are very good at making the approach and using your mind to navigate, but your chart says you should probably take your eyes off the map and back onto yourself. Where are you at? This is also partly because you have Uranus, the planet of change, in your zone of home, hometown and homeland at the moment. So everything is a moveable feast isn’t it. The idea (or ideas, plural) and perhaps the qualifications, need to go elsewhere. It’s how you do it that matters.

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Pisces, the sight of Juno and Apollo in Cancer, in your Fifth House of relationships, motherhood, the bedroom, courtship, pregnancy, children, teenagers and a younger generation is quite important now.

If you are a woman, then you have to sort out what to do with an emotional relationship which does not tick the boxes. You can be all at sea sometimes, Pisces, and if you are a woman then this week you are pretty far out and should maybe thinking about changing yourself and the situation, so you have your feet on the ground. Cancer does rule past pregnancy, no matter if you ended up with children or not, and that is a factor here.

If you are a man, then this week is about your girlfriend, wife or another important woman. She could be helped here as she seems at a loss to understand what she has in her hands, emotionally. If you are a Pisces woman you are likely puzzled by a relationship which is valuable (yes) but does not come with an instruction manual or even a price guide.

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