Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
March 17-23, 2025

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for March 17-23, 2025. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

https   cdn.evbuc .com images 566033379 1685490527763 1 original e1742073797378 300x300 - Weekly Horoscope March 17th to 23rdThanks to everyone who came along to the Ted Hughes and Sylvia Plath Zoom event at The Astrological Lodge of London.

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Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Aries – Freedom and independence with your money, property or possessions is now your key to Independence Day as Uranus moves swiftly through Taurus. This may concern a house, block of land or apartment with your ruler Mars in the real estate sign of Cancer. What is given, paid back, lent or shared could now offer you a new and radically different path.

Brand new possibilities await, Aries, and you can now see 2018 – 2024 as a long process of breaking away from people or organisations which cramped your style. For every upheaval or upset which took place in that time, you became far more autonomous. That’s priceless and, in fact, you have some exciting choices ahead.

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Taurus – Let’s talk about success as Pluto in Aquarius powers forward. What seemed outside the realm of possibility just 2-3 years ago can now become a reality. You are about to do a tremendous amount of learning about success and status but also the nature of power and control as well.

A decisive fork in the road is coming. It may not be until this cycle has finished with the retrogrades (backward pathways) of March and April 2025 that you are able to appreciate the full picture of your position, mission or ambition. But this cycle will give you a chance to develop your understanding of the politics with others as you realise that every little bit of self-control you find gives you the reins. If you banked on transforming an old professional, academic or vocational relationship in January, you will now realise how empowering that choice was.

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Gemini – Thanks to Pluto, you have a long and life-changing fork in the road now with academia, travel, publishing, foreign people/places, the worldwide web and even a new life in a new place. All of these life options are now on offer to you with quite historic crossroads in 2025. March 2025 brings them into focus.

Gemini, what is unique about this twelve-month period is the potent and empowering way in which a course, trip, book, website, foreign face, overseas location or move can change it all. A new girlfriend who has two passports, for example, can be your key to a long stint abroad. Pluto in Aquarius in your Ninth House can show up in many different ways. Business opportunities online with a foreign territory are another example.

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Cancer – Let’s talk about the retrogrades (rethinking, rescheduling and relaunching) with foreign people/places, the web, publishing and/or education. If you work in publishing, education or academia, then you will see cancellations or delays. Expect a useful time of rehearsal, though, connected to a different nationality or country to go forward and prepare to explore and trade later.

If you have Sagittarius chart factors, you can double that message as there is a good chance a situation you cannot square (or a person) will arise. March 2025 is best used for beta testing and journal planning. This entire zone of your chart from the Commonwealth nations to foreigners in your own town is complex. This week needs fancy footwork.

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Leo – Uranus in Taurus (ongoing) does rather suggest more rapid new freedoms and the most sudden kinds of independence days in terms of your goals and roles. Some of it is on your CV, some of it is not. But while Uranus is operating in the Tenth House and boosted by other cycles, you are being told to surf the waves.

You have already had one quite unexpected person or situation drop into your life in January this year and hopefully you realised this was a way out or through. There may have been a godsend along with a crisis for example. Uranus is about the world turning upside down repeatedly. It is about the unlikely, highly unusual, unique and quite unprecedented.

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Virgo – Yes, you have a self-control, willpower and self-discipline issue to resolve with work, unpaid work or study this week. Yes, the answer is empowering, and you may move towards projects, plans and goals which depend on your ability to train yourself to hold the reins. It may be that a person or organisation appears to be trying to control the journey. Not so. This is yours to push back with. Pluto will remind you, on more than one occasion, just how important it is. You will make some big strides with new colleagues, staff, clients, customers or classmates over the next 12 months if you realise this is down to you.

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Libra – Let’s talk about the intense impact of Pluto in Aquarius in your Fifth House – on children, teenagers or young adults. Relationships which may end in parenthood, too. If you have Leo factors in your birth chart, double that message. And do expect the situation to go back and forth for a few months, Libra. Some younger people in your family circle will teach you about power or control, thanks to their education, career, or personal life in 2025 and yet – does not come until you have taken on an obstacle course now.

If you have the chance to commit yourself to a new regime of willpower with a whole younger network of people now, it will also open up more power for you. Pluto is about control, in every way, on the other side of a generation gap. Who knows what’s out there for you? Pluto makes you stronger. It operates like a constant personal trainer. When you push back or resist you become more powerful. That is what the world of the bedroom and courtship shows you now as well as the next younger generation.

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Scorpio – Jupiter in Gemini offers you solutions and opportunities (ongoing) with money, property, business or charity. Jupiter expands and assists. Your private life budget is the key until June 2025. Your values – what you will or will not sell your soul for and who or what is precious. Jupiter leads your horse to water but can’t make it drink. So, you need to act on who or what was offered to you likely in November or December 2024. Go back and think about ‘should have’ or ‘could have’ and make it happen. You will save or make money in weeks as a result.

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Sagittarius – There is family or household karma to process now. It’s also going backwards, so allow for loops and circuits at home or with the clan. You are proceeding with extremely repetitive nodals and retrograde cycles now which is why building a house or rebuilding a family connection takes you backwards in time. The family, in particular, 18-19 years ago may be a key issue now. Repaying or apologising (perhaps). Making good or settling up. Maybe receiving what others owe you in terms of how you were treated at the time or what you did. And sometimes the issue is your flatmate or live-in partner from 18-19 years ago.

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Capricorn – The end of 2024 and start of 2025 showed you what empowerment felt like in terms of your image after a long time of being undermined by other people or organisations. The way you look and appear is now at your fingertips. It becomes so much easier now as your own natal Sun in Capricorn receives all manner of flowing transits from around your chart. Perhaps it was people who could not (or would not) do their jobs properly regarding your face, brand, name, title, reputation and so on. That kind of incompetence or laziness was shown the door, though, and now, this week, you can see the ongoing results.

The other knock-on effect of January 2025 is fresh independence, space and autonomy with the bedroom, courtship or the world of children and younger people. Boy, did you show them what’s what. But this is more than just show – you genuinely needed to get away from those who cramped your style. This week is a nod to that.

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Aquarius – Let’s talk about Pluto in Aquarius (your own sign) now powering through. This is about your image, brand, reputation or appearance. At least once in this cycle, you will be put through a test. That test will ask you to find steely self-control about matters of appearance, image, name, brand or reputation – packaging and presentation. For every challenging obstacle you face with image concerns now, the solution will be about willpower and that will make you powerful. Losing weight is an example. Relaunching yourself is another. Overcoming fear of public speaking on Zoom is a third. What’s your story?

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Pisces – Time for another U-turn with the web, publishing, education or the media. This cycle will also teach you how to make the relationship with your brother or sister work in a dramatically different way (ongoing). What you adapted to in 2024, you must now adapt to again – or throw out. This week asks you to come up with more liberating ways to use the written and spoken word using the latest technology or images.

Finally, this cycle will show you how to flip the old ideas about travel and transportation issues – from the walks you take to the cars you buy. Uranus in Taurus is about the last thing you expected (learning to drive over age 50 for example). Or in regard to the web – licensing your work in an innovative way or even learning to write for a different medium, perhaps.

Pisces, the Capricorn-ruled zone of your chart was flushed out and then refilled in January 2025. What and who you filled your social life, social media, groups and friendships with is now showing up. Back in January, you woke up to the extent you were being undermined, under-valued and so on by groups or friends who were overrating their own place in the game. Well, it’s a different game now. You are in a different space and can now begin to use this transit which prop up the lunar Capricorn transits every 4 weeks to commit to ongoing monthly progress with these clubs, teams, circles, hubs, societies, associations, unions and so on.

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