Mercury Retrograde – What Does It Mean?
Mercury Retrograde is great for first draft or rehearsal. Not launch! Music writer Kathy McCabe calls it Murky Retrograde. True. It’s a murky, messy, muddled time.
Skip to contentMercury Retrograde is great for first draft or rehearsal. Not launch! Music writer Kathy McCabe calls it Murky Retrograde. True. It’s a murky, messy, muddled time.
Jupiter and Venus, the planet of opportunity and the planet of relationships, both meet in the finance sign of Scorpio on Monday 13th November, 2017. How does the rare Jupiter-Venus conjunction benefit your sign?
The Natural House system in astrology is really easy to understand. It also happens to be great for prediction. How and why does it work so well? Diana, the Princess of Wales is the proof.
In the space of just a few days, starting on Sunday 13th May, we will be thrown into the biggest revolution of our lives. It will affect taxation. It will affect currency. It will affect the sharemarkets.
Neptune Astrology goes beyond book interpretation of your horoscope because it is the primary indicator of psychic ability.
You can create more equal partnerships now! Jupiter is here for a few more weeks – do use them.
Saturn, Cassini and Grand Finale Astrology is about saying goodbye to a tough, tough cycle.
You may have an inner conflict to resolve. You may have to deal with polar opposites in your world. The ‘what’ of the message depends on what you have at 11 degrees in your chart.
It’s time to make a deal. There is abundance here. Jupiter is about ‘more’ and there is more to be gained, if you are prepared to strike terms.
The whole point of astrology is to help us understand what is going on and what it all means.
We have several life-changing cycles in the sign of Leo, between 2017 and 2019. If you have Leo factors in your chart they will be triggered.
Aesculapia is a symbol of miraculous comeback. The position of this asteroid shows you where you can be like the Phantom – The Ghost Who Walks.
On a total solar eclipse, the Moon covers the Sun. The sky becomes dark and there is always a cover-up.
Theresa May and the Conservative Party are 20 points ahead of Labour as I write this on 19th April 2017. That seems to make horoscope predictions pretty irrelevant. But the public opinion polls have been wrong before – and astrology was absolutely right.
Ted Hughes, Sylvia Plath, her Tarot cards and his astrology ephemeris. What does it tell us today?
How will the North Node in Pisces and South Node in Virgo affect your solar and natal chart in 2025, 2026? Karma from 18-19 years ago, rolls from January 2025.
The Saturn-Neptune conjunction at 0 Aries takes place on 20th February 2026 at 12.49pm in London. How is your astrology chart affected? And why should the world watch BRICS?
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The Virgo New Moon falls on September 2nd and 3rd 2024, around the world. It also falls on Mercury Retrograde in Virgo. Where is the fresh start in your life and why is it delayed until September 11th?
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