Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
August 15-21, 2022

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for August 15-21, 2022. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

My original prediction about August 12th (just passed) and Donald Trump is here, for those of you asking. Scroll down for the date-stamp. It was published over a year ago now here. Now read on…

Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

A social system which will protect you, and a strategy with friends that will defend you, is what you’re after. It’s going to take enormous amounts of time, energy and effort to put into effect – but you have no choice, now, where the group is concerned. Saturn is nicknamed TINA by some astrologers; There Is No Alternative. At this point in your life, Tina is in charge of your friends and groups sector, and you must be practical and hard-working about sorting things out. The cycle ends in March 2023.

At least once in this cycle, you will be put through a test. That test will prod and poke the social and friendship structure you have patiently built up in your life, to see if it’s actually fulfilling its function. Aries, it’s possible that what you’ve set in motion in your life is thoroughly inappropriate for you. If so, you will also be taught something about what to do…and what not to do.

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Shortly after this cycle ends in your career, academic career and unpaid work zone (in March 2023), you will have to face certain realities about old roles and goals. These are empowering in nature. In other words, because you are the person you are (at this time and place in your life) some new March 2023 realities are just unavoidable. So, put a system in place while you bide your time. Create a strategy for long-term coping and maintenance. Saturn is here now. Pluto will be here later. What unfolds may be a particular attitude you adopt, or a particular set of rules (spoken or unspoken) about the way it’s going to be. You should be looking for two things here. The first is the effectiveness of your new life system, in warding off what concerns you – your worst-case scenario. The second is a neat hop sideways into a new way of operating next year.

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Here comes your ruler Mercury, in Virgo, into your home zone. This rules your household, the actual property, the family circle, your town and country So, let’s look at your lease, mortgage or property investment first. You need to become a DIY expert on all this stuff now, so you can be constantly and thoroughly updated about everything – from your legal situation with landlords, to the realities of hiring builders. You can never learn too much, or know too much, in this cycle. Mercury flips backwards around 21st August so to skip the muddle of the retrograde, try to get everything in writing now and get it signed off, if possible. Situations you cannot sidestep, and conditions you cannot avoid, are going to make renting or owning equally circular on the retrograde, which runs back and forth until October 10th. People go back on their word now, or what is written in stone is written in blancmange. I’m sure you know what to do!

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This South Node karmic cycle affects the world of children. This means your own son or daughter, as well as any godchildren, grandchildren, nieces or nephews in your life. A looser connection to children (through your job, for example, or through friends’ children – or your hobbies and interests) may also be on the agenda. You may be concerned with issues like pregnancy, infertility, adoption, postnatal depression, miscarriage and abortion at this time too. You only have the South Node in Scorpio in your solar Fifth House every 18 or 19 years. For some Cancer people this is about a baby born then who is now on the edge of adulthood.

Just be practical about the karmic loop. Get real. What are the most repetitive scenarios now? What’s going on out there? Where do you stand? What’s the truth of your situation? Once you know, build an inner life which can ‘take’ all those time loops, and accommodate karma. The cycle ends in July 2023 but until then, repeat, repeat.

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If you work full-time or part-time, this Pluto cycle will affect your job. You’ll need (one more time) a proper daily routine which keeps you healthy. Of course, doctors will tell you that this is essential anyway, but until March 2023, when the cycle ends, it’s really vital. The realities of your particular role in life, will demand more than you imagined. You’ll often be stretched from the questions about who or what is in control. Who or what has the upper hand, or the power. So, promise yourself, you will treat your body with the respect you would give to a vintage Rolls Royce. Your body is a machine now. Look after it, because it’s going to have to carry you through some unpaid work, academic or paid workplace realities. Since 2008, ever-changing conditions with staff, equipment, hours, job descriptions or even the industry itself, has challenged you. Not to mention Covid. Yet, the harder you work at developing a proper set of strategies, rituals and routines, the stronger you become. The more empowered you will feel.

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This Neptune in Pisces cycle will affect your marriage, partnership, dating chances, and the state of play with any rivals or enemies. You will have to live in the unreal world at this time, as the real facts about yourself and your situation are not dealt with, on this cycle. In fact, it’s more about cruising, drifting, swimming away, or burying your head in the sand. Thus, the kind of relationship, the kind of single life – even the kind of status quo with your opponents – which is best described as escapism.

Neptune asks you to deal with realities, by putting in the unreal replacement world. Don’t imagine your love life at this time will be clear, Virgo. Yet, the good news is, October-December provides solutions and opportunities, both.

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Chiron and Jupiter in Aries are in your solar Seventh House of marriage, divorce, separation, engagement, common-law marriage, platonic partnership and professional partnership – until October. This is also the house of feuds and duels.

Whatever you are putting so much work into could very well stand the test of time, 12 years hence, so it’s crucial that you know the nature of the bed you are hammering together, before you decide to go and lie in it. Apart from anything else, the sheer energy, time and patience your love life tasks require now will be monumental. You have until October to use the traditional Jupiter opportunities and solutions. Chiron will tempt you to get away with the impossible. Then, there is hiatus with the other side, or the other person, until Christmas, when your luck returns until May 2023.

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Mars in Gemini is back. The realities of having other people (or organisations) so heavily involved in your own financial or property situation is, sooner or later, you’re going to have to accept that there is a limit to patience on either or all sides. Deals, contracts, binding obligations, legal requirements and casual agreements all add up to the same thing – a speedometer. Try to get this finished by the end of August or it could drag on until early 2023, Scorpio.

You will enter into new financial, business or property arrangements or action plans soon. Even now. What is the price you’re about to pay for them (financially, or in terms of work, energy or effort) and is any conflict, or inner conflict, worth the cost? Remember, from September onwards, Mars Retrograde is with you, so backwards cycling, reverse sprinting, is the order of the day – with the house, apartment, business, charity, valuables or money.

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This Leo weather cycle until late September, brings landmark decisions about travel, people from other countries and cultures, education, academia, publishing and the web. In a nutshell it’s about the decisions you make, which you hope will expand your horizons. So, it covers writing books and website blogs, as well as study, and teaching too.

Thus, someone who has a totally different national or cultural background to you, may be at the heart of a decision. They may be visiting your country or be resident here. Alternatively, you may be dealing with them on the other end of a phone. Nevertheless, there is nothing (and nobody) so foreign to you, that you cannot compromise. Ceres in Leo is part of this story. Ceres is a symbol of deal making. Taking the nature of power and control apart and putting it back together.

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Quick! Are you about to take a new job, as this Mars in Gemini cycle begins? Then check the fine print on the contract and arm yourself with as many facts as you can, not only about your employers, but also about the state of your business/industry. You must now inform yourself, educate yourself and update yourself as much as you can, about the work that you do, or the position you’re about to take. If you don’t, you could be setting up some circular situations later. Mars is about action. Yet, Mars appears to go backwards, or retrograde, from September. Try to sign off on paperwork and get everything in writing before then. The same advice applies to any new project, special work plan or new role you take up while this Mars in Gemini cycle operates. Do read up as much as you can, on what’s actually going to be in store. Include your basic health needs in that. Mars in Gemini rules your mental and physical health as well as paid work, unpaid work or academia. You can’t separate the pandemic from your lifestyle anyway, natch.

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You have a duet or duel in your life which is about to trigger a compromise. You have known this person for years – or you may find the duet or duel takes off while this Leo weather cycle is running. Nevertheless, this person is about to push more buttons than you knew you had. By late September, Aquarius, it seems you must now live with the realities of being this person’s other half – or their opposition. Is it their personality, the changes in their life, or their circumstances? Is it the particular chemistry you have with them, or decisions they’re making which directly concern you? Take a deep breath and take stock. Ceres in Leo wants a new deal. A new world for both of you. A compromise.

Be practical and make a list of what you trust will work best in terms of backing down or giving way. Go to good books, trusted advisors, or older, wiser people if you must. Even after the deal is done from late September, only sustained hard work and careful management can keep the compromise solid.

Destiny will line up the duet or duel you need most, at this time, to teach you the most about your own ability to quietly accept what you cannot change, and then get on with the business of a 50-50 outcome.

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This Saturn in Aquarius cycle will give you a rare chance to get to know yourself better and learn about what really makes you tick. You can expect a long confrontation with yourself – just you and the mirror, or you and a diary – or even you and a therapist, psychic, hypnotist or priest. You can expect to spend more time by yourself now, either by choice or by circumstance. That is not just the pandemic talking, it is Saturn in Aquarius in your Twelfth House talking. Who are you when there is nobody else around to react to? What are you really made of? This cycle will teach you all this and more, as it encourages you to take a long, hard reality check about your inner self. To continue with this quote about Saturn from my last book, handpicked for you this week, sometimes this cycle coincides with a period of illness and recuperation, or a change in your working life or domestic circumstances which finds you marooned by yourself for a while. There are many possibilities, but Saturn in the Twelfth House typically finds a way to remove you from the outside world and put you on the sidelines. It’s this isolation which will trigger the confrontation with yourself, Pisces. The cycle ends in March 2023.

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