Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
August 22-28, 2022

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for August 22-28, 2022. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

Picture1 - Your Weekly Horoscope August 22nd to 28thA special invitation.

I’m presenting a Zoom Tarot event with the Tarot Guild of Australia on Saturday, September 3rd, 2022, from 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm in Melbourne. Bring your Smith-Waite Tarot deck. We’ll be looking at your marriage or sexual relationships using The Lovers card. Tickets are AUD$18. Sign up here.

You will find out how to change the past and immediately improve the future. This session involves live Tarot readings for you from my website and you will be given all the dates you need for key cycles ahead, in Cancer, Leo, Libra and Scorpio.

Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

The usual Pluto ‘willpower is empowering’ mantra, applies to any new project, special work plan or new role you take up while this cycle operates, August until March. Knowledge is your greatest defence at this time. Whenever Pluto is in the Tenth House, especially at the end, you need to do your homework. The more you can live in the real world about the particular profession or position you’re choosing, the better off you will be. When it comes to your working life (be it paid, unpaid or academic) there will be a new beginning with the New Moon in Virgo this week. It will change your lifestyle. So, you may force your boss to let you work from home. You may job-share or reorganise your schedule so you can incorporate walking into your lifestyle. The people politics surrounding your career will end with a thump in March 2023 but until then you have to play the game.

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Saturn in Aquarius will really stretch you until March 2023, Taurus. Your career, unpaid work or academic career may even seriously challenge you at times. But stoicism is your best bet, as the alternatives (trying to forget what’s happening, or trying to pretend it’s not there) are no alternatives at all. When life hands you lemons, as it will, make yet more lemonade. And do compare lemonade recipes with other Taurus people, to find out what works best. Saturn isn’t keen on denial. It does help us if we work (and work, and work) though. And if Plan A isn’t right, use Plan B. Taurus, you will pay a very heavy price if you disappear into fantasy land when you have serious questions to resolve, about your former or current role. Saturn prefers those who shoulder the load. Boy, you’ve got to carry that weight, to quote The Beatles.

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Saturn in Aquarius, in your Ninth House of foreigners and foreign countries, needs a strategy again (one more time). Be practical and make a list of what you trust will work best. Go to good books, trusted advisors, or older, wiser people if you must. And give it time. Lots and lots of time! The system, which is going to work best now, is one which will necessarily involve a long stretch of patience and effort, on your part. You also have a linked involvement with the worldwide web, publishing or academia – which is going to require quite a lot of sustained hard work and careful management. Naturally, we are in a pandemic and conditions apply, Gemini! So, perhaps it’s just a network of people you are temporarily involved with – like a travel group, on an ill-advised tour. Perhaps the issue is long-standing and has involved the need for language translation (for years).

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This Mars in Gemini cycle will give you a rare chance to get to know yourself better and learn about what really makes you tick. You can expect a reversed confrontation with yourself – just you and the mirror, or you and a diary – or even you and a therapist, hypnotist, dream coach or priest. From shadow to shadow, Mars will retrograde from September 4th until March 17th, 2023, so be aware. Your action plans will go backwards or stall.

You can expect to spend more time by yourself now, either by choice or by circumstance. Who are you when there is nobody else around to react to? What are you really made of? Sometimes this cycle coincides with a change in your working life or domestic circumstances which finds you marooned by yourself for a while. Perhaps you are very sensibly planning to remove yourself from COVID-19 risks. There are many possibilities, but Mars in Gemini in the solar Twelfth House typically finds a way to remove you from the outside world and put you on the sidelines. Plan your diary; accordingly, the retrograde suggests circular progress no matter if it’s religion, Tarot or therapy.

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Duets and duels? Crafting this third-stage new approach to these people (or this person) will take at least until February 2023, and possibly longer, until the cycle ends in March – as you set about the task of taking practical steps to manage your concerns. Just make sure the world you are left with is one you can be happy with, long-term. The duet may be a marriage or a professional work partnership. The duel may be with your unutterably awful ex-girlfriend. Or that professional opponent of yours!

It’s possible you may be working hard on this for months, on top of all you already put in motion since December 2020. If so, smart wisdom now – could well turn out to be permanent – helping you with future choices in your life. Of course, one or two bad memories from 2021 or 2022 about this person/these people are your big motivator now, but can you view your Saturn cycle objectively, and still agree that it is worthwhile, despite the lessons? This is a key question, as your strategy will absorb a lot of energy.

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Sometimes, you will feel so trapped by your lifestyle and daily routine in these last few months of Saturn in Aquarius, that you will genuinely feel tied down enough, to be tempted to take the most sensational U-turn – the kind which sends people running for cover. Unwise. Saturn can be a boring symbol in the chart. You learned a hard lesson about work or health at the end of 2020 or early 2021. You learned it again, halfway or at the end of 2021. COVID-19 may have been the culprit, or some other matter.

You can’t stay stuck in the box that Saturn in Aquarius has put you in. And you shouldn’t. But every successful change has to happen when the time is right. When the mood shifts around you, next March 2023 – and you realise you’re free to become a new version of yourself, take it. But if you force things, now, trying to rush some kind of answer – understand the Saturn rules.

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Let’s talk about Uranus and the North Node in Taurus again. You will save or make a lot of money from May 2023 until May 2024 so it’s time to plan.

If you believe your values are worth it, you may stage your own revolution in this cycle, versus the values of a partner or relative. Watch out for the impact you are having on other people, though. If you cause too much wave-and-wobble, to put it politely, you will begin a financial or property domino effect that is completely unpredictable, and at some point, the entire set of dominos may well spin sideways.

Life as it was 18 or 19 years ago has a lesson for you. Uranus works best in Taurus when you go with the natural flow of financial progress and change. Sometimes technological advances or new inventions and ideas push everything (and everybody) forward. That’s your cue to go to the next level as well.

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Scorpio, if you have a brother or sister, this Pluto in Capricorn cycle will reposition you, in your relationship with them. It all shifts periodically, and here it is again. You may seek this change out because the old situation no longer works for you. Alternatively, the change may be forced on you, by circumstances beyond your control. It’s actually not possible to hang onto the old set-up with your brother or sister at this time, as his/her/your attempt to find a different place in the scheme of things is often the last thing you must do, before you realise how empowering it is. Scorpio, what appeared to be a fixed state of affairs in your life is resolutely shaken up and down by fate – or other relatives. From March 2023, Pluto’s change of sign will open up all kinds of new possibilities, through or for your brother or sister. If you do not have a sibling then this prediction applies to your cousin. Pluto in the Third House of your solar chart, by transit, is usually about Castor to your Pollux, though.

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Sagittarius, this Saturn cycle rules communication. Your way with words, and information, and the world of the telephone, computer, fax machine – and no doubt, inventions which haven’t even been thought of yet. It’s about language, and image, and the way you get your message across. Once again, incredible advances in technology could make you work harder now. Sagittarius, if the media are getting you down, then this cycle will allow you to work, work, work until you turn the corner. The cycle ends in March 2023 anyway. What does progress mean to you, in this area? Is it learning a foreign language, learning WordPress, seeing a speech therapist, taking a journalism course, or starting your own YouTube channel? Until March next year, ‘older and wiser’ cuts it.

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Where is the next logical step, with a relative, or even the step after that? Your options will open from Halloween to Christmas, as others also have their own agenda for happier changes, and their decisions will have a domino effect on your own life. Forget about a same-old, same-old, life where your family is concerned. Changes within you, within them, and around them, will now keep you progressing. It may involve the house, garden or apartment too. The land. The way to play these situations is simple – recognise progress when it’s possible and a unique opportunity will be yours. This is a classic cycle for benefits, in terms of your landlord, tenants, flatmates, domestic partners, neighbours, building managers, local council, or regional (or national) government. All of it will impact on how you live, and where you live. Dream bigger.

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Mars in Gemini is in your Fifth House of heirs and pretenders to the throne. Usually, your relatives.

Let’s start with the world of babies and children. This covers obvious areas, like any sons and daughters in your life, but also includes young relatives or godchildren, professional or social involvements with children, and issues which affect parenting – adoption, custody, nannies, babysitters, schools, child welfare, children’s health and so on. IVF treatments are also on this list. What do you need now? Action stations. A strong sense of ‘That was then, this is now, and this is 2023’ will encourage you. Just remember Mars is retrograde. So, this is backwards action. Stuck action. Stalled action. It remains that way until March, from shadow to shadow. This cycle is also about courtship rituals, the royal bedchamber and pre-marriage; whatever that passes for in 2022.

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This Ceres in Leo cycle until the end of September 2022, affects two areas of your life. The first covers your job, your daily routine, or the domestic work you do at home. The second area covers your health, fitness, and wellbeing. In both areas now, you will have to back down and compromise. The controls will be shared by the end of September; a new deal waits.

To stay in the same job, working in the same conditions – or to remain stuck with the same domestic duties – is not going to work for you in the next few weeks that Ceres is in the Sixth House. Equally, if you have been unemployed for a long time, that’s unlikely to last for much longer, too. This cycle is about the jumping-off point between the past and the future, Pisces. As I said, you’ll have to give way, and so will others.

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