

Aries Cycles to 2039

How the rolling Aries cycles of the past and distant future affect your solar and natal chart. If you are an Aries or have a stellium in Aries, you need to read this.

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The Jupiter-Sun Conjunction 2023

The Jupiter-Sun Conjunction in April 2023 On 12th April 2023 at 8.03am in Sydney (adjust for your time zone) we experience the fantastic Jupiter-Sun conjunction

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The New Moon in Virgo 2022

The Virgo New Moon This is a misleading New Moon on Saturday 27th August 2022, so although it feels like a new beginning – it

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Squares in Astrology

Squares in Astrology and the Horoscope  When two horoscope factors are exactly 90 degrees apart, they are square. Whatever is square ‘can’t be squared.’ It’s

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Full Moon August 2022

The Full Moon of August 11th and 12th 2022 A Full Moon is always a full stop. Your story is paused. We have one on

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The July Full Moon in Capricorn

Watching the Capricorn Full Moon in July The Capricorn Full Moon in July appears on Wednesday, July 13th, 2022, at 21 Capricorn, opposite the Sun

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Oppositions in Your Natal Chart

Oppositions in your natal chart are unusual. You are looking for two factors at the same degree, or number, in opposite signs of the zodiac.

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Fixed Signs in Changing Times

Fixed Signs in Changing Times Fixed Signs in Changing Times (held in partnership with The Astrology Foundation, New Zealand) was held as a Zoom event

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The Leo Weather 2021

The Sun, New Moon, Mercury, Venus, Psyche, Fortuna and Mars are all in Leo in July and August 2021. What does the Leo weather mean for your sign and also for your personal birth chart? Join us for a YouTube Premiere with special guest astrologers Natalie Delahaye and Stephanie Johnson. Premium Member? Your question may be answered in a Leo Weather Zoom event.

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Taurus Weather 2021-2026

The Taurus Weather of 2021-2026 will affect your finances, house, business, apartment if you have Taurus factors and/or Scorpio factors in your personal birth chart.

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Scorpio Full Moon Astrology

The Scorpio Full Moon of May 2020 is a full stop for your sign. How is your horoscope affected? Scorpio Full Moon astrology trends are about big financial and economic choices for you, your people or the world. Find out more.

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Free Weekly Astrology Class: Uranus in Taurus

Uranus in Taurus and what it means for you and the world, as you experience the planet of revolution, radical change, freedom and independence (Uranus) transiting through the sign of Taurus (economy, money, property prices – and food!).

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The Astrology Show – Financial Astrology

Financial astrology – with Kate Silas (ex Wall Street) and Olga Morales (W.D.Gann expert). In 2020 what can astrological financial charts tell us about the future? Jessica Adams saw four years into the global economy headlines in her book 2020 Astrology, too. Read on and listen to these exclusive podcasts – at The Astrology Show.

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Gardening Astrology – New Moons

Interested in planting on a New Moon (new birth, new beginnings) in Taurus (food, money) this year? You might have wheatgrass in the kitchen, or alfalfa sprouts. Maybe you’re lucky enough to have a garden. Plant on April 23rd or 24th, 2020, for results. This Astrology Show Gardening Special features Stephanie Johnson, Jennifer Matthews and Louise Moran.

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How October 2020 Brings Donald Down

October 2020 is a crisis month for Donald Trump. Just one month before the 2020 Election. For Donald Trump to come back and be President in November 2020, or even just redeem his reputation – nothing short of a couple of miracles would have to take place.

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Super Virgo Weather 2019

We’re in for super Virgo weather in 2019 with a high number of patterns, including the Virgo New Moon, in this sign. How is your zodiac sign affected and also your personal birth chart?

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July 2019 Eclipses in Astrology

Astrology explains July 2019 eclipses as blind spots and cover-ups, but how Is your horoscope affected? The July 2nd and 16th eclipses in your personal astrological chart show how you’re left in the dark.

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The 19th May Full Moon in Scorpio

How will the Full Moon in Scorpio on May 18th affect you? Why is the weekend of May 18th and 19th so dramatic for the global economy. And…is Donald Trump using astrology?

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