Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
August 1-7, 2022

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for August 1-7, 2022. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

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Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Chiron in your image, branding, title, reputation and appearance zone is about chutzpah; this cycle is about playing the maverick, no matter if you have a part-time or full-time persona. It’s about confronting other people’s expectations and fooling around with the mirror or the web. Aries, this general message about maverick behaviour applies to your most important image priorities. How do you define success? Where are you headed, in terms of your profile? That’s where you’ll now feel like pushing the envelope and doing what they say cannot be done.

The rules with Chiron are pretty simple. In Greek mythology, this centaur was about hitting the so-called impossible target. He was found in 1977 when Elvis Costello released My Aim Is True. With Jupiter also in Aries yours will be, by October.

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Neptune in Pisces. Lots of people become involved in semi-chaotic bands, clubbing, no-boundary cyberspace communities, rather muddled political groups and fuzzy change-the-world organisations in this cycle. It’s about discovering what’s possible these days, through a network of like-minded people who can help you get there. Yet, Neptune makes you pinpoint what and who is real. And what doesn’t pass. Unless you pull it all into the real world you end up with a lot of scotch floating around in Loch Ness. Or a Purple Haze in your ‘religious group.’

There are variations on this theme. Taurus, just joining a book group may be enough to blur the boundaries. The Neptune rule holds, however. The circle of people you make a time and energy commitment to now, will offer you a chance to experiment and explore on a huge scale, from October to December. Yet, clarity is essential. You won’t be interested in what is realistic now. You will want the bubble. If you succeed, in October to December, it will be because of work done now.

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Chiron suggests friends, groups and circles of all kinds are the proving ground for an experiment. With enough self-confidence and preparation, you believe you can do anything. That’s the way it goes with Chiron the centaur in the sign of Aries the ram.

If the goals you share with a group of like-minded people, or friends converge – if there are lots of groups like yours, joining up together – you could collectively change laws, trends, beliefs and whole countries (if the wave extends far enough.) Chiron is neither a goodie nor a baddie in astrology, it just gives you the cockiness to set new outer limits. Without it, we would never have had The Slits. Or The Clash. Whatever you are up to, Gemini, it will expand hugely if you are daring enough. It will also be very lucky for you, and all concerned, until October and then again from January to May.

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Chiron in Aries now dominates your career, unpaid work or academic career, Cancer. Your luck is in. This peculiar half-comet, half-planet will give you the super-confidence you need to go as far as you can, in terms of your relationship with work, volunteering or the university. What you have in mind is probably quite confronting, to more conservative or rigid people. If your quest is successful, though, you will prove something important to yourself, and to anyone who is watching, reading or listening. In your own small way, you will alter your own ideas (and other people’s) about what is now realistic and achievable in your chosen field, business or niche.

If you are a student, a full-time home duties person, retired, or unemployed, then this cycle will affect the goals, ambitions and missions which are most important to you.

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Expect a lot of surprises, about those projects, plans and goals which most concern you, as well as your particular field, industry or workplace. There will also be quite a lot of ongoing revolution, as what appears to be a done deal (your boss is definitely leaving) or a final conclusion (your old company is definitely expanding) may change more than once.

Leo, your chief co-pilot on the wavy journey this week is likely to make even waves in your life in October, November – and a lot of surprising questions, plans and mini-adventures will result. If you have been feeling bored or stuck, this cycle can fix it. A little bit of work on your part can trigger a new professional life, if you want it – or a new angle on the old one. Radically so. And it’s the same with academia or unpaid work, Leo.

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Leo weather. This describes a private encounter with your own soul. For this reason, you may also be curious about any of the following areas now: dreams, the Anglican church, Buddha, mediumship, tarot, astrology, psychology, hypnosis, psychiatry and so on. You will go ahead with a secret, sensitive issue now. This may be a private church plan that you cannot tell anyone else about – or it may be a rather delicate ‘thing’ about yourself and your life, that is only suitable for your diary or therapist. Your ruler Mercury changes signs this week and goes into Virgo, your own Sign. This is a relaunch on the outside by September, because of a relaunch on the inside, in this Leo weather. Along the way, in Leo, the Sun may touch your private self-help plan, or your big spiritual or psychic secret. Make your plans accordingly! If you want to organise a spa holiday, a retreat, a sabbatical or any other kind of solo time, then your solitary holiday or meditation weekend is already looking powerful.

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Chiron is with you, and a duet or duel, suggests it is time to see what you can get away with, Libra. With Jupiter in there, this relationship or battle will be a very big deal indeed – because your success with the other person involved or against them – will influence how things are, in the image or reputation stakes, in September, October. It takes two to tango. Are you waltzing around or arm-wrestling now?

If you marry now, for example, your husband or wife will be crucial in determining how you are rated and reviewed around your birthday. You’re the book that gets judged by its cover then. Equally, you can see how your involvement with a ‘difficult’ person in your life can also define you, to those who are watching, later on. Pre-plan.

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The South Node in Scorpio in your solar First House of image suggests there is so much more to the hairdresser, make-up artist, trainer, cosmetic surgeon – anything! – so do whatever you must, to make sure they put the effort in, and you manage to pull off that incredible combination of karma from around 19 years ago, with useful honesty and end up onto a winner. It’s not just about getting your Botox done, or your hair coloured, or your professional image groomed and maintained. It’s not just about a title, or publicity, or reputation repair and so on. There is a lesson to be learned from 19 years ago, or so, when this cycle last took place. You owe, or are owed, and it’s about image.

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Pluto is about empowerment through the sustained use of willpower with money, business, charity, retail, objects, property. You’re both or all (at least) headed in the same general direction when it comes to money, houses, flats, business or precious possessions. That is a compromise. It’s the deal to end all the deals and it is final by March 2023.

This may mean abandoning your own potent ideas about what works and what doesn’t. Both or all of you are coming from totally different places, which is why you must now do your best to invent a financial, business or property game plan which will suit both or all of you. The push and pull of Pluto in your life with the business, shares, house, apartment and the rest has been extreme since 2021. There is an end point but in the meantime the purpose of this cycle is to get you to self-train so you can find your own control and real strength too. Expect a deep change; nothing else will do for Pluto.

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This fuzzy, confused and confusing travel or commuting situation now may be sexual (your yacht ride depends on your relationship with the captain), or it may have nothing to do with anything intimate or personal – but everything to do with the local rental electric bicycle firm. Maybe you’ll be caught in an endless whirl of confusion with your girlfriend over borrowing the car. Either way, the whole transportation/travel situation will hinge on your ability to set boundaries or put them back in. It doesn’t matter if they exist on the end of a bicycle track, or a walking track, or if your local map is tied up with them/this/that: it all hinges on how you are, as a firm old Capricorn in a different pandemic world. Otherwise, you’ll get nowhere. This would be a waste of potential, though, as October-December looks sensational for a local or regional holiday from reality or a ‘beyond’ way of getting from A to B.

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Leo weather. This is about the duel or duel until September. Maybe both. With good timing, a high degree of tactfulness, and a lot of ‘give’ you can both create a solid bond of trust, in terms of your sexual or professional partnerships, which will see you through a lot of things. You can also reach a treaty. A battle or even a war can be sorted out by September. It just requires a huge compromise.

Whatever your personal situation is in terms of your house, flat, family or flatmates, you are likely to have a special wish-list for freedom and space, independence and liberty (even) at the moment. Maybe you want renovations. Perhaps you just need your key back. As with all Uranus cycles, though, you will not truly be able to get what you want, unless you realise that a large amount of teamwork and co-operation will be required with your other half, or the other side.

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Work. Lifestyle. Health. In one, two or all three of the above areas, for just a few weeks, you are about to develop a really important relationship with an employer, staff member, colleague, professor, doctor, healer, trainer and so on. Commonly, this is about your professional, academic or unpaid work collaborator. If this sounds right, then Leo weather is about to throw you into a crucial new phase of your lives, when you will both be practising and perfecting your ‘art of compromise’ for weeks. September 2022 brings the final act in the deal.

Work or well-being? One of those goals will be pulling someone into your life, far more closely, for a few weeks. Unless you’re both/all flexible, sensitive and clever enough to work on a deal, though, you could end up back where you started. Pisces, when your work ethic, professional gifts and academic talents are supported by the understanding and patience of a certain someone else, or even a big organisation, you can reap the benefits. Remember that as you go for an ongoing compromise in August, September. This cycle has a lot to say about your relationships with bosses, employers, clients and colleagues. If you don’t have a job of any description, it’s about your relationship with people who have an impact on your work at home, or your duties in the wider community. And if mental or physical health issues present work? It’s about a deal over that.

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