The Nodes in Virgo and Pisces 2025-2026
How will the North Node in Pisces and South Node in Virgo affect your solar and natal chart in 2025, 2026? Karma from 18-19 years ago, rolls from January 2025.
How will the North Node in Pisces and South Node in Virgo affect your solar and natal chart in 2025, 2026? Karma from 18-19 years ago, rolls from January 2025.
The North Node and South Node move backwards through the 12 signs of the zodiac. They hit the same sign every 19 years (approximately) and according to astrology, this triggers karma from 19 years ago, and 19 years before that, and so on. Right into past lives.
In Part II of this 2-Part Series, I’ll look at when it ends as well as what to expect from it in 2020. Particularly, in regard to the “powers that be,” the countries they lead and what we’ve seen before.
This is Part One of a Two-part series. In this feature, I’ll look at when Capricorn and Cancer Karma started and why it’s here as well as who and what is affected. I’ll also look at how to deal with it, and what history tells us about managing it. Astrology is history.
What is your Indian Guru or Jupiter sign? Also known as Brihaspati this is the secret connection between East and West in astrology. It reveals how you teach, guide and help others – and also the blessings of wisdom you are born with. Where is your good karma?
The 2018 Stonehenge Solstice reminds us a major Cancer Node cycle in astrology is here.
America has a birth chart for 4th July and most astrologers believe she’s a Cancer country. That’s certainly one version of this proud, patriotic, wonderful country. I have proof she’s probably a Capricorn.
What do all those planets, asteroids and the rest mean in your personal birth chart? Sometimes called the natal chart this is the key to everything you need to know.
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