When the Stars Align – October to-December 2019
The final part of a series covering rare alignments of the planets, which may affect your personal birth chart in 2019. Are the stars aligned for you?
The final part of a series covering rare alignments of the planets, which may affect your personal birth chart in 2019. Are the stars aligned for you?
The Pisces Full Moon on 14th September 2019 brings a confusing episode in your life to a crossroads, where you can cut your losses and move on. What does your chart say? Your personal horoscope may be triggered.
We’re in for super Virgo weather in 2019 with a high number of patterns, including the Virgo New Moon, in this sign. How is your zodiac sign affected and also your personal birth chart?
Astrology explains July 2019 eclipses as blind spots and cover-ups, but how Is your horoscope affected? The July 2nd and 16th eclipses in your personal astrological chart show how you’re left in the dark.
If you were born on the first days of your zodiac sign – in the last week of the month – then 2019 and 2020 are huge years of change for you. Here’s why.
Neptune is in Pisces until 2026, but the patterns he makes in your astrology chart show you year-by-year updates. Neptune in Pisces, astrology and all your horoscope trends are revealed by ‘stations’ (standstills) but also by Neptune-Jupiter squares in 2019. How are you affected? What does your zodiac sign but also your personal birth chart tell you?
What is your Indian Guru or Jupiter sign? Also known as Brihaspati this is the secret connection between East and West in astrology. It reveals how you teach, guide and help others – and also the blessings of wisdom you are born with. Where is your good karma?
All Pisceans have an ideology, a conviction or a burning belief – and all of them are prepared to rally the troops if necessary.
Dear Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces – Your horoscope karma is decided by the cycles of the North Node and South Node in astrology. Until November 2018 the North Node is in Leo and the South Node is in Aquarius. Expect familiar, repeated, events, themes, people and developments.
If you are a Premium Member, I have specific dates for you to pencil into your diary, or plan events around.
Tarot and Astrology for July-December 2018 and a special invitation for British readers.
The Twelfth House of your horoscope is ruled by Neptune and Pisces. This already has quite a fluid, watery feel, thanks to the symbolism of the ocean, and fish.
The Pisces New Moon falls on Saturday 17th March at 1.11pm in London (adjust for your time zone). The whole planet will feel it all weekend. But where will the new beginning in your life come from – and how can you make this new chapter work for you?
If you have Pisces factors in the Twelfth House of your personal birth chart, the strange Pisces weather of March 2018 affects you.
If you have more than three personal horoscope factors in Pisces then you have a Pisces stellium. No matter what your actual zodiac sign, or Sun sign is – you are strongly Pisces.
If you are a Premium Member, so you can look up your personal birth chart and see exactly what is going on with your own natal horoscope.
If you know nothing about astrology begin with the idea that you are not one sign – you are several in one body! Here is how to find your main signs and find out what they mean for love, money, career and the rest.
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