Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
August 12-18, 2024

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for August 12-18, 2024. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

MercuryRetrogradeMuhammadHamzaDreamstime 300x169 - Your Weekly Horoscope August 12th to 18thMercury Retrograde is life, in reverse, for working people. Mercury rules transport and local travel. When going backwards, expect stop-start, strikes, extreme weather, delays – with airlines, trains (like Eurostar), ferries and/or cruises. Mercury, which rules short journeys, also covers extreme traffic jams. Be extremely careful if you are booking (say) a flight. We’re deep in Mercury Retrograde season. Expect COVID outbreaks. Mercury is in Virgo the sign of public health – and the workforce.


Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Aries – Chiron is all about daring.

Chiron in the First House is all about your image, reputation and personal style. With Chiron now in Aries, what you get away with, in terms of your image or look, will demonstrate what is the new, possible, impossible. It may be your name. It may be your online alter ego. It might be your hair, glasses or weight.

What’s out there for you, in terms of hair colours, teeth bleaching, public relations campaigns, or rebranding? Chiron is about the audacity to attempt. He is joined by Fortuna, Salacia and the North Node in Aries in your First House. So much revolves around your title, reputation, soundbites, social media profile, YouTube clips, photographs.

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Taurus – This week is about your religion, psychologist, spirituality, psychic ability, Tarot reader, hypnotist and so on. The inner world. Perhaps, quantum mechanics if that is your inner ‘reality’ now. The Anglican or Roman Catholic church. Buddhism. Judaism or Islam. Therapists and psychologists fall here too. Dream interpretation and the subconscious as well.

Chiron has to have his way now. When it comes to your soul, psychology or spirit, you will be in the mood to experiment. People’s jaws hit the floor when Chiron goes through your Twelfth House because they can’t quite believe what you’re up to. Taurus, what is going on here is a fair bit of boundary-pushing.

You also have Salacia, Fortuna and the North Node in the Twelfth House. You will need to be alone this week – or will be.

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Gemini – Chiron is at large in your Eleventh House of communities. Chiron, in astrology, crosses the orbit of Saturn and Uranus. Saturn describes limitations. Uranus describes revolutions. This half-comet, half-asteroid, was discovered in 1977, a year which proved that he (or she) who dares, wins. It was a big year for test tube babies, Punk Rock and Apple Macintosh computers.

You have a stellium in your zone of groups, social media and friends this week. The stellium contains the North Node, so life 18-19 years ago is playing its part. Call it karma. You also have Salacia and Fortuna there, so life has an odd quality. Groups and friends have an alternative reality for you now. And it’s all so random.

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Cancer – We have a stellium this week in your zone of success, status, achievement, position, mission and ambition. There is a guide, mentor, example or even a foster-father figure who is rather a maverick to you – urging you on.

You are moving the goalposts, yet again. What you have already pulled off (since last year) is faintly outrageous. Yet, you are getting away with it. The Tenth House of ambition, aspiration, social mountaineering, the top job, the top qualifications (and the rest) is a huge ongoing story in your life. In fact, 2025 is calling to you this week.

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Leo – You have a stellium in the Ninth House now, including Chiron. Chiron in the Ninth House is about foreign people and places; publishing and academia; education and the worldwide web. You are being guided, fostered, tutored, mentored or inspired by those mavericks who are outside the system.

Leo, you’ll aim, shoot and fire. Chiron was skilled in archery. He was also a music teacher. He used herbs to heal. This multi-tasking centaur was primarily an academic, though. His presence in Aries in your sector of knowledge exchange is crucial now.

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Virgo – This Taurus cycle is really about travel – or travel in the mind. Uranus in Taurus is also about the unconventional, unexpected, unorthodox, unique and unusual. This also applies to foreigners and foreign countries. This cycle rules all that along with (for some of you) a course, or a book, or a website.

Uranus is accompanied by Hygiea and Aesculapia. Thus, there is a place, person or situation currently coming back from the brink. Just when you think something or someone is over, it is revived.

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Libra – Chiron picks up your girlfriend, your husband or your professional other half, Libra. This cycle is about former, current and potential duets. However, it is also about duels. It can be about the war or the battle – This feud. So, a love rival (a woman attempting to take your place with your old partner, for example) or a professional duel.

Chiron is about seeing what you can get away with. Others will be more audacious and even outrageous at this time. In turn, you find yourself being shown how to push the envelope. Chiron is accompanied by the North Node so karma from 18-19 years ago is here.

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Scorpio – For you, working with this Aries stellium cycle in your sector of retirement, employment, health, wellbeing, paid work, unpaid work, or academia (and the rest) can make you one of the catalysts for more widespread change in the employment, retirement, voluntary or academic sphere. This is because Chiron asks us to set new benchmarks and there is some kind of maverick example to follow here.

An outsider who doubles as mentor, guru, shining light, foster father figure, outrageous guide and so on. If your health has prevented you from working, a centaur-like character will gallop through to show you what you can get away with.

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Sagittarius – The stellium in Aries now asks you to stretch your bow, aim, shoot and fire  as Chiron travels through your Fifth House. This world of parenthood-potential sex, babies, children, teenagers or younger generations – You’ve already seen what you can get away with, Sagittarius. Perhaps this is about single parent adoption or IVF for you, or just teenagers on Zoom.

This week will reveal very clearly what you can and cannot do as far as the rest of the world is concerned. Life 18-19 years ago also plays a part.

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Capricorn – Home? Family? Chiron in Aries is triggered now with the North Node, Salacia and Fortuna also in Aries. With your house, apartment, family or household, now, you are going to testing the boundaries of what is possible, and acceptable. A maverick figure or rather punk organisation may tutor, inspire, mentor or coach you with this.

Your home, family or household has unspoken rules and a general code of acceptability. Capricorn, you need to find out what you can actually pull off. And it would not be the first time, either.

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Aquarius – Whatever your internet, media, publishing or education goals are, you can score a direct hit now, as you echo the sentiments of Mr. Costello – your aim is true. What you achieve will make more traditional or conservative react, as Chiron rules daring, temerity, chutzpah and audacity. This also applies to the fundamentals of communication. Speech therapy and sign language, literacy and foreign language or visual arts. Certainly, Substack or YouTube. The whole point of this cycle is to show the rest of us where the boundaries have moved to, as well.

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Pisces – Chiron in your money zone? Well, it rules houses and apartments too, as well as shopping and swapping. Chiron is part of a stellium now. The financial and property arrangements show what’s frankly impossible – but constitutes daring bulls-eyes – which make almost anything achievable. You have to put a price on the experiment, really. What more cynical or conservative types think is frankly beyond the beyond, or even setting new records for sheer chutzpah, tends to be the norm, now.

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