Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
August 14-20, 2023

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for August 14-20, 2023. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

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Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Aries, these money cycles you are having in Scorpio are about enjoying the security of having more than enough, but also being aware of the situation with houses, apartments, land or business premises too. This is Psyche and Fortuna, so the Wheel of Fortune reminds you that things can spin around in all directions with finance. The low point becomes the high point; the high point becomes a low. Tapping that can help you realise just how many balls you are juggling. In fact you may be spinning the wheel yourself. Anybody in your world would look at you this week and think you’re all about the money and they’d be right. The reason to remember the property market is simple: you also have cycles in Cancer, the sign ruling homes of all kinds.

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Taurus, the Pisces cycles this week are about a group, circle or other collection of people and your need to stop something before it becomes an issue. You have Neptune, Saturn and Aesculapia all in Pisces in your Eleventh House of clubs, teams, bands, political parties, societies, associations and plain old-fashioned group mentality. Saturn tells you to be a realist. There are some aspects of the situation you cannot do much to alter without a strategy. Neptune is really about escaping. Aesculapia tells you that this could restart unless something is done. We tend to find smokescreens or even fog, with low visibility, when we see Neptune in a chart. Neptune rules sea mist, for a start. So that’s really covering up what is going on. You need a strategy.

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Gemini, the Pisces cycles this week are about the power at the top. It’s a long way to the top, if you want to do anything in this world, but it can help to remember what it means to be at the peak. This may be your understanding of an older man who has made it, or you may be discovering qualities in yourself that make you a heavy weight at the same time that they also have you realising what it means to be the only person at the top. There is some kind of system here, a structure, corporation, social ladder, business and so on where only one individual can really hit the heights. So there you are. Or there he is, whomever he may be. You don’t often see both Neptune and Saturn in this zone of your chart, so a rare conversation needs to happen.

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Cancer, the Leo cycles now are about money and how to talk about it, or at least act on it. We have Venus Retrograde in Leo, in your zone of business, charity, property, banking, and so on. There is stop-start here as Venus is also stopping and starting. You might call it the long pause. We also have the Sun in Leo, so all this is really plain to see. The New Moon in Leo on August 16th suggests a new start, for you, in terms of the financial situation, or for someone really important. You are ruled by the Moon, so this is a new chapter. So, you’d have to say it’s all coming together. And yet there’s a pause button.

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Leo, the Mars-Uranus trine on the 16th of August is about sudden freedom to build back better or just walk away. Mars is in Virgo which rules your security in life and Uranus is in Taurus, which rules the structures that hold up your status, your career, your unpaid work, your academic career and so on. I think it’s Uranus in Taurus more than anything else which is telling the story. Taurus rules who or what is at the top. Uranus is about what is so sudden and never prepared for. Yet, for all that, it can lead to a new beginning. You also have Panacea in Taurus so there is a solution here, but there are questions about it. Mars and Uranus in combination act very suddenly, like an electrical storm, and there is really no point in ducking and diving with a storm; you just need to look at what you are left with and ask that big, big question: “How has freedom, strangely, just landed?”

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Virgo, Juno and Diana in your groups zone, both in the sign of Cancer, along with Apollo, suggest that it’s time to start again. The hive mind is the hive mind, basically, and you have to deal with that, before turning to a very different sort of future. Understanding your relationship with communities, bands, clubs, teams, charities, trade unions, political parties and other kinds of groups is really important. How have you reached this point? How have they reached this point? Juno is about a commitment. A promise to yourself. And this stands in the face of the commitment they have all made to each other. Diana is about being free. Being independent of who or what is frankly already looking like the past. This situation is decisive. No going back.

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Libra, Bacchus in Sagittarius makes choosing from different nationalities, websites, journeys, social media sites or cultures pure pleasure. You have this famous symbol of good times and natural highs in your zone of global communication this week. So your head may be turned by all kinds of different accents or outlooks. Later on, from May 2024, Jupiter goes into Gemini and your life with other places, or other faces from other places, really takes off. This will be the gentle introduction to that. You may feel as if you have too many choices. Europe, the United Kingdom, Australasia, the Americas – which and whom? When? This is best settled by thinking about the second half of 2024 and first half of 2025. You also need to come back to yourself. Who you are, what you need and how the world is to come to you, as well as you are going out to meet the wider world.

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Scorpio, whenever we see Chiron in Aries in your zone of health and wellbeing, mental and physical wellness and upkeep, there is a good chance that the so-called impossible can happen. You also have the North Node there so this is nothing you’ve not seen before, some 18 or 19 years ago. There is a sense of being owed here and that’s quite true. You helped others in the past and now others are in a position to help you. Perhaps even large organisations. There needs to be an awareness of the part that expectation and attitude are playing with wellbeing. Is there a pattern here that is so familiar to you, you are just falling in with it?

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Sagittarius, Chiron and the North Node are both in Aries, your zone of mothers and children, past or future, so there is a story there this week. It has more of an impact than might first appear. You also have Scorpio factors in your zone of recovery, revival, repair, religion and the inner self. This is where you find God, or not, or meditation – maybe alternatives. The two stories don’t seem to be connected until you realise that they are actually part of the same story. You are between selves. You are dealing with these Scorpio transits in your Twelfth House of spiritual inner life and that takes time. The process of rebirth really takes time, and it won’t be until the Sun enters Sagittarius in the final week of November that you can really show the world how far you have come. For now, you need to get over what has been a very demanding phase in your life, to put it mildly.

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Capricorn, the Pisces cycles I mentioned to Taurus and Gemini this week are about exporting ideas, for you. There may be one, two or three budding projects here which would do much better somewhere else. This all happens in your Third House of the web, short journeys and relocation. You are an earth sign and need to ground yourself in what is going on, and how prepared you are, before you even think about trying your luck somewhere else. There may be a connection with Libra or another Capricorn who are both looking at the options in other regions or countries. It can be very tempting to daydream or speculate, but you need a plan and then – to act on it.

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Aquarius, the Diana and Juno cycles in your zone of health and healers suggest a really important process this week. The time has come for you to help somebody, or for you yourself to be helped. Both these asteroids are in Cancer, a caring sign. It takes a great deal of trust to open up to someone to be healed. It also takes a huge amount of focus to play the role of doctor, nurse, therapist, dentist, surgeon and so on. Or just – the transformer. Diana is a symbol of independence. Being free. In order to be free of a condition you have to be healed. Juno is about commitment. You really have to wed yourself to the process. In fact, the phrase ‘In sickness and in health’ may be relevant to you.

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Pisces, you do have Pluto in Capricorn, the power planet in the group zone, and to have so many solid gold people around you, is empowering, to say the least. Yet, you need to look at how others in the circle feel about having power, or not. Or being individual – or not. The circle or network won’t go on like this forever. Pluto does not stay in this sector of your chart beyond January 2024, in any long-term way, so the community is always on the brink of change anyway. There is so much potential with the network, though, it would be a shame to let one or two people go. This comes back to you, the main player. Rather than just assume anything, take a closer look at the individuals involved.

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