Jessica Adams has prepared your monthly astrological forecast for November. Discover what the stars have in store for you this month including your Premium Extended Forecast
Until November 10th, 2023, you have Ops, the Sun, Mars, Ceres and Mercury all in Scorpio. That’s an intense first ten days of the month. The Moon joined the Sun in Scorpio too near the 13th of October. Around Tuesday the 21st of November, the Sun is in a conjunction with Ceres in Scorpio and near Wednesday the 22nd and Thursday 23rd, Mars is also in a conjunction with Ceres. This is an Eighth House transit.
Mortgages, tax, inheritance payments, partnership investments, commission, loans, settlements, debts, joint assets and shared resources come under the rulership of the Eighth House. It’s about what you own, earn or owe in relation to a second or third party.
You can have a big moment of glory, now, if you’ve put the work in, and your timing has been right. The Sun can highlight special achievements – the glittering prizes you’ve got some kind of stake in, or share in, thanks to other people.
The Eighth House also rules sexual and financial relationships. What is most noticeable or obvious about your approach to sex now? Destiny will show you, for the three weeks that this cycle is operating.
Death and dying, in connection with money and property, are also Eighth House concerns. Either way, fate will have a funny way of steering you towards these issues, at this time. If the transition from life to the afterlife directly and personally concerns you when this cycle comes along, it will illuminate and clarify what’s effective – and what’s not – about the way you’ve been managing things so far.
You can expect a fresh start near the 13th of November and a carve-up near the 22nd of November. A compromise or deal about everything you own, earn or owe. Slow down and cool down at that point and have a strategy.
From around Saturday, November 25th, 2023, there is a sea change as Ceres, Mars and the Sun join Mercury in Sagittarius. Psyche is there too. So your month has two completely different halves, but the last half does not start until the final week.
What is it that sets you apart from other people – in terms of study, publishing or your involvement with foreigners and foreign countries? Academia or the web? What is it that’s truly special, even brilliant, about you? What happens over the next three weeks will help to reveal all. Alternatively, if you are way off track, the Sun will expose what needs to be corrected and adjusted.
If you are long overdue for special attention and admiration, then now is the time you’ll get it. You could pick up a diploma, a degree or an award. Your ideas and beliefs could win you admiration, recognition, respect. The Sun turns a spotlight on this aspect of your personality and achievements now, so if you have truly turned into one of those people who has something special to offer, you can now pick up some credit. More importantly, you’ll know you’re on track – which will help you make future plans, too.
The Ninth House used to rule sea voyages a few centuries ago. Now it rules long-haul flights, foreign countries (to visit, or live in), and people from other countries and cultures. It also rules any part of the internet you find foreign. What happens over the next three weeks will either give you quiet pride in your ability to fit in with other countries and cultures or reveal your tunnel vision about any nation or person who is different from you.
It can happen because you’re actually travelling. Or because you’re in closer contact with people from (tick one) Europe, Australasia, or the USA.
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Your partner, ex-partner or potential future partner will be in the spotlight now. So will your enemy, opponent or rival if you have one. Everything about these relationships will be on show to other people now. What’s your marriage like? Is your ex-partner still single, or does s/he have someone new? The Sun will illuminate and expose all the corners of your key relationships with partners – past, present or future. You can expect important decisions by the third week of November.
If you marry or become engaged now, expect more attention than you imagined and a glaring lack of privacy. Ditto, if you break up or get divorced, so prepare yourself for this. The advantage for you? Total clarity. No confusion, no illusions. You will be able to look at your marriage, relationship, single life (or connection to an ex) as the world sees it.
This Scorpio cycle is your annual inspection and maintenance check – as performed by the world in general. Your duet or duel is lit up.
If you’re single, a new person may come along who highlights what you need to work on, in terms of your dating style/technique – or who shows you (gloriously) just how brilliantly you’ve developed since your last break-up.
From the final week you are dropped into Sagittarius Season, Taurus. The Eighth House of sex, death and money, to put it bluntly. Mortgages, tax, inheritance payments, your will, her legacy, his legacy, any partnership investments, commission, loans, settlements, debts, joint assets and shared resources come under the rulership of the Eighth House. It’s about what you own, earn or owe in relation to a second or third party. The Sun will single out all the important issues for you now, Taurus.
The Sun can highlight special achievements – the glittering prizes you’ve got some kind of stake in, or share in, thanks to other people. The Sun can also hand you an uncomfortable memo.
The Eighth House also rules sex and money, or sex and property. Issues now tend to be deeper, darker, more intense and more complicated than those you experience normally.
Death and dying are also Eighth House concerns. Classically ‘Until death do us part’ in your wedding vows. The will you make naming others, or their will, naming you, is an example. Taurus, the Sun will single all this out for closer attention now, turning its brilliant spotlight on what is normally ignored, or hidden, so that you are given a rare chance to clarify things. Are you on track, or do you need to rethink your approach? Now’s the time to ask.
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Let’s consider the health, fitness and wellbeing aspect of this cycle first. Everything about your body and mind will be a lot more obvious now – which is why it’s classically a time for a medical check-up. November will show you what you can be proud of, in terms of your health – and what is clearly in need of attention, Gemini. It exposes what is central and important – what can’t be overlooked. This may be . It may be your psychologist.
It’s a very good time to get the once-over on tooth decay, cholesterol, blood sugar levels, blood pressure, bone density, and anything else you can think of. Even if you are already receiving medical or alternative health treatment, this three-week period is extremely useful, as it can give you much clearer insights on everything. You’ll get a better view of what’s actually functioning, or not functioning, now.
The Sixth House of your chart, ruled by Scorpio, is also associated with part-time and full-time work, and the chores you do at home (if you don’t have a job), together with any outside interests which you think of as your duty (volunteer work, for example).
Recognition, praise, even fifteen minutes of fame – it can all come your way now. It’s just the Sun giving you feedback, and telling you that you’ve done a good job, doing your duty, over the last 12 months. If you have developed a routine which actually functions properly, and a work ethic which actually tallies with your wellbeing (as well as the lists or schedules in your diary) then this cycle will bring highlights. Take notes while you can. The issues will seldom be this clear again!
This begins with a rush in the final week of November, Gemini.
Your partner, ex-partner or potential future partner will be in the spotlight now. So will your enemy, opponent or rival if you have one. Everything about these relationships will be on show to other people now. What’s your marriage like? Is your ex-partner still single, or does s/he have someone new? The duets and duels now may be platonic, so the two of you in a professional partnership. They can also be quite obviously about sexual commitment.
Gemini, the Sun will shine a torch into the most closed-off areas of your personal life, so prepare yourself for this. The advantage for you? Total clarity. No confusion, no illusions. You will be able to look at your marriage, relationship, single life (or connection to an ex) as the world sees it. You may feel a little naked, but you will also be updated. It’s a wake-up call.
If you’re single, a new person may come along who highlights what you need to work on, in terms of your dating style/technique – or who shows you (gloriously) just how brilliantly you’ve developed since your last break-up. Forget the dents to your ego, or even the spectacular highs, though. It’s not about that.
Then November is about the financial and sexual relationship you have or had. This is short-term but important. Decisions are coming.
This Sagittarius transit is short-term, as well, but much longer-term and far more important, is the South Node in Libra, in charge of courtship, the bedroom, pregnancy, infants, schoolchildren, teenagers and young adults. That’s karma and it is coming from 18 or 19 years before, no matter if you are owed, or you owe. It’s here now and it’s here in 2024 as well.
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Children, sex and the next generation are in the spotlight now. There is no other cycle where your sex life (or lack of it) seems quite so important. It’s the same with pregnancy, adoption, stepchildren or grown-up children.
Sex is so personal; I have no idea what will come up for you now. But I do know it will be a) vitally important and b) your chance to get total clarity and insight.
If you have Scorpio factors in your natal chart, then November will be about the financial side of the marriage (for example), or the property involved in your love life.
Cancer, this relentless spotlight on your sexuality is useful. It can show you what and who you like and don’t like. And what and who needs to be appreciated, reworked or set aside. The Fifth House of your chart, which Scorpio rules, is about courtship, the bedroom, your heirs, spares and pretenders to your throne.
If you do have Scorpio natal chart factors, there may be questions here about your will or legacy, naming them, or child support, for example.
Children (your own or other people’s) do need a second and third look now. The world of children can include areas like adoption, abortion and fertility – and childcare and education. What happens now depends on where you’re at in life, but you will find that everything about your connection to them is now up for general inspection and scrutiny. Do you congratulate yourself, now, or send yourself a ‘Must Do Better/Think Harder’ memo?
Scorpio Season is intense and lasts until the third week of November.
Cancer, this cycle begins with a bang in the final week of November. It concerns the Sixth House of your solar chart. This is about your lifestyle, wellbeing, workload and daily routine.
Let’s consider the health, fitness and wellbeing aspect of this cycle first. The Sun reveals (within a few days of this cycle beginning) what you can be proud of, in terms of your health – and what is clearly in need of attention. You’ll get a better view of what’s actually functioning, or not functioning, now (and that includes your doctor as well as your attitude towards).
From the last week of November, Cancer, the diets, gurus, opticians, ‘miracle’ cures, doctors, hospitals, clinics, nurses, surgeons, health insurance staff, and so on, take your attention.
The Sixth House is also associated with part-time and full-time work, and the chores you do at home (if you don’t have a job), together with any outside interests which you think of as your duty (volunteer work, for example).
Cancer, if you have Capricorn factors in your natal chart, then major career issues start to unfold now. These will be underlined in December 2023, January 2024, as there will be reshuffles in your profession which affect you. So, it’s not just about work, per se, it’s about your CV (resume) as a whole.
Whatever your chart looks like – Between now and this time next year, you’ll have a second chance to organise yourself, balance your health and wellbeing with your duty to other people – and to get the kind of lifestyle you can justifiably be proud of.
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This transit in your Fourth House of property, household, family, town and country is short, but potent. A lot of decisions will be made now, Leo. If you have Scorpio factors in your natal chart, then it’s about the financial side of relationships with partners or family. A mortgage and marriage, for example, or a legacy.
The Fourth House of your chart rules your home (typically, your house or flat, but sometimes your temporary accommodation). It also rules your family (that means parents, siblings and relatives, as well as partners and any children). Because ‘home’ often means flatmates to people, they will also be prominent in this cycle. And, of course, the place you think of as home can also mean the country you were born in, or the country you live in now. When I look back at my files, I find this:
*Sagittarian musician and TV star Ozzy Osbourne had this cycle on March 5th, 2002, when the reality show about his family, The Osbournes, premiered on American television. Ozzy also had Venus in the Fourth House that day.
*Taurean actress and singer Cher also had the Sun in the Fourth House when she decided to sell the contents of her home, in order to redecorate it. The mammoth spring clean was announced on August 1st, 2006.
This transit is around three weeks long. You are then tipped into Sagittarius Season, Leo.
Children, sex and the bedroom are in the spotlight from the final week of November. Courtship. The heirs, spares and pretenders to your throne. There is no other cycle where your sex life (or lack of it) seems quite so important. This is in fact the Leo house, in your natal chart. This is where the royal bedchamber can be found along with the princes and princesses.
Sagittarius season is not long. What does matter much, much more is the forthcoming transit of Pluto in Aquarius, from January 2024 onwards. That will change your marriage. It will change your single life. Power comes into it from January. So, November is a prelude.
Sex is so personal; I have no idea what will come up for you now. But I do know it will be a) vitally important and b) your chance to get total clarity and insight. You might be one of those people who thinks about sex all the time – or maybe you’d rather have a cup of tea. It doesn’t matter. Leo, this relentless spotlight (by your ruler, the Sun) on your sexuality is useful.
Children (your own or other people’s) also need a second and third look now. The world of children can include areas like adoption, abortion and fertility – and childcare and education. Sagittarius Season is not long in duration, but as I’ve said, this may tie in with partnership empowerment and control questions, from January next year. In fact, by February next year we are going to see an awful lot of Leos split or commit; change the rules of the marriage; get counselling; reconcile – and the story begins in the final week of November, with the parenthood or step-parenting question.
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Scorpio Season is about your Third House and lasts until the third week of November. Virgo, if you have Gemini factors in your chart, then what happens now, nods to May, June 2024, which is the start of the biggest and best cycle for siblings, cousins, short journeys, the media and the internet in 12 years.
The Third House rules brothers and sisters, communication and short-haul travel (a quick plane trip, an overnight stay, a weekend car expedition.) While the Sun passes through the Third House it will shine a huge spotlight on all these areas of your life, so you can judge them – and make decisions.
Let’s begin with your siblings. At this time of year, your relationship with them will be much more obvious to other people. The Sun will act like a huge, swinging torch at this time, passing over your brother or sister repeatedly, until you get the message. It’s the same with cousins. The Third House rules your sibling or cousin, according to tradition. Of course, we are coming up to Christmas.
The next three weeks will emphasise and underline every single point about the relationship until you know exactly what’s going on, and where you stand. The state of play with your brother or sister will be more obvious now and require your input.
Communication – your way with words and images, or ideas and messages – is also in the spotlight now. This Scorpio transit is short and not particularly important long-term, except for one thing. It may involve a much longer, quite radical revolution for you with publishing, the worldwide web, academia and foreign people. That is quite a radical change in your life and far more important. It is liberating.
This transit is also about commuting and short journeys, Virgo. What kind of driver are you? What sort of tourist or traveller are you? Are you safe or an idiot? Choose your destiny. But…back to siblings.
Piscean actor Michael Caine had this cycle on May 12th, 1991, when English tabloid newspapers revealed the existence of a previously hidden half-brother. As I’ve said, if you have Gemini chart factors, then November is a lot more important than first appears and you will see why, for terrific reasons, from May 2024.
Virgo, this concerns your home, family, household, town and country. It begins with an intense rush in the final week of November. Of course, Christmas is coming, but so is the end of the year and all those decisions.
If you have Scorpio factors in your chart then November as a whole is about what you own, earn or owe in relation to a partner or relative. In fact, these questions cross over.
Sagittarius season starts late in the month and picks up your Fourth House. The Fourth House of your chart rules your home (typically, your house or flat, but sometimes your temporary accommodation). It also rules your family (that means parents, siblings and relatives, as well as partners and any children.) Because ‘home’ often means flatmates to people, they will also be prominent in this cycle. And, of course, the place you think of as home can also mean the country you were born in, or the country you live in now. Heritage, history, culture and ancestors.
This will have a financial angle for you, Virgo, so it’s not just about the house or apartment. You have the nodes in your bank and income sectors now, so what is just a November-December issue about the rent, mortgage or property investment has much, much wider implications. It takes you back 18-19 years, with karma. You are owed, from that time, or you owe. What goes around comes around.
Our home lives and families are often a background track. That will change now, as you find yourself staring, long and hard, at everything. And of course, the sibling or cousin question from earlier in November, can blend into questions about (say) your father, or stepmother.
This can be your finest hour, if your son singles you out in his Oscars acceptance speech, or your new neighbours drop in, just to ask you who painted your gate. Don’t worry too much if it’s clear the home front is not all it could be, though. This is simply your cue to do what’s required, for at least another 12 months, so that next year, you can bask in what you’ve achieved.
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Libra, the first three weeks of November are about your bank account, will, any legacy naming you, mortgage, shares, cryptocurrency, property and so on. It’s an intense time but the final week eases up.
As this Scorpio cycle occurs at the same time as one or more other financial cycles, this is when most of the financial negotiations, business correspondence or property transactions will occur. Even if you don’t get to the signatures or handshakes stage, though, there will still be plenty of question-and-answer sessions, and a reasonable amount of research, either at work or home.
The Second House is about your value system, as much as anything else – it’s about what you will, and won’t, sell out for. This is a good time of year to become more aware of that, and to try and balance your feelings with your head. What is the point of making a clever property decision, in market terms, if you love your old home with all your heart? What price can a ‘clever’ business strategy extract, in terms of your values, if other human beings lose from your big gains? There are two key financial cycles in Sun Sign Astrology. One is Mercury in the Second House, the other is Uranus in Taurus the Eighth House. These are crucial times for fact-finding missions and networking, and you can cover a lot of ground very quickly.
I believe you’ll gain enormously in April, May 2024 by saving or making money. The core of that can be traced to November 2023.
In the final week of November, you are tipped into Sagittarius Season.
This is the time to sort things out with your brother or sister. Cousins too. You’ll be better informed now, and more logical about things. As long as you don’t ignore your feelings (or theirs) you should come up with useful results now – no matter if you are organising a family holiday, borrowing their car, or even tackling really serious sibling or cousin issues. This also applies to short trips away, and to all forms of transport (cars, bicycles, motorbikes, boats, aeroplanes). What adds up and makes sense now, has to also be emotionally satisfying or intuitively ‘right.’
Mercury goes backwards now. Allow for a long loop, backwards and forwards. Allow until January 3rd, 2024, for the circuit to break.
The Third House famously rules brothers, cousins and sisters, and your transportation and travel (particularly locally, or on short-haul flights.) It also rules communication, though, which is where computers and telephones come in. This is going to be an incredibly busy time for you, as you’ll be touching base with so many information sources. You’ll have access to a vast range of sources, contacts and networks now, but unless you can put the fact-finding in perspective, you could end up without a plan.
So many x factors will complicate your dealings with a brother, cousin or sister now, that you may want to wait until this cycle is over, before you start making up your mind. Whatever the nature of your brother or sister ‘business’, though, what is allegedly settled or final, is often subject to change. All the more reason not to make or accept promises too quickly if they are going to cost either of you time or money.
Cars, taxis, trucks, boats, aeroplanes, trains and buses can be unreliable now, or you will face transport strikes, traffic jams, accident delays, or schedule changes. This is traditionally a circular time to buy a new car, get a truck repaired, or to take any kind of holiday. The Third House traditionally rules short trips away, so if you have one of those on the agenda, you may want to have Plan B or C until Mercury is direct and out of shadow again. The Third House also rules communication, which covers a broad canvas – computers, telephones, fax machines, mail – but also your dealings with the media. Have back-up.
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It’s all about your portrait, reputation, appearance and title in November. If you have factors in Aries, then what happens in November, triggers what happens next April 2024 as well.
Your logical mind will be focused on your appearance, image, reputation and public profile now. You’ll be picking up lots of different facts, figures and soundbites from all kinds of sources (real people as well as the internet) as you tackle the issue of how you are seen, in a logical way. You’ll sort out image-related issues on how well they ‘compute’ and ask lots of questions.
This applies to cosmetic dentistry, resumes, YouTube and anything else which is about your surface, rather than your substance.
As you have other planetary cycles in the First House when Mercury transits too, this will be a busy and important time – at least in terms of your name, your face, your public persona, or your personal style. You’ll do most of your research on these issues now, as you run around town (or move the mouse around your desk) picking up information grabs or the crucial details.
Magazines, newspapers, television, radio and Google will play an important part in the way you manage issues like your presentation or packaging.
Libran musician Bruce Springsteen had this cycle when he managed to get his name and face on the cover of not one, but two, American magazines. On October 27th, 1975, The Boss could be found on Time and Newsweek.
This is about your money and property, Scorpio. Expect a circular discussion as Mercury Retrograde is with you. If you have Taurus factors in your natal chart then what happens in November offers you incredible opportunities and solutions in April, May 2024 – despite any challenges now.
As this Mercury in Sagittarius cycle occurs at the same time as one or more other Second House cycles, this is when most of the financial negotiations, business correspondence or property transactions will occur.
The Second House is about your value system, as much as anything else – it’s about what you will, and won’t, sell out for. There are two key financial cycles in Sun Sign Astrology. One is Mercury in the Second House, the other is Jupiter in the Eighth House. These are crucial times for fact-finding missions and networking, and you can cover a lot of ground very quickly. Jupiter goes into your Eighth House in May 2024 for around 12 months. Even though the final week of November, onwards, is an effort – what you can do now, has a pay-off much later on, in the middle of next year.
Jupiter in Gemini in your Eighth House from May 2024 has a direct line back in time to the final week of November 2023 into December 2023.
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This cycle unfolds two ways. Firstly, Mercury will force you to prioritise a secret self-help plan, or extremely sensitive, spiritual, confidential issue. It could be anything from Buddhism, to a medium. The possibilities are endless!
Just because you can’t talk about it, though, doesn’t mean you won’t be doing your homework. For a few weeks, you’ll be gathering as much information as you can, about this rather delicate, hush-hush matter which could involve a therapist or self-hypnosis. This can help you take a more logical approach. In fact, you won’t be this rational about everything for another year.
This cycle can also bring a period of hibernation, as you remove yourself from the outside world and turn your attention to your inner world instead. You may have to do this, Sagittarius. Or…You might take a sabbatical, claim sick leave, check into a spa, or just spend a lot of time sitting in your room with the door locked. You may also be researching a retreat of some kind – a period of time in your life, or a special place, where you hope to find some solitude and privacy.
The Twelfth House rules the time we spend by ourselves, when we discover who we really are, without other people. It describes a private encounter with your own soul. For this reason, you may also be far more curious about any of the following areas now: dreams, mediumship, tarot, astrology, psychology, hypnosis, psychiatry and so on. The Twelfth House is where you are alone. You experiment with your psyche, soul or spirit when you have transits in Scorpio. You have them, intensely so, for the first three weeks of November.
Do you have Pisces chart factors in your birth horoscope? If so, November is profoundly important in terms of your therapist, Alcoholics Anonymous group, hypnotist, priest, psychic and so on. The inner life. In fact, with Saturn and Neptune transiting your natal Twelfth House at the same time as your solar Twelfth House, it all looks life-changing. There is a direct line in time to March 2024, now.
This begins with a big new chapter in the final week of November. Commonly, you’ll concentrate on your hair, face, body, clothes, image, appearance, reputation and public face at this time. A cosmetic surgeon? A shoe guru? A PR consultant? It all depends on what you want to do with your outer packaging. There may be a personal or professional relationship comes into focus, which has a great deal to say about your reputation. This relationship defines how you are seen – how the world talks about you, or pictures you, or ‘boxes’ you. We all have labels stuck on us.
Do you have Aries factors in your natal chart? There is a direct line in time from November 2023 to April 2024. If you are losing weight, for example, you may be on a six-month deadline.
If you go into this cycle with a new hairdresser, make-up artist, trainer, cosmetic surgeon – anything! – then you’ll know this person is fated, Sagittarius. The web is an obvious place for your ‘me’ issues to be foremost. This may be a media interview with you, for example, or a new Substack.
So, you’ll be getting your Botox done, or your hair coloured, or your professional image groomed and maintained. If you don’t care about your appearance so much, the focus goes on your reputation and title. Mercury Retrograde is with you now too, so allow for a circuit or stuck time loop. So, if you were launching a website, you would allow for technical issues. If you were having your hair cut and coloured in a new way, the appointment might change. If your name is on a book, watch out for delays in distribution.
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Do you have Aquarius factors? Then November is life-changing from January 2024. By February 2024 you will realise people power can do anything if your allies and friends join with you in that force-field known as the hive mind.
This is about your social life, friendships, Twitter, Substack, groups and networks. It’s your annual major Eleventh House transit. If an old friend re-enters your life now, he or she will connect you to a large network of people. If you make a new friend at this time, this man or woman will also open up your world, either online, or through a whole chain of invitations and introductions.
The Eleventh House is also about existing friends, of course, which might explain why that person who has been there forever suddenly goes to the top of your list, and you find yourself with a larger phone or internet bill; your friend is likely to make waves in your life now, and a lot of questions, plans and mini-adventures will result.
If you have been feeling bored or lonely, this cycle can fix it. A little bit of work on your part can trigger a new social life, if you want it – or a new angle on the old one. Well, it is nearly Christmas. Invitations for Christmas now will have extra meaning and importance for you, Capricorn.
A group, club, team, organisation, association or social network will also take up your mental energy now. If you are permanently involved with some kind of group, and it’s central to your life, then do use this time to find solutions to all those unanswered questions you may have. You will be amazed at the number of resources, and sources, which suddenly become available to do this.
Even if you’re not a joiner (and can’t stand group dynamics) you will still find it hard not to cross paths with some kind of people-pack now. An issue will arise which involves a lot of debate or gossip with them – or about them. The right brain will rule, so you’ll find yourself thinking more logically and rationally now. Don’t ignore your feelings (or theirs) though. The heart must also have a say.
For more on this please see the flipbooks in your library if you are a Premium Member. This extract is taken from them, to talk to you about a cycle predicted many years ago.
Sagittarius Season is about your solar Twelfth House. Your Twelfth House of inner life, the inner world, solitude and therapeutic experiences.
If you have natal chart factors in Pisces, then from the final week of November, this changes your life. In fact, there is a direct timeline from November 2023 to March 2024. The issue is God, or your rejection of God. Self-help, or your alternatives to self-help.
You’ll become better-known for what you do behind the scenes, now, than you do for the upfront stuff. The Sun’s spotlight will swing on all the things you achieve privately, or by yourself – away from other people’s attention. Have you privately been seeing a therapist, to help fix your issues? You’ll share it with others now. It’s about what you do quietly.
The Sun is neither negative nor positive, it just works like the real Sun – illuminating whatever it touches. When it moves into the Twelfth House, from the final week of November, it lights up anything and anybody you have been keeping to yourself, so that everyone else can see it. The church? Buddhism? Hypnosis? Often, people get attention for their secrets at this time. Whatever has been covered up so carefully is finally exposed.
You will now begin with, or return to, a solitary pursuit designed to address your soul or psyche. This self-examination can happen through meditation, dreams, psychic experiences, astrology, counselling, therapy, or keeping a journal. It can happen through going on retreat – or through being forced to live/stay/work in an isolated place, cut off from normal life.
Your secret self is known to Jungian and Freudian psychologists alike as your unconscious. Mediums call it your spirit. Right now, it may feel as if it’s all of you. We are going into Christmas, crucial to Christians, at the same time as Jews and Palestinians address their beliefs. All this is Twelfth House material. The Twelfth House rules God, or not God.
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Scorpio season is about the Tenth House of your solar chart. The intensity vanishes in the final week of November.
This month is about your career, unpaid work or academic career, Aquarius. November spawned a monster, according to Morrissey. Well, for you, it spawns major developments in your professional life.
Do you have Capricorn natal chart factors? November, December, January will bring reshuffles with departures, promotions and mergers that will directly affect you. You can double that, if you have factors at 28, 29 Capricorn.
You are more than your career, or your social status, or your ‘position’ in the world. But – for around three weeks, now, you are going to be seen purely in terms of your business card, your achievements, your success, and your mission.
Do you have any idea about what you’re well-known for, in your particular industry or field? That’s what the Sun will single out now. Its brilliant, relentless spotlight will sweep around your name, reputation, CV and success rating for around 21 days, showing you what’s what.
The same trends apply to you if you are retired, unemployed or have full-time home duties – but this cycle will be about the roles and goals you have on your own merits. Other people’s feedback will give you a useful yardstick for measuring yourself, and your life, at this time.
Everything about your performance at work will now be much more obvious, for better or for worse. Projects, plans and people will come along which expose how astonishingly marvellous you are – or how much work you have to do.
People get promoted now. They get new jobs. They are headhunted. They can also resign or accept their notice. It really depends on your personal birth chart, Aquarius, but November is decisive. Your boss may announce her early retirement. Your company may lose clients. Your entire industry may be affected by Artificial Intelligence.
The audition for success lasts all year, but this month lets you know the score.
You won’t really see anything substantial unless you have Capricorn natal chart factors. If so, there will be a transformation in the balance of power in your career, with outcomes in January 2024.
*Aries comedian Spike Milligan was awarded a knighthood on the New Year’s Honours List during this cycle, on December 30, 2000. For good measure, he also had Mercury and the South Node in the Tenth House at the same time.
*Capricorn musician Rod Stewart also had the Sun in the Tenth House on the day he won a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, on 12th October 2005. Awards, big and small, are common during this cycle.
Aquarius, this is about your friendships, the groups you belong to (or are affected by), Substack and Twitter. It is about frenemies (that fine Nancy Mitford term for dodgy so-called friends) but also about your pre-Christmas social life. Invitations now are really important. They are meaningful – not just another event to go to!
As your Sun is in the Eleventh House natally, there is a timeline to January, February 2024 now. In those months your friends and groups will transform. The balance of power will change. The setting is now, November 2023.
Friends are often in the background of our lives, but not in this cycle. Within just a few days, you’ll feel as if you are watching a Hollywood film of your life, with one or more of your friends cast in the starring roles. You’ll either feel like standing up in your seat at the end and applauding or giving the whole show a thumbs-down. Is your friend a game-player? Well, that cannot go on now. Your Sun in Aquarius chart, but also your natal chart, suggest November 2023-February 2024 is a period of transformation when anyone trying to power-trip you, may be downgraded by you and minimised in your life.
At the same time, the Sun in Sagittarius now, will illuminate your own performance as a friend. And you’ll find true friends or have friendships redeemed. You’ll be thrown into situations which highlight exactly what you bring to your friendships.
Social events will come along now, which throw you and your friends together. Or they get caught up in their own little life episodes – which suddenly, directly involve you. Everyone is watching – so how will you perform? More importantly, how effective have you been, over the last 11 months, as a friend? That’s what the Sun will really expose now.
You now have a rare chance to understand what’s worked best for you, in terms of your friendship with a certain someone – and what you know you’ve let slide. Either way, you win. Your friend can make you feel incredibly special now (in which case, just keep doing what you’re doing).
This cycle is also about group chemistry. Together, you can shine at this time. This goes into December. It’s about the team, club, union, society, association.
*Gemini musician Sir Paul McCartney had this cycle on April 9th, 1970, when he left The Beatles, the band that had made him famous. Chiron, which represents audacity and daring, was also in his Eleventh House that day.
*Led Zeppelin made its debut when guitarist Jimmy Page had this cycle too – they appeared for the first time on 25th October 1968 as the Sun was passing through Page’s Eleventh House, alongside another planet – Neptune.
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Pisces, the first three weeks of November is an intense time involving foreigners and foreign countries; publishing; academia; the worldwide web.
Travel or relocation is very likely now – or you’ll be laying the groundwork for a future trip or move. It’s an excellent time to research the town or country you have in mind, as you’ll be given access to a wide range of sources and information networks to help you. If you are laying the groundwork for a holiday, or even a new life in a new place, you may not necessarily be aware of it at this time. If you are going to emigrate, though, it would begin in May, June 2024 and have a direct timeline with November 2023.
Staying put? Foreigners and foreign countries still dominate November. In the months or years ahead, though, you’ll realise that all the ‘homework’ you did at this time, had a special part to play with, say, exporting your ideas. Even if you can’t get away now (or research a change of scenery) because of , you will find that people from other cultures, regions and countries play a bigger part in your life. Conversations with them will broaden your horizons and open up your world.
The Ninth House transits in November also rules publishing, both online and through the world of books and media. You can gather a lot of information very quickly at this time, and should have a better hit rate than usual, in terms of returned calls and e-mails, or returned correspondence. Education, study and teaching are also Ninth House concerns. If these involve you now, it should be an intriguing and informative time, and you will be doing a lot of networking and analysis. If you are curious about this transit you can find out more, as a Premium Member, in your library, from which this extract is taken. This cycle of time was predicted for you many years ago.
This cycle also describes the relationship you have with people from other cultures and countries within your own nation. Given what is going on in Israel, this may be more obvious in your city, or it might concern indigenous Australians, down under. Scorpio season is intense, short in duration, and fizzles out in the final week, when your attention turns to your career.
Pisces, if you have Capricorn natal chart factors, then you could easily switch jobs November 2023 to February 2024 or see drama with your company or profession as there will be departures, demotions, promotions and mergers.
Even if you do not – this cycle is still perfect for finding out everything you needed to know about your career, as you may be researching a future job, analysing the consequences of retiring or resigning, or just doing your homework on a boss, client, colleague or professional competitor. As Mercury is not the only planet in your Tenth House at this time, one important issue which relates to your ambitions will now go to the top of your list, and a lot of phone calls, questions, e-mails or website visits will follow. Allow for a circuit, though. You are entering Mercury Retrograde and final answers will take time.
This is probably the networking cycle for ambitious people even if the process is a circuit, stuck, stalled or changed. Keep every business card and reply to every e-mail. Have a back-up. Information about your career or industry which is hard to get at other times, will be parked right under your nose now, but on a loop. It is an excellent time to gather your sources and examine your options. If you are a student, a full-time home duties person, retired, or unemployed, then this cycle will affect the goals, ambitions and missions which are most important to you. Expect the same scenario – a lot of networking, information gathering, and analysis – but remember the retrograde means rethinking, relaunching, reconsidering, retracting promises, renegotiating and so on.
Keep your career options open now. There will be a lot of questions, and apparently ‘conclusions’, but they’re subject to change, and you will either alter your decisions at some point or find other people’s U-turns affect your own plans. may play its part. Year-end reshuffles may play their part. This also applies to your other ambitions and goals, if you are a student, unemployed, retired, or have full-time home duties. Your most ambitious projects and plans can be thrown into a backward circuit during this cycle, thanks to the global domino-effect which is now taking place.
Expect a lot of ‘news’ through the media, about those projects, plans and goals which most concern you, as well as your particular field, industry or workplace. There will also be quite a lot of gossip and debate, but it is unwise to take it seriously when Mercury is on a loop. What appears to be a done deal (your boss is definitely leaving) or a final conclusion (your old company is definitely expanding) may not be so. This cycle is best used by standing well back, taking mental notes, and waiting for the dust to settle.
If you are curious about this transit, you can read more in your library as a Premium Member. This edited extract is taken from there, as this cycle was predicted for you many years ago, Pisces.
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