Goodbye Pluto in Capricorn
How does the welcome exit of Pluto from Capricorn on 19th November 2024, affect you? The final sign-off in the process is Ceres exiting Capricorn on 7th December – about three weeks later.
How does the welcome exit of Pluto from Capricorn on 19th November 2024, affect you? The final sign-off in the process is Ceres exiting Capricorn on 7th December – about three weeks later.
Triple checked prediction, Kamala Harris and Inauguration Day 2025. What’s your take?
Every New Moon and Full Moon in July and August 2024 has a story to tell in your astrology chart as we see Cancer, Capricorn, Aquarius and Leo cycles begin.
How March 23rd 2023 Changes Everything On March 23rd, 2023, Pluto leaves Capricorn. It is the beginning of the end of one of the toughest
How a Chinese Astrology Chart From 1912 Shows the Future I’ve looked at China a couple of times in recent years, using the chart set
Pluto in transit for the 12 signs of the zodiac and in your natal chart.
The NHS was founded on 5th July 1948 in London with an astrological chart that shows a complete replacement in 2022 and 2023. The horoscope for the National Health Service reveals a perfect storm that will affect nurses, doctors and patients.
We associate Pluto with something very big becoming something rather small and the idea of downsizing, putting someone in their place, shrinking people’s positions, lowering their status, dwarfing their importance and so on, is tied to all Pluto transits.
Mod astrology is what we’ve ended up with since the Romans imported their gods and goddesses to London about 2000 years ago. This astrology was then shipped to America, Australia and beyond.
After Pluto was demoted to Dwarf Planet, and his mother-in-law Ceres was promoted from asteroid we could suddenly call Pluto and Ceres equals.
Sun Capricorn socialite Ghislaine Maxwell also has Mercury, Mars and Saturn in Capricorn. In July 2020 we have Pluto in Capricorn. What next, following her arrest by the FBI? Why does astrology show specific dates to watch as questions continue to be asked about Jeffrey Epstein and his rich and powerful friends – including Prince Andrew?
What is in store for you and the world as Saturn, Jupiter and finally Pluto go through Aquarius, now until 2023.
October 2020 is a crisis month for Donald Trump. Just one month before the 2020 Election. For Donald Trump to come back and be President in November 2020, or even just redeem his reputation – nothing short of a couple of miracles would have to take place.
Jupiter is in Capricorn from Tuesday 3rd December 2019, until December 2020. This is great news for you and the planet, especially if you have Cancer factors in your horoscope. Read on to see why history and astrology prove new leadership is coming.
The astrology chart for Greta Thunberg shows she’s going to win. The only question is, how good is the new world going to be? That is where you and your horoscope come in. See why predictions from two years ago are already coming true…
The dates and details of Mercury Retrograde 2020 in depth, for you to plan far in advance and use this cycle to your advantage. How do you avoid the disruption? Includes personal chart specifics for Premium Members.
Jupiter was in charge of the whole world. Pluto was in charge of the underworld. Put them together and you have ‘the biggest and best’ which Jupiter rules – and sheer power – which Pluto rules. Put them together in Capricorn and it is about politics. Big business.
In the year 2020 we see an uncanny repeat of the year 1518, as the planets and Moon’s Nodes return to signs last seen centuries ago. Here is what to expect in the news headlines.
This is Part One of a Two-part series. In this feature, I’ll look at when Capricorn and Cancer Karma started and why it’s here as well as who and what is affected. I’ll also look at how to deal with it, and what history tells us about managing it. Astrology is history.
The astrology of the eclipse on Tuesday 16th July falls on the #Moon50 celebrations, as horoscope patterns pick up Capricorn aspects in your birth chart just as the Moon 50th commemorations begin. How are you affected and how is the world?
Either the astrology really is working, to the very minute, or Donald is using an astrologer. (Ronald Reagan did and her name was Joan Quigley). If you are curious about the horoscope set for 12.01am Friday 10th May 2019, read on.
What happens when the Russian Federative Republic (born 12th June 1990 at 9.45pm GMT) experiences her first Saturn Return in January 2020? It’s the end for many people and organisations. And it’s the start of a new, reborn country in 2021.
This is a quick look-up guide to the slow-moving outer planets and their cycles in astrology. The zodiac signs they pass through tells you where that will happen for you, from year to year.
Do you have factors in Capricorn or Cancer? Are you finding life seriously hard work in April 2018? Hang in there. You are being put through a heavy Capricorn cycle – extreme Capricorn – which you have not experienced in your life.
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