Your 2024-2025 Astrology Report is based on your Sun Sign and solar chart, but also your birth chart (natal chart). It begins on Lunar New Year, February 10th 2024 and runs until January 29th 2025; exclusive to you as a Premium Member of
Premium members, you can purchase a copy of the 2024 Astrology Report with forum, for yourself. This member-only exclusive edition of the report has your birth chart inside. Your report is automatically generated using the birth chart data in your profile and is only available for registered members of my website.
You must be a current member, logged in to the website, with birth chart data in your profile to be able to purchase this product.
The 2024 Astrological Report with forum access is limited to the first 200 purchasers.
Your report will be delivered by email as a PDF file that you can download to read. The download link will also be on the report purchase receipt and in the order details in My Orders under My Account.
You will be issued the report that corresponds to your sun sign identified by your birth chart data.
The guide covers the period of the current Lunar Year starting from 10 February 2024 and continuing until 29 January 2025.
The guide will feature insights into your patterns of your natal chart using using the Natural House system.
Your report also includes access to one online forum session that corresponds to your Sun Sign, where you can ask your questions for Jessica to answer referring to both your birth chart and the Tarot.
What’s In the Report
Important dates in your chart, continuing from December 2023 and running through January and February 2024. A detailed explanation of how these dates affect you, as you enter the year 2024.
A long prediction about every month of 2024 and also January 2025, using handpicked inspiration from 2020 Vision (Viking/Penguin) and Essential Astrology for Women (HarperCollins) as well as Jessica’s next book, Your Birthday (Hachette) and her other bestsellers.
A full list of the most important aspects of 2024 covering not only the planets but also the asteroids and other heavenly bodies and points.
New For 2024 – Astrology Delivery
This is a proven way of getting some or all of what you want, by using booking windows for your sign, to write down your requests.
Astrology Delivery has been successfully tested in October-December 2023 with Jessica’s readers reporting rewards including large lump sumps of money; overseas holidays and even an engagement. A house that had not been sold in years, was snapped up.
If you want to see the testimonials please search Astrology Delivery on Jessica’s website.
The only place you will see all the Astrology Delivery booking dates for 2024-2025 is in your report. You will be given all the key days to use, to get some or all of what you want.
Throughout the year Jessica will post features on Astrology Delivery as different booking dates come around, so you can ask questions and give your feedback – and see how others are doing too.
Your success with Astrology Delivery depends on you – following the method, using Pink Noise to enhance your psychic ability and your results with the Tarot. It’s a unique and exciting way to prove to yourself what you can do, when you use the world’s oldest timing system – astrology.
The Meaning of the Heavenly Bodies and Points
Your report has a quick reminder list of the meaning of the Sun, Moon, Mercury and so on, so you can refresh your memory. As a Premium Member you can always use your online library and the many private access features to find out more.
A Note From Jessica –
This is the biggest and best report yet, including the new system of Astrology Delivery. I hope you like it. The report will remind you of what you are leaving behind from December 2023 and January 2024 and it will take you right through to January 2025.
It’s based on your solar (Sun Sign) chart in combination with your birth (natal) chart using the Natural House System. To get the very best results you will also need your own horoscope, based on your time, place and date of birth, which will be free to you as a Premium Member (or you can order from my website). This allows you to check if specific dates are directly affecting you during the year.
I hope you like these reports. They have been beautifully designed by Anita Turner using images from vintage editions of Harper’s Bazaar, one of the many magazines I have written for over the years.
2024 Report Forum
The 2024-2025 Astrology Report with Forum gives free access to an online Q&A forum with Jessica Adams, based on their zodiac sign as follows. Here, you can write a question and receive a guaranteed answer.
Aries – Attend April 15th
Taurus – Attend May 15th
Gemini – Attend June 15th
Cancer – Attend July 15th
Leo – Attend August 15th
Virgo – Attend September 15th
Libra – Attend October 15th
Scorpio – Attend November 15th
Sagittarius – Attend December 15th
Capricorn – Attend January 15th
Aquarius – Attend February 15th
Pisces – Attend March 15th