Two of Pentacles in the Tarot
The Two of Pentacles (Coins) in the Tarot of Pamela Colman Smith and Arthur Waite, suggests juggling money. How can you work this card to your advantage when it turns up in a spread?
The Two of Pentacles (Coins) in the Tarot of Pamela Colman Smith and Arthur Waite, suggests juggling money. How can you work this card to your advantage when it turns up in a spread?
When you draw the Ace of Pentacles (Coins) in a Tarot reading there is potentially a large single sum of money to save or make, but you have to make it real.
When you draw the Ace of Pentacles (Coins) in a Tarot reading there is potentially a large single sum of money to save or make, but you have to make it real.
Watching the Moon go through the 12 signs and of the zodiac, then repeat, is one of the best ways to see how this ancient system of timing works. Lunar cycles were watched carefully by people from India to China – and likely, from Stonehenge to Rome.
For now, you just need to know the whole (fantastic) cycle begins with really strange weather. As in, Mercury Retrograde weather. In fact, from the moment that Jupiter breezes into this new sign, you hit Mercury Retrograde.
What is Mercury Retroshade, the term created by the Astro Twins which has gone viral? It’s Mercury Retrograde Shadow. How does it work in your personal birth horoscope? Read on. Mercury Retroshade 2018, 2019 is worth tracking!
Eclipses cover things up. They leave you in the dark. They take place when people conceal the truth or when you have a blind spot.
Uranus will turn retrograde – or appear to turn backwards – on Tuesday 6th November 2018 – which is a strange end to the year and an odd start to 2019. Why? Flashbacks! Yet a revolution in your life is almost over.
Saturn in Capricorn 2018, 2019, 2020 needs careful management. This planet is associated with holly. Why? It can hurt. You need to learn how to handle it. Astrology can help – here are some tips, tricks and strategies.
Mercury Retrograde Shadow is the days before and after, when Mercury ‘loops the loop’ and it is often when the biggest problems occur.
On average you should have 2-3 factors per zodiac sign, like Aries, in the First House, which Aries rules in the Natural House system. If you have more than 3, you have a stellium. An unusually high ‘count’ in that sign and house. So, Aries is going to dominate your personality, more than it does other people, and the First House of image, presentation, appearances and reputation will play a much bigger part in your destiny.
This Friday – the 27th of July, 2018, we will see the longest blood moon this century. It’s a total lunar eclipse in Aquarius.
As soon as Jupiter enters a new zodiac sign, a new department of your life will benefit. You will also see a global improvement. How can you use your natural Jupiter horoscope luck in Scorpio and Sagittarius 2018, 2019?
Eclipse! On July 27th and 28th, 2018 we have the longest lunar eclipse in a century. If you’re in the right place, you will also see Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn with your naked eye – without a telescope. What does this mean for your horoscope? What’s the astrology story for your sign?
Astrology predicts UK fires in 2018 as Mars Retrograde and Mercury Retrograde hit the new UK astrological chart. Can horoscopes help prevention?
You can trust astrology. Horoscopes do show exact timing and specific predictions – no matter if it’s about North Korea and Kim Jong Un, or Donald Trump and his UK trip – or even the UK heatwave of July 2018 and its World Cup performance.
In March 2019, Her Majesty the Queen and Prince Charles will feel the aftershocks of her decision of her 23rd May 2018 decision to grant Royal Assent to the Sanctions and Anti-Money Laundering Act.
What does astrology say about Spain and Italy in 2018, 2019 as the Euro is at risk? Can these beautiful countries transform? Will the E.U. and the Euro survive? Even with a horoscope that looks like a pizza?
Uranus has now been in Taurus – the revolution and the world economy – for almost two weeks. See astrology’s true predictions, how alternative timekeeping works, why history is repeating – and why HM the Queen and Prince Charles are all wrapped up in royal assent.
Minerva astrology cycles show you where the big answers will come, every year, in your horoscope. Do you know your Minerva sign? That’s your inner wisdom. What will Minerva in Aries in 2018 deliver?
The Family Tree of Astrology was taken to Great Britain by the Romans some 2000 years ago. This is how we use it today.
A Barack Obama comeback? His horoscope says it’s irresistible.
Venus and Mars were lovers. She had a husband called Vulcan (Vulcanus) and a son called Cupido (Cupid).
Uranus rules shock, electricity, revolution, radical change, upheaval and liberation. Now he is in Taurus, we will see a series of shockwaves hit the banks, Bitcoin, credit card companies like American Express and even the world’s largest oil company, Exxon Mobil. Why? Strangely, they all share the same pattern in their ‘birth’ horoscopes.
Major events in your life are predicted by ‘perfect storm’ conditions when a number of patterns in your horoscope all unfold on the same day. If you think about it, this makes sense. A new job, for example, can result in changes to your finances, to your house or apartment (you might move) and thus to your household or family.
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