Jessica Adams has prepared your monthly astrological forecast for January. Discover what the stars have in store for you this month including your Premium Extended Forecast
Taking Back Control in 2024
Aries, you go into 2024 with the ability to take back control (one more time) for the rest of the year. This is about your chosen career, academic career or unpaid work. It’s also about your social status, position, mission and ambition. You have had a fascinating C.V. since 2008 with one challenge after another, but you have found a way to make your profession work for you. It’s the same with study or volunteering; full-time caring, married life or parenting (if those are your chosen jobs). You’ve figured out, machinations upon machinations. You deserve an extra flute on New Year’s Eve.
If you worked hard to empower people over the last few years, you also woke up to find yourself in a position of power. You have then been on the Pluto slippery dip and found yourself being disempowered by people, groups or organisations who have a huge problem with what you were trying to do. Well, January 2024 will show you very firmly that they were wrong and you are (still) right. Every time you gave back the reins to others, you helped yourself over the long haul, Aries.
As early as January, you will realise this professional, academic or unpaid work situation is going to take all year to really sort itself out. We are seeing Capricorn transits which book-end the year. It’s a process in motion now. It will take time as the shape of your chosen field has to be changed very, very slowly and will have to happen in steady stages.
Understanding Power and People Politics
You will see departures, arrivals, mergers, appointments, resignations and all sorts of reshuffles in January. It began in December 2023 and continues in February. 2024.
It’s that jostling that takes place when one person leaves (or is pushed) and the chain reaction continues for weeks. Ceres is a key factor here; this looks like a carve-up of the territory in February as people figure out how to share the controls (or not).
Understanding power and people politics has been part of your life for such a long time that it will come as a relief to know you don’t have to bother so much from February. It may have been your entire industry or business, Aries, as you have no doubt seen all kinds of high-handed power-tripping over the years by those who do not want to relinquish their hold.
Here’s a warning for some people, though. He who tries to go for world domination tends to end up as a running joke on YouTube. You may actually see this in January, Aries.
If you believe in Power To The People you may well have been up against those who just want power for themselves. You may even have taken a knock because of it. Well, January will reassure you. In fact, it may do a lot more than that, depending on how long-term your ambition actually is. This could be an incredible start to an incredible year.
Earning the Respect
Earning the respect and prestige of peers, customers, clients, students, contemporaries, over the years, is part of the Pluto path as well.
If you have put in the time and energy for years, then you have now reached a point where nobody can take away what you did. Ever. Your achievements speak for themselves and whatever it was that worked for you spectacularly well a few years ago, can work again. Some core philosophy or set of principles, perhaps. It never went away.
You may be sticking your hand up for system change in 2024. That would not surprise anybody. Given that you have seen exactly how the system works, you are now savvy enough to know how it might be replaced. ‘You and whose army?’ is the question here, but it’s a good one to ask, because very soon, you will realise it’s all about the group.
That’s really a prediction for February, but the future belongs to your circle of allies and friends, all of whom come from completely different walks of life, but all of whom want to walk the same path. For you, if that happens to open doors to a superior way of doing things, so much the better. Perhaps your chosen field needs it.
Aries the Individual
Aries is the sign of the individual who operates alone no matter how many others are involved. You are ruled by Mars the Roman god of war and your sign also rules the First House of self-promotion, title, appearance, reputation and packaging. There’s a certain isolation about that because at the end of the day, you have to be all about yourself, and very much in it for yourself too. Upfront. Front-and-centre. On the front line.
That’s been even more necessary in recent years with Pluto’s square to your natal Sun in Aries. Not to mention the South Node in Libra, right opposite your sign. You’ve had to push yourself. And that’s perfectly fine.
What you will notice about January is that people are coming out of the woodwork to support you. You will find compatible groups, sympathetic supporters and all sorts of mini circles and networks overlap, Aries. This is quite different for you. In fact, it’s heartening. By the end of the year you will realise it’s probably going to be a way of life, not just for you, but for so many others. Cross-pollination and cross-fertilisation, if you like. And those involved will be very, very different to your usual crowd.
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Ending Never-Ending Issues
Taurus, you have been in the long Pluto in Capricorn cycle since 2008 and as a result have gathered some interminable issues. Some have involved foreigners and foreign countries, or just foreign cultures in your own country. It may be Israel if you are British, for example, or Taiwan if you are Australian. It really depends who and what you think of as being foreign to you even if the language is the same (which can happen).
Everyone has an opinion about China or Gaza at the moment, don’t they. Everyone has a view about Russia. You may have very direct, personal, strong reasons for feeling as if no matter what you do, one issue goes away to be replaced by another. Or perhaps you have the same thing ebbing and flowing.
The strongest argument you have for not being on top of this is the sheer power of particular places, faces or spaces on this planet, or in your own country. And yet, Taurus, you would be mad not to take a deep breath in January and set yourself a 12-month course.
The 12-Month Path
We have some quite unusual patterns in Capricorn in your solar Ninth House, which book-end the year. What you begin in January, you end in December. So, it makes sense to go for something you can get your teeth into. You will have the satisfaction of some short-term wins with/about this foreign person or country by February, though. This year is rather like regular rewards leading to an overall strong outcome.
Taurus Cate Blanchett is a goodwill ambassador for the United Nations. You probably are not, but you will have your own take on the world or particular regions of it. Whatever you are dealing with (or whomever) is a big ask and it will take a long time. This suits the Capricorn transits now.
There is also the issue of other cultures in your own country, of course. Taurus, you may well find that January shows you alternative ways to get what you want or need. If you tried something that failed before, think about a parallel path.
Publishing and the Web
You may be writing a memoir, dealing with the vagaries of Facebook or just sorting out your newsletter. Taurus, you are in the cycle which astrology links to publishing in all its forms. This includes your dealings with publishers, in terms of other people’s books too. It’s amazing how powerful a paperback can be, or how potent a couple of sentences on Twitter can be. You have seen this for yourself on this very long cycle.
You really need to begin 2024 by stepping back from the internet or the book world as you have been immersed in some situations for a year or two now. The astrology lets you do that. You can be objective and view things as a stranger might. Are you being exploited on any level? That’s a good Pluto question to ask. Do you feel others have been undermining you?
Undermining is a Pluto word. He actually rules mining, under. It’s also the way that certain people try to play games or manipulate. If this has happened to you, you are not alone, Taurus, but by jingo you are going to right some wrongs in 2024.
Travel, Tourism, Emigration
This cycle also rules your own travel agenda, your own life as a tourist or business traveller – or migrant. What classically happens on a long Pluto transit is that your success is measured in the respect you have for the locals. Amazingly, not everyone welcomes planes laden with Covid-infected happy snappers these days. If you have been a responsible traveller, though, and done your utmost to empower and hand back control to the locals where you land, then these cycles tend to strengthen your game. You find yourself with even more clout, regarding that particular part of the world.
You’ve been tested, Taurus, but if you go on testing too, you’ll pass these cosmic tests. If you don’t, then January may bring a point of no return as there are astrological rules about these things. You don’t really get away with walking all over people on a Pluto transit and that strongly applies to tourists or even migrants. Watch and you’ll see it happening to other Taureans.
Education and Academia
Education on this Ninth House transit of Pluto and other Capricorn factors can be formal. It can also be informal, so Meetups on Zoom, for example. January will set you a challenge to graduate by Christmas in many cases, or to see your class successfully graduate, if you are a teacher or lecturer. This suits the 12-month cycle ahead which sees major Capricorn transits at both ends of the year.
If you have been going through a Pluto experience at college or university where you are quite clearly being undermined (that Pluto word again) then the person or group responsible is on a hiding to nowhere. Anyone swiping at your authority is pretty much doomed on this cycle; you can only get away with it for so long before you are, yourself, ‘Plutoed’ having tried to Pluto somebody else. This transit has a funny way of bringing completion and closure. For you, it may have been a particular institution; a person; even the entire system.
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Transforming Your Finances in 2024
You already have some wins on the board with your bank account, house, investment, apartment, business, charity, valuables. You also have one thorn in your side to fix, Gemini. You can pull more power and control your way in 2024, starting in January, but also start the first step in what is going to be complete transformation, if you want it.
This has been a really long cycle, starting in January 2008, which should ring a few bells with you. You have seen it all in that time, from having others try to rain on your parade (which should never have happened) to yourself, enjoying some kind of protective umbrella.
The most January can offer you is quite a lot. You have been exploring just about every facet of ownership, or debt, or value. Net worth if you like, or perhaps the way things add up (or lose value) over time. This goes beyond numbers, though, as this is emotional territory.
Gemini, this cycle has been in Capricorn in your Eighth House, where you find partners, former partners, parents, siblings and so on. It’s called the sector of legacies and wills. Therefore it’s the big ticket items which are shared, divided, owed and so on.
Finding Power and Control
It is important to own your power and not be diminished in any way by those who are fooling around with it (or you) and trying to take away from you. If you’ve not already woken up to that, then January is the time.
The golden rule with this transit is to fake being a Scorpio. So, you have to understand the intensity of relationships; particularly marriage, which is ‘until death do us part’ as well as ‘for richer for poorer.’ Honouring that intensity and understanding the edge, is part of the path.
The more focussed, emotionally committed and open to complication you are, the more you actually see how money translates into feelings. And of course, feelings translate into the family, or your de facto partnership, or what have you.
You go in boots and all on this transit or not at all. Your reward in 2024 will not only be money saved or made, it will also be the deepest possible understanding of what it means to be the second signature on paperwork, or the third or fourth. Along the way you also create your own personal sharemarket.
Your Shares and Stocks Are Your Values
There is Wall Street and then there is your street. After years of Pluto in your Eighth House you have created your own life budget, Gemini and in January you can take steps to be true to who and what is priceless to you. Basically, because he/she/them/that is so precious. You have non-negotiables to attend to in January, because there’s more to life than money.
If you have been ‘Plutoed’ by anyone who has basically been having a lend, as they say in Australia, then you will have the satisfaction of watching them be hoist by their own petard, as they say in Shakespeare.
Pluto types are rather exploitative and can be quite manipulative and January gives you the very last excuse you need to wave goodbye. In fact, Gemini, you may not have to do anything at all. Fate may play its part in ensuring you never have to put up with a situation again. Lesson learned and all that.
You’ve been in extremely powerful positions in recent years and if you handled that power with delicate care and great thought, are now the beneficiary of that keen responsibility. If you misused the power, then what you have now, is proof of that coming around.
The odd patterns in Capricorn at the very start and end of the year suggest you may have a 12-month process, or give yourself a Christmas or New Year deadline, looking ahead. Sometimes people do this for the most personal reasons (‘If next Christmas is like last Christmas, then…’)
I began by talking about owning your own power. Take it seriously, because you can be sure other people do and they are not always acting in your interests; they are acting in their own. If you’re unsure about all this, have a look online at the available expertise. This may be goal-setting, assertiveness or similar, but it’s time.
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Duets, Couples and Pairs
Cancer, you are now at a point in 2024 where you can give yourself a 12-month plan for your duet, marriage, partnership or other pairing. It will actually take that long for you to get what you want and need, no matter if it’s a commitment or an amicable separation.
There may be a shared goal in a professional partnership too, so that you have your sights set on something that would vindicate the pair of you, likely in November or December 2024.
This is probably an area of your life where you have been pushing for years and taken two steps forward and one step back. That would fit the Pluto transit you’ve had. You’ve tried and tried, basically, but have surprised at how relentless the cycle is.
Rather than spend January admonishing yourself for past failures at the attempt, you can now go ahead with everything (absolutely everything) you learned in 2008-2023 and reuse it. This may have been an approach with quite a different partner, for example (your first wife) or a skill set you have used steadily with the same person, all along.
Total Control
Looking counter clockwise…do you know the classic 1979 song by the Motels? The fact is, if you have been in any kind of duet or double-act these last few years, you have been living with someone who wants total control. Quite often. Regularly.
Managing Pluto is really about being honest with yourself. If you are not going to get what you want from the other person (because of his or her agenda) then you have to at least ask yourself exactly what you are getting out of it. Or not.
Pluto transits can seem like ‘forever’ but actually there is an end point in January if you want it. Perhaps you’ve had this planned for ages.
If you are being controlled by someone, however, and going along with it, you will typically find they also want to know who or what is in charge (even if they secretly are!)
Duels and Differences, Disputes and Disagreements
This transit in your Seventh House is also about psychological and emotional boxing matches. It’s been a long, long 2008-2023 cycle so you may have separated in that time, even if you are still legally married. This may bring in a third party, because of course you both date other people.
There are so many examples from reader comments (all born under your sign) that space does not allow. Pluto in Capricorn, your opposite sign, has seen you at opposite ends of an argument with your own siblings.
Then there is proper, professional level enmity. Rivals and open critics; anyone hostile to what you are trying to do, Cancer.
We all get this, no matter what our Sun sign happens to be, but you have had repeated bouts with the same opponent over far too many years, or you have found you remain in the red corner, and a new face just keeps stepping into the blue corner.
The Bigger Picture
The bigger picture of any disputes, even ongoing, is that if you ruffle feathers or even stare down what other people consider to be their turf or territory, you are going to face the consequences. That is a huge lesson from the last few years, Cancer. You can’t just swan in and have your merry way with something that others consider to be theirs.
The more elevated spiritual response to this is to see other people’s battle as your own. In fact, Cancer, you may have been Fighting The Good Fight for a very long time. This does stretch you, but January is the beginning of the end of that.
You will see reassuring signs in the next few weeks that enable you to turn things around by Christmas, when the last of the Capricorn transits ebb away.
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Serving Others and Serving Yourself
Welcome to 2024. January is a good month to organise the whole year, in terms of serving others but also serving yourself. You can’t function at your best without maintenance of your body, mind and spirit, as you know very well from 2023. In fact, you’re not a machine, you’re a complicated piece of equipment and where your physical wellbeing ends and the rest of you begins, is hard to tell.
The key to your year is understanding that it’s the last 12 months in a very long cycle of understanding your whole mechanism, from head to foot and the way your feelings about paid work, unpaid work and/or study do affect your health.
This dawns upon you five times in January and February 2024, thanks to the entry points (or ingresses) of Mars, the New Moon, Mercury, Venus and Ceres in Capricorn. January is also important because Pluto leaves Capricorn for most of this year.
Capricorn rules your Sixth House of service and duty and the only thing that gets you out of that is a condition that is specific to your job. To your course. To your housework. To your role as parent, carer or volunteer.
This has been the case for years, Leo, which may explain why particular issues have come up. It’s rather like having flat feet and being excused from the army, back in the day. You can’t march on flat feet. Or – being a housemaid and having housemaid’s knee.
Whatever has come up for you with your doctor, surgeon, dentist, complementary healer or alternative practitioner can be viewed as your body’s silent comment on your workload or role. This is a good month to tune into what your body is trying to tell you, Leo. Even if you have done this before, there may be new information.
Sometimes it’s so obvious it stares you in the face, Leo. If your role is to be a mother then your issue may have been your physical capacity (or not) for motherhood.
The Capricorn weather dates bookend the year, because from July to December, you’ll see final outcomes. So, for example, this may be losing weight (which takes time if you have a lot to lose) or steadily making your way through long-term treatment for a longstanding condition.
This cycle is about mental health as well as physical health so it’s worth remembering that too. If you are ever looking for clues, though, always look to the role that is being hampered by a particular health issue. As I said, it can stare you in the face. Mixed feelings, buried deep down, are usually the culprit.
Pluto and Work
Pluto returns to your work zone on 3rd September before vanishing from Capricorn, once and for all, and permanently departing your sector of labour, effort, chores, tasks, daily routine and work-life balance. Pluto is a symbol of power and control, but also forced compromise, as Pluto types never last long; or at least, their control of the game doesn’t.
This is the time of year when people resign, are made redundant, retire, accept promotions, are hired or accepted into courses. That’s just common sense, never mind astrology. What happens near the dates I’ve given you above will show you this quite clearly. There may be a reshuffle in the family, if that family is your career.
If you have felt taken over by a man (it’s usually a man with Pluto) who has been trying to use you on some level at work, while also undermining your authority, then that’s not going to last. January shows you how he will get his comeuppance. People who ‘do’ Pluto tend to undo themselves or are undone by others. If you have come across a charming manipulator in 2023 then you have met Pluto in human form.
The End of the Power Trippers
We’ve had no end of power trippers since Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008 and as this has been a long cycle it takes great insight to understand just how many people have tried to take over. We’ve had Presidents who refuse to accept democracy and Prime Ministers, too. You’ll be happy to know that democracy is back in 2024. Pluto is leaving Capricorn and going into Aquarius. Aquarius is about the diverse community. No one interest group can take over the others or have more space. Capricorn has been about little kingdoms run by little men. Sometimes by women. Generally men, though, as Pluto is a male symbol and Capricorn is also a male sign.
You will enjoy 2024 so much more when you realise the clock is ticking on that, not just in your own industry, business or profession but also in politics, because these things start at the top.
You will see some little kingdoms and little men fall in January with the process complete from February, when Ceres goes into Capricorn. Anybody who has been trying to use you, on any level, will come a cropper. Particularly if you have been your usual generous Leo self. You don’t do that to a Leo and get away with it in January 2024.
Your Skill and Craft
The meticulous attention to detail which has been required of you on this long cycle since 2008, has made you an artisan of sorts. You have mastered your profession or at the very least shown others the standards to which they should aspire. Leo, if you didn’t do the work, then you have paid the price, and been shown (repeatedly) what happens if you don’t commit to excellence in your field.
Unless your health on any level has stopped you from performing at full capacity, though, you have become a leader in your chosen sphere and shown up the amateurs. The Sixth House of your chart, where all these Capricorn transits have taken place, is about skill developed through year after year of devoted attention. You can see this if you are a nurse or a politician; a secretary, a Royal or a C.E.O.
If you’ve really used this transit you will have raised the bar in your chosen field and shown up anybody who isn’t up to scratch. The amazing thing about 2024 is, you no longer have to care. The departure of Pluto from Capricorn in January is about letting go of people or situations you have put up with for far too long.
In fact, the rare Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus in April 2024 (just four months away) suggests a liberating moment in your professional, academic or unpaid working life, where you can gain both independence and – the biggest and best.
Your Power and Control
Leo, your power and control since 2008 has come from serving others. Doing your duty and providing a service, no matter if you have been cooking for the entire household or just working extremely hard on your trade, profession or skill. If you have Virgo factors in your natal chart this has come naturally as part of your path is to put other people first (and animals too; the cat or dog, for example).
You are now at a point in this 2008-2024 cycle when you actually understand how it all works. There is one more reminder after September and then – never again. This may be because you switch companies or careers, which can happen. The other reason is a departure or take-down (mentioned above) for anyone who has been so greedy for money that he has undermined you.
This transit is about empowering other people by giving them the controls. When you hand the power back to your clients, staff, colleagues, students or those at home, you honour the best aspect of this transit. That will also happen in January 2024.
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Children and Young Adults
Virgo, it’s through your children, young relatives, godchildren and even grown-up adult children that you have come to understand who or what has the power. This is really the ‘Parental Guidance’ and ‘Parental Control’ cycle and since 2008 you have experienced it on just about every level; with the school system, perhaps, or with the other co-parent.
Being told how to raise your children by others or wanting to tell others, how to raise their children (in your family) is pretty common. You are now in the first month of a 12-month sign-off process. January is an obvious turning point, Virgo.
This extremely long transit has seen some outcomes which are now, thankfully, history but never entirely go from your mind. Pluto transits can be like that. They have a reputation for bringing total transformation. Nothing and nobody is ever the same.
Children born since 2008 have arrived on this cycle and so have become at the centre of questions about who or what has the upper hand or say-so.
You have also been shown how empowering parenthood can be. A particular child, or children, may have come to represent real clout for you. Quite remarkable weight and influence.
January Starts the Ending
January starts the ending of any situation which has gone on too long and is frankly unhealthy long-term. How it happens is partly down to your own willpower. You could wish for a good headwind to sail into though, and the climate is right in January 2024. You are being supported and assisted by just the right conditions to pursue ‘the beginning of the end’ which is a Pluto phrase, if ever there was one.
Schools or universities and colleges may in fact be an issue because of the ongoing pandemic, for example, or in the USA, the gun lobby and its power. What you will find in a long-haul process this year is that who or what was apparently so powerful – is not. No, not any more. We are about to see an epic shift in your chart, with Pluto going from Capricorn to Aquarius in January and that will register right across politics, right across business and into your own life.
On a more micro level, the balance of power with particular children is now there to be fixed if it has become lopsided. So, if you are older, this may be your adult offspring who have a great deal of say over (for example) the way you live and look after yourself.
There are also classic power or control questions which can take place between children. So, sibling rivalry, for example, or older-younger.
Romance, Bed and Courtship
A separate issue, though of course it may be connected, is your pattern with lovers, admirers, spouses and the rest (the rest can be rather interesting, depending on what sort of Virgo you are). What you will find in January is that the intensity increases again.
What you want and need has eluded you in recent years because you didn’t have the willpower. If you let situations happen, or allow others to walk all over you, or push you around, then you end up being Plutoed.
There is in fact an entire Pluto industry online and it’s called porn. That’s one example of something that feels as if it’s beyond your control (when it isn’t at all).
That may not apply to you at all, but by this stage of the transit, you will have identified someone, or perhaps something, which is rather like that immortal line in Dangerous Liasons. ‘It is beyond my control.’
That film is one of the definitive Pluto/Fifth House offerings in cinema and there’s a lot that’s been 1782 or even 1988 about your private life in recent years.
Given that some things have settled in for a long time, it takes more than just January 2023 to get rid of them, but if you keep on throwing your hands up, repeatedly, and getting nowhere despite all your best intentions, you need to know that in January you will be presented with the answer and it really is – actually – the answer. For a change.
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Family or Household
Libra, you are now on the other side of Christmas and in a position to judge what you need to change in January. This is not a New Year’s Resolution (to quote Split Enz, it’s more than that). This is actually the beginning of the end of politics, which has quite inappropriately entered your family home or the residence of a particular relative.
All those psychological or emotional chess moves on the board have demanded you play a very, very long game indeed, but you won’t be doing that in 2025. One of the reasons is the long farewell to all that in 2024 and it starts this January.
How fast you progress, and how deeply you can go, depends on you. All the astrology does is show you the timing.
You have seen it all in recent years. You have been put in quite a powerful position, Libra, but you have also had to put up with others trying to undermine you. Pluto is actually the planet associated with both mining and the underworld, so that’s a choice word.
Feeling disempowered is typical. Yet, oddly, you have also been right at the top. So, pushed and pulled around by this long transit (since 2008) you are now pretty much an expert on what does not work. You will be more than open to the new solutions which appear in January.
It’s really common to see departures in the family on this long cycle, so 2008-2023 may have rung the changes. This alters the pecking order in the circle and you end up finding yourself in a completely different space. That takes time to adjust to and you’ve not really had all the time yet. In 2024, though, you will finally get the full measure of all the implications.
House, Flat, Apartment, Land, Property
It’s common for your house, flat, apartment or land to show physical changes which reflect what is happening within the household or family, say, or between yourself and the council or the government – even that.
So, you may have been reconstructing the reconstruction, or repairing the repairs. Building and renovating is typical of this transit which mirrors what is happening elsewhere with the people at home, or the people and large organisations affecting your ideas about home.
January-December 2024 is the final stage before sign-off. This would make sense if you are considering an extension, for example, or more serious issues. Progress will go in stages as will the sale or purchase of a property. Stage one, and it’s a big one, is January.
Home Town, Homeland
On a more emotional level, your roots, heritage, ancestors, history, culture and sense of belonging has been on the line so often since 2008 that you have lost count. What it means to be a resident, native or citizen of a particular place has powerfully affected you, as powerful trends, people or organisations have been challenging that.
This ends this year after an intense period in January. It will take time to sort out, but sorted out, it will certainly be.
With all these areas; your family circle; your house; your town or country; anybody at home with you – you will find that there never was a magic wand. Not now, not ever. The truth is, it is your own ability to control yourself that is the difference between succeeding or not. Fortunately that iron willpower won’t be required from Christmas 2024 and the process begins in January this year, if you commit.
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Siblings and Cousins
It may have been years of development between brothers, sisters, half-siblings and so on. Not surprisingly it takes years for the questions about control to sort themselves out. You may have just been through this and yet, there could apparently be no sign-off. There will be, however and it begins in January 2024. These Capricorn transits roll on into February, when deal-making will begin. The very last return of an old central issue comes back in September and then is gone. Forever.
Depending on how many brothers, sisters and cousins you possess, it may be that one relationship works even harder for you in 2024, perhaps to compensate for another which you have repeatedly found stretches you too far. The signs would be there by the third week of January.
The Media and the Internet
Your December forecast and January forecast are similar because if you are going to achieve real power with your words, ideas and images it will take a lot to lay foundations. You have not come this far through quick or easy efforts; it’s been slow and sustained slog. You will be surprised to find it’s no longer necessary after this year is over. In fact, you are seeing glimpses of that all the time. You can relax into what you have achieved.
Yet, if you do want real power (and which Scorpio does not, at heart) you will focus on a role, goal, project or plan with an end point in November or December this year and do this in slow but sustained stages.
You need to be heard and read as you wish. You have frequently not been received or understood as you wish at all; the nature of the web itself makes proper control impossible. Yet, there are things bigger than you moving online in 2024 and after May you will begin to see long overdue changes which stop you feeling disempowered, particularly by Facebook and the like.
Is the media part of this? It may be, for you personally.
The idea which would reach people, perhaps embracing AI or other new technology, is at your fingertips in January so get scribbling or typing.
Neighbours and Neighbouring Places
This Third House transit also describes neighbours (either side of you and/or front and back) As you might expect, questions about who or what is in control have also emerged there. If you are still living with that, in terms of the council or specific individuals, the beginning of the end is January 2024.
Neighbouring villages, towns, suburbs, counties, regions and the way you reach them, also pull in questions about what makes you feel as if your hands are on the wheel – perhaps literally. Pluto and other factors in this zone of your chart in January (holiday season or holiday return season) remind you of all these issues about commuting, or tourism and the rest. Also, perhaps, one end of the Eurostar tunnel from the other. Maybe, NYLON.
If you want to know what it genuinely feels like to have mastery over this, you’ll set yourself some proper goals in January 2024 and then reward yourself every time you knock over another one. It may be learning to drive. Sharing an electric car. Rethinking two neighbouring countries with your own.
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Finance and Power
Be it good causes, shares, big business or your eBay page, you are now at the end of the long Pluto in Capricorn cycle in your Second House of finance. Having seen both sides of this over the years, you know what it’s like to share the control and empower people – but also to go through big shifts with others where you’ve been left with nothing that you counted on, or even less.
This is a long cycle which challenges you to take the turning points of December 2023 as well as January 2024 to start again, or to repeat an approach which was working before, with new intentions.
Capricorn weather for you is always about funding your own salary (or not); seeing the swings and falls on Wall Street and other markets have an impact and so on.
Pluto leads this cycle although other timing factors are also in there. There are ongoing questions about how much self-discipline you have, versus other methods you have tried which (be honest) have not really worked.
It probably feels like one thing after another, which it has been, in 2008-2023 but January is the beginning of the end of a pattern. That pattern may have been borrowing on a credit card, shopping too much, and so on.
More seriously there may have been issues which are still unresolved with those who have a stake in your bank account, or more complex, highly individual scenarios unique to you.
January will line up the events and the people; the organisations and the news. You go from there with new intelligence about what matters most to you and set about what will (frankly) take 11-12 months to complete to your total satisfaction.
That’s how long it can take to de-Pluto a Pluto transit, but the odds are very much in your favour, Sagittarius.
Your Natal Chart
One of the reasons you may have been more affected than other Sagittarius by this cycle, is your natal chart, showing Scorpio and/or Taurus factors.
It’s very common to have Scorpio planets, say, in a Sun Sagittarius birth chart. If this is you, then you have basically been trying to reinvent the financial wheel as often as you can. The changes have been high-rotation since Uranus first moved into Taurus back in 2018.
It may have been the pandemic; Brexit; cryptocurrency. Perhaps it’s been intensely personal for you, Sagittarius and far more about ended marriages or family members.
What you are being coaxed to do by destiny is to go into 2024 with a willingness to listen to new ideas from different people; to think very, very differently about what you own, earn or owe. This is really because of forthcoming trends in April and May 2024 which will help you resolve so much, if you do have those Scorpio and/or Taurus factors.
Values, Values, Values
You tend to get a big ask about selling out (or not selling out) on this cycle so by now you have a price tag attached to your principles. In January this becomes more obvious because you will be doing real-world calculations. This then has to be lined up with what something (or someone) might cost you.
2024 has incredible potential in terms of your bank account and its end products if you are able to congratulate yourself on what worked in recent years and forget the rest. The rest is probably a pattern. It may even be so ingrained that you need to stand back from it to be able to see it.
Doing this helps you to organise things differently, starting in January with quite a wallop, and then you’ll have steps to take through November. December is sign-off.
The trade-off you have been making for years between what you value (and whom you value) versus the values of others is now approaching crunch point. You’re just not prepared for 2024 to be a repeat and it won’t be if you focus this month and set out the steps.
It’s very important to know who or what has been diminishing you, or undermining you, or undercutting you and to be quite clear about what you intend to do. You know your worth and your value and January is the moment to remind yourself one more time.
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The End of Pluto in Capricorn
You won’t exactly see the end of the internet in January 2024, but you will see the end of your particular relationship with it, Capricorn.
There are a couple of cycles which are on the way out, slowly but surely. One is about how you are represented – face, name, title, reputation, YouTube clips. The other is really about how you are heard or read. One cycle is Pluto in your First House, the other is the combination of Saturn and Neptune in your Third House.
This goes across your birth chart too, if you have factors in Aries and/or Gemini, this year. As I said, the web is hardly likely to shudder to a halt in January, but you will realise that you can have a completely different way of handling everything from Twitter frauds pretending to be you – to just generally being judged by the way you look.
This last point is a big one, particularly if you are affected by ageist, racist or sexist attitudes. This may have been creeping up on you since this cycle began in 2008. The way you look, is who you are, according to some powerful people or organisations. And that affects your career or relationships. Something as utterly superficial as your face or hairline, your body shape and so on, can have a big ripple effect.
January is interesting because you update yourself on what has and has not worked. Maybe you can’t actually win a campaign about these matters, until others join you. Or until the rules change. Or the technology changes.
January is the start of a 12 month sign-off, Capricorn, so it is possible you are going from ‘Don’t care so much’ to ‘Really don’t care at all’ by Christmas. This is part of the Pluto effect as he leaves your own sign.
The Power of Branding
It may be your name, your eyebrows, your title, your toned upper arms, your accent – but your branding has shown you repeatedly that once you get the formula right, you should stick to it. This is really important in a world of impermanence. Capricorn is an earth sign. Grounded. Down-to-earth. Solid. Planted in the real world.
Filters come and go but something you have learned is that if you promote yourself in a way which is actually a decent representation of who you are – it works. It takes huge self-control not to disturb the brand, but you have managed it.
You will realise just how valuable your brand is in January 2024. How exactly you choose to use it, is a matter for February, when Ceres is well and truly passing through Capricorn, your own zodiac sign. The deals you make with yourself and others about how you are represented or packaged then will be quite intense. They should and can empower you.
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Still Inside, But Going Outside
Aquarius, there is nothing like self-help, therapy, Tarot or N.L.P (perhaps) to prepare you for the next big stage of your life. As you will see in January, this is going to be about a kind of supergroup. Not Cream. Just you and your circles upon circles, which begin creating a potent ripple effect in February.
You are still inside, but increasingly going outside, to meet the world in a different way. As your Sun is in the Eleventh House in your natal chart, the historic transit of Pluto through that house, will really feel like a bump, this month.
You are qualified now to find out what you can bring to the party, be it political or social, because you have done the work on yourself. And yet you’re still not finished – quite.
Pluto and his transit of your Twelfth House, may have picked up on any Pisces factors in your birth chart too, particularly in the last couple of years. So, you’ve had similar cycles in both your solar and natal chart.
If you are not feeling far more control over something you find it hard to talk about, it may be that you need even more willpower than usual.
This is the religious experience cycle. It can be spiritual, too (no religion required) or involve you in Extra Sensory Perception. Even, mediumship.
It’s also linked to drug use, both prescribed and illegal, and alcohol. Anything which takes you within, Aquarius even though to all intents and purposes you are out there, in the world. Your filters over the last few years have really challenged you to change.
If you came out as a lesbian, for example, then you may have gone to therapy or anti-depressants originally and then found other, different ways to take your power back. Pluto transits tend to be about experiments. What to do, what not to do. And it takes years. And it profoundly changes you.
By your tattoos, shall we know you? Maybe various symbols on your skin tell the tale of life since 2008 when you have ‘dabbled’ (as they say) in something that speaks to you.
This is also the cycle of the subconscious mind, which is why Carl Jung has as much of a part to play for some Aquarians as the mysterious world of quantum physics.
God Or No God
You don’t really get through a hugely challenging cycle for several world religions (The Church of England, Islam, Judaism) on this cycle without feeling the trickle-down effect. Of course if this is your life, it’s been more than a trickle.
For most Aquarians, though, especially as you emerge from Christmas, the usual ‘God or no God’ questions go on circulating. The Twelfth House of your chart is in fact the house of the Christian faith and all acceptance or rejection of that. All alternatives to it or even outright denial of it. This stuff runs very deep.
As always with Pluto you realise that the more intensely obsessive you are, the more powerful you become. And it may just be prayer. We should embrace the whole spectrum of paganism, the counter-culture and even hypnosis too, though, with the Twelfth House of astrology. It’s personal.
You will often see people talk about their demons on this transit. Inner demons. Aquarian Harry Styles admitted going to therapy. He found it opened up rooms within himself, which is a neat description of a Pluto transit through the Twelfth House.
If you do have Pisces factors in your birth chart too, then January is the throw of the dice that changes the game, within, permanently in 2024. It’s a long, slow process but then some things have taken years to develop.
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This month is sign-off time for the old way of handling friendships, your social life, social media and groups. It is an intense time which began in December and will resolve in the third week of January. By then you will have made lasting decisions about what not to do (again) and – very much – what to take on board for 2024.
The issue for you has been a really long Pluto transit in your solar Eleventh House of circles and communities. You are now dealing with the reality of taking back control or feeling out of control of a situation. This is pretty familiar stuff, Pisces, but the difference this year is that once you get past 8th February, there will actually be a lasting deal with yourself and others, without the usual pressures.
It has been really hard to do this without special support and help and you’ve not found it there, as you would like. So you can be forgiven for starting 2024 feeling as if you are pushing uphill. That is no longer the case once Pluto changes signs, though, and Ceres replaces him. So the end of January and February really will feel like your proper new year.
The group in question (or groups, plural) may have been part of your career. If not, perhaps part of your very private life or social life. You went after powerful people and quite potent projects and plans 2023 and were not always successful. Sometimes others (or other trends) are even more powerful and that has to be accepted.
Discipline is a Pluto idea; without it you don’t get what you want, need and deserve with your friends and groups. There has to be not just a plan and a system in 2024, but the sheer willpower to stick to it. January 5th, 11th, 15th, 24th are the turning points for this. From 8th February you will be on your way with an incredible compromise involving one or more friends, on different levels, but also a very new world with a group.
At this point you may also be joining new groups or reshuffling the same. If you need to leave a friend or group you will do that too. This Capricorn weather is intense, but going in boots and all is the only way, Pisces. Premium? Go on.
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