Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
April 24-30 2023

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for April 24-30 2023. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

Mayo conference 2023 300x300 - Your Weekly Horoscope April 24th to 30thHow do I predict the future? How can you?

Join me at the Mayo School of Astrology online conference on Saturday, April 29th and/or Sunday, April 30th, 2023 (depending on your time zone). You can also pick up a recording. It’s open to students and professionals and has a terrific line-up of speakers including Wendy Stacey and President of the Astrological Lodge of London (Sun Sign School guest tutor) Israel Ajose.

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Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Aries, a large amount of money could be yours, but you need to trust it, believe in it and reach for it. This Taurus weather only comes once like this every 12 years and you stand to gain from the middle of May 2023 into May 2024. It is possible you have news this week which factors in those dates, or you actually find yourself saving or making a lot of money by Sunday, which you can then re-invest to accumulate more from May. It depends on your birth chart.

There is an historic conjunction between the Sun and North Node in Taurus on Monday, April 24th, 2023, so you did something right 18-19 years ago, and are owed good karma. There is a lot you can stash away (getting something for nothing perhaps) or earn – or come by – without any effort at all. As Jupiter with all his solutions and opportunities arrives in your money sector on the 17th of May and stays for a good 12 months or so, you have ample chances to gain, going forward.

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Taurus, the hive mind and the group matter a lot more this week, as you have Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, in the Eleventh House of teamwork – or not. Everything is all over the place this week and everybody is yet to land. However, Saturn will bring some structure and order to the situation, and you need to fit in, where is best.

You’ve clearly had (or still have) a change at the top. The top dog, or leader of the pack, is in transition. Maybe you lost your job as Prime Minister, but the new Prime Minister is yet to be settled and your political party is all over the place. Maybe you are the lead singer in a band and your ill-advised new album has put the management in question, and the fans and the group are scattering. There are a couple of issues here. Where do you stand in relation to the group? Where do you stand in relation to the person with the top job, or the face going for the pole position?

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Gemini, there is no question of coming back down to earth, for you or a man in your world. The best you can hope for is a change, or a journey, possibly leading to real world. Yet it is not certain that even this could happen.

If you are a female Gemini, then this man may be your husband, boss, boyfriend, friend, relative, colleague. You cannot get close to him as he is in his own galaxy. However, you can try to communicate with him on his terms in his own language.

If you are a male Gemini, you may need to reconnect, get real, ground yourself and all the rest. If the only way you can do that is to leave your situation and see where life takes you, so be it. We have Neptune in Pisces in your Tenth House of career, academia and unpaid work at the moment, so it’s likely that this person is at large there. He may also be there in a marriage if your marriage is your job. It is possible that a miracle could happen, and this detached man could uproot himself and take a massive journey away from where he was – and who he was. Maybe then he could meet you halfway. If you know it’s you, and nobody else, then realise how far you have drifted.

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Cancer, these Saturn and Neptune cycles in your Ninth House of foreign places and people are showing you possible new places to plant your ideas, plans or qualifications. You may also be thinking about travelling or even moving. Some structure is needed. At the moment, it’s all a vision. Nothing is real. It’s quite clear that nothing can take off where you are, though, so a bit of quick research on where this might work, and how it might work, could help ground it.

You only have these transits very rarely; it takes Saturn alone 29 years to circle back to your sector of export, the worldwide web and the bigger picture. You may have your eyes on the usual exotic culture or destination. Maybe you can see an opportunity for success, with Jupiter in Aries in your Tenth House, but realise the key is these Ninth House transits, which suggest you need to physically take yourself and your plans elsewhere. Nothing will happen unless you make it happen. Neptune is the escapism of wishing, hoping and imagining. Saturn is rolling your sleeves up.

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When there is money in hand, for you or someone else, it’s time to make it grow. It obviously doesn’t grow on trees but there is a great need to plant things and make them reward you, or others, ongoing.

If you are a woman, then you are in a solid gold position this week, Leo and need to make some decisions. If you are a man, then your wife, girlfriend, employer, relative or so on has some choices to make about how to spend it, how to save it or where to invest it. Of course, you may be negotiating with a woman this week too.

This Saturn and Neptune cycle in Pisces is about joint finances and property, charity, business and banking. It’s very much about ‘enough dreaming’ and ‘start doing.’ There is another background story here, and it’s the world of sexual relationships. This comes from Pluto in Aquarius, also in the background of your chart. Yet, the main story this week is – money and how to spend it or save it. Perhaps – money and how to negotiate with women (or one woman, in particular) by reading hearts and minds.

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Virgo, lots of people are affected by the Pisces cycles this week and this falls in your sector of relationships of all sorts, be they emotional, family, romantic, sexual and so on. If you are a woman, you need to get grounded and come back to the real world as you have drifted a long way out.

If you are a man, then this week is about your wife, girlfriend, ex perhaps – or maybe a female family member or friend. A quiet word in somebody’s ear about coming back to planet earth could be useful. Of course it is possible that you are the issue, if you are a Virgo man, as a woman in your life simply does not know what to do with you. Or it!

The kinds of relationships we find on this transit do not fit any description. This is not a regular marriage, say, or a normal attraction. The relationship is more likely to be about romance (past, present or potential) than anything else as you have this major transit in your Seventh House, which rules the scales or the see-saw in life. The person on the other end is part of the confusion, but as I’ve said, if you’re a man, then it’s possibly about your wife – and if you’re a woman, it’s definitely about you.

We also can’t ignore the fact that your zone of babies, children, pregnancies (that did or did not happen) and adult offspring, is ready to activate in June. Not long to go.

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We don’t see these money cycles very often Libra and they look really good from May 2023 to May 2024. Of course, you could gain now, but it’s possible you will hang on and hold on. You do need to do a bit of life gardening, though, as the growth will begin next month, and it could be pretty big for you if you put the work in. You also need to cultivate what is there and look after it. These node cycles in Taurus and Scorpio also suggest that what you planted a long time ago has a lot to show you.

There is another cycle here, about work, unpaid work (like gardening), charity work, academic work. Neptune and Saturn are in your Sixth House of constant effort; application; daily routine; service and duty. There is some structuring required. You’re very good at the visualisation and daydreaming part. Neptune is all about escaping from reality! Yet, Saturn is here for the first time in 29 years telling you to cultivate, feed, water, trim and grow. Money does not grow on trees but wow, it can grow hugely from May 2023 to May 2024.

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Scorpio, Bacchus in Capricorn is in your ideas zone this week, so you or someone else is hot to trot with a budding plan. This has really good potential. You can double that if you have anything in Gemini in your birth chart. Whatever your horoscope looks like, though, it’s time to stop rehearsing and get going. Life is not a dress rehearsal, as Anita Roddick once said to me. The asteroid Bacchus is about enjoyment and although you may enjoy speculating, daydreaming, fantasising and whatnot, the key to your week is to make all this real. You may need to delegate or team up if you are a male Scorpio if that would help you to get moving.

If you are a female Scorpio, then you can see the need here for a life coach (you) or a Miss Motivator (you) or maybe you just want to do half of this, or even all of it. The thing is, nothing grows from nothing – and the potential window for this to really take off is closing soon. Try to plant it before Pluto goes back into Capricorn in reverse, from June, so that at least you can say it got off to a firm start.

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Sagittarius, you are one of many signs affected by the Pisces weather this week and may be drifting or floating. Come back down to earth and find your family tree again. By grounding yourself in where you come from, who you are related to, and what you might call your roots, you will be far better off. It’s pretty clear that you are not finding certain people fulfilling. It might look good on the outside, but inside, there’s an emptiness. Try to come back to yourself.

Sometimes this cycle shows up with other people at home, or in the family, who fit this description of being ungrounded and dissatisfied. If so, try to steer this person back to terra firma. You do actually have several solid gold opportunities for emotional fulfilment, through May 16th, 2023. May with your rewarding ruler Jupiter in your sector of courtship, the bedroom, children and young relatives.

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Capricorn, this is an important week for you. If you teach, tutor, mentor or guide children – or teenagers – perhaps Millennials – then you are about to make a massive impact. In other cases, you want more power and control with finance, and if you can balance that with other factors, you will be in charge.

There is a direct channel for you with the internet, your podium, the microphone or other means of communication. By that I mean Neptune is in Pisces in your words zone, so what you say or write, or just show on YouTube, has you in another world. There are some quite striking patterns in your chart at the moment. Potential empowerment through money.

The aforementioned Pisces transits which are about podcasting, Zoom, lectures, ‘the word’ and knowledge exchange. The media, publishing, academia and education all provide a way through. It is possible, too, with these Taurus transits that you actually have children, teenagers or Millennials to instruct.

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I’ve been talking about Pisces weather this week, Aquarius, and how ungrounded and unreal it can make life feel. This is about a boy or young man who is in his own little world. Saturn and Neptune both in Pisces suggest there is something valuable here. It may be solid gold or just have real business potential. It’s a gift. And yet, this boy, teenager or Millennial is playing with it. Nothing is being taken seriously enough, perhaps, or used in a sensible way. You have another cycle here in your family zone in Taurus, so it is possible this is your son or nephew. Taurus is showing the glittering prizes all right, but you somehow have to get this person to make it work – to use it all. Uranus in Taurus can be quite hard to manage or understand, with relatives – a godson, say, or somebody else’s work experience boy!

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Pisces, lots of cycles in your zone of travel and short trips suggests you could gain from getting away from it all. The sign of Taurus rules the neighbouring districts or regions, and we have a lot of Taurus weather this week. Why would you do that? Perhaps to see the good things about a group, team, club or social circle. This could be really good, but the rest of your chart suggests you need time out to be alone.

With Pluto in Aquarius in your zone of inner life, you will change mostly on the inside, but you have to be alone to do it. That’s why getting away might be the way to do it, Pisces. This Pluto transit is actually behind a lot of what is going on. He’s been in your sector of groups, Twitter, your social life, social circle and so on for years and only just left in March. He comes back in June. So there’s a sense of really unfinished business here. The real business to finish, though, is inside yourself.

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