Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
April 10-16 2023

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for April 10-16 2023. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

Cover 300x150 - Your Weekly Horoscope April 10th to 16th

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Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Aries, with Pluto in your Eleventh House of groups, the hive mind and people power this week, there is a big gap to bridge. Pluto is square Vesta on Sunday the 16th of April. Hygiea is also in your Eleventh House of groups in the sign of Aquarius. Prevention is better than cure, when it comes to particular teams, clubs, bands, societies, Twitter accounts and so on. Vulcano is also in Aquarius! Volcanic eruptions are likely as communities or circles of people rise.

There may literally be earth changes this week, but on a symbolic level, things are rumbling below, and everybody needs to get grounded, including you. There is a need here to protect the future. However, you also have to be aware of the need for some negotiation and fancy footwork. You may be part of the circle who are now rounding on just one person. Or you may be that individual who is trying to sort out her position (or his position) with a community. The irony is that everybody is remarkably similar in their ideas about life. It would take a huge leap for there to be reconciliation, but it may be worth it, for the unity. That is going to take a fair bit of hard work and grounding on both sides.

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Taurus, with so many Aquarius patterns this week, a lot of people will be dealing with group differences, and also ‘one against the many’ in terms of circles of people, versus the individual. For you, the issue is about appearances. This is about your appearance, reputation and title. How you front up to the world and how you seem to others. You have Mercury and the North Node in Taurus at the moment in your First House of image.

The trick this week is to look under the surface and go for the substance. That means digging deeper for your core and meeting others halfway as there is potential for rebuilding here. Neptune in Pisces also talks to you about the need for boundaries, with groups in general. This looks messy. Even, chaotic. Too many cooks spoiling the broth, perhaps. We live in an age of narcissism, thanks to the Facebook faces, and the Instagram selfie sticks, so no wonder there is precious little sense of group cohesion, Taurus. Yet, this can be sorted out. You have Saturn here to help. Along with the usual muddle of Neptune in your sector of groups, which you are well used to by now – there is the chance of restructuring. It’s rather like Life of Brian: “You are all individuals!” and that’s half the issue. The Jam split and Paul Weller began The Style Council. What are you going to do?

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Gemini, there are so many Aquarius patterns in the heavens at the moment that the first three signs of the zodiac, including your own, are powerfully affected by questions about the group. The hive mind. Peer group pressure. One against the many. You might call this Three Musketeers thinking. All for one, and one for all – except it depends which side you are on.

I dare say, with Jupiter and Chiron in Aries, in your Eleventh House of clubs, bands, circles and communities – you are overdue for a detox anyway. Group situations which are well past their use-by date will now reach the end point. A new day dawns. I am also looking at Fortuna in Sagittarius, your opposite sign, as this week is about the opposition. Opposing forces. Once again, this reaches a peak now.

There is also a very clear message about foreigners or foreign countries in your horoscope this week as a different part of the map shows up. Again, this is down to Hygiea, Pluto and Vulcano all in your Ninth House of distant places and faces. The Sun-Jupiter conjunction on April 11th makes the usual repair work, reconstruction, problem-solving and solutions of Jupiter pretty public. The group triumphs here. Or perhaps you triumph because you needed to be rid of a group. It really depends if you feel you are on the inside of the community or very much ‘one against the many.’

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Well Cancer, there are so many strong patterns in the zodiac sign of Aquarius, ruling your Eighth House of property and finance, that you are in perfect control this week. The only thing to say about Cancer is that she can sometimes hang on too tightly to the money, and fail to recognise opportunities to buy bargains, or invest in growing concerns.

It’s the same for Cancer men. The Cancer man can hold on like the crab with which he is associated. Pluto is about power and the power this week is considerable. Yet, given that Pluto is also about a changing world, there is a changing property and business market out there which you need to pay attention to. It’s not enough to be sitting pretty; you need to read the economy too.

The Aquarius transits are really empowering if you use the willpower and perhaps that’s why there is such a tight, strong hold showing up in your chart. Relax the grip and you won’t necessarily lose the power; you could be a lot more flexible and increase your awareness of other possibilities, even just a touch. Cancer, sometimes this transit is about a person who is all-powerful, very controlling, quite fixed and so on. Your task if you should accept it, is to negotiate.

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Leo, you are the fourth sign to be affected by these group, team, community and club cycles this week. They all take place in the sign of Aquarius, which in your natal chart rules the collective. A brotherhood and sisterhood of friends and associates. This is clearly shown in your public chart too, as we find Venus in Gemini in your Eleventh House of pooled resources, shared efforts and the hive mind.

The issue here is understanding how complicated relationships can be. And how very complicated people are. Just because everybody is grouped together does not mean they are all the same. And one person may leave.

In your natal chart, if you have anything in Aquarius at all, there is a big message here about respecting the individual, as the individual. You may feel this yourself, because you are somewhat challenged by a person who is a leader, or front person, and so on. Perhaps you feel overlooked in your own right. The other possibility, Leo, is that you are being too much the King or Queen (a common flaw) and you are making too many assumptions about the court. Get to know these people.

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Well Virgo, Fortuna spins the Wheel of Fortune high and low, in your family zone, this week. Good fortune is there to be shared with one, two or three generations of your extended family – we would hope. This may be brothers, sisters and cousins, as we find the South Node of karma in the Third House of your chart, which rules siblings and near relatives. However, Fortuna herself is in your Fourth House of Kin.

For the first time in 12 years, you also have Jupiter with all his abundance in the sign of Aries, which rules legacies, wills and inheritance. It also rules mortgage and marriage, and any family business. A stunning Jupiter-Sun conjunction on April 11th may well confirm good news, but the issue here is – how are things to be divided and shared? You have quite a few oppositions from Aries to Libra this week, so the issue is values. Your life budget versus the life budgets of different generations.

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Libra, this is a big week for you, in terms of equality, fairness, justice and balance. You are ruled by the scales, of course, which is why we associate Libra with fair and square partnerships. Also the law. This may be a marriage or professional partnership. Two sides against each other. You are currently in a major Seventh House cycle, which is about the duet, as well as the duel. The two of you or one against one.

You can count on things being perfectly even by the end of the week, Libra, no matter if the issue really is legal, or just a question of what is right. What is symmetrical and harmonious. I say this because Minerva with all her wisdom, is in a rare conjunction with Salacia, on April 12th. There is a seesaw here, a set of scales perhaps, or a balancing act. This can and will be fine-tuned by something or someone greater than the pair of you.

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Scorpio, patterns in your Fifth House of children, teenagers and young adults suggest a lesson to be learned here this week. You have both Neptune and Saturn in Pisces, which rules your sons, daughters, grandchildren, godchildren, nieces and nephews. There is also a second area of life which Pisces rules for you and that is younger people as a group or generation. So this may be children you write books for, or teenagers you teach, or Millennials you coach sport with. What we have here is a bubble. A different world, which they inhabit. And there is something very special about that. Precious, even. And yet, and yet, something has to be done here, Scorpio. Saturn says, there must be some kind of organisation, or order, or rules and regulations. You can’t just let bubbles drift like this. At a certain point the non-reality and unreality of this younger world has to be brought to heel.

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Venus in your opposite sign of Gemini suggests that the two of you have a decision to make this week. Do you part company, choose different paths, or stay together, but somehow compromise over two choices? I can see the property and finance sector of your chart making an appearance in both your private chart and public chart. So there is no time to waste, Sagittarius, and this does seem to be about a couple of different work, business, home or property choices.

The reason I say time is snapping at your heels, is that Pluto goes back into Capricorn from June, and the South Node is only in Scorpio until July. So this is mid-year. This may be you and a sibling or cousin. You and a partner. Your other half, for other reasons. Venus in Gemini is always about complicated relationships. It can be mother and son. Husband and wife. Two lovers. In-laws, as well. The fact that you also have these major transits in Pisces in your zone of family and property suggests that there may actually be a couple of real-estate questions here.

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Well Capricorn, the extended family, both here and in the spirit world, makes a showing this week. It’s quite historic and so very important. You have the Sun in conjunction with Jupiter on the 11th of April and that’s something you only see every 12 years. It’s a milestone for your relatives who have passed on, and that, in turn, means you may be affected here. Or perhaps it’s working in reverse. What you do, down here, helps them to evolve and go forward, spiritually, in the next life.

In astrology, we take all the generations together as family, when we look at the Fourth House, which is ruled by Aries in your solar chart. So it’s not just about your current family circle, it’s about the whole dynasty or ancestry. And we do include extended family so this may be at a slight distance. You only see Jupiter in Aries like this once every 12 years, so it feels like a milestone. An historic moment of truth for the ancestors.

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Aquarius, Venus in Gemini in your Fifth House suggests that your heirs, spares and pretenders to the throne could benefit from your wisdom and ideas this week, or from the brilliance of a woman around you. Gemini rules your sons, daughters, nieces, nephews, godchildren and grandchildren. Gemini in your public chart also rules younger people as a whole. So, for example, the Harry Potter readers or the Millennial girls who play netball.

This week will deliver based on your own private chart too. It is very important that the next generation is seeded with knowledge and that there is a deep appreciation of parents – especially mothers and grandmothers. We might also say aunts and godmothers. Whatever the project, lesson, concept, brainwave or plan, it really must be secured now. The reason for this is a stunning Sun-Jupiter conjunction in Aries on April 11th. There has never been a better time to take this and do something with it. If you do happen to be a website creator, teacher, author and are an Aquarius woman, this is a very personal message for you. Maybe you’re just the Queen Mother of your own court.

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Pisces, Venus is in your sector of family, ancestors, roots and heritage. Your culture and history. Where you come from and where you find grounding. Pisces, you are the most ungrounded of the 12 zodiac signs at the moment, as your ruler Neptune is at odds with Ceres on the 11th of April. You’re not really here on planet earth and yet going back to one or other side of your family tree would help. Find your feet and your place in the world by finding them, or that.

Your horoscope at the moment suggests that particular partners, or potential partners, are not really adding up for you. You have Ceres and Ops in your opposite sign of Virgo and when that happens, it is pretty normal to feel less than enamoured of who or what is on offer, emotionally. Yet, Venus in your sector of the family tree tells you that this is the answer. There is more to this than just these cycles, though. You are clearly blessed with some quite powerful friends and groups. You don’t see it or don’t appreciate it, as Pluto has ducked out of sight. Yet they’ve gone nowhere.

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