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Aries – The extended family or shared household now cycles backwards. It may be your son. It may be children or parents, grandparents and so on. What you plant today could be the gift that goes on giving, but only from mid-year when Jupiter goes into Cancer. Right now, this is a reversing or rewritten plan. It may concern your house, land or apartment as much as the people at home. This applies for the generations. We may be talking infants here or elders – but also renovations, repairs, leases, mortgages and so on.
Skip the Full Moon on January 13th, 2025 (allow a day either side for world time zone and sleep cycle differences). It’s unhelpful. Yet, from current imperfections, a truly grand solution or epic plan takes off in June/July.
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Taurus – Your group zone is busy this week and this picks up friends too. You are all going to choose which direction to take based on your karma from 18-19 years ago – either with them or other circles and allies. If you can unite, then you can land the right way this year. The key is unity or solidarity that requires balancing or a karmic collection. The choice is yours, although the strategy will have to be quick. Often with these things it takes a second look.
Neptune is well-known in astrology for producing situations where everyone is everywhere – all the time, all over the place. Meanwhile, Saturn says, “Unless you build this, it’s not going to work.” You also now have Venus and the North Node here in the same chart zone. This circle needs time.
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Gemini – Your ambition, position, mission, career, status, unpaid work and the rest is really in need of some time and space. If something or someone is confused or confusing – ditch or delegate, Gemini. We have Saturn, among others, in Pisces which rules your goals and roles. Saturn can be quite heavy going. In fact, this planet is associated with lead.
It may be worth actually stopping for a while and rethinking what and who you have taken on board. From that point, you can either set things aside or give the job to others. Saturn, Neptune, Venus and the North Node are all in your zone of achievement. That’s a lot of demands on your time and energy.
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Cancer – The Aquarius weather now is about pricing what cannot be priced. Maybe priceless heritage. You are now at point where you have enough going on with those trying to get you to pay up or even just buy that you may find it more of a big deal than they assumed. Power and control issues are here to stay.
You are now realising just how fixed you are when it comes to finance. Leo and Aquarius, both fixed signs, rule your bank account, investments, possessions and so on. For many Cancer people, there is a property question to watch. Don’t forget the general real estate market or question in the background. This week is big for a karmic sign-off as the South Node leaves your house, land, garden and apartment zone.
We also have the Sun opposite the Moon in Cancer. Oppositions tend to make you hesitate. Life is not a dress rehearsal as you know, but there is something about the lay of the land that is making you pause. You do have a career, property, family or household plan. Maybe a study plan. Cancer, the issue is where, when and how to plant this thing. You may want to delegate or ask for assistance. That is one way around it. Another way is to have a good talk with yourself about why you are so blocked. Once the Full Moon passes, so does the conundrum.
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Leo – You have both your work, career, academic and unpaid sectors lit this week. Time to start aiming for freedom with your concept, brainwave, plan or qualification. It does actually have that potential – it’s independence waiting to happen. The issue is a May 2025 sign-off. Time is of the essence because unless you remember you have tremendous reason to change on a personal level, you may delay a revolution. Now for the idea or goal.
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Virgo – The big node sign off this week in your finance and property sectors shows the money and karmic closure. There is a Cancer Full Moon building which suggests you are coming full circle with a friend and group as well. You can be a musician making records, for example, or in an old army unit.
The sign of Virgo is associated with duty and service to others, but actually your first duty is to your own conscience with the financial or property sign-off. Your own soul satisfaction. You could not let yourself slack off from the karma 18-19 years ago even if you tried. Besides, there is too much that is spiritually bankable.
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Libra – We have a Full Moon in Cancer in your zone of ambition, position and mission – opposite the Sun in your home and family zone – at both ends of your chart. This inner conflict may also be about your resume or CV as well as a relative or property question. The issue here is what to do, when to do it, and how to do it. The obstacle seems to be your own inability to get inner consensus which you cannot correct. You can’t really expect this to take off where you are in a Full Moon week. You are in the wrong time and place. Yet, if you never ever do head miles over this, you will never ever know how fabulous your options for success become mid-year. From current questions, comes future achievement, status, or high reward – if you try.
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Scorpio – With the South Node in Virgo now in your zone of groups, there is a karmic commitment to be made or remade. This may be a sisterhood or brotherhood of sorts or a mixed group of quite diverse people. The Democrats, say. The Freemasons, even. The commitment is about wedding yourself to closure from what happened 18-19 year ago. And it takes all year.
There is potential ongoing balancing here – be it soul stuff, or spiritual stuff – so quite precious. An example of this would be three girlfriends who come up with a business venture with you now. The trick this week is to see karmic closure with friends and groups as an investment in the future. This may be a reunion for so many Scorpio people. Do understand that among friends there can be more on offer than what you see.
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Sagittarius – The Libra South Node exit now brings up the group. This may be a social circle or a trade union for example. You tend to get opposites in an opposition which you have had with the nodes, so there is a real difference between the leader or front person for this network and the rest. You may consider yourself to be the one who is front and centre. In other cases, you may be really aware of the massive difference between all of you together. Well, the karma is over. This is rather like being a director with a cast and crew. A singer with a band. This final nodal opposition reminds you that the collective is now offering up a final chapter. The friend or group is about a circle of time closing.
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Capricorn – Well, you are going into 2025 with a flurry of Aquarius patterns in your Second House. This potent new weather is in your finance and property zone. Business, too. You will be juggling roles, rights and responsibilities as power is now in the space and it must be shared. This is partly not your fault at all. Your country’s economy or the world economy is so unstable. Everything is random (though this ends in mid-2025). Juggling power and control is something that works in particular conditions, though, and right now you need to be managing ‘the new nuclear’ in the budget. You actually need a new budget, if you’re honest.
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Aquarius – The nodes are moving into Virgo and Pisces – ruling your finances and property. The money-go-round really will go around this week. Karma begins. You have quite a lot of activity in this space concerning the two cash signs for you. We also have a Full Moon coming up in Cancer which shows in your natal chart. So, this may be an inheritance, trust fund or legacy. A will, perhaps, or a way of sharing the money between grandparents, parents and children. A domestic situation or a family question. This is quite a common example of the sort of scenario which takes place on these cycles. There are less obvious outcomes too. It may be that three generations of one family can do more together than they ever could alone.
You have transits in your public and private horoscopes which are all about rethinking how it’s going to be with the money, house, apartment, possessions – but also with the people or place you call home. Life as it was 18-19 years ago will play its part karmically.
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Pisces – Your birth chart this week is triggered at the sign of Cancer by a Full Moon. Well, there are clear new choices about stepchildren, godchildren, sons and daughters, courtship, romance and the younger generation. But you must pass a crossroads. A Full Moon is always a full stop. It is opposite the Sun. This may be a quandary about your boyfriend’s daughter from a previous marriage. Perhaps your son has you at a crossroads. Younger people en masse – teenagers, young adults – can also be part of the Full Moon Full stop. The funny thing is – what stretches you this week, delivers later. Terrific solutions and big opportunities are set for June/July 2025.
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