The Saturn-Neptune Conjunction in Aries
The Saturn-Neptune conjunction at 0 Aries takes place on 20th February 2026 at 12.49pm in London. How is your astrology chart affected? And why should the world watch BRICS?
The Saturn-Neptune conjunction at 0 Aries takes place on 20th February 2026 at 12.49pm in London. How is your astrology chart affected? And why should the world watch BRICS?
How does the New Moon in Cancer in July 2024 affect your astrology chart?
Every New Moon and Full Moon in July and August 2024 has a story to tell in your astrology chart as we see Cancer, Capricorn, Aquarius and Leo cycles begin.
How the rolling Aries cycles of the past and distant future affect your solar and natal chart. If you are an Aries or have a stellium in Aries, you need to read this.
Aquarians have a completely different future waiting with babies, infants, schoolchildren, teenagers or young adults. And it starts in May 2024.
The Jupiter-Sun Conjunction in April 2023 On 12th April 2023 at 8.03am in Sydney (adjust for your time zone) we experience the fantastic Jupiter-Sun conjunction
What Saturn Means in Astrology Saturn is changing signs on March 8th 2023 and I have had hundreds of questions about this, so it’s time
Pluto in Aquarius and Your Aquarius Side If you have one, two, three, four or more factors in Aquarius in your Eleventh House of friendships,
2023 Psychic Astrology Predictions – The Conscious Cafe The Conscious Cafe in London (via Zoom) has kindly hosted my regular Astrology and Tarot 2023 event.
What Astrology Reveals About Nuclear Power I’ve had quite a few questions from readers in Ukraine and her neighbouring countries about the risk of Vladimir
The Virgo New Moon This is a misleading New Moon on Saturday 27th August 2022, so although it feels like a new beginning – it
Squares in Astrology and the Horoscope When two horoscope factors are exactly 90 degrees apart, they are square. Whatever is square ‘can’t be squared.’ It’s
The Full Moon of August 11th and 12th 2022 A Full Moon is always a full stop. Your story is paused. We have one on
The Age of Aquarius and COVID The Age of Aquarius has an answer for COVID. It’s Far-UV or UV-C light. Safe ultraviolet light which destroys
Watching the Capricorn Full Moon in July The Capricorn Full Moon in July appears on Wednesday, July 13th, 2022, at 21 Capricorn, opposite the Sun
Saturn Retrograde in Aquarius 2022 and 2023 If you have any planets or other horoscope factors in Aquarius, then your friendships and group involvements are
Oppositions in your natal chart are unusual. You are looking for two factors at the same degree, or number, in opposite signs of the zodiac.
Fixed Signs in Changing Times Fixed Signs in Changing Times (held in partnership with The Astrology Foundation, New Zealand) was held as a Zoom event
Your Cancer Factors and Life in 2023-2029 The astrology of 2023-2029 suggests that anyone with Cancer factors in their chart (property) gains from Jupiter in
If you have a stellium in Aquarius (more than three factors in that zodiac sign) then your Eleventh House of friendships and groups is unusually packed. What happens to those friendships when Saturn, Jupiter and then Pluto all pass through Aquarius? Have friends been lost, or has the friendship changed? That’s typical of this long cycle.
The Sun, New Moon, Mercury, Venus, Psyche, Fortuna and Mars are all in Leo in July and August 2021. What does the Leo weather mean for your sign and also for your personal birth chart? Join us for a YouTube Premiere with special guest astrologers Natalie Delahaye and Stephanie Johnson. Premium Member? Your question may be answered in a Leo Weather Zoom event.
Jupiter and Saturn together in The Great Conjunction, exact on December 21st or 22nd, 2020 (depending on where you live) is set to change your life for the rest of the decade. Find out how Jupiter and Saturn will work in your astrology chart or regular horoscope.
We have an ‘Age of Aquarius’ whenever we find a cluster of slow-moving outer planets, the North Node or South Node, in Aquarius. The sign of the water-bearer.
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