Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
August 29 - September 4 2022

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for August 29 – September 4 2022. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

Join me for a Tarot Zoom Event this Saturday, September 3rd, 2022, at 1:00 pm to 3:30 pm on time zones right for Australia and New Zealand. This is an intensive, hands-on workshop about The Lovers card and how you can change the past. Presented by The Tarot Guild of Australia. More information including how to get tickets can be found here.

Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Groups and friends can take you on a real obstacle course, now. They can supply you with the tests and trials you have to wear – until March 2023. But if you’re uneasy about where it’s all going (and what it’s doing) then wake up and pull out. The point at which you realise you have stumbled into a real issue, is the point at which you really must remove any more excuses. Brideshead Revisited is the story of a Saturn cycle in the 11th House. Charles Ryder’s learning experiences with the Oxford set, and Sebastian Flyte, is textbook. Even old friendships will now be tested for strength. Have you both changed too much, or is there something permanent there? Joining new groups or making new friends continues to be extremely difficult. Yet, there is a purpose to all this, and you will see why from March-June 2023.

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Taurus, the world is not responding to you now – it is reacting to your name, your face, your style, your persona, your image. You will be acutely sensitive to this, because Uranus in Taurus lends a strong sense of ‘me in here’ and ‘them out there.’

You can hit a revolution at this time, which lets you change the game now. You have quite a few choices. If you have hit a point in your life which profoundly affects your reputation, or even your appearance, you can be a radical about it. “That was then, this is now” you can tell the world, as you set about pursuing a life which finally gives you a chance to be free. Here’s another option. Just walk away. Shed who or what you were. That can happen on this cycle too and October may be the time.

You have Mars Retrograde in Gemini and are in that cycle. You will go back and forth in the money, property and lifestyle game in these next few weeks, and also experience final and first chapters which bring reversals or replays. Situations which other people become stuck with, can’t help but affect you too. Nevertheless – try to stay as detached as you can about what is going on. Expect to use Plan B and/or C.

Other people’s values will dictate your life now. Their idea of what (or who) is most bankable will sweep you backwards and forwards. Be it big bucks or glittering prizes, get it in writing and read the fine print.

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The Third House rules your cousins, brothers and sisters. It rules the written and spoken word, and how you communicate in other ways – through symbols or images, for example. Finally, it rules short journeys and commuting. You are still doing the rounds with Leo weather in your Third House. It will take three or four more weeks until the final deal, Gemini. It may be a sibling. It may be a car.

Ceres is offering a strange combination of decisive endings, new deals, big compromises and powerful new beginning, all at the same time. It delivers critical moments, with an overload of passion and emotion in areas ruled by the Third House – your brothers and sisters; the plans, projects and ideas which use your communication skills, and finally, through the journeys you take. Or basic commuting.

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Property will be a complicated business in this Mercury in Libra cycle ahead, along with the Sun in Libra from late September, no matter if you are renting or owning. Try an alternative property strategy that better suits who you actually are, if you are spinning your wheels or reversing in September, October. Where you live, and how you live, is your key to a new story told backwards and sideways now. Your lifestyle, your address, the look or feel of your home – it all adds up to a classic Mercury Retrograde experience. You also have hard-work Saturn in your finance zone, Cancer and ‘new deal’ Ceres in your budget sector. You’ll end up with the kind of home life, which is more than bricks and mortar, though, in the end.

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What happens with your family will karmically give you quite remarkable flashbacks now. You may wake up and find yourself spinning your wheels with the family and questioning what you owe or are owed (a classic example.) The family itself might become your passport to greater understanding of life 18 or 19 years ago, now. Your clan could be your calling card to closure in July 2023. In all these cases and more, though, learn to use the karmic lessons wisely. You can get an awful lot of what you want now, in terms of tying things up. So why not pursue an agenda which reflects who you actually are, in terms of your soul, when you’re not being the son/daughter/husband/wife/brother/sister/relative in this karmic game?

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This Neptune in Pisces cycle is all about your marriage, relationship, former partner or current/ex work or business partner. It is also about anyone who is against you – an opponent, rival or enemy. The effects are the same no matter if you are madly in love, getting married, divorcing, dealing with bereavement, or managing a feud. A subtle and constant shift in the dynamic of your relationship or marriage which makes you feel as if you’re drifting. A feeling of being all at sea, with a duel in your life.

You must now forget about the person you were before and the relationship game you were trying to play and get on with the business of finding the anchor. That will require some digging. It’s worth it. Grounding yourself in reality helps. And there are solutions from October.

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This cycle will dramatically change the amount of freedom you have, in terms of money, property, business interests and your assets and possessions. The changes will come as a result of radical turning points involving other people’s stake, share, debt or other position. Expect some really surprising chapters, which alter everything forever, in October and November.

And expect some amazing breakthroughs too – the kind which give you space, room to move, autonomy and oxygen in the room. What doesn’t work out now, in terms of finances and security, is same-old, same-old strategies. Don’t be fooled by any suggestion of permanence or predictability. Uranus in Taurus is here until 2026 so you need to look at yourself, and your budget, all over again.

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Mars Retrograde in Gemini. Months of backwards action with shares, property, business, money, valuables, charity is in store. The point at which others’ cash, home, possessions or other resources puts you back to front, is the point at which you need to use that position properly and realise this is a long rehearsal, until next year. That means taking the larger picture of others’ backwards and sideways moves into account, but also promising yourself that now you’re in the Mercury zone, you’ll start living a life which honours the need for beta testing – not just assuming ‘this is it.’

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Mercury Retrograde in Virgo spins his wheels for weeks, Sagittarius. Your ambitions, your ideas about success, and your mission in life will trigger a journey backwards and sideways now, and result in reversed or delayed changes in your path.

This cycle will give you some complex times when you are sent backwards on the board, in the particular game of success or achievement you have been playing. The end results for you will be useful if you treat the whole thing as research or rehearsal, as you’re going to have to dig deeper inside yourself and change course or accept a waiting game in September. Get it in writing and have Plan B and C.

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You may begin to see that sticking to your role – even if it widens your influence – means your most empowering qualities will never be used. Capricorn, your power and influence are about your exterior, not your interior, and even though self-promotion is the key, you must now dig deeper and begin a new game, with a new role, which suits who you actually are, beneath the surface. You will need time and space to go inside yourself at this time, in order to start the search. Pluto is in Capricorn until March 2023 by which time you’ll have had a couple more relaunches with title, public profile, reputation, name, appearance and so on. What is it about yourself at the deepest layers, that could genuinely give you the control in the mirror or online? Plot your own path, now, by operating from your soul, not the name, face or title that either worked – or didn’t.

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The duet or duel which is most important will involve a compromise and new deal by late September. You will have to back down, partly. Try to release the entire thing and move on. The dynamic between you meant that, for a lot of the time, you were only showing bits and pieces of yourself. Ceres can time all sorts of deep feelings and powerful emotions. But once these have passed, release what you had, and set about the business of self-discovery with the other person.

How on earth could you have any real power, in the game you were playing before? Be this a duet or duel, Aquarius, in three or four weeks you’ll have new control. One specific person can bring a different sort of power you share this together, or you can experience this new sense of empowerment by yourself.

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As your current position with your profile, brand or appearance rests on the fact that you’ve been trading on certain aspects of yourself with Neptune in Pisces, you may want to start by bringing all of you into the picture by October. Can you get away with it? Absolutely. Only you can judge just how ready the world is to welcome you, as you really are, from Halloween to Christmas. The same old issues about your reputation and public profile will be on your agenda at this time. This cycle will give you a chance to relax and lean on previous experience. Anything which comes up about you now will be easy to handle as you remember the key is – rules, rules, rules. You have to get real and be practical about your self-promotion.

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