Have you ordered your 2025-2026 Astrology Report yet?
It runs from Lunar New Year – January 29th, 2025. Every report contains Astrology Delivery dates. Special podcasts and other extras go with your report throughout the year on my website. Your report ends on February 17th, 2026.
You can find more information including how to order here.
Aries – You are starting the year with Uranus in Taurus for the last time. Life since 2018 has been a financial rollercoaster – up, down and sideways. You can be broke or wealthy in this cycle, but you’ll still need to get real about ‘The New Unpredictable’ and be extremely practical about quite erratic issues which come with your situation.
Right now, your job is to create a flexible, loosey goosey financial structure in your life that will take care of the remaining spikes on the graph. This may be insurance, superannuation/pension, mortgage, business, charity, real estate or valuables. By the middle of 2025, you can look forward to navigating a far more certain existence with the very last zig-zags over by 2026.
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Taurus – You have until mid-2025 to use Jupiter in Gemini in your Second House of finance. Jupiter is about abundant opportunities, huge solutions and tremendous hope for a bigger and better future. You are also now well out of the Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius cycle that saw you spinning your wheels with shares, business, property, salary and so on in November/December 2024.
Michael Finnegan, begin again? What a din again? Put some circular situations behind you, Taurus, and move on to what (or whom) is promising to deliver so much. Perhaps May and June 2025 are already in your diary as important deadlines or outcomes.
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Gemini – This Mars Retrograde in Leo cycle will teach you how to make the relationship with your brother or sister work. It will also ask you to come up with more effective ways to use the written and spoken word. Finally, this cycle will show you how to manage travel and transportation issues – from the flights you take, to the cars you buy. Despite the stuck or circular situations of 2025 left over from 2024, you can gain if you time this right. You need a Plan B and C, Gemini.
Let’s start with your brother or sister. Shortly after this cycle begins, you will have to face a time warp or loop. It kicked off last year and returns in the first half of 2025. Create a strategy for long-term coping with reversals or delays – even possible cancellations. When it comes to your brother or sister, you need a workable plan.
Communication and the business of using the written or spoken word is also going to be a retrograde issue now. The media may be involved or new web technology. This retrograde cycle also impacts travel and the transport that you use – cars, buses, trains, boats, bicycles, or motorbikes. As a basic starting point for this cycle, always read the fine print on travel conditions and on purchase or hire contracts for Uber. If you accidentally damage the Tesla back seat, is your driver insured for that or are you expected to pay? Be equally hard-nosed about short-haul airlines.
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Cancer – Here comes the Aquarius weather into your finance, business, charity, valuables and home zone! So, let’s look at your lease, mortgage or property investment first. You need to become a DIY expert on all this stuff now so you can be constantly and thoroughly updated about everything – from your legal situation with landlords to the realities of hiring builders. You can never learn too much or know too much in this cycle.
Pluto is in Aquarius. Be savvy about potential power or control issues. Nip them in the bud even this early. I don’t know if you own a string of properties or have a market stall with your friends, but the story is the same. Situations you cannot sidestep and conditions you cannot avoid are going to make empowerment possible, but only with willpower.
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Leo – If you work full-time or part-time, this Sun in Capricorn cycle will reveal what you missed about your job. You’ll need more focus on sleep now and fresh eyes on a proper daily routine which keeps you healthy. Of course, doctors will tell you that this is essential anyway. But for the next week or so, it’s really vital to see what wasn’t captured before. The obvious realities of your particular role in life will demand more new angles than you imagined.
Leo, do you treat your body with the respect you would give to a vintage Rolls Royce, or is this a Malvern Star bicycle rusting in the shed? Your body is a machine to power you through paid work, study or unpaid work. That’s seldom been as clear as it is now.
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Virgo – Aquarius weather is here in your solar Sixth House of workload and wellbeing. In your natal Sixth House, the South Node is here too. Take a long look at the coping mechanisms and little structures you’re creating now in order to deal with quite a new world. We all need to do it, especially in our working lives. Now, it is crucial that you do this. Check in every few days or so to see if these systems you’ve developed to manage are actually worth all your effort.
If you are unemployed or have a full-time home life, the same very new power, willpower, control and self-control issues face you now. The way forward for you is to do your homework about what you’re dealing with. Self-discipline makes you formidable now. And if your health is an issue, it’s the same. Your body and your mind are tied so much to your deepest unconscious feelings about the work you do or the duties you have.
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Libra – This emerging Aries cycle will affect your marriage, partnership, dating chances, and the state of play with any rivals or enemies. The North Node has gone. In May 2025, Neptune and Saturn come in. You are between selves and lives this week and need to take stock. You will have to live in the real world, at this time, as the unavoidable facts about yourself and your situation will need to be dealt with in the most practical way from May 2025. What Saturn wants you to do then is build the kind of relationship, the kind of single life – even the kind of status quo with your opponents – which does the most to take care of what will be big new walls or barriers. It is possible that May is in your diary in terms of this person already. This is your duet or duel, writ large.
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Scorpio – Stand back and take an objective look at what you are putting together for yourself now with a duet or duel. Is it providing you with a sense of freedom or an ongoing release from entrapment? If all goes well now, you will end up with something which is a sign-off moment in May 2025. That something may be a liberating new marriage, an exhilarating twist of new independence in a relationship, a relieving divorce or a legal victory. It may be a revolutionary approach to a partner or enemy or a new emotional or sexual set-up which offers space. Whatever you are putting so much work into could very well stand the test of time, so it’s crucial that you know the nature of the bed you are hammering together before you decide to go and lie in it. Or get out of it!
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Sagittarius – The Sun in Capricorn now sheds new light on the Second House (financial and property) realities of having other people (or organisations) so heavily involved in your own financial or property situation. The Full Moon in Cancer lights it up the other way. Deals, contracts, binding obligations, legal requirements and casual agreements all add up to the same thing – a big spotlight and an overdue check on not just the numbers, but the relationships. Partners, former partners and family members are typical. It may be insurance or an inheritance, say. You will enter into reshaped financial, business or property arrangements next, if you did not already do this in previous weeks. But do your homework. What’s the track record of these schemes or plans?
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Capricorn – The Aquarius weather is here in your Second House of personal income, your life budget, your banking, shopping and so on. This is really new. Power is in the space. That’s now here to stay, Capricorn. Pluto shows the empowerment that comes when you find your own willpower and control yourself and your numbers. The more casual you are about finance now, the more you will leave yourself wide open to real issues about being taken over or takeover merchants and types. So, be conscious of what you’re doing.
Try to do the necessary changes before this cycle really kicks in. You have certain arrangements with your flatmates about the bond, for example, but where do you all stand legally if someone breaks a window? You’re happy to rely on a family inheritance, but what does your sister actually expect as a result of that? You’re thrilled about your husband having a trial separation, but what happens to your children’s school fees if you split up? So much to think about in such a short space of time. Whatever your situation is – the Pluto rule is that if you feel overpowered or lacking full control (since November 2024) – you use your willpower and self-control to become empowered and regain those controls.
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Aquarius – Here we have a classic example of work, unpaid work or academic challenges which result in terrific outcomes in around 5-6 months. The Full Moon in Cancer and also Mars Retrograde in Cancer are unlikely to leave you feeling particularly satisfied now. Maybe health is your issue preventing or minimising work, housework, study and so on. Yet, from the seeds of this week, something huge grows later.
Jupiter will move into Cancer and your Sixth House of duty, service, fitness for duty, wellbeing, mental health, tasks, lifestyle and labour with the Sun on board from late June to late July 2025. Are you about to take a new job as this cycle begins? Then arm yourself with as many facts as you can – not only about your employers, but also about the state of your business/industry. You must now inform yourself, educate yourself and update yourself as much as you can about the work that you do or the position you’re about to take.
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Pisces – When it comes to your working life, expect stop-start, circular timing and even cancellations with the professional, academic or vocational territory you’re stuck with these days. If you don’t have a full-time or part-time job, then this applies to your other role and goals. Mars Retrograde in Leo is about stuck and repetitive situations in early 2025.
If your health is an issue, it may take longer than usual to sort out the answers as Mars arrived in 2024, then vanished and will reappear. You will need to build up some kind of stronghold now as you manage this situation with work, study, unpaid work or health. It may be psychological (so you need to think a certain way or respond a certain way to feel comfortable.) It may also be practical and hands-on – a workplace system or professional routine, say. An angle on your wellbeing.
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