Study Astrology and Tarot for Yourself – or a Career

If you would like to learn Natal Astrology or Astrology and Tarot with Jessica Adams, these courses are now available on Sun Sign School.

If you would like to learn Natal Astrology or Astrology and Tarot with Jessica Adams, these courses are now available on Sun Sign School. You must complete a course at The Sun Sign School to go on to study Sun Sign Astrology 2020, Natal Astrology or Astrology and Tarot.

These three six-month courses begin on January 1st 2020 and again on August 1st 2020. These online classes involve full-time, professional astrologers as well as academics and authors in the field of astrology and Tarot.

You will be trained to professional standard by Jessica Adams, who will be hiring graduates who are interested in a part-time career in astrology and/or Tarot in 2021.

Expert Tutors From Elle – And By Royal Appointment

The US $100 first-stop course, at The Sun Sign School includes expert guidance from experienced media astrologers Jessica Adams, Natalie Delahaye, Barbara Dunn, Bernard Fitzwalter, Debbie Frank, Maggie Hyde, Stephanie Johnson, Joanne Madeline Moore and Penny Thornton. In 2020 Neil Spencer (The Observer, True as the Stars Above) will also join as a podcast tutor.

If you have completed The Sun Sign School already, you may begin either the January 1st 2020 or August 1st 2020 course in Natal Astrology or Astrology and Tarot with Jessica Adams.

If you would like to study Sun Sign Astrology, Natal Astrology or Astrology and Tarot, please complete The Sun Sign School by August 1st so you can begin your new course.

US $100 Discount for Multiple Courses

Taking two or more courses also means a US $100 discount. Apply the following coupon code to the cart to receive the USD100 discount – jessicaadams:twocoursebundle. For example – if you already enrolled and completed The Sun Sign School course in 2019 and wish to study Natal Astrology and Astrology and Tarot, you are eligible for a discount on purchasing the two new courses.

Astrology on the Water in Britain

Lynnie Gemini Victory Mews e1577226091459 600x532 - Study Astrology and Tarot for Yourself - or a Career

Jessica records podcasts for each course from her yacht, The Lynnie Gemini, moored at Brighton Marina. Events or podcasts also take place nearby at The Barge, formerly the Selby Virgo. Jessica also holds events around Australia every summer, from Hobart to Brisbane.

Astrology and Tarot in 2020 – US $600

The course units feature podcasts, downloads and exclusive features from Jessica Adams, with dedicated time to answer your questions online on the 1st of every month. You will receive your monthly lesson at the start of each new month:

January 1st, February 1st, March 1st, April 1st, May 1st, June 1st.


August 1st, September 1st, October 1st, November 1st, December 1st, January 1st 2021.


The Tarot of Pamela Colman Smith – US $600

Learning to read the Tarot for yourself, or as a part-time or full-time business, is easier when you combine the cards with astrology. The most popular Tarot card deck of all time, the Smith-Waite (created by Pamela Colman Smith and Arthur Waite in 1909) has zodiac signs coded into the illustrations.

In this online course, accompanied by special events around the world, you’ll learn how to read the Tarot along with your horoscope. Please buy a copy of the U.S. Games Systems decks of Pamela’s cards (usually sold as the Smith-Waite Tarot) if you do not already own a pack. These are the cards you’ll be using over this six-month course.

*It is recommended that you train as a volunteer crisis phone counsellor with an organisation like Samaritans if you intend on making Astrology and Tarot your part-time or full-time career, as it is part of the helping professions.

*As a student you will have priority access to free Astrology and Tarot events on Meetups hosted by Jessica Adams in Great Britain and Australia throughout 2020.

For selected graduates with their own astrology and/or Tarot website or blog, 2021 offers paid opportunities to write or podcast for Jessica Adams at her website


Natal Astrology in 2020 – US $600

Each of your six monthly course units feature podcasts, downloads and exclusive features from Jessica Adams, with dedicated time to answer your questions online on the 1st of every month. You will receive your monthly lesson at the start of each new month:

January 1st, February 1st, March 1st, April 1st, May 1st, June 1st.


August 1st, September 1st, October 1st, November 1st, December 1st, January 1st 2021.


Sun Sign Astrology in 2020 – US $600

Each of your six monthly course units feature podcasts, downloads and exclusive features from Jessica Adams, with dedicated time to answer your questions online on the 1st of every month. You will receive your monthly lesson at the start of each new month:

January 1st, February 1st, March 1st, April 1st, May 1st, June 1st.


August 1st, September 1st, October 1st, November 1st, December 1st, January 1st 2021.


Natal Astrology and Solar Fire Software

If you want to read natal astrology charts for other people as well as yourself, it is recommended that you purchase Solar Fire Software from This enables you to calculate birth charts, predict the future and compare people in relationships.

In this online course, accompanied by special events around the world, you’ll learn how to read your birth chart for yourself, or others. This may be for personal or ultimately professional reasons.

*It is recommended that you train as a volunteer crisis phone counsellor with an organisation like Samaritans if you intend on making Astrology and Tarot your part-time or full-time career, as it is part of the helping professions.

*As a student you will have priority access to free Astrology and Tarot events on Meetups hosted by Jessica Adams in Great Britain and Australia throughout 2020.

For selected graduates with their own astrology and/or Tarot website or blog, 2021 offers paid opportunities to write or podcast for Jessica Adams at her website



Vogue Alex Maloney - Study Astrology and Tarot for Yourself - or a CareerAfter beginning her career in astrology at Elle and Vogue magazines around the world, Jessica Adams B.A. expanded her multi-million hit website in 2019, adding The Sun Sign School.

Owing to popular demand, from 2020 new courses in Astrology and Tarot, and Natal Astrology, have been added. was rated #1 in the category Astrology Books at in 2019. Alexa is an company which monitors the top 500 sites on the web.

Her book, 2020 Astrology: Your Five-Year Horoscope Guide was a #1 Amazon bestseller in Australia and has remained in the Top Ten in the United States Amazon bestseller list, in its category, for four years in a row.

Between October 2018 and October 2019, the website on which the book was based,, attracted over 2.5 million users. Published by Asporea, regularly appears in top Google searches for astrology around the world.

Studying with Jessica using her specialised knowledge in asteroids, as well as the Tarot, will help you graduate into a world of new employment possibilities, if you choose (and are chosen). It is also a great way to find out who you are, and what makes you tick – according to these two ancient systems of Divination.

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10 Responses

  1. Hi I’m interested in the tarot course but have a couple of questions which will help me decide what best to purchase. I’ve studied astrology for the last 15 years I originally formally studied natal astrology using the equal house system with the faculty of astrological studies in London, I then studied with Deborah Holding and gained an accreditation with her in Horary. I feel I have a good understanding of natal astrology, therefore my question is would I need to study either sun sign or the natural house system in order to be able to follow your online tarot course properly? If so I noticed you still are able to study your original sun sign astrology course on your sun sign website, is that the same course as the one now featured in this blog? Thanks in advance and a very happy Christmas to you all

    1. Thank you. Yes, you would need to complete the Sun Sign School course with tutorials from Bernard Fitzwalter, Debbie Frank, Maggie Hyde, Penny Thornton (just to name a few) in order to get the most from the new Astrology and Tarot course. Merry Christmas.

  2. Dear Jessica,
    I was just wanting to contact you if possible regarding the experiences I am to be experiencing. Everything is falling apart and I don’t know where to turn. My non actions have resulted in what I believe to be bad karma and I don’t know how to make decisions that seem important to decide. I tried to work on some projects I felt would be the right time to launch in 2020 but no where near completion. Giving up on everything seems the only option as I have been told the support from services will be stopped as well as the possibility of losing my job in the retail sector. Sometimes I think to travel for some escape but not sure. I’m sorry, I’m just stuck and unsure the best path to take despite astrology being something that I had often returned to for support. Thank you for your consideration of this message, it is much appreciated and hope to hear from you soon with any information that may bring some light on these experiences. Take care, kindest regards, Bea

    1. Bea, take care of yourself please. The internet is useful, and astrology is great, but you need to get on the phone and talk to someone who is there to listen. If this is not possible within your friends or family, please telephone the Samaritans or a similar organisation. I need to reassure you that January is ‘deconstruct and reconstruct’ month. We have a huge amount of Capricorn weather in the Tenth House of your chart, ruling life direction. You are going to take projects, plans, jobs, goals apart and put them back together later. April is one obvious month. This year can and will work out for you, but I think you would feel so much better chatting to someone on the other end of a telephone. I am writing this in Sydney where Australia has declared a State of Emergency and can only do so much. I strongly, strongly, recommend The Samaritans if you’d rather talk to someone you don’t know.

  3. Hi Jessica,

    Happy New Year, thank you for all your work. I read the 2020 prediction piece and nothing in the Scorpio prediction seemed to fit my life right now. I worked really hard the past few years to bring a lot of things to closure. I have a new job now and feel pretty good going into 2020 moving forward as planned.

    The eight o swords did not resonate with me much either. Maybe that will fit other Scorpios more closely?


  4. Hi Jessica,

    Happy New Year, thank you for all your work. I read the 2020 prediction piece and nothing in the leo prediction seemed to fit my life right now.
    Is there anything else I should know to look out for?

  5. Dear Jessica
    Would you please be able to share your astrological perspective on the current devastating and unprecedented bushfires ravaging Australia at the moment?
    What are the planets and asteroids involved and their significance? When can the nation expect the terror and shock to ease? So many people are suffering deeply and the effect on our unique flora and fauna is like a mass extinction event. The forests and wildlife will not recover in our lifetime.
    Thank you for all your shared wisdom and insight.

    1. Thank you. I am compiling a feature now, of all my predictions about Australia – and looking at what February 2020 holds, in particular. I’ve also filed predictions about climate emergency. Have a look at a prediction from two years ago about January 2020, called The Capricorn Effect. It is very unlikely that PM Scott Morrison and his government are going to last.

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