Monthly Horoscopes from Jessica Adams at


Your Monthly Horoscope​
for September

Jessica Adams has prepared your monthly astrological forecast for September. Discover what the stars have in store for you this month including your Premium Extended Forecast


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Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces
Photograph of Psychic Astrologer Jessica Adams taken in 2020.

The Libra Weather

Your professional, sexual or platonic partner is in the spotlight from September 22nd when the Sun illuminates her (or him) so that other people can also pass judgement. This is useful as it gives you an objective point of view on this woman or man. Mercury goes into Libra from the 26th of September and there will be new information about your partner, especially if this person is a recent arrival.

The Sun and Mercury join the South Node, Juno and Diana also in Libra. There are major issues here about karma from 18-19 years ago, either with this partner, or quite another. You are owed, spiritually, or you owe on a soul level. There will be collection or payback and it will be there until the South Node leaves Libra on January 11th, 2025. If you were unfaithful, for example, you may be with someone who is also unfaithful.

Juno is about commitment with the loss of freedom and space. She is about lifestyle gains, prestige and position (all of that comes with a partner) but there is no autonomy. Diana does not want commitment at all. At best she can attend to a sleeping partner but is an alpha female who prefers to avoid marriage and children.

Put all that in your Seventh House of sexual partners and September, October suggest decisions are imminent. You won’t really have your ultimate choice until the South Node is out of your life though and so that’s January 11th next year.

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The Capricorn Weather

This is about your career, unpaid work or academic career, Taurus. It’s a big sign-off from the politics of 2008-2024 and in November you will feel as if there is one more deal to go (one more compromise) in December, then you’re done.

This is obviously about your salary; any salary sacrifice and loans. In your natal chart you have the Sun in Taurus in the Second House of values and life budgets. In September, Uranus goes retrograde in Taurus. So the revolution is played backwards, and this will tie up with the big sign-off elsewhere.

Dig harder at your value system and you will find it’s possible to access your own price tags. Uranus in Taurus is stop-start in your Second House of income and banking. Ever since 2018, in fact, this is an historic period for houses, apartments, business, banking, salary, redundancy, superannuation/pension and so on. Not surprisingly, this is one of those cycles when you are forced to develop a new value system and, yes, it will tie up with your goals, roles, ambition, position and mission in September.

Pluto has been relentless on this cycle and one thing you will be pleased to see the back of is people or organisations trying to undermine your power or take away your control. It’s not actually worked that well, Taurus, as you can see. You have scaled the heights since 2008. However, September is the start of the sign-off and in November, as I’ve mentioned, you’ll realise there is one more compromise to go.

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The Capricorn Weather

The end of Pluto in Capricorn in your Eighth House of sexual and financial relationships is nigh. This is also where we find property-based family relationships. Very commonly, the relentless power and control issues have been about marriage and mortgage, post-divorce income, funding ageing parents or dealing with inheritance issues.

Less commonly, you may have been dealing with siblings who are in business with you or the ongoing personal issues with people who stopped working with years ago. This is all big-ticket stuff, and it ends up in your legacy to others, which is why it all counts on an Eighth House transit.

This Pluto cycle (going back to your solar chart) also brings decisive, dramatic, final chapters affecting what you earn, own or owe. This is the last gasp. As this happens so often, you need to find the qualities deep inside yourself which are worth far more (to yourself and the world) than the rather superficial stuff. Not selling out is a big part of it. This means an inward search for what’s genuinely valuable. Priceless qualities. Precious ethics. Valuable skills.

Power is the thing. Power and control. Yet, you cannot and must not power-trip others or use this for questionable motives as you have learned, repeatedly, over the last few years. Not that you ever would, but you do need to be aware of the atomic bomb you are now handling for the very last time. Pluto is atomic level and was found in 1930 as the quest for nuclear bombs began in earnest.

Relationships with a financial, business and property angle must be carefully examined for the very last time, from September. So, family trust funds and inheritance. We also include any will naming you, or your own legacy naming others, as I’ve said.

Self-control gives you control on this cycle. Iron willpower is actually the power. Gemini, this strongly applies to your income, savings, debts, banking arrangements, lease, mortgage, insurance, possessions, investments, budget, accounting and anything else which rules your financial situation. This cycle is really a substantial update. There will come a time, very soon, when willpower and self-control are not required. Incredible, but true.

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The Capricorn Weather – Duets and Duels

Into the Seventh House of the balanced (or unbalanced) scales goes Pluto. This is the last time for 248 years and you will be pleased to see the intensity end in November. The scales shows your opposite number, against you – or your other half, in unison with you. It’s the house of duets and duels.

You can have these at the same time, as you know, Cancer. Your marriage is the duet – but you are both at war with her relative or separately. Or, perhaps, you have a platonic partnership with a man who shares your home. It’s very common with a former wife and a new girlfriend. It can also happen when you are in a love triangle of sorts.

Going back to the start of 2024, you have long closure coming, in terms of sealing the deal with him/her or parting company. You will recall January 5th to February 8th, 2024, as being so intense – especially about this person. That’s because you had crucial transits in your Seventh House.

Around December 7th, 2024, for example, the final bargaining and negotiation will be done as Ceres in Capricorn signs off. Christmas is decisive. New baby? Divorce? Engagement? Legal separation? Second honeymoon? New agreement about the house, money or apartment?

The other key dates in the process are as follows:

  • November 12th, 2024 – Venus in Capricorn
  • December 7th, 2024 – Venus and Ceres exit Capricorn


Ceres is about the deal-making and ultimate compromise between you and him or you and her. Sometimes there’s a group (if in opposition). Ceres is actually the kicker on this transit. She’s about agreeing to differ, splitting the turf or the territory.

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The Virgo Weather

Leo, this Virgo weather in September will finally enable you to sell a flat, buy a flat, pick up an inheritance, make a will (or remake it) and reshuffle your life budget. It has taken weeks of malarkey because of Mercury Retrograde. The New Moon in Virgo on September 2nd, 2024, is a misleading false start. It happens on the long loop of Mercury Retrograde in Virgo so don’t get too excited. Later on, though, the green lights actually mean something.

Mercury in Virgo on September 9th is a little premature as you are still ‘looping the loop’ with paperwork, the post, emails, negotiations, discussions or contracts. Give it two or three days then talk again.

Do please avoid the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on 17th of September opposite the Sun in Virgo. It is a blind spot or cover-up. Allow the 16th, 17th, 18th for people’s sleep cycles and time zones to catch up. You would not sell or buy on the eclipse. Right now, Leo, you are looking at a significant chapter in terms of everything you own, earn or owe. Write it properly by waiting a bit and avoiding the eclipse.

Neptune and Saturn in Pisces transiting your solar Eighth House are about your values – with money, property, sales, purchases, accountants, credit cards, debts and investments. The price tags in relationships are the key here. The children. Your husband. The person you are in love with. You can’t price those tags. Your parents. Your grandparents. The Eighth House is intensely personal.

Family trust funds and legacies also come into this cycle as well as insurance, superannuation/pensions, living wills and the less common involvement of a second or third party in your security. A mistress with her own flat for example. Leo, what you will happily sell out for and what you will point-blank refuse to compromise on has landed for a decision. This is the prenup cycle and it’s also the cycle when people update their will and do so with new restrictions.

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Joint Finances, Property, Business and Banking

This really important Libra weather rolls at the end of September and is about money or property in tied to karma from 18-19 years ago, as the money, house, apartment, company and/or bank account is central to what you owe, spiritually, or what you are owed.

An awful lot of numbers, at the most intense spiritual level, is typical of this transit. You can double that message, Virgo if you have Taurus factors in your birth chart. Why? Because this is a revolution, and the issue is independence. You will be taken back to earlier questions about freedom, money, business, charity, property which were there some time ago, as Uranus is retrograde.

Whatever your chart looks like, if in fact you are going to commit or split, then please avoid the eclipse. So that’s 17th September. Allow 24 hours either side for different world time zones and sleep cycles. Don’t act or judge, if you are marrying, moving in together, breaking up – and it’s obviously a financial issue too.

Lifestyle and Workload

It’s also time to plan for the end of the year and the start of 2025 as your workload and lifestyle, your health and wellbeing, your daily routine and duty to others, is about to transform with some finality. These dates, give or take a day, may already be in your diary.

  • November 20th, 2024 – Pluto in Aquarius
  • December 8th, 2024 – Venus in Aquarius
  • December 8th, 2024 – Ceres in Aquarius
  • January 20th, 2025 – Sun in Aquarius
  • January 29th, 2025 – Mercury in Aquarius
  • February 23rd, 2025 – Ceres exits Aquarius


You’ve always looked a certain way or been seen a certain way. And from 2025, everything is changing. It might be your role, your personal situation, your professional set-up, or even your weight. This is thanks to the South Node going into Virgo and into your image, branding and reputation zone. This does rather tie into the Pluto transit, at the same time, in your fitness and health sector.

Do you have Aries factors? You can double that message as Chiron is transiting your natal First House, in Aries, encouraging you to get away with the so-called impossible or outrageous. You may want to use this transit, to resurrect yourself to emerge with a new agenda, and new sense of your own brand. “That was then, this is now” you can tell the world, as you set about pursuing a relaunch. September is really the time as you have this Virgo weather, finally rolling, also in your First House. Give it the second half of the month.

Magazines, newspapers, television, radio and Google will play an important part in the way you manage typical First House issues like your presentation or packaging. Any Mercury Retrograde delays or flux can be forgotten from September 11th. Virgo, you will have a lot to think about where the world of ‘Me, Me, Me’ is concerned, because your physical appearance, your style, and your reputation (the box people put you into) is such an issue.

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The Taurus Weather

Uranus is retrograde or going backwards in your house, money, apartment, business, shares, pension/superannuation and inheritance zone. This means the revolution goes backwards as well. The radical changes which will bring you independence and freedom make a U-turn…for a time.

Perhaps you are now capable of leading the kind of financial or business life which genuinely inspires the rest of us because you value freedom and independence so much. Relationships with a financial, business and property angle must be carefully examined for the amount of freedom they do, or not, give your partner now. Family too. Uranus in Taurus is unpredictable, and changes can come out of the blue, from now until 2025. If you or anyone else feels restricted there may be issues.

I mentioned family trust funds and inheritance. We would also include any will naming you, or your own legacy naming others. Uranus in Taurus can be like that. You have to look twice, three times as you go into 2025 and the end of the transit. Libra, this strongly applies to complex relationships involving your income, savings, debts, banking arrangements, lease, mortgage, insurance, possessions, investments, budget, accounting and anything else which rules your financial situation. This cycle is really a substantial update.

The House or Apartment – Real Estate Investments

You gain final closure with power and control issues involving the home, real estate, the family, your household, your country, your town, a particular real-estate question and ‘home’ in general in November. Not long to go. This is the replay as Pluto re-enters Capricorn.

This is important as 2024 probably feels like nothing moves forward. Yet, the power and control issues, the willpower questions or self-control debate is nearly over. This is about the property market, the building industry, mortgages, tenancy laws, and even in the most basic home-related areas which affect your domestic life.

Even if you feel you are walking backwards in September, October and early November (Pluto moves backwards too) you are, in fact, getting somewhere. And it will feel as if you can close the book and slam it for another 248 years.

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The Virgo Weather

Friends and Groups have a green/amber/red light beginning for you near the New Moon as September begins. Only after September 11th will this trade union, rock band, members’ club, political party, sports team and so on, correct itself. Your social options will open nicely at this time, as others also have their own agenda ready to roll, after you have gone through so much flux – and their decisions will have a domino effect on your own social life and the group.

You are now on track, from the 11th of September, where your allies and social life or social media is concerned. Changes within you, within them, and around them, kept the ground moving underneath your feet over the last few weeks but Mercury Retrograde is over from the 11th. The stuck loop or circuit finishes. This has been a classic cycle for delay and cancellation, in terms of your team, club, society, association and so on. This tide, still pulling backwards as September starts, will have its own momentum in the second half of the month and finally you surf with the oncoming waves and get somewhere.

The Taurus Weather

Uranus is retrograde in Taurus in September in your Seventh House of sexual, professional and platonic partners. This may be your wife or your Vice-President. Your partner will be part of a very long backwards revolution in 2024 and a sign-off in 2025. So will your enemy, opponent or rival be caught up in a sign-off, if you have anyone against you. Think, Harry and Charles or Trump and Biden. Everything about these relationships (and even a feud is a relationship) will be pulled backwards, as the radical change that would give you freedom and independence, is also pulled backwards.

What’s your marriage like? Any issues about freedom? Is your current work partner right for you, in terms of space, or not? How about any professional partnership? It’s awfully clear this has been going on for a while. If you marry or become engaged now, expect the primary issue to be restriction in the face of revolution. Ditto, if you break up or get divorced, or seek counselling or go through an affair – so prepare yourself for this.

Scorpio, it does rather feel as if the end of 2024 and all of 2025 is the decisive time for sorting out this man or woman in terms of a genuine fresh start. It may be your former wife, for example. Perhaps, the third person in a love triangle. Since 2018 when this transit began you have been zapped with shockwaves so many times. Yet, lightning illuminates the dark sky so you can see, amazingly, who and what you actually have. And that’s what September does for you. Choices follow later.

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The Capricorn Weather

Pluto now turns backwards in your sector of finance, property, charity, business and valuables. This is your Second House of money and life budgets. In your birth chart, Uranus also turns backwards, in the same sector. The Second House of money and life budgets. September is a big change month. You may decide to donate a large amount. You may make a career/income/salary choice based on price tags that you can’t actually pay for. Peace of mind, for example.

September is about transiting, backwards, rather intense factors in the Second House of your natal chart which rules finance, charity, business, property and – above all else – your values. Pluto is replaying. Ceres is replaying. There will be a rewind of issues like this: your principles and ethics as channelled through money. What you will or will not sell out for.

Who or what is so precious to you, that it is priceless? Perhaps you are the kind of person who could make a great deal more money if you were not true to your principles. You refuse to sell yourself out, though, and earn less than you could – but are richer on the inside. That’s not a cliché. Equally, we do find the spectacular examples of spiritual compromise – ethical and moral exchange for money – with this stellium too. So September is time to choose.

Virgo Weather

If you treat your career as an excuse to master your own thoughts and feelings, after so many weeks of flux and delay, Sagittarius, you can develop professional superpowers, which will help you later. There will be a false fresh start near the 2nd of September on the New Moon. It’s a green/amber light and does not go fully green until after September 11th. That’s down to Mercury Retrograde, still looping the loop in your zone of career, academia or unpaid work.

If you don’t have a part-time or full-time job, then this applies to your unpaid mission in life; your position as a professional, housebound wife/husband/partner; or other roles that define success and status for you. Sagittarius, September rights a few wrongs. You can catch up with yourself. You have that big sign-off with money, charity, business or property coming in November. There is a second deal in December 2024. Also this month, from the 11th, you can at last sort out your career, university/college course or unpaid role.

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Aquarius Weather

An odd thing happens in September, as Pluto pulls out of Aquarius (your money and property) and vanishes until November. So, everything is also put on hold for a few months. Capricorn, it’s the same in your natal chart. Uranus goes retrograde in Taurus. Same zone of your chart; the Second House of income, banking, houses, apartments, shares, business, valuables and charity.

Philanthropy, volunteering or charity can make you feel rich. So can ambition. Rising to the top and claiming the financial or property rewards. Yet, it’s all on delay until November. And, in fact, this time spent spinning your wheels is valuable, Capricorn, because you need time out, in order to focus squarely on the massive decisions coming in December-February.

You have the Sun in Capricorn in the Tenth House of ambition. You climb. The foundation of your mountain goat’s peak, or your career pyramid, is the ground beneath your feet. You are an earth sign. You can be rooted to the spot for years, by work and money, with this pattern in your chart.

This also applies to the general sweep of your industry, field or business. That highly predictable chosen field of yours can be comforting. And yet here we are. What happened in 2023 was huge and in 2024 a second shift occurred. You are now looking at a big 2025 choice and you know it. It’s a sequence of three.

You call a spade a spade. You are an earth sign. Yet here you are in this earth-shaking cycle called transiting Pluto in the solar Second House; coupled with the lightning-strike cycle called transiting Uranus in the natal Second House. You are normally so grounded with your earthy family, friends, colleagues, partners. They all have factors in Virgo, Taurus and/or Capricorn and centre you.

The usual organic growth and natural forward flow you might expect, when you happily wake up to the same, repeated, financial scenario every single day, will come again. It can only come when you make your second big choice, though and that unfolds December 2024 – February 2025. There will be a bump in November as Pluto comes back, then it’s Christmas, past New Year, towards Valentine’s Day, that you sign off and sign on to a new financial or property phase, at the same time.

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The Aquarius Weather

Out of Aquarius goes Pluto and suddenly, the power and control issues have gone too. Your natal Eleventh House of allies and social circles is suddenly vacated by Pluto. That’s a bump. It’s also a bump ahead of a massive decision made in November 2024 – February 2025. This is your birth chart we’re talking about, Aquarius, so it’s personal. Friends and groups of all kinds will challenge you to change from that point, or where your charity, or political party (and so on) are concerned – again, you have to change.

Your involvement with a band, club, team, association, online community (or any other social network) will confront you with any old patterns that you no longer need – as you appear to be dealing with these Pluto transits in Aquarius with early 2025 in mind (the Sun is there every year from late January to late February). So, this is like being associated with the Democrats or Republicans and realising the election aftermath is actually the story. It’s January, then February. Political groups are typical for you as Sun Aquarius wants to use people power to make a better world. You shine at your brilliant best when you star as the supplier to a group, the feeder to a band.

This Aquarius weather I have mentioned, in January-February of any year, is a classic time for summer sport in the Southern Hemisphere and so perhaps it’s your cricket matches, made better with friends that comes round for you then. You are not all politically minded. Far from it.

There may be a band you are in, say, raising money for charity in a benefit concert – but musical differences. As I said, the power is gone from the room now through November, but as November leads to December, it’s very much back in. You can’t ignore that. It’s going to alter everything as Pluto transits your natal Eleventh House for the next 20 years.

The groups in your life may not directly involve you, but they could still be an important part of your life – so as simple as your football team or Mumsnet. Your allies are astonishingly important in how things go for you, even though the control question has gone. Lennon had Yoko Ono to supply his group. Who do you supply? Maybe this is your care home and it’s the circle of people around you there.

The key to all group and friendship situations here is the understanding that community is about diversity and that is about tolerance. While an Aquarius cycle operates, and you are going to have Pluto in Aquarius for years – you can’t change the basic pattern and shape of what is going on without tremendous effort, but perhaps that’s the whole point.

Johnny Rotten, now Lydon, was a Sun Aquarius. Malcolm McLaren was a Sun Aquarius. The only way out of these cycles is to drastically rethink your view of the situation, no matter if old friends, new friends, small groups – or enormous organisations – are involved.

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Capricorn Weather

In September 2024, Pluto goes back into Capricorn, back into your zone of friends and groups. Pluto retrograde is the last gasp of this cycle, which has transformed your social life and group involvements, since 2008. Pluto is about new deal-making. A dramatic attitude shift, in other words!

Finding what works for you could be a case of trial and error, as you stumble backwards to repeat scenarios with your friend, or the group, testing a different approach each time. Pluto is about power. Friends with clout. Control issues within the friendship or the group. You can’t get away from what happened in 2023; it changed everything, forever. Nor can you get away from the decision you made early in 2024. Pluto has been a long time departing.

A deeper analysis of why, precisely, the same scenario with certain friends, allies or groups appears, is certainly in order as you may have Aquarius factors in your natal chart. If you do, Pisces, then we spend the late Twenties and Thirties with Pluto in Aquarius, the whole way through. So this is a double whammy for you. November-February is about very publicly losing the politics with friends and groups, at the same time that very privately, you accept that if you and your pal/s want to transform the world, the time is now.

Once you’ve found the appropriate angle on your social or group situation, you may even reach a stage in your life when you are grateful for the chance you have to experiment with your old attachments, your old attitudes. The group you joined which was essentially socialist in nature or communist in structure, may turn out to be a let-down. That can happen to an Aquarius transit in your natal chart, if you do have Aquarius factors.

What if you don’t, or you don’t know? Well, you still have group and friendship transformation, but it’s more general. More, something every Pisces goes through. You may go back to a collective or community you lost interest in, or lost touch with. You realise it’s where the power is, these days. That’s one example.

Pisces, September-November is the last time you ever have to deal with questions about who is top dog, who is not top dog and so on. It is the last time you will ever have to sort out where the real power rests in a friendship or group. You are a sensitive water sign, psychic and have boundary issues with chums. This has made it particularly testing for you to go through, since 2008, as Pluto is not really about feelings of the finer kind, or the subtle kind. It’s about nuclear levels of power.

You can sign off with a sense of completion and closure in two stages here. The first is November, the second is December. A great deal depends on what you do in September.

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