Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
December 18th, 2023, to January 7th, 2024

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for December 18th, 2023, to January 7th, 2024. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Your double weekly 2023 horoscope is here as well as your 2024 weekly horoscope is also here from January 1st to January 7th, 2024.

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Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Merry Christmas Aries!

The focus now and in 2024 is a new career; a promotion; a big hit; a new academic career; a big win on the board.

Your entire industry, profession, business or other field has transformed out of all recognition since 2008, because of new technology, new laws, internet advances and so on.

Your Talents, Gifts and Abilities

Draw on your talents, your experience, your professional heritage, your connections – every gift and asset that you have. Some of it is on your CV, some of it is not, but all of it is in your basket.

You have a lot to offer now, and a lot to trade, as well. Do apply this to the system. The structure, hierarchy or establishment you are in. This cycle is about a classic pyramid or mountain structure which you are here to scale.

The more ambitious you are now, the more faith you will need to have. However, this cycle is also about learning, growing and gaining ground. No matter how far you now believe you can actually travel, in terms of success, professional achievement or status, what (and who) appears in front of you now will show you that with a little effort, almost anything new and good is possible.

Taking Back Control

People who are threatened by your power have tried all sorts of things to stop you. None of it has worked, Aries. In fact, you go into Christmas and New Year, more ambitious than ever.

Your chosen profession has been so political since 2008 when this cycle began, and you’ve seen it all in that time. Now, in December 2023 and January 2024, you can set about balancing the books.

This cycle is perfect for finding out everything you needed to know about your career but were afraid to ask. So, you may be researching a future job, analysing the consequences of retiring or resigning, or just doing your homework on a boss, client, colleague or professional competitor. Expect a lot of phone calls, questions, e-mails or website visits to follow.

Owning Your Power

It’s very important that you acknowledge what you achieved since 2018 and own your power. You are a game-changer. If you have followed the rules and handed power to others, then you will succeed in balancing the books or turning the tables in 2024.

It’s not just about personal success for you Aries. It’s been about system change. That system may be your social strata; your industry; your workplace. With Pluto in Capricorn, you’ve not been content to just deal with the people politics around your own role. You’ve had your eye on doing good and bringing about change in your entire professional or other space. Well, it’s coming.

If you treat your career as an excuse to master your own thoughts and feelings, you can develop professional superpowers now, which will change you (for the better) for the rest of your life.

If you don’t have a part-time or full-time job, then this applies to your unpaid mission in life; your position as a professional, housebound wife/husband/partner; or other roles that define success and status for you. If you really want to see results, you will use Astrology Delivery here.

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Merry Christmas Taurus!

This cycle has been and will continue to be about foreign people and countries and their huge impact on your life. It may be you and the Commonwealth. You and Americans. You as part of white British ancestry and the reality of non-white history. The story will be personal for you and so the particular countries, nationalities or cultures will be unique to you as well. That’s where the challenge to change has been, Taurus, since 2008.

Whatever and wherever and whomever this has been about, it’s been foreign to you even in your own country. So, a different language and religion, for example. This cycle began in 2008 and it’s a long time leaving you, but the turn comes in December, January 2024 and if you commit, you will have achieved really astonishing turnarounds by this time in 2024, going into 2025.

This transit is also about the worldwide web and all its nooks and crannies, but also publishing (other people’s books, your own books) and very much – academia and higher learning. This may have crossed over, so you’ve had foreign classmates, for example, or a book has been published in another country. Maybe you’ve been on the lecture circuit abroad.

If you try, for a few weeks you will be given a rare chance to expand your horizons. The world could seem bigger, more interesting, and more full of possibility now. But…the price of admission is the art of people management, and that means taking the basic trust, affection or loyalty which exists between you and your ally and working it.

Laying The Tracks for Travel

Travel or relocation is very likely now – or you’ll be laying the groundwork for a future trip or move. It’s an excellent time to research the town or country you have in mind, as you’ll be given access to a wide range of sources and information networks to help you. 2024 could be the absolute last year of a very, very long slow process of transformation. Little by little, Taurus.

Taking Back Control

The number one reason you have not had control in 2020-2023 is Covid. It has affected everything. You may have got it while being a tourist, or infected others with it. Others arriving by plane or cruise ship may have infected you or the people you know. It goes on. When we look at your chart we find the Ninth House is hooked to the Sixth House (public health) in a cycle not seen in 18 or 19 years. So, taking back control is really about reclaiming your life in the light of this pandemic, that never stops. It has obviously had a massive impact on the cruise industry, for example.

It really does go on, too, but 2024 is the year to turn it all around. If as a traveller, tourist or a hostess/host to foreign people you feel you no longer have this in your hands, then December 2023 starts the process of changing that. You will see why quite rapidly with all that’s going on over Christmas and New Year. Watching the news is important as the global affects the personal now. Which is you.

The Ninth House used to rule sea voyages a few centuries ago. Now it rules long-haul flights, foreign countries (to visit, or live in), and people from other countries and cultures. It also rules any part of the internet you find foreign.

It can happen because you’re actually travelling. Or because you’re in closer contact with people from (tick one) Europe, Australasia, or the USA. Are you a born explorer and adventurer, with enough faith to leave your old ideas about the world behind? It’s a time of reckoning, and it’s invaluable. Use it and learn from it. You’ll have the same cycle in around a year, so come back here for a progress report.

If you really want to see results, you can use Astrology Delivery here.

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Merry Christmas Gemini!

You end the old year and start the new one with your eyes on the house, garden, apartment/unit, shares, business, charity, valuables and your net worth.

If you lead a simple life in a share house, and don’t actually own anything at all, this cycle will just ask you to manage complicated questions about the household potato patch. Or the dog and the vet’s bills. It works on a Wall Street level or a flatmate/roommate level too.

Always read the fine print on paperwork, now. So, a magnifying glass is required for your divorce settlement, family inheritance, job redundancy, tax bill or bank loan. Even if you are not fond of paperwork, think about hiring another expert pair of eyes to gaze upon this –

Mortgages, tax, inheritance payments, partnership investments, commission, loans, settlements, debts, joint assets and shared resources (anything from a holiday home to a car) come under the rulership of the Eighth House, now crossed by Pluto and other factors in Capricorn.

It’s about what you own, earn or owe in relation to a second or third party but in the most personal way, usually. That is why it’s a very good idea to have impartial professional advice.

No Such Thing as A Free Lunch

The realities of having other people (or organisations) so heavily involved in your own financial or property situation is that, sooner or later, you’re going to have to accept that there’s no such thing as a free lunch. Deals, contracts, binding obligations, legal requirements and casual agreements all add up to the same thing – a big reality check.

This cycle rules joint financial issues, like a shared mortgage or property investment, or a family inheritance, or the tax department, or the car you share with your sister. It’s about money, houses, flats, possessions, assets and resources that work one, two or more ways between everyone involved.

It’s Pluto in Capricorn with bells on and yet here you are with an exit strategy in December 2023, January 2024, with outcomes at Christmas 2024. The very, very last days of this transit. If you’re lucky then you’ve escaped the most intense side of this Pluto cycle, Gemini. Yet you still have politics to work out with him, her or them – in December, January.

This cycle is about sexual and financial relationships (for example, buying an apartment with your husband). It is also about family and financial relationships (for example, an aunt’s inheritance to you). This cycle will broaden your horizons and give you a chance to develop your understanding, and become much more worldly about these vast, complicated areas of human experience. It’s more than money, isn’t it.

So, your former wife and her demands. Or the mother of your son, whom you never even married, who still needs child support. I’ve had so many letters from readers born under the Sun in Gemini going through the most complex situations. Sometimes it’s been the council or government who take over. It’s your personal life, sure, but the financial aspects of it are within reach of octopus tentacles. So, you have felt squeezed, Gemini. That can happen too.

The good news is you can now power up. Sack the octopus. Set a very, very long-term goal for 2024 and use Astrology Delivery here to get some or all of what you want. In fact, you could find you achieve quite a lot of power in 2024 through money itself, or property. Something as basic as a rise in the value of your home may give you a bargaining chip in life for example.

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Merry Christmas Cancer!

Here you are in the last stages of the very, very long Pluto in Capricorn cycle and you’re still winning. This is your duet. It’s romantic or professional. It may also be your duel. Despite it all (and every challenge has been profound since 2008) you are absolutely still on top of this, Cancer.

New Love in Your Life

Sometimes, progress will appear in the shape of a new man or woman in your life in December or January. This person will be an agent for change in some way. What happened to Cupid’s old system? What happened to the usual dating, mating and relating set-up? The answer is other people’s desire for whatever (or whoever) is new is now meeting your own need to update. To move forward.

Mistletoe Season

Mistletoe does funny things to people. This can be the season of getting together but also realising – this person is not for you. Or somebody else got there first. All of that!

It is also Christmas when separated and divorced couples must put the children first, or in-laws are on the Christmas card list. Or not. So, Cancer, it’s really not surprising that this fortnight stirs up all sorts of questions for you about your duet or duel.

Where to have the children, on which side of the family, is a classic. So too is the Christmas party where you get off with a colleague. Yet, there is so much more to it than that, this year, because it is the sign-off of years and years of something quite different.

In other words, what might seem to be a seasonal episode has huge implications stretching back into 2022, 2023 and forward to 2024. It is about how much power you feel you have. How much willpower you feel you have. What it would mean to you, to actually be quite powerful in one area of your life with this person, where you have historically felt you have to throw your hands up in the air.

Partnership Issues

If your marriage or relationship is keeping you stuck, or stagnating, or on the rocks, then this is the time when it becomes obvious that you have a bridge to cross together or apart. December or January is the cycle.

Another scenario? You’ll try to get successful counselling, or make breakthroughs thanks to self-help courses, useful books, astrology, religion – whatever it takes. In this case you may end up blessing the problem that originally made you look for a breakthrough, as your search for a solution will, all by itself, prove to be the thing that finally gives you psychological growth and a better partnership.

Professional Double Acts or Duels

This transit is also about work. It’s about professional partnerships, like French and Saunders, but also about professional feuds, rivalries or differences. This can extend to academia or your unpaid role. Think William, Harry, a necklace and a pet food bowl (he is a Sun Cancer).

Sometimes the dispute or battle is actually a greater war; it may be about your country, or a really major issue for you, politically or financially.

When this happens, we tend to see the duet-plus-duel outcome of this transit. So, you join together with your husband against a third person, or an organisation, you view as the enemy. Two against one. Perhaps this sounds familiar to you. Or it is your girlfriend and you versus your ex-wife and so on. It can also be more elevated than that; you and your power-couple partner against a big enemy on the world stage, like the Climate Emergency.

You Are in The Zone

You are now in the zone for empowerment. It took a long time to get here with this person/that organisation/those people and it will take a long time to get out but get out you will. December starts it.

Stand back and take an objective look at what you are putting together for yourself now. Whatever you are putting so much work into could very well stand the test of time, so it’s crucial that you know the nature of the bed you are hammering together, or the boxing gloves you are putting on in the red corner – against someone in the blue corner – before you decide to go further.

Finally, if you are single and do not wish to be, I strongly recommend you use Astrology Delivery. It’s on this website here and free to try. In fact, it’s my next book. A reader reports she became engaged within days of trying it. Do try Astrology Delivery on my website to get some or all of what you want in December and January.

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Merry Christmas Leo!

Well, it’s time to take stock not only of 2023, but also 2008-2023. The pressure to change with work, your lifestyle and health has been there that long, as you know.

The Pluto in Capricorn cycle has been extremely intense. Leo, now you can take back control and win this very long health, workload and lifestyle game, once and for all, starting this fortnight. You recently saw your options shift near December 2nd and December 15th. Well, there are more crossroads ahead.

You may be looking for better wellbeing, an easier job or academic situation or just overdue lifestyle solutions. Answers to health questions. You will see new chances to alter the situation on December 23rd , 2023, and January 5th, 2024. The rest is up to you.

Big Goals

Leo, if your goals are big and you know they would take months, then use the following dates to set step-by-step goals, updating as you go along.

For example – losing a lot of weight, beating an addiction, switching your career entirely, having a promotion, winning a big hit, landing a prestigious new gig or gaining your degree.

This will take you all of 2024 but if you make your wish list on these dates you have an excellent chance of getting what you want by 7th December 2024, the last of the Capricorn weather cycles. Both Venus and Ceres exit Capricorn then. There would be success in slow stages with final outcomes by the end of next year.

If you really want to see results, you will use Astrology Delivery here.

Work, Unpaid Work and Academia

Leo, there is fantastic potential here for you to get what you really, really want (to quote your fellow Leo Geri Halliwell). Don’t short-change yourself by only expecting modest results. You can be forgiven for doing this as you have had some pretty difficult experiences since 2008.

On the biggest of big pictures, you may have felt undermined, ignored and never fully credited in your chosen field, because you work in an industry, business or profession which has real pockets of toxicity. We have to remember Pluto is about power and control.

The good news is, you are being shown how to gain the upper hand, self-respect, admiration from others and a genuine fresh start in 2024, ahead of 2025 – the last five years of this decade. The shift begins in 2024 and part of that turnaround is this fortnight. So, December 23rd, 2023, and January 5th, 2024. Leo, you can allow +/- 24 hours of those dates depending on your time zone.

The Good News

The Capricorn cycles from now until December 2024 are most intense in January (which you will really notice) and then pan out through the rest of 2024, with the absolute final results of all you have succeeded with, by 7th December, when the last two Capricorn transits end.

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Merry Christmas Virgo!

Your relationship with the world of babies and children, will go through a real update during this cycle. Your son or daughter may move from childhood to adolescence – or adolescence to adulthood – at this time, which is one obvious cause of big updating. Another possibility? You will deal with the realities of abortion, adoption, miscarriage or IVF treatments, and find that your old attitudes and expectations fall away, to be replaced by a new outlook. There are many different ways in which the changes involving children or young adults will manifest now.

What happens in terms of your own, or other people’s children, will help you to learn and grow, now, in the most amazing way. A confirmed pregnancy, or a big leap forward for (or with) your son or daughter is a very common outcome. You could have a baby now or be taken on the most extraordinary life journey by your children. The world will seem full of bigger and better possibilities, as a result of your baby, son or daughter, if you try. Godchildren, too.

And shall we talk about condoms, HIV tests, the morning after pill, and all the rest of it? Sex is so personal; I have no idea what will come up for you now.

Of course, it’s Christmas and New Year, so it’s the Sex Season. You have a lot to think about. It’s also the season when children get together (or not) with their parents. All the relatives below a certain age suddenly have real power in the story, at this time of year. That’s astrological as well as logical. What happens in terms of your own, or other people’s children, will help you to learn and grow, now, in the most amazing way.

If you really want to see results, you will use Astrology Delivery here.

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Merry Christmas Libra!

Tis the season for family questions. Your mother, father, brother, sister and other close relatives (passed to spirit or alive) will be an issue now. So will your relationship with a partner, if you live with him or her, and any flatmates or roommates in your life. People who have a direct influence on your home life, like neighbours, builders or co-tenants will also go to the top of your list now. If you don’t know, find out. That’s the rule on this transit.

Opportunities to make much more of your home life will appear now, and you could easily move, build, emigrate, make home improvements, decorate or renovate, based on quite new inspiration on this transit. Whatever gives you a better or bigger picture in terms of your domestic life (even a more adventurous approach to family or flatmates) will suit your lifestyle now, as this transit encourages you to look for more possibilities in your life. Do not overlook options like house swapping or house sitting at this time.

This Capricorn weather is about realising where you have gone wrong with the house, apartment, family, household (even your town and country) and how to make it right in 2024. The stakes have become quite high recently, Libra and so there is no more pussyfooting or avoidance of what actually has to be done.

Situations you cannot sidestep, and conditions you cannot avoid, are going to make renting or owning equally important. Take a deep breath and strategise and get as much outside advice as you can. How will you know if your strategy is sound? Firstly, it will have worked before, for other people. Secondly, it will be absolutely right for now (check the internet to get the latest.) This also applies to property investment or far bigger issues about your town or country.

It basically depends on how aware you’ve been of the need for maintenance work over the last 12 months – and that means your relationship with your mother, as much as it means your relationship with your garden or that granny flat you keep meaning to build.

Libra, you have had the most intense cycle since 2008, particularly with your sense of home, belonging, heritage and household. You may have had to move when you did not intend to. Larger issues may have affected your feelings about your own neighbourhood or nation. They call Pluto the transformer so what changed can never be changed back. It’s the same with relatives who are no longer here. Of course.

The negatives of the past, perhaps even years ago now, can be happily balanced in 2024 if you set a goal, follow the steps, use the new resources and tools you are being given and go from there. The prize is really great, Libra.

If you really want to see results, you will use Astrology Delivery here.

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Merry Christmas Scorpio!

Tis the season for brothers, sisters and cousins, all of whom have a longer story to tell in your own book of life, Scorpio. It’s also the beginning of an approach to the internet which will actually work in 2024 (or the media) which should at last get you permanent results instead of the small semi-victories of 2008-2023.

Communication, and the business of using the written or spoken word, is also up for a system change now. The media may be involved – or new technology. More unusually, perhaps, this may be when you deal with stammering, or writer’s block, or stage fright, or fear of public speaking.

You have had quite a journey with your voice, across all mediums and media, since 2008. Scorpio you’ve been saddled with the Pluto in Capricorn transit that means the only answer is self-control. You’ve not always had it, so whatever situation you have ended up in at year’s end (especially online) is a measure of that.

This cycle is about siblings and cousins, and the balance of power with them – and words – but also short journeys too.

The World Catches Up with You

During this cycle you will be amazed at the rate of technological progress affecting (for example) the electric car industry, if you look closely enough, or the advances that are made (for example) in public transport services.

It’s going to be really obvious to you in May, June 2024 when we go into a cycle that ultimately (from 2026) will bring us the equivalent of the Jeep or the motorbike. It may not even be invented yet, Scorpio, but it is going to change your life.

And then there’s Web 2, 3, 4, and 5.What does progress mean to you, in this area? Is it learning how to use Substack, seeing a speech therapist, taking a journalism course, or starting your own newsletter? Starting your own TV channel?

Watch for wider changes in your community or country (or around the planet) which encourage you to a big leap forward with your ideas. Perhaps you want to write a book. Or another book. These things are powerful.

The world of words, ideas and communication in general will also teach you about reconstructing yourself, now, and beginning a new set-up.

Try Astrology Delivery here if you want a really big goal achieved in 2024, like a website or a business with a neighbouring city.

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Merry Christmas Sagittarius!

Your money, house, apartment, shares, company, charity, business, valuables or bank account is in the frame in December and January. You have done extremely well with some goals from 2008-2023 and gone nowhere with others, but now is the time to make 2024 a turnaround year, with anything you feel is still far from resolved.

There is also the ethical message of this cycle to take into account. The Second House is about your values. If what you do or say, in the name of your personal value system, is really important now, then you will have to deal with long-term consequences as these cycles continue.

Other People and Your Money

If your financial affairs, business interests, possessions or property interests are tied up with another person born under your own sign, or your opposite sign, then this period in your life really will be groundbreaking as you are both having the same or similar cycles.

Negotiations and Correspondence

This cycle is when most of the financial negotiations, business correspondence or property transactions will occur. Even if you don’t get to the signatures or handshakes stage, though, there will still be plenty of question-and-answer sessions, and a reasonable amount of research, either at work or home.

Sagittarius, you can be as rich as Taylor Swift on this cycle (she shares your sign) and still have issues with your business management. Or financial issues can be personal – the family.

You are going into 2024 with issues to resolve. That will take some months and huge determination, but you will do it. You are also going into 2024 with real empowerment, thanks to huge efforts of willpower over many years. Recognise yourself for that. You have come a really long way since 2008.

Now, December and January can be your launch pads for a very, very different year ahead. Your chart suggests you can beat something or someone, for all time. Try Astrology Delivery here to see how.

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Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday Capricorn!

You go into your birthday season with a real chance for transformation in 2024, Capricorn. This is the way you look but also the way you are seen. The presence of Pluto and other factors in your solar First House of reputation, title and personal appearance is pretty familiar, but this is also the last time it ever happens.

You recently heard about something (or someone) which gave you hope that you could finally conquer and rise. Or rise and conquer. It would change your life actually and change you too. It may be qualifications. Letters after your name. A new profile with all the attendant stationery changed, not to mention your digital life.

There will be more useful twists like that in 2024 and if you take all of them and even win with just one of them, you will have won. This is the First House transit of Capricorn factors in your own sign.

The circumstances you face in your personal life, or in your professional life, will make it necessary to walk and talk a certain way now – or show a face which is not your own. This is the ‘mask’ cycle in astrology. You cannot change any of that, but perhaps you can choose an image or a look which complements the wonderful being you are, rather than finding a persona which does not.

Your Body

No matter if you are body building, losing weight, or working on the way that other people judge you on the beach, transits in the First House will present you with an epic set of choices. You have to be a realist at this time – utterly responsible for yourself and your situation. Just make sure that that your strategy is the kind of thing you can see, works well for others.

You can choose to trade on your outer packaging now, because it’s your passport to all kinds of people, places and possibilities. That means focussing on your CV, photograph, blog, website profile, personal style, presentation and appearance as you’ve read.

Capricorn, since 2008 when this transit began, you have learned what it means to feel you have no control over how you are viewed. You have learned what it can be like, to be disempowered by the internet (which is a jungle at the best of times).

You’ve also had wins on the board. You’ve done extremely well to make the gains, that you’ve made. In December and January, though, 2024 calls you for nothing less than complete transformation. If you really want to see results, you will use Astrology Delivery here.

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Merry Christmas Aquarius!

This December and January transit is in your Twelfth House. This is a sociable time of year with family and friends, or should be, but in fact you need to be alone, or you will be by yourself. This is by choice or circumstance, but it’s pretty normal for a Twelfth House Capricorn spell of weather.

Soul-searching, self-help, psychics and spirituality are all part of this transit. So too are more serious issues which require a psychiatrist or psychologist. Hypnosis in there and dreams too.

Right now, you are staring at the end of the 2008-2023 Pluto cycle and about to put paid to ongoing issues once and for all in 2024. You have had quite an odyssey for all these years, absolutely triumphing with one area (say, the Tarot) and still battling another (something an expert has been called in for).

2024 is turnaround year. It is the year when what you might think is impossible, happens. You’ve seen other people achieve it and so it can be done, but for whatever reason, you don’t think you can.

Actually, Aquarius, you’ve come awfully close more than once over the last few years. What is different about 2024 is that you will be helped and supported by happy circumstance. New inventions, perhaps or new faces in your world.

Aquarians have had all kinds of encounters with religion on this transit. You may be one of them. Perhaps religion is back on the agenda one more time this Christmas. In other cases, it’s been the esoteric or mystical side of your life. The Twelfth House is intensely personal and unique to you.

If you want to know how to get some or all of what you want from your inner self and inner life, try Astrology Delivery here on this website.

Premium Member? Read on for useful dates in the process, as well as your Tarot card and Lenormand card for the next fortnight.

The remainder of this article is available exclusively to Premium Members of this website. You can login or join for immediate access to this content.


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Merry Christmas Pisces!

December and January are about friends and groups. You could write a book about that since 2008, but as you go into 2024 you will want a complete solution to somebody or something which still hasn’t delivered for you. You can also congratulate yourself on some pretty amazing achievements too.

Friends disempower you or empower you on this cycle. It’s been years. So do groups. So, a group like Weight Watchers can change your life and change you, completely. And a cult can take your control away. It’s the same with particular friends. They can give you the reins or take them away. You have seen all sides of this.

The whole point of this cycle is to show you what’s realistic, and what’s not, in your personal friendships, and even your frenemy relationships. It’s time for questions and answers. That way, everyone can see where they stand. It’s an important reality check in your social life.

Some Pisces people have friends spending Christmas in jail on account of a group they were all mixed up with. This cycle can be extreme. Tis the season for cards, or no cards. That says it all for you with particular friends. And of course, parties are about groups.

This is a time when conventional wisdom, unspoken rules, laws, and social expectations will go on the line, as you test them – or those around you decide to stare them down. 2024 could be the transformation year, Pisces. Try Astrology Delivery here if you want to really see proper change.

Premium Member? Read on for useful dates in the process, as well as your Tarot card and Lenormand card for the next fortnight.

The remainder of this article is available exclusively to Premium Members of this website. You can login or join for immediate access to this content.


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