Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
August 28 - September 3, 2023

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for August 28 – September 3, 2023. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

JESSICA ADAMS 300x300 - Your Weekly Horoscope August 28th to September 3rdIf you are curious about this Full Moon in Pisces against the Sun in Virgo, I’ll talk more about it on The Astrology Show this week.

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Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Aries, the money-go-round works very well this week. Uranus in Taurus brings a sense of space, freedom and possibility. If you are a woman, this is you. If you are a man, this may be your wife, girlfriend or boss. Minerva in Taurus suggests a wise female with her hands on the income or savings, the investment or budget. You also. Have Panacea and Jupiter in Taurus, which rules your Second House of everything you earn, own, or owe. Jupiter is a symbol of abundance and opportunity and can only be in Taurus every 12 years. Panacea is actually in Jupiter’s family tree and is a symbol of solutions and remedies.

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Taurus, Diana in Cancer is about the independence to roam if you want to, to quote the B52’s. Or at least you can let your imagination roam. Diana is a symbol of freedom and exploration. In Cancer she is in your zone of ideas, plans and projects. I am sure you know Diana is a huntress. There is a lot to hunt at the moment in terms of the web, or other points on the map. Apollo, her brother, is also in Cancer. Same chart zone. Apollo is about multi-tasking and being multi-talented or multi-skilled so there is more than one idea to export. Did you also intend to travel or relocate with the concept?

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Gemini, we have a Full Moon in Pisces, opposite the Sun in Virgo, on the 31st of August. You will feel very different, and life will look very different – better, brighter – once it is over. With Juno in Leo there is also a commitment to a short trip away. This may be hiking on the weekend, or you may want to travel across the country. Maybe a short getaway somewhere. Venus Retrograde is also in Leo and as this rules journeys, and she’s on a loop, you will retrace your steps. You may even find you have to take a different path. We also have some factors in your zone of foreign travel too; Hygiea in Aquarius and Vulcano in Aquarius. Gemini, the Moon is about emotion, and I mentioned it was full. If you are unfulfilled by people, look at it again when you come back.

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Cancer, a Full Moon always brings things full circle and as you are ruled by the Moon, what happens near August 31st, with the Full Moon in Pisces, suggests the end of a chapter. I suspect this will involve your extended family as you also have Ceres in Libra, Mars in Libra, the South Node in Libra and Ops in Libra. This sign in your chart is about parents and children, for example, and grandparents too – plus those outside the family who are still part of it. As the lunar cycle is all about endings and future beginnings, even as you accept something is already past, the present is meeting with tomorrow – and tomorrow looks like a brilliant, big new beginning. As an emotional water sign though first of all you must feel all the feelings and let others feel them too.

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Leo, Vesta in Gemini is in your group zone this week. Groups, teams, clubs, circles and communities of all kinds may involve you as a participant. Alternatively, you may be very much on the outside with a group. A classic example would be your fellow Leos Barack Obama and Bill Clinton and the Democrats. In your birth chart we also have patterns in Aquarius, which again rules the hive mind and peer group pressure too. Vesta is usually about politics, and you don’t have to be a politician to feel it. Out of all this comes a resurrection for someone. They go on, as a new person. As a different person. Even as we look at this Full Moon and see things coming full circle, a new day is dawning. A brilliant new future.

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Virgo, the group has to reassemble, and it can either do so in a short space of time, with not too much effort, or it can take ages. There is also a chance the group may never sort itself out. It depends on you because you are as much a part of this as anybody else. This week we have Apollo and Diana in Cancer in your Eleventh House of teams, clubs, communities, bands and so on. Diana in particular is about independence, space and freedom. Now, space is not the issue with everyone in this circle. If anything, there is too much space. Not much closeness or unity. Being a Virgo, you do like order and method so if there is a technique you can quickly apply to sort this out, time is of the essence. Apollo is about leadership and someone in this, has to take the lead. Why not you? Or you and another?

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Libra, money is there this week, and it has to be negotiated and decided. You have a large number of Taurus patterns in your chart, in the Eighth House of joint finance and property, business, banking and charity. One of them is Jupiter which is a symbol of acorns that grow into oaks. So, this is rather like having something small that one day could grow into something really big. The potential here is fantastic, Libra. If you are a man this will be you. If you are a woman this is your husband, boyfriend, boss or business connection. This is really a week for natural farmers and gardeners as if you apply those skills to finance you will be able to cultivate and grow.

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Scorpio, you gain from being a hermit this week, Scorpio, and you regain your soul. You may or may not call yourself religious or spiritual. Lots of cycles in your zone of the spirit suggest you’ll need to be alone to get a sense of direction again. Ceres in Libra, Mars in Libra, the South Node in Libra and Ops in Libra make up a stellium in your Twelfth House of inner life and the inner search. You can do this with a computer or book. You can do it with a journal or notebook. Seek and ye shall find, they say. This is more important than people outside you realise. They can’t see the process on the inside, but for you, it is at the core of things, and you can’t really do much out there in the world without that sense of certainty.

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Well Sagittarius, a Full Moon brings things full circle, and you then decide if you go back to rebuild a situation or just start again. We have a Full Moon in Pisces opposite the Sun in Virgo on the 31st of August. It falls in two zones of your chart where you have solid structures. One is home base and extended family. The other is work or study. Have a look at what is there and figure out if you want to improve it, perhaps even totally change it – or just walk away. If you choose to begin again then you will have to turn your back on everything and everybody that used to mean permanence to you. Stability, too. But then again I don’t think you’d be rejecting all that, if it was your dream come true. It clearly is not. For another group of Sagittarius, there is enough there to be thoroughly improved. Which are you?

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Capricorn, you’re not going to get through these Leo and Aquarius patterns without big financial questions for you or others, Capricorn. This brings us to charity and generosity. It also brings us to taxation, perhaps. The fact is all these patterns are about values. What cannot be bought or sold, which is the gift of human kindness. I have to say, there is also such a thing as a bank with a loan or credit card on offer. This situation is as much about relationships as it is about money. The reason for this is Venus Retrograde in Leo. Leo rules your joint finances, such as the family or your marriage. Retrograde means a backward step or being on the back foot. Something about this journey you or others are taking is not smooth and linear, is it? That’s okay because Venus does correct her motion. In the meantime, there is a fantastic solution. To find it though, one has to look and see. And then act on it.

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Aquarius, Leo rules the heart in astrology and this week we have a big pattern in Leo, which can rule marriage and relationships for you, but also the family too, thanks to the Leo association with children, godchildren and so on. It takes two to tango and it takes three to make things difficult, sometimes. Who are you principally dealing with here? Maybe this is a Diana, Charles and Camilla situation. There were three of us in this marriage, to quote Diana. Maybe it’s more complicated as your private life, is your private life. The heart need not be about marriage at all; it can be about friendship which runs very deep. Leo in your chart is about the duet or duel, though, so I think this is about the two of you, or one against one. What do you do? Withdraw. Pull out, energetically.

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Pisces, we have a Full Moon in Pisces, your own sign, opposite the Sun in Virgo this week, which for you rules partnerships. This may be your marriage of a work partnership. That’s one story in your chart. The other story in your chart is the pile-up in Leo which rules your health. Let’s start with the Full Moon and talk about two sides, two people and two ends of the spectrum. There is a rare chance here for the pair of you to get it right and to balance things. There is no perfection. That is impossible. But there is help. One of the things that helps is the fact that both you and he, or you and she, can be fulfilled and replenished by the group. This may be a club, team or just Twitter. Maybe a wider circle of friends. This comes from powerful Pluto in Capricorn in your social sector. Finally, the Leo stellium is in your zone of detoxing, diets, exercise, doctors, dentists and the rest. You’re being shown a new path here.

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