
Time, Prediction and Dreams

Time, Prediction and Dreams with Jessica Adams, Jane Teresa Anderson, Tara Buffington and Dr. Maria Kempinska moves you forward with Tarot, Astrology and dreams. What are your questions? This special feature tied into the YouTube Premiere, Hobart live event and Zoom Meetup is your next step.

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2021 Psychic Predictions

All the 2021 psychic predictions about the Corona Virus and…yes, some good news. PLUS The 2020 psychic predictions that all came true, from Donald Trump getting COVID-19 in October, to Brexit – and Meghan Markle.

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The 2020 Solstice in Astrology

The Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius and the December Solstice both take place on December 21st, 2020. This rare alignment will chime with amazing changes for all of us.

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Travelling With Jupiter September-November 2019

It’s time to travel with Jupiter in every sense of the word. Jupiter is the planet of luck, solutions, growth, improvements and win-win outcomes. At last he is moving forward in Sagittarius, the sign ruling vacations – and September, October, November 2019 is full of huge potential for you. How can you tap it?

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Britain, Brexit and 1066 Astrology

What is really astonishing about Great Britain is that she also possesses other ‘birth’ charts quite apart from 1066 which also gives us the same story about 2019. Global expansion. New exploration. The world map, written in a new way.

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Welcome to Jupiter in Sagittarius – Part I

First in a three-part series. In part one you can find out about the benefits of this new cycle for Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo and Virgo. In part two you can see the rewards for Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. In part three we’ll look at Brexit, Airbnb, easyJet and other big 2019 stories – before they happen.

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North Node in Cancer 2018-2020

The North Node in Cancer 2018-2020 will bring back the past, if you have Cancer factors in your chart. Your family tree, home town, homeland, house, apartment, land, household as it was in 2000-2001, 1981-1983, 1962-1964, 1944-1945 (even before you were born) is coming back to you. Why? Karma. Closure!

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Your 2018 Horoscope

The best things come late. A fantastic new wave in airline, hotel, vacation and working holiday offers will be with us from the 9th of November, with the biggest and best news in 12 years for travellers in 2019.

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Astrology and the 2017 UK Election

Theresa May and the Conservative Party are 20 points ahead of Labour as I write this on 19th April 2017. That seems to make horoscope predictions pretty irrelevant. But the public opinion polls have been wrong before – and astrology was absolutely right.

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