Monthly Horoscopes from Jessica Adams at


Jessica Adams has prepared your monthly astrological forecast for February. Discover what the stars have in store for you this month including your Premium Extended Forecast

Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces
Photograph of Psychic Astrologer Jessica Adams taken in 2020.

Aries – If you are naturally independent or prefer to take the lead, this group cycle will be very challenging. In fact, every time you forget that you are actually supposed to be working as one half of a team, you will create real questions about the balance of power – both for yourself and the other person or people.

Pluto in Aquarius is a hard taskmaster. How will you succeed with that Catholic group pilgrimage to Lourdes if you and your team leader can’t agree over the controls? What about your big Philosophy debate with the team? The AC/DC cover band, even? Aries, the price of admission to power in 2025 is the art of people management and that means taking the basic need to pool resources which exist between you and your ally and working it.

Aries, your Lenormand card is Dog.

Leader of the pack? Top dog? In the doghouse? Barking mad new politics with the pack? This card is yours to interpret.

Your challenge now is to keep your eyes on the prize, no matter which aspect of the group it relates to. If you can do that, while checking back with your fellow team members or the social media tribe every few days, you’ll stand a much better chance of getting what you want. Forget the ‘Me’ part of the equation if you can. The more you can think in terms of ‘We,’ the farther and faster you will progress. This is hard for an Aries, but it’s the only way. Locate the common ground between you and use that to navigate if you can. This long-term cycle suits long-term goals.

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Taurus – For the next few weeks, you’ll be dealing with control questions along with someone who is crucial to your ambitions, status and goals. A new boss, colleague or client may enter your world, or you may enter a different phase of an existing relationship with an employer, co-worker or customer. Pluto in Aquarius is here.

Of course, people who are crucial to your ambitions and status can come from almost anywhere in your life. We may be talking about your husband or wife here or a friend – or even someone whose only connection to you is through a website. The nature of the relationship in all these cases is the same, though. It’s about co-operation and understanding – giving and taking. If both of you put the effort in now, you can create a quite extraordinary mutual cone of power. Pluto is a hard taskmaster though. What is there is a takeover bid or a takeover merchant? Big choices wait.

Taurus, your Lenormand card is Fox,.

Also known as Foxes or Little Foxes, this card is associated with the group loyalties of saboteurs who team up to put the fox first. Or, indeed, a tribe of foxes. This week’s message is about the boundaries in the circle, community, team, club or similar.

This cycle is about slowly edging to where you need to be in terms of your vanishing lines in the sand. But the trick is, you won’t be able to go it alone. Everything depends on how sensitive you are to the other person’s wants and needs and how good your boundary reinforcement skills are. You’ll have common goals as a group now or complimentary goals as friends. So, keep your eyes on the prize and just keep walking. To make sure you respect each other’s experience, expectations and (very different) outlooks, though, there have to be some lines that can’t be crossed. What brings you together now is that all-important mutual goal. What will keep you together is your ability to communicate properly with each other and work as a team. When the line in the sand goes…build a wall.

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Gemini – 2025 begins with the North Node out of Aries (your group and friendship zone) without the circular repetition of 2024. Chiron is in Aries activated in February. In May 2025, there is a huge change with or for these people too. If you make a new friend now, this rather interesting man or woman could turn out to be of lasting importance in your life. But it’s going to take more than that to get you to where you both need to be as you will discover from May 2025. A true friendship is the prize (and it could be there for years.)

Right now, understand that with old or new friends in the circle, you are at different stages of your lives or at different points in your development – and accommodate that. Chiron tends to bring mentored friendship or mentored group alliances when he is in your Eleventh House. A special phase in an old friendship can also begin this year – there would be clues this week.

The holiday from the real world is waiting for you from May. The departure from normality and the everyday. This friend would be in a community of people important to you or on the fringe.

Gemini, your Lenormand card is Flowers.

Also known as Bouquet – Friends are a mixed bunch on this Aries transit. Old, young, straight, gay, lesbian, black, white, rich, poor, male or female. Even if you’ve been with this circle of people for years, destiny will throw you together for a few months so that you can join forces to pursue a mutual goal. It may be as trivial as a good holiday. It may be as important as a blood transfusion between friends.

But – one thing is certain – even though the shared aims and ideals seem to be the issue now, that’s just a red herring. The real point of what you are both going through is the friendship itself. Chiron in Aries suggests this is an experiment to see what you (or they) can get away with. You’ve already done this once in 2024 and it’s happening again. If you are already involved with a group, association, team, club or other network of people (like a regular yoga class or a tight circle of friends), then you’ll need to give more time and energy to them from May 2025. As you’ve read, the alliances become dramatically different – and important.

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Cancer – You have a fair bit of clearing up to do with your partner – be they sexual, professional or even platonic, for other reasons. This is the month when you can exhale and release the last few years. What is now required is a combination of strength and sensitivity, telepathic understanding and clear communication. At some point, perhaps mid-year, a proper conversation about what was going on last year and where you two can find common ground is next. You will now find yourself in a relationship which is very, very different to the old two-way street. That was dominated by questions about control. Now, they are no longer relevant.

It’s quite true that if you are single in 2025 – at the middle of the year or at the end of this year – you could begin a completely new kind of connection with someone who enters your life at this time to help you move forward without all those issues about power, empowerment, disempowerment.

Cancer, your Lenormand card is Sun.

Always go behind the sun to see what’s really going on. What is going on for you behind the scenes? Jupiter in Gemini tells you – your inner life is booming. As this cycle accelerates, you’ll find your attention is increasingly being drawn to spiritual goals that are firmly under wraps or behind the scenes of your conscious mind. Perhaps, this hush-hush matter relates to the Tarot or psychics.

What matters to you now is undoubtedly deeply private and sensitive to the point where you must exclude almost everyone from your most personal plans and concerns. The remaining confidante is now the person you must bank on as you go forward. Could be a medium. Could be a therapist. What’s in front of you now is, shall we say, a most delicate matter. A sensitive subject. Not for public airing. All the more reason than to make sure that your confidante is someone you can truly feel part of a team with. This is a big growth area.

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Leo – Your money, house, apartment, business or charity is still heavily tied up with your partner or the family – typically. The Eighth House transit of Saturn and Neptune in Pisces can also be about other complicated connections which feel like a marriage, or they feel as if these are blood ties.

You’ll either make it through steadily now or you’ll really slow down your own progress. So much depends on how well you’re reading each other and how cleverly you’re making allowances. And that’s where the work begins. This cycle can help you to make peace with both sides (or all sides), so that all of you makes progress with the property, the bank and so on. It won’t be easy, but it’s the only way you’re going to find wholeness. You sign off from this transit in May 2025.

Leo, your Lenormand card is Lady.

She knows her portrait, reputation, title and profile are central to her progress. Mars in Leo, backwards and forwards for months (retrograde), reminds you too. The focus of attention now is you. Your name, your face, your body, your ‘packaging’ – everything from your hair to your clothes to your business card. It’s about how the world sees you and how you present yourself.

Mars Retrograde, on and off, in the First House also influences your feelings about your reputation. That means your image, your persona and your public face. This cycle is all about what you look like to others – on the outside. It’s a very self-involved time! You’ll be fired up about these issues now. Even temporarily ‘seized’ by what needs to happen. Pace yourself. Know that you are also going back and forth with these matters. There is a backtracking schedule here. That’s a plus for your concerns about image. You may feel like ‘attacking’ goals which relate to your look, style, role, name or public profile now. Separate yourself from the fired-up feelings and look at the overall plan and realise that what your body feels, should be a matter for now, now, now.

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Virgo – You have historic transits in Aries in 2025 in your Eighth House of joint finance and property. As other transits now pick those up, in turn, it’s time to look at who (or what) will make or break your financial, business or property progress over the next few months – even the next two years. You have a lot of cycles going on now, I know, but make this one your priority in terms of managing your life.

What is going on now is Chiron in Aries still showing you outrageous experiments. The kind that confront more traditional or conventional thinkers. Later on, from May 2025, your money, house, apartment, business, charity or valuables is at the very heart of the biggest holiday from the real world you have ever seen. Right now, that month may even be on your calendar or in a contract.

Virgo, in relation to cash, security, lifestyle and all the things that make us feel rich or poor – the mortgage or investment plan – try to think of the year in two parts. January was a sign-off. This is mental rehearsal for May. And then there’s June-December – completely different, again.

Virgo, your Lenormand card is Tree.

These Aries transits heavily involve your partner or family. Sometimes there is a sexual and financial relationship or a person who is named in your will (or who names you) but outside the family. That means the complexities of your wallet or purse as well as your car, favourite jacket, antique piggy bank – it’s personal. Houses and flats also matter in this cycle, for obvious reasons, and so do other valuable assets. This is a really good time to focus on what matters most before you reach the pivotal month of May2025.

This cycle is also about your value system. What you will and won’t sell out for. If it’s true that everyone has their price (or their idea of what is priceless), you’ll be moved to start comparing price tags as you edge towards a new chapter in May. It is possible you already have plans to (say) buy or sell property that month or begin a business and so on. Even if you don’t, the imminent arrival of Saturn and Neptune in Aries in your Eighth House of joint finance suggests that number crunching and value-comparison now must take that into account. Keep watching the financial news media too.

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Libra – Mars going backwards and forwards in your groups and friends zone requires special handling. This may be about a team, club, political party, band, society, association or social media website. Look at your friend’s issue on its own merits. Forget the heat – are they right or wrong? Do your homework on the sensitive subject of handling close friends or even distant allies who are all wound up. How should you proceed? You know them better than anyone. What’s inside their psyche and how can you manage it?

Sometimes it’s you who’ll feel charged up about your group. You’re the one who has an axe to grind or some mighty campaign to launch. And relaunch. And relaunch. The ‘re’ comes from Mars Retrograde carrying over from 2024 in 2025. Pace yourself with this as it goes backwards and forwards.

Libra, your Lenormand card is Gentleman.

Gents of old were always involved heavily in their clubs, be it Bertie Wooster’s Drones or more serious fighting units. Mars Retrograde in Leo has been appearing, reversing and disappearing in the ‘allies’ sector of your chart for quite a long time. It goes on. Remove the emotion and find ways to release your physical tension if it has been building.

When it comes to friends and you, the truth is that when this cycle is over, you’ll look back and be amazed at just how much the situation accelerated and reversed. Your point of view or your plan could be absolutely right even without the feelings. If so, great. But how do you know? As always with Mars, reduce the heat, introduce some detachment and ask people who are sensible, intelligent and objective.

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Scorpio – Aquarius transits now fall in your family, household, hometown, homeland, house, apartment and real-estate zone. You will have read that power and control issues are now permanently in the space. Your family relationships, flatmate relationships, house, flat or temporary accommodation will be shaped by what happens next – with long-term results. Take your time as you navigate.

Your mother, father, brother, sister and other close relatives (passed or alive) will be an issue for your own self-control and willpower now. So will your relationship with a partner if you live with him or her and any flatmates or roommates in your life. People who have a direct influence on your home life, like landlords, real-estate agents neighbours, builders or co-tenants will also go to the top of your list now. Pushing back, holding your own, pulling your own strings and running yourself and your life – despite what is obviously a potential takeover situation – is very wise.

Scorpio, your Lenormand card is Garden.

It’s amazing how often families or households will stake their claim to the controls through a garden. What needs weeding out of your life in February? Watch what you start at this time. Bushfires begin with a single match at a barbecue and can end up destroying thousands of hectares.

You can see how a mismanaged power or control question could create long term issues with family members, partners or flatmates (or those other people connected to your home life). With Pluto in residence in Aquarius now, you could be sending ripples out for years. Similarly, if you react without thinking to other people’s waves, you could be launching yourself into a phase of family or flatmate life that makes for long-term change. Domestic connections need care. Some ideas or plans involving family or flatmates are empowering now. They rest on your willpower. That’s the key.

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Sagittarius – You may be looking at a May or June 2025 sign-off with renovation, home repairs, decoration and possibly a permanent new home now. Whatever the priority is, there are the usual boundary issues until then. You, or someone around you, has just seen the future. And it’s about the need to clearly define terms or perhaps literally fence a situation or fence a garden. Neptune in Pisces is here with Saturn in Pisces – triggered from the final week of February, you see. Would this property/home issue still offer the same picture without the distortion?

Sagittarius, this transit is also about the family. As you have cycles with younger generations too, they are doubling up. Chiron is spending a long time in the Fifth House. Let’s look at the world of children first. Children, in this context, means your own sons and daughters or other people’s. It also covers pregnancy, fertility, abortion, miscarriage, adoption, youth charities, schools and so on. Right now, the boundary issue with relatives will also find you wondering what you can get away with and how far you can stretch things elsewhere.

Sagittarius, your Lenormand card is Child.

The younger generation – be they nephews or a large-scale operation like a school – now shows you a future sign-on moment in May 2025. At the same moment that a confused and confusing family issue ends, questions about younger faces will take on a completely new angle for you.

Neptune can be disorienting – rather like drifting too far left or right with the currents when your clothes are in a pile on the sand where you left them – rapidly moving away from you. Find a technique (mental or physical) that will ground you, stabilise you, centre you and release you from drifting. Then, do get outside opinions from people you trust and respect who have no vested interest in the situation with a relative – but can give you excellent impartial opinions. The world of children and babies, young adults and your legacy to them is also in this and is far too important to let yourself be swayed by Neptune in February and March.

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Capricorn – Jupiter in Gemini is here to help. Your everyday working life has its own chain of command. Even if you’re working for yourself (or head of the home), you still have to think about your duty to other people. All work is a service even if you’re apparently calling the shots. If you’re a President or a Prime Minister, you still have a duty to the people who voted for you – so in a way, you’re still in service to them just as a PA is to her boss.

This is now where long overdue improvements can take place, Capricorn. As you move towards May and June 2025, it may be that you know a new role is on offer or a different kind of project. Perhaps, a new course or reshaped voluntary position. Even if nothing is yet on the horizon, what you do in February as the transits in Gemini meet the transits in Aquarius is hopeful and positive. This also applies to your health and wellbeing which offer solutions.

Capricorn, your Lenormand card is Birchrod.

This cycle will happily influence the chain of command where you are, no matter if you’re a full-time houseperson with florists, supermarket delivery boys, gardeners to consider or if you’re at the head of your own company. Jupiter in Gemini in the Sixth House of your chart can offer a reshaped company (say) or just a better way to work for yourself. Work or routine issues will now offer you more, ongoing, until the middle of the year.

You’ll see gaps where you can get in and doors that you could push open or quick measures you could take, next. This also applies to university/college or unpaid work. Even if your day job is perfectly peaceful and lovely, you’ll be amazed at how quickly Jupiter can deliver in terms of those who are linked to your working life. I have known sackings and resignations, takeovers and corporate wars to benefit people directly on this transit. Take the next few weeks as a chance to expand.

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Aquarius – Mars Retrograde in Leo is appearing and disappearing as 2025 replaces 2024. Mars is about action. Retrograde, this is backwards action – ongoing. This is your opposite sign and so the situation is about your opposite number. Your other half or the other side.

Tibetan Buddhist websites can help you find techniques for managing your own overheated attack and defence mechanisms and coping calmly should other people’s attack and defence mechanisms are aimed at you. His Holiness, the Dalai Lama, the leader of the Tibetan people and winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, knows a thing or two.

People who are against you will turn up now or even become issues again, no matter how long they’ve been off your radar. Navigate carefully as you will find the currents take you backwards. Pacing yourself is wise. It’s the same if you and your husband (say) team up to protest in aid of a good cause. You need to look at what has been happening since last year and understand the stop-start nature of it. Within a partnership – be it sexual or professional – there is also a stop-start (and reverse) trajectory now. Again, make allowances for that with Mars.

Aquarius, your Lenormand card is Mountain.

Sometimes Everest has to be conquered by reversing and going sideways. Your mountain to climb is the partnership or dispute now in the frame. It is more obvious in February 2025 as the transits since January are building into oppositions. This can be your opposite number in bed but also in the boardroom. What happens next could start a battle that ends up becoming long and drawn-out. Can you feel compassion for the other side because they obviously feel so little peace in their lives? That’s your challenge should this occur.

Happy with your partner, ex-partner or the prospects with a date? That person will also be at the top of your list now. You’ll be all hot and sweaty about certain ideas, notions or visions involving them. Or they’ll be unusually charged up. On Mars Retrograde in Leo, always make allowances for flux along the way. But – this does end.

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Pisces – You are now going into one of the more important years for your finances and property. Chiron is in Aries in your Second House of personal budgeting. From May 2025, Neptune (your ruler) and Saturn will also go into Aries – the same chart zone. That’s big. This cycle rules the more intense, life-changing aspects of sexual and financial relationships, as well as the whole business of death and dying in the context of legacies and inheritance.

It also rules joint financial issues like a shared mortgage or property investment as well as the family inheritance, tax department or the car you share with your sister. It’s about money, houses, flats, possessions, assets and resources that work one, two or more ways between everyone involved. You are very used to seeing what you can get away with. You know how to stretch your bow. Your aim is true. Yet, May and June may already be showing up on your calendar or in paperwork. What’s your plan when the numbers change later on?

Pisces, your Lenormand card is Lilies.

Flowers can be free and wild or expensive and purchased. What you hang price tags on in your life now matters. It may be time to recalculate, given that the most stuck situation ended in January. So, this may be income tax arrangements or business issues.

Chiron in Aries has been with you for a long time, Pisces, and enabled you to pull off some jaw-dropping achievements with your income, expenditure and so on. Chiron is a symbol of great audacity, temerity and chutzpah. Later on, he will be joined by Neptune (no boundaries) and Saturn (a waiting game) in May, which is why it can be helpful to take stock now and see what plans you have for when everything around you shifts later on. This goes beyond numbers into who and what you value so much – that it is precious to the point of being priceless.

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