Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Your Weekly Horoscope
December 19th, 2022 to January 1st, 2023

Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for December 19th, 2022 to January 1st, 2023. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast.
Astrologer's Diary

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Thanks to everyone who sent congratulations about that accurate World Cup final prediction. The winner was of course Argentina, which is where the Pope comes from. Quote…”This horoscope for the FIFA World Cup 2022 final shows a religious nation winning the cup.”

Don’t forget – Premium Members can send Holiday eCards including New Year’s and Lunar New Year here.

Taurus Christmas gen Dog Animal Astrology Cards 600x464 1 300x232 - Holiday Edition Weekly Horoscope – December 19th, 2022, to January 1st, 2023

Astrology eCard TAURUS Happy New Year 300x213 - Holiday Edition Weekly Horoscope – December 19th, 2022, to January 1st, 2023    Astrology eCard Rat Lunar New Year 300x213 - Holiday Edition Weekly Horoscope – December 19th, 2022, to January 1st, 2023

This Holiday Edition prediction covers two weeks from Monday, December 19th to Sunday, December 25th, 2022 (Christmas Day), and then Monday, December 26th, 2022 (Boxing Day) to Sunday, January 1st, 2023 (New Year’s Day).

Special thanks to Alicia, Alyas, James, Jodi and Justin for bringing this website and our events to you in 2022.

Now, here is the good news about the holiday for you.

Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Merry Christmas, Aries.

This is the second time Jupiter in Aries has visited your horoscope recently. Along the way, you have learned so much about image, reputation, branding, title, even wardrobe. You are in the biggest and best cycle in 12 years for a relaunch. As you open your calendar and diary, please mark these intervals: Mercury Aries from March 20th to April 3rd, 2023, is when you can talk about yourself (with permission), sort out your name or title and find out more about your profile.

What ‘they’ say should not or could not happen, usually has – since 2018. That is when Chiron entered Aries. He will be there until 2027 so there will be a few more versions of yourself by then. Circle July 18th, 2023, in your diary too. That’s when the North Node goes into Aries and karma from Christmas 2004 comes back, regarding your image. Remember?

Your birthday falls with the Sun in Aries from March 21st to April 20th, 2023, and that may be the period you promise yourself you will lose weight, get your teeth fixed, or some other appearance landmark. Maybe that is when you want to engage in publicity or self-promotion. Some Aries people will end up in a new uniform. Another key date for you is the New Moon in Aries on March 21st, 2023, when the new you (hinted at this Christmas) is complete. Lucky Jupiter is in Aries and your First House of ‘upfront, front-and-centre’ from December 21st, 2022, to May 16th, 2023, and your Christmas presents this year may well hint at a different look, or a different way to be seen.

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Taurus, Merry Christmas.

The very welcome new Aries weather in your solar Twelfth House will put the emphasis on religious belief, faith, spirit, soul, psychology, psyche – so it’s a quiet time now. You gain from going inward. The confusion in 2022 within groups, clubs, teams and so on has taught you to ‘read’ people not from external appearances, but from the soul. Big collections of people have been chaotic, with Neptune in Pisces in your solar Eleventh House. That is why you have had to learn to look inside the person, which you already do with yourself, these days.

This works really well, Taurus. In fact you will relaunch on the inside with the church, your Tarot deck, meditation, psychologists, self-help and so on. Taurus, you have been shown so very clearly that you have to speak to the soul, beyond particular dogma or badges of faith. That is ongoing.

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Merry Christmas Gemini.

Your life since 2011 has been all about the tempting potential of the group (or many groups) and this may have been a swimming club, or perhaps a Tarot circle. Now, Chiron is in Aries, so you are constantly asking yourself “What can I get away with? What is the new, possible, impossible?” This may be Meetups or Twitter, a trade union or a band. Fantastic new opportunities to have the biggest and best social life and group involvements in 12 years are now close, and who or what you hear, as Christmas comes nearer, suggests these cards, greetings and invitations are meant to be.

The Aries transits in your Eleventh House of friends are with you until May 16th, 2023, and this is your best chance to increase your following or make new friends who can take you higher. Mercury Aries from March 20th to April 3rd, 2023, is when you will put it all in writing, with membership confirmed or friends making a commitment. Circle July 18th, 2023, in your diary too. That’s when the North Node goes into Aries and karma from Christmas 2004 comes back, regarding your friend or the group.

The Sun in Aries from March 21st to April 20th, 2023, puts a huge celebration, gathering or event in the spotlight. Another key date for you is the New Moon in Aries on March 21st, 2023, when you make a new friend or join a new group, worth its weight in gold. Lucky Jupiter is in Aries and your Twelfth House of socialising, community, people power and pals from December 21st, 2022, to May 16th, 2023, so use it.

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Merry Christmas Cancer.

The Aries transits in your Tenth House of success, ambition and your highest mission are with you until May 16th, 2023, and this is your best chance in 12 years to go to the top of your game. As you open your calendar and diary, please mark these intervals:

  • Mercury Aries from March 20th to April 3rd, 2023, is when you will put it all in writing, so this may be a new job contract; confirmation of a far bigger role; an important award or qualification; the launch of a bit hit. What ‘they’ say should not or could not happen, usually has – since 2018. That is when Chiron entered Aries. He will be there until 2027 so there will be a few more jaw-dropping moments for you.
  • Circle July 18th, 2023, in your diary too. That’s when the North Node goes into Aries and karma from Christmas 2004 comes back, regarding your chosen role, or goals in life. The Sun in Aries from March 21st to April 20th, 2023, will have your contemporaries looking your way; a proud moment if you have done everything right, Cancer.
  • Another key date for you is the New Moon in Aries on March 21st, 2023, when you could so easily be promoted to the top job.
  • Lucky Jupiter is in Aries and your Tenth House of success from December 21st, 2022, to May 16th, 2023, and so you have plenty of time to do this.


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Merry Christmas Leo.

The Aries Weather for you has been in your Ninth House of study, teaching, publishing, the worldwide web, knowledge exchange, foreigners, foreign countries, information and communication. Leo, this has been a topsy-turvy and wildly unpredictable part of your life since 2011, although the biggest spins were over by May 2018. Life is much calmer since May 2018 and now you are living with Aries weather to your total advantage, and your next six months will be devoted to books, e-books and the MacBook Air. The question of 2023 is ‘What can I get away with?’

This is the case to May 16th, 2023, and this is your best chance in 12 years to go to the top of academia, publishing, the worldwide web and foreign involvements. As you open your calendar and diary, please mark Mercury Aries from March 20th to April 3rd, 2023, which is when you will put it all in writing, Leo. What ‘they’ say should not or could not happen, usually has – since 2018. That is when Chiron entered your Ninth House. He will be there until 2027 so there will be a few more jaw-dropping moments for you.

Circle July 18th, 2023, in your diary too. That’s when the North Node goes into Aries and karma from Christmas 2004 comes back, regarding a foreigner and/or foreign place. Your ruler, the Sun in Aries from March 21st to April 20th, 2023, will put a shining achievement online for you. Another key date for you is the New Moon in Aries on March 21st, 2023, when you make a terrific new beginning, again involving a foreigner or foreign country. Lucky Jupiter is in Aries and your Ninth House from December 21st, 2022, to May 16th, 2023, and so you have plenty of time to do this.

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Merry Christmas Virgo.

For you, this long period of Aries Weather is about saving or making money, in a big new way. Christmas hints at that, and you will find what you gain or profit from by May 2023 is a very special reward. At every point of this cycle, which began in 2011, you have realized that what/who is solid gold in your life, is priceless, in terms of the way it helps you stash away the savings or just get something for nothing.

In fact, Virgo, every time you have cycles in the sign of Aries, they automatically flow for you. So, for you, this cycle is about constantly trading off salary, income, debt, investments, business and the rest – against how you feel. You should be feeling pretty good, very soon. The Aries transits are with you until May 16th, 2023, and this is your best chance in 12 years to make or save a lot of money.

As you open your calendar and diary, please mark these intervals:

  • Mercury in Aries from March 20th to April 3rd, 2023, suggests a contract or some great news. You have been experimenting with all that you own, earn or owe since 2018. That is when Chiron entered Aries. He will be there until 2027 so there will be a few more financial experiments for you, Virgo.
  • Circle July 18th, 2023, in your diary too. That’s when the North Node goes into Aries and karma from Christmas 2004 comes back.
  • The Sun in Aries from March 21st to April 20th, 2023, will put the numbers, property, business, charity or shares in the spotlight.
  • Another key date for you is the New Moon in Aries on March 21st, 2023, which is a big new beginning with the bank or similar.
  • Lucky Jupiter is in Aries from December 21st, 2022, to May 16th, 2023. Use it.


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Merry Christmas Libra.

The new Aries ‘partnership answers’ transits are with you until May 16th, 2023, and this is your best chance in 12 years to find huge solutions for, through and about your partners in life. This applies to husbands, former husbands, professional partners, wives, girlfriends and any sort of duet.

As you open your calendar and diary, please mark these intervals:

  • Mercury in Aries from March 20th to April 3rd, 2023, is important as signatures will be involved, Libra. You have been experimenting with your partners/partners, plural since 2018. That is when Chiron entered Aries. He will be there until 2027 so there will be a few more experiments for you ahead.
  • Circle July 18th, 2023, in your diary too. That’s when the North Node goes into Aries and karma from Christmas 2004 comes back through the partnership, either with the same face, or a different face from that time. The Sun in Aries from March 21st to April 20th, 2023, will put the partnership in the spotlight.
  • Another key date for you is the New Moon in Aries on March 21st, 2023, when you may start a relationship, separate, become engaged, approve a divorce or move in together.
  • Lucky Jupiter is in Aries from December 21st, 2022, to May 16th, 2023, when you will have so much good fortune through your other half, on whatever basis.


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Merry Christmas Scorpio.

The new Aries ‘lifestyle, workload and well-being answers’ transits are with you until May 16th, 2023, and this is your best chance in 12 years to find answers. The best outcomes arrive with Jupiter in Aries; the greatest and best. Jupiter Optimus Maximus, as the Romans knew him. This applies to paid roles, unpaid roles, academia and your daily routine, Scorpio.

As you open your calendar and diary, please mark these intervals:

  • Mercury in Aries from March 20th to April 3rd, 2023, brings a contract, perhaps, or signatures incoming. You have been experimenting with role, duty, service to others and lifestyle since 2018. That is when Chiron entered Aries. He will be there until 2027 so there will be more.
  • Circle July 18th, 2023, in your diary too. That’s when the North Node goes into Aries and aspects of your work, unpaid work or academic life from 2004 come back for closure. You owe, or are owed, at that point.
  • The Sun in Aries from March 21st to April 20th, 2023, will put your future role in the spotlight.
  • Another key date for you is the New Moon in Aries on March 21st, 2023, when you may resign, retire, accept a new role, address your health (on all levels) or reshape your Curriculum Vitae.
  • Lucky Jupiter is in Aries from December 21st, 2022, to May 16th, 2023, when tremendous solutions and sweeping answers are possible for what concerns you about your role or health.


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Merry Christmas Sagittarius.

The next generation – infants, schoolchildren, teenagers, Millennials – has been at the heart of your Aries Weather cycles since 2011. You will never again see the world turning upside down (as it did, several times) between 2011-2018. Yet, the story goes on and those younger faces grow older. New, younger faces are also set to appear in 2023. Godchildren, young relatives, grandchildren are all possible. So is paid or unpaid work with teenagers or Millennials – perhaps infants or schoolchildren.

To some extent your journey was, and is, about the heirs to the throne. The pretenders to the throne. Now that the quite dramatic breaks with the past, are also in the past (you may have been through all kinds of splits or separations) you have some years of new stories. In 2023, Chiron in Aries suggests that the so-called ‘impossible’ possibilities are the really interesting ones, for you.

As you open your calendar and diary, please mark these intervals:

  • Mercury in Aries from March 20th to April 3rd, 2023, is important as there will be news confirming a pregnancy, adoption or IVF for so many. You have been experimenting with your children, godchildren, young relatives or adult children – plural – since 2018. That is when Chiron entered Aries. He will be there until 2027 so there will be a few more experiments for you ahead.
  • Circle July 18th, 2023, in your diary too. That’s when the North Node goes into Aries and karma from Christmas 2004 comes back through one face.
  • The Sun in Aries from March 21st to April 20th, 2023, will put the younger generation in the spotlight. A daughter may win an award or gain outstanding success, say.
  • Another key date for you is the New Moon in Aries on March 21st, 2023, when you may hear big news from a child, or about a new baby.
  • Lucky Jupiter is in Aries from December 21st, 2022, to May 16th, 2023, when you will have so much good fortune through your heirs, spares and pretenders to the throne.


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Merry Christmas Capricorn!

The Aries weather for you all these years, has been about the family tree. So, on your mother’s side or father’s side. Possibly on your husband or wife’s side of the family. Of course, this transit (which began in 2011) may have shaken and rattled at least two families.

You have also had particular people (probably boys or men) playing their part. In fact, 2011-2018 in particular was about two generations of males, making changes which affected everybody. That was the Uranus cycle in Aries in your solar Fourth House of family. These days you have more chapters ahead to write.

In the Twenties, the question to ask yourself, with Chiron in Aries, is ‘What can I get away with?’ You have terrific transits in 2023, starting this Christmas, to resolve family questions; gain from the family; boost the family tree. This can be extended, or immediate.

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Merry Christmas Aquarius.

For you, the Aries weather since 2011 has been about collaborating on internet, media, publishing or educational projects and plans. Uranus in your Third House of communication, information and knowledge exchange from 2011 to 2018 presented you with an exciting memory. What you achieved then, still gives you a buzz.

The Aries transits at Christmas 2022 into the whole year of 2023 are terrific for local projects via the internet. The media. Publishing. Courses and learning; teaching. Multimedia and communicative art. Scripts and podcasts and so on. Siblings and cousins also suggest a boom period of sweeping solutions through them or about them. In fact, Aquarius, a brother, sister or cousin will be at the centre of tremendous growth and expansion in 2023, with much-needed improvements for them, or around them. It’s part of a family change which works entirely in your favour from May 2023.

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Merry Christmas Pisces.

For you, the Aries Weather since 2011 has been about putting a true price on what cannot so easily be bought and sold. In the 2011-2018 cycle, for example, you realized that one investment or earner was something that would reward you for life. The rewards may not have been financial at all, to you.

In other cases, Pisces, the Second House transits in the Aries Weather have been about what you see as beyond money. You can inherit a dog on this cycle, but it means more to you than mere money. To some extent, having had this financial cycle for years, and having it beyond 2030, means that you do not value what others do. You don’t necessarily want the picket fence, the big car and the rest.

Increasingly what is precious to the point of being priceless to you, is your own evaluation of what or who can’t be tagged. You will save or make an absolute small fortune in 2023, Pisces, with Jupiter in your solar Second House. The gains begin just before Christmas Eve and continue to May 2023.

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