Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
April 3-9, 2023

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for April 3-9, 2023. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

600x600bb 300x300 - Your Weekly Horoscope April 3rd to 9thHave you caught up with The Astrology Show Podcast yet?

Every week, I look at your horoscope to talk about Public You, Private You and Psychic You. I look at your birthday prediction if you were born that week – and new babies. Plus, true predictions and new predictions.

This is the show that’s gone Top 20 in the US, Canada, the UK, Australia, Singapore and (even) Finland.

Thanks to everyone involved and see you on Monday. Tune in and catch up here.

Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Aries, with Cupido in Sagittarius sextile Hygiea in Aquarius, it’s time to plant the big idea. If you’re a man, lose your attachment to this, and either delegate, try teamwork or get out there and find a place for this. If you’re a woman, then a man in your world may need to delegate to you or be coached by you – perhaps just helped by you. This has budding potential, but time is running out. This must be nurtured.

I often wonder why people can’t get going with a concept or a brainwave. Perhaps it’s love. Cupido would suggest being just a little bit too fond of something to let it run free and wild. Why? Because holding on is half the fun. Or maybe you don’t want to see your brilliant, budding plan fall over. That can happen. But long-term, I doubt it. Not with Jupiter and then Uranus in Gemini from 2024 onwards.

Aries, this may be a man in your life, if you are a woman, so offer to share the tasks, or coach, or bring in someone this chap can delegate to. If you actually are an Aries man, then do something with this idea of yours before it comes to nothing. It needs to be taken out there, with you or without you.

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Taurus, it’s all about the group at the moment, with Saturn and Neptune in Pisces and Panacea too. Aesculapia is also in Pisces, so this is what they call a crowded house. You are either in the group and dealing with an outsider this week, or you are the outsider on the fringes who has a lot to get over. If you also have Aquarius factors in your birth chart, double that message. The irony is, you’re all remarkably similar in views.

This reminds me so much of the War on Women that’s going on at the moment. There are some very dark, very clever, very well-funded forces trying to split Democrat, Greens, Labour and Independent voters down the middle. I’ve been asked so many questions about this on Twitter I’ll file a feature on it later.

In any case, whatever the story is between yourself and the group, be you an insider, or on the outside, you now have to figure out a strategy. With all this Pisces action in your chart there are bound to be emotionally sensitive subjects and the feelings are pretty easy to see, this week. The solution is to realise you are all so, so alike in your opinions and you just need to communicate.

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Gemini, the Full Moon in Libra is in your zone of pregnancy, future generations, sons and daughters, children and teenagers en masse and the idea of leading, mentoring, guiding and tutoring the young. This is the Fifth House of your chart.

You also have Apollo in Libra, and this is a symbol of leadership. If you are a Gemini woman, then the time has come to get your message across. If you are a Gemini man, then a woman in your world – perhaps your wife or your children’s teacher, godmother or aunt – is in a terrific place to be a guiding light this week.

This is quite an important week for a project, qualification or plan that’s in hand. It needs to be planted so it can develop further, but you (or a woman in your world) already has a precedent. The Full Moon is actually a symbol of womanhood, motherhood, pregnancy and the godmother, aunt or grandmother role, so it’s quite appropriate for it to fall in Libra, which rules your Fifth House.

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Well, as you are ruled by the Moon, a Full Moon affects you more and this one is in your sector of home, family history and the emotional security of belonging to a particular place or people. There is some work to do here, Cancer, as you are only just coming out of the long Pluto in Capricorn cycle of the last 15 years and need to repair, recover, restore and relaunch.

If there is anything or anybody getting in the way of you lying in the bed you’ve made – as in, you’ve made your bed and now you must lie in it – remember it’s all in your head. So much of this is psychological or emotional. And that can be fixed with meditation, free hypnosis on YouTube and so on.

This Full Moon in Libra is opposite the Sun in Aries so in your natal chart, we find classic signals for past issues with people, or what you imagine is next. Again, this is all in your head. The Full Moon falls in your Fourth House of home comforts; your apartment; your house; the roof over your head. There is a message this week that it’s not enough to have nice bed linen or a cosy space. You actually have to feel comfortable on the inside, too.

I can see why a duel, a feud or some other separation or divorce, perhaps, in your past has come to be the foundation upon which you rest. If you’re not resting, though, you need to do something about that. Equally, if the return of Pluto in Capricorn in June is already looming in your imagination via visions of yet more battles, please drop it. There is nothing to suggest this will happen and again, it is all in your head.

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A large lump sum of money is available to you, Leo, if you believe in it, trust the process, and see this is as real. You currently have important cycles in Virgo, which rules money you save or make, but also Pisces, which rules family or partnership finance. Don’t let this pass you by. The timing is excellent now as Neptune shows the holiday from reality that a lot of money can offer you (or a lot of money saved). All kinds of things can result from that. Saturn, now joining Neptune for the first time in 29 years, makes this a realistic prospect. This could fund a move or a holiday.

Ceres in Virgo in your Second House of personal income and shopping, houses, apartment, business and charity – is in a really strong position in your chart as she trines Vulcano on Monday, April 3rd. Ceres is really about empowerment once you have done some sums. Ceres is very much about compromising over the control or power with others and here she is in Virgo, aspecting a few other factors as you go into April. So it’s up to you. Once you’ve claimed this huge amount of money by saving it, or making it, you should be able to proceed.

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Well, Virgo, you do have a couple of planets in your opposite sign of Pisces this week, and there is some opposition around you. We associate this cycle with duels, battles or feuds. We also find Saturn in Pisces, actually in opposition to Ops, on April 3rd. The good news is, there is a way out and a way through.

Blessed is the peacemaker. It’s really important for you or someone else to pre-empt what could come back. I say that because I can see Aesculapia in Pisces, again your opposite sign, in the sector of your chart which rules opposing sides. So nip this in the bud. Or do what you can to help someone else nip it in the bud.

We also have a Full Moon on April 6th and as this shows up in your birth chart, with the Sun opposite the Moon, again there is a reminder that when people are on opposite sides, it takes a third party to fix it. There is quite obviously a battle, or the aftermath of a feud, taking place. Blessed are the peacemakers and blessed are the cheese makers. Maybe that’s you. Even if you don’t initiate this you can join the right side.

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Libra, you have some important, historic cycles now taking place in Pisces, which rules your work, your unpaid work and your academic career. A couple of planets which you’ve not seen together like this, in your lifetime, are now suggesting a number one hit; a promotion; a huge victory; a big win or a new position.

The other major factor here is Mars in Cancer in your Tenth House of success, ambition, position and mission. Mars aspects Minerva on April 7th and we also find Mercury sextile Mars on April 8th, so this looks like ‘action won’ to put it mildly. These aspects or patterns in the chart also put you centre-stage. This is very much about your title, reputation and appearance.

The Full Moon in Libra is in your First House of profile, self-promotion and publicity so it may be that you land a big win on the board that puts you in the public eye. The wider transits you are going through now in Pisces, which rules your goals and roles, as well as Cancer, which is the larger success story, remind you to build on what is there. Don’t forget everyone else in the story. Do find a way to take the ideas or qualifications, the projects and plans that are in hand and keep going with them. Onward and upward and all that.

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Scorpio, Mars in your sector of college, university, academics, authors and intellectuals is about to deliver something special. You only see Mars in Cancer, in your Ninth House, every couple of years or so.

If you are a Scorpio woman, you may graduate, publish a book, launch a website, be accepted into a course, teach, tutor and so on. If you are a Scorpio man, then be open to a woman who can educate you, no matter if you personally know her, or if she is at a distance.

There is a huge amount of wisdom, knowledge and experience here, to tap. What happens on April 6th, 7th, 8th is important. Sometimes you find yourself invited to talk, or write, or tutor, or be a mentor and so on, as I’ve mentioned. Yet, given all the cycles over time, Scorpio, this would be with more power and influence than was previously the case. If you are learning from a woman, or supporting a woman, or being guided by the female of the species, there may be recognition here that her branch of feminine wisdom is quite different.

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Sagittarius, the Full Moon in Libra falls in your zone of groups, friends and special circles of people. This week is about pooling resources so everyone can access it, but also understanding that it’s not enough to act alone in life. You need to turn to people power. This shows up in your natal chart, as Pluto begins to move through Aquarius, the sign which rules clubs, teams, societies, associations, Twitter, trade unions, charities, bands, ensemble casts, political parties and the rest.

In your public chart, as a Sagittarian, if you are a woman then it is time to step up and shine. Female Sagittarians will be centre stage this week. If you are a Sagittarian man, then it is a woman who may be Aquarian or have factors in that sign, in her personal chart, who is the main story. Help her all you can.

We also have Apollo in Libra, again in your zone of groups, friends, allies and circles, and that shows star quality and leadership. If you have Aquarius factors in your natal chart, then this week will change your life. Or it should. It may be through Twitter, Meetups or Eventbrite or perhaps this is a very special circle of people you know through other means.

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Capricorn, you’ll make a move, or someone else will make a move, regarding the family tree – no later than May 2023. This is really because opportunities don’t last forever. If you are a man, this is about you. For some reason, you are caught between staying stuck or making a move. This could be about travel or relocation, or just a direction towards your mother’s side of the family, or your father’s side.

If you are a female Capricorn, then this may be your husband, your father, your brother and so on. Yet, he would have a big impact on what you see is possible with your relatives, your family circle and perhaps a house.

We get all this from the Full Moon this week which is opposite the Sun in Aries. Things come full circle at such a time. There are two opposite directions, or two roads, or two alternatives and it can be hard to choose. Yet, this does look quite beneficial, for this man in your world, or for you, yourself, if you are a Capricorn man.

The waiting game will end once the Full Moon on April 6th starts to fade, and yet you will realise you needed it, to realise something vital. Part of this story is the Aries weather we are seeing. Mercury in Aries, in your zone of the family tree, as well as houses, is blocked by an opposition on April 2nd. When you get these kinds of blockages, you or someone else is held up.

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If you are a female Aquarian, then you need to realise that only you can break free. Nobody can make it happen for you. You could easily move or travel, once you see what is possible, but it begins with you. If you are a woman, you are only just coming out of the long Pluto in Capricorn cycle in your Twelfth House. Pluto was there for 15 years and as the Twelfth House rules your state of mind, your soul, your spirit and your psyche, you may still be under the impression that you don’t have any power. Actually, if you use who or what you still feel controls you on some level, you can break free and see straight. From May 2023 a change of location is possible, and it would be potentially very good, as Jupiter moves into your zone of belonging.

If you are an Aquarian man, this is a woman in your life. She cannot see the way things really are because she is under the illusion that it’s not possible. If you are a male, then there is a question here about the family home, your own house or apartment, your home life, and so on. Again, there is such terrific potential here for solutions and improvement from May 2023 once Jupiter changes signs.

There is also a Full Moon right across the zones of short journeys, international travel, emigration, and so on. Sooner or later, this situation for you or someone else will fall over anyway, but this week the release and relief could come faster.

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Pluto in your zone of groups will be back from June, and as this can change the amount of power or control you have with a circle of people, act now. Pluto in Capricorn is on the horizon and as he retrogrades back into your zone of clubs, teams, gangs, collectives, Twitter, tribes and the rest, you may want to be proactive. When it’s just one person having to deal with the many, the solution is to sort out this power imbalance by removing any issues before they have a chance to take hold.

Vulcano in Capricorn, the same sign where Pluto will return, is trine Ceres on April 3rd which is quite useful. Vulcano is about willpower, strength, and clever ways to defuse situations or make a pre-emptive strike. Vulcano was the blacksmith god who used smart tactics to get rid of an issue, before it ever became an issue. Just do this carefully and maybe slow down a bit, Pisces. Yet, if you can pull this off, you will be doing yourself a huge favour with this crowd, as Pluto retrogrades from June to the end of the year, and then some.

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