Jessica Adams has prepared your monthly astrological forecast for December. Discover what the stars have in store for you this month including your Premium Extended Forecast
Aries – The time has come to reorganise the group, band, club, team, society, association and so on. It is also time to reboot friendships or make new friends who will change your life. The Christmas party season is different this year because it is dynamite.
The Sun in Aquarius from late January to late February ahead will pay off in terms of the effort you put in now. In fact, you may be given a powerful new role within a group by then. Each cycle of the Sun will expose what you are well-known, recognised or even famous for in terms of the area of your life it’s picking up. The Sun asks, “What kind of hero are you? What have you got to show off or be recognised for?” When it moves into your social, friendship and group sector from late January to late February 2025, you will realise how important one particular party or Christmas card was in December – now.
You are used to seeing yourself and your social world from the same old angles – but what angles do others have on you? Either way, what needs to stay/go will be wonderfully clear if you really want this collection of people to be atomic-level powerful in 2025. Of course, you may have two groups in your life. Aries Damon Albarn has Gorillaz and Blur.
At this time, the friends of old come together and operate as a team. This is an extremely good time to begin new plans because what you organise now, socially, will faithfully meet the new Pluto in Aquarius agenda which is to harness diversity in order to achieve life-changing results. Consequently, you can charge ahead without any of the mixed feelings, contradictions or inner conflicts that can get in the way of progress at other times.
Giving each other space is crucial as you will all be male, female, black, white, old, young, working class, middle class – a real mixture. Figuring out the deal or compromise between you will be crucial around December 7th, 2024. A very early lesson is not to allow envy or lust to get in the way of what should bring you all together.
Merry Christmas, Aries.
This brings to mind Piglet and Eeyore. Who are your friends? Never underestimate what is possible on this new transit. Political parties now can make you Prime Minister later. You also need to be really careful of the groups you surround yourself with as there are powerful people in there. But power and control can work both ways. Be mindful of your little black book now.
Friends and groups now will dovetail with your ego, your spirit, your essence and your soul. You’ll feel ‘together’ in a way that’s quite unusual by February 2025, but it will have come through a lot of reshuffles of rights, roles and responsibilities. This is just the beginning – so get it right. You may want to put things in writing and formalise them, so everybody is very, very clear. There is power in a union. Whatever unites you could transform you and also transform part of the whole.
Three people, probably female at first glance, celebrate their friendship, their achievements, and a harvest of some kind. It is possible that not every person in this circle of three is female. There may be room for a man here, with his back to us, but with long hair.
There is no competition between these people. There is no secret agenda, just honest solidarity and mutual celebration. This card is about successfully planting the right things at the right time, in the right place, then attending to them until they come to fruition. Now that’s happened for all of you, it is time to prepare for the future. Use what you have achieved. There is a suggestion of this about the pumpkin. Take the seeds and grow more abundance. What, symbolically, can be the gift that goes on giving for all of you, here?
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Taurus – This Aquarius weather – with Pluto there (since November 19th, 2024) and now Ceres and Venus (from December 7th) – is one of the most important seasonal changes of the year. You will really feel as if there is a natural rhythm unfolding as a new path opens up and a new era begins with your career, unpaid work or academic career. The area of life where you will experience this change will be dictated by the big shift in power and control that took place weeks ago. That was then, this is now, and over there, you’ll find tomorrow. In fact, by February 2025, the game of musical chairs will have changed the soundtrack of your life. Your workspace, field, industry, university or unpaid work zone is transforming.
The events, people or plans that come together now will remind you that for everything there is a season – just like the old Byrd’s song – Turn, Turn, Turn. Try to give equal weight to your logic and your sixth sense now. Statements about resignation, new appointments, changes in responsibility, mergers, departures and so on are fine – but what about the message coming from your solar plexus? During this cycle, you will also need to focus on your need for control. The power and control will have to be shared so carefully. This also applies if you are retiring, as home is your new space.
Merry Christmas, Taurus.
In the second half of 2025, your way with the written and spoken word and your ability to make a lot of connections will take you so much higher than you ever imagined. From mid-2025, you’ll be constantly travelling, networking, or touching base via short trips, other quick contacts, places and connections – to your total advantage. So, the huge transformation taking place in your career, academic career or unpaid work sphere now will take you there and make far more sense later on.
The Third House and everything it rules – from communication to the web and local travel – looks wildly promising. Connections are made in December which will last. Commonly, the atmosphere at this time is busy and lively, but also, with a point and purpose. There is typically a vast amount of analysis, discussion, gossip, talk (and loose talk) later on in January and February 2025, but the thing to remember is what you take away from December 2024. Power matters. Control matters. Willpower is the key.
This is the old man at the top of the business, firm, company or organisation. This is a boss, senior official, corporate male or perhaps your father or husband. He is obviously receptive even though he is intimidating. The Emperor is an older man who is quite alone. He’s made it to the top, but what can one do for him? What can he do for others?
In old China, the Emperor was the supreme ruler. This card is about classic male power, in that it can feel quite isolating to the man who has it, and in turn he can be very hard to reach. Capricorn the goat is hidden in the card. Whenever we talk about Capricorn types, we are looking at some kind of system, structure, traditional pyramid-tiered hierarchy or towering organisation.
Does absolute power, corrupt absolutely? Is it a long way to the top, as AC/DC thought?
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Gemini – Your duet or duel is not that important long-term, but given this is your marriage (say) or a former girlfriend (for example), it may be the first thing you want to know about. Your other side (or the other half) is now in flux and will be until the start of January 2025. There is a lot of talk now. Maybe flying emails, texts or Christmas cards. Some of it will stick and some of it will not. Some of it is worth relying on and some of it will be absolute rubbish.
Astrologers advise against signing anything important at this time on Mercury Retrograde because what appears to be gospel truth or a done deal, could turn out to be anything but. It is wise to avoid negotiations with your other half or the other side during Mercury Retrograde cycles because you may change your mind later or find you could have swung a better deal somewhere else. If you can ask for time to think and ponder now, it’s probably a good idea. Once this cycle is over, you will be in a better position to make sense of what has been ‘decided’ or under so much discussion.
I have left the most important thing until last. Foreigners and foreign countries. It’s where the power is.
Merry Christmas, Gemini.
Sagittarius cycles will pair you up with someone so that you can move forward together. One or more double acts will become a priority at this time – and the goal for both of you will relate to just making things stick. Yet you will find Mercury Retrograde gets in the way in December. Sometimes the partnership is professional, more usually it is personal. And, of course, duels are as much a part of this transit as duets.
These cycles can bring you much closer to someone you are already in a partnership with – like your wife or husband. Yet, the connection between you is faulty, like a radio caught between stations. If there are problems between you two, Christmas makes it more obvious, but, again, it won’t be until January that the discussion is final. This period is about understanding that even though there are differences between you, it’s time to rehearse. You will certainly be rescheduling at least one important talk or signature.
This is a card about the worldwide web, world travel and ‘the big wide world.’ The lion stands for Great Britain. The bull for Spain. The eagle for the United States of America. It’s a fantastic card to see if you want to expand, explore and emigrate. To take a gap year. To go deeply into a new relationship with somebody from a foreign or unfamiliar culture. What does this card say to you?
It can sometimes raise the issue of sexuality and female seduction. Everything remains an untapped possibility and none of the four corners of the world can be explored. There has to be a commitment, because you cannot be in four places at once. Or this is true of a woman in your life who is considering travelling or moving. This card is about choosing a direction, taking a deep breath, and that old maxim ‘Know Thyself’. There is no point in just grabbing at the first face, space or place from overseas that beckons.
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Cancer – You are in recovery mode – repair, review and eventually relaunch. That is what this duet or duel in your life has done. Everything changed near November 19th, 2024. Near December 7th, a final compromise will be struck with your other half, or the other side. These Capricorn cycles commonly put us on the same road as someone whose life experience is radically different to our own. This man or woman may be streets ahead of us – or miles behind us. Nevertheless, you must now find some common ground and locate the central axis of your relationship or association. Driving forward from that axis is what this cycle is all about.
Venus in Capricorn until December 7th, wants us to balance each other out now. Use as much tact, sensitivity, care, tolerance and good timing as possible in order to truly co-operate. And if this is a feud? It’s a sign-off. It happens in stages, Cancer, but the final one is after Boxing Day. 2025 will be utterly different.
Merry Christmas, Cancer.
It is time to cut, trim and prune any dead wood in your life which has grown around a conflict, feud, battle or dispute. It may have even been there since 2008 or, perhaps, it grew when Saturn was in Capricorn alongside Pluto. Do think extremely carefully about the consequences of your actions now. The past wars in your life may be minor or major – trivial annoyances with neighbours, unimportant arguments with colleagues, small disagreements with partners or grand-scale clashes with (say) your own brother. All of which can lead to real destruction – even Shakespearean tragedy.
Ask yourself. Does this person appear to have an agenda, or do they appear to be mouthing somebody else’s agenda? Is this man or woman still coming across with unusual power and force, even now? The ‘golden rule’ of all world religions works well now – Do unto Others – if you possibly can. And if you cannot – agree to differ. I should think around December 7th, 2024, when Ceres changes signs, you should know for sure that a deal has been struck. It is Christmas after all. And you do want 2025 to be different. It will be.
A huge amount of money is on offer if you bring it down to earth and make it real. This is money saved, or money made. You are potentially in line for a bonus; an inheritance; a pay rise; an advance; a commission; a generous bank loan. As with so many of Pamela’s cards, this is a cloud of possibility. It exists, but only if you make it real. Developing a healthy relationship with abundance is crucial or one may reject the hypothetical money.
The lump sum can be used to improve the garden, perhaps build a shed or conservatory, or fund a trip away to the mountains. The trick is believing in it, knowing you deserve it, and doing the work to make it happen. Money is, after all, the road to freedom. In this card it makes all things possible for the future. Just look at the vast horizons stretching out ahead.
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Leo – During this new Aries cycle in 2025 evident now, you will long for people, places, plans and possibilities which seem foreign to you (or are literally foreign). They may be uncharted and unexplored in your life, or just a long way off. Amazingly, the opportunity to discover these enormous new vistas of potential will be on a completely different level as you will see in April and May 2025. What you do now will set that up.
So, given that Uranus is also in Taurus next year, you may consider switching jobs or courses or putting out feelers in new cities, regions or countries. The area of life abroad or with other nationalities, which next opens up for you so differently, is stitched together this month.
The other big news is about a professional or personal partner. Your other half – a boyfriend, for example, or your Robin (if you are Batman). Huge changes in the power or control there dating from around November 19th will become the heart of a compromise deal from around December 7th, 2024, with more signatures and agreements by February 2025.
Merry Christmas, Leo.
I mentioned foreigners and foreign countries in 2025 as Saturn and Neptune move into Aries from May 2025 and everything alters. Right now, you’ll find yourself putting more energy into your financial or property situation. You’ll dedicate yourself to creating a solid structure around yourself that you hope (and you can only hope) will protect your interests, as Saturn is still in Pisces in your finance and property sector. There is typically a feeling of ultra-responsibility when Saturn arrives, along with extreme caution and a waiting game.
The horoscope house, or life department, that Saturn affects is not somewhere you can afford to be lazy, spontaneous, casual, or flippant. You really learned that about your money or business in 2024. Saturn is about your need to take serious measures in serious times. None of this will happen quickly or easily when this planet is around, because the task ahead of you will necessarily involve slow progress, great endurance and plenty of stamina. Yet, it does end in May 2025.
Are you dating someone new? This may be part of it. This person will change you and your life as you will see by February 2025 but try to get any agreements in writing if you can. Are you in a sexual and financial relationship? Pluto in Aquarius has begun this or is transforming it. Be very, very aware of the power dynamic especially if you are the poorer partner.
Here we have a man and woman – Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden – naked and exposed. This card is about the sexual attraction that leads to engagement and marriage. Adultery, too. It can also show reconciliation between divorcees. It can happen. There is a higher power at work in this card embracing the naked male and female.
The rather prominent volcano in the background is a geographical erection and about to explode. The snake on the apple tree is the serpent in the Garden of Eden and here you find Eve and Adam pondering their options in the face of temptation. The benign figure tells these two that, ‘This thing is bigger than both of you’ and the calm smile suggests everything is in hand. There is confusion, though. The billowing clouds suggest things have to be cleared up before these two can hold hands and venture forth. Or perhaps go their separate ways.
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Virgo – Uranus in your sector of foreigners and foreign countries is now making his presence felt. Progress is guaranteed when Uranus moves through your chart, as life will continually shift and change around you – creating the kind of forward momentum that makes it impossible for you to remain stuck where you are. This planet forces you to keep moving, usually because of larger global trends or major social changes which are happening around you.
In your birth chart, you have Sagittarius transits now, the same thing. Just be aware of the need for a Plan B and Plan C as your flight may be rescheduled or a tourist/traveller may be late or even cancel. The area of life where all this constant change and movement is set to take place will be shown by your birth chart, but it may be an overseas student, a trip abroad or your Christmas plans for a visitor.
Uranus was discovered in 1781 around the time of the French, American and Industrial Revolutions. This is a revolution (ongoing), but in 2025, you will realise it is complete. In your own town, a foreign culture or nationality will have the same impact. December shows you how.
Merry Christmas, Virgo.
The key to foreign people and countries now is shared vision. If enough people also share your concerns, you may all find that you can move forward together, break free of your old lives, and force a massive chain-reaction of change. This may involve the Commonwealth if you are British or America if you are Canadian, for example.
Uranus is associated with groups through its rulership of Aquarius. You will typically find yourself involved with a community of people now as Pluto goes through Aquarius in your birth chart. As part of a network, you can start a revolution if you want to with or through foreigners and foreign countries. But be aware – you will not be able to proceed unless you figure out the controls. In your solar chart, the second half of 2025 is huge for group efforts and that is hinted at now as a direct or indirect result of what is happening abroad or with those from another country or culture.
This is help and healing and may point to a dentist, surgeon or doctor. A therapeutic presence might also be a sympathetic ‘nurse’ figure or a Reiki practitioner. It takes strength to overcome the fear of who or what intimidates you and to offer help. Strong people also know when to show vulnerability. You are the healer here or the healed.
Leo the lion may have personal meaning for you too. The card shows absolute trust. The lion could maul the healer. The healer could hurt the lion. Instead, something miraculous is occurring. This is a two-way street. There has to be deep tolerance and understanding on both sides if relief and release is to arrive. If you are in the medical or healing profession, you just know that your next patient is going to be more than just another customer. If you are a patient, transformation is possible now.
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Libra – Daily life, daily routine, your workload and your service to others, needs to be defined now as you go into the Silly Season. Neptune can often make us forget who we are as a sense of personal identity and separateness dissolves, and we end up losing our boundaries.
Once again (because you have seen this often), someone around you may go through this in relation to your job – or it may be you who blends yourself into someone else’s life at home. Is there anything necessarily wrong with these kinds of associations? It depends on what they achieve for both of you. The Neptunian relationships which emerge now can give you all of this – a chance to be lose yourself or get lost. But an anchor, light house and red flag should sort you out.
Libra, the other dominant issue in December is Pluto in his new sign of Aquarius. From around December 7th, 2024, you will find the change in the balance of power in the bedroom, or involving your children, young people or dating is here to stay. There will need to be a deal or compromise on the table and, ultimately, a major decision about (say) your son or your husband (for example) by February 2025.
Merry Christmas, Libra.
Write a letter to yourself from the future, next. You will now be put through experiences which challenge your ability to share control, take back control or just have control in the area of life which Pluto is affecting – parenthood is typical, so is marriage or a sexual relationship. How much power do you actually have?
These are important questions during the years that Pluto is steadily transforming your life. Interestingly, no matter if you feel you are holding the reins or losing them now, the impact on you will be the same. In both cases, it will be vital for your soul that you look inside yourself to find your deeper qualities. Pluto in Aquarius challenges you to look inside yourself to the very core and find what you are really made of. It is these qualities which will empower you now.
Every ending that you experience by February 2025 with your daughter (for example) or (say) your boyfriend, will immediately force a new beginning – a new life for yourself and a new sense of who you are.
You and your former, current or potential sexual partner need to break free. It is not so hard to do, but both of you are overwhelmed and intimidated by something or someone “evil.” In Pamela’s day, this was the sin of adultery. You define what is a sin when this card appears. If you give your power away, then you become disempowered. This couple is doing that. Yet, the chains binding this couple are surprisingly easy to slip.
If you really examine Pamela’s drawing closely, you will see that it hardly takes much effort at all for the woman (say) to liberate herself from the clanging metal work and then liberate the man as well. Do you leave separately? Together? Or does one break free and leave the other one trapped? The time has come to examine with this card what and who is so wrong and, above all, how to get away or how to break free. Nothing has power over both of you unless you imagine it does.
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Scorpio – The North Node is in Aries now – in your workload, lifestyle and wellbeing sector. The North Node is also known as the Dragon’s Head. Astrologers associate the North Node (and the South Node, its opposite) with life 18-19 years ago, and you will now face people, situations and places which are strangely familiar. They may come disguised in different ways, but what unfolds will essentially be something you know very well. Expect a ‘been there, done that’ feeling about the set-ups, individuals or issues which turn up now.
You have already seen this in 2024 with your doctor, nurse, surgeon, dentist, health insurer and so on. It has certainly shown itself with your work, unpaid work or academic career. This cycle is easy to manage because it allows you to draw on experience and instinct. You also sign off from it in January.
What else is very new now? A change in the balance of power in the family or household. The controls are shifting. A compromise, deal or bargain will begin around December 7th, 2024. By February 2025, a game of musical chairs will be complete.
Merry Christmas, Scorpio.
A new chapter with work and health in 2025 is also an old chapter now – ready to be rewritten or even dropped. This is coming because of major transits in Aries, but also the arrival of the South Node in Virgo. Both your solar and natal chart show the same thing. You’ll also find the people and situations that you draw towards yourself now are ‘repeats’ from the whole course of your life. It may literally be a case of ‘same old, same old’ or the situation, plan, place or people may be familiar although repackaged.
This is evident with your job, university or unpaid role. You have impressive inner knowledge to bring to the picture now. You have gone through several repeats of the North Node cycle you are facing now at different points in your history every 18-19 years. Now is your chance to gain from everything you have learned and move forward again.
In January 2025, you will have completed your karmic education in association with the area of life which the North Node is highlighting. Duty and service to others, sure, but also your duty to your own wellbeing and your need to serve your own physical and mental health. That shouldn’t make you complacent, though. The whole point of facing the same thing over and over is to gain closure with the past. The wheel of karma is nearly finished here.
This is about two sides of the same family, or two branches of the same social circle, coming together. This is likely a party, wedding or other celebration. Abundance is here and there is lots to share and enjoy. If you were a soulless creature, you would say this was a good opportunity for ‘networking,’ but let’s just say this is people who are coming from the same or similar positions – shared ideas, thoughts, plans, projects – helping each other out.
The wands look like telegraph poles connecting cables and so there is a sense here of a strong telephone presence and frequent good communication. Are you in the group or one half of the welcoming couple? A transition is indicated. You pass through and across to get to the other side. The property or premises in the background is as important as the people.
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Sagittarius – The South Node now in Libra in your zone of friends, groups, networks and circles is also known as the Dragon’s Tail. It is joined to the North Node and the two travel together in opposite signs through the houses of your horoscope. It delivers people, places and experiences which are all too familiar from 18-19 years ago and you may feel it’s ‘been there, done that’ about what happens when it comes around.
Like Bill Murray’s character in the film Groundhog Day, you may be repeating the past with friends and groups, on a regular basis now. However, the more you go over old ground or meet with oddly familiar situations, the more you will learn. The idea now is to grow and go forward, even if the universe is playing the same old tape. You sign off from this in January 2025.
Do you have Aquarius factors in your natal chart? If so, this sign-off is momentous and the balance of power within a group and among friends will change your life by February 2025.
Merry Christmas, Sagittarius.
Also known as Bouquet – You and your friends are a mixed bunch. You may occasionally feel stuck in this cycle as nothing appears to be changing. It’s the same old thing both in terms of this lifetime and previous lifetimes 18 or 19 years ago, too. Other people appear to be glued to their social, friendship or group patterns and no matter what you do to try and change things around you, life still seems to repeat itself as if you were stuck on a loop.
Your breakthrough will come when you accept that life is stuck on the repeat button because it’s (ironically) the best way to get you to progress karmically. And this does end in January after all. At the point that you realise your social life or social media, really is the same damn thing, over and over, you should be able to see that your only option is to radically change your attitude to it – and to change yourself. Observe yourself each time the loop repeats. What does this card say to you on a psychic level?
The first thing to say about this card is that it’s not enough to have budding brainwaves, concepts with potential or qualifications to show. You need to come back down to earth, ground yourself, centre and settle down before you can begin the quest. Where is the second leg here? Exactly. It’s missing. If this is you, then you (almost) don’t have a leg to stand on.
This is about the need for a practical action plan with ideas, messages, the worldwide web, export, relocation, travel, brainwaves and so on. The time has come to take a big idea or qualification across the world. What is remarkable is the total lack of awareness of the second option which is ignored. It’s all about ‘the one’ idea and not both together, but they both have amazing potential. Does this really have to travel all the way across the planet? It’s time to think locally, as well as globally. But not too long. This will not last forever.
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Capricorn – Chiron in Aries tells you now that 2025 is the year of a family milestone or major decision about your house or apartment. It will likely be set for April/May next year. Christmas brings these discussions closer, of course. Chiron was the star of the show when the United Nations was born. Chutzpah! It challenges you to attempt the most audacious acts and outrageous decisions – for better or worse. Chiron was discovered in 1977, the year of punk rock, cloning and test tube babies. It’s about getting away with things that make people’s jaws drop.
There is also something healing, if imperfectly so, about what happens in December with the family or household. Chiron could not heal himself, though he could teach others how to do it. That may resonate with you and a particular relative. Just like a medieval archer, you will now find yourself faced with the seemingly impossible task of either a) hitting your target from an unthinkable distance or b) trying to hit several targets at once. The English astrologer Dennis Elwell equated Chiron with a kind of cocky impudence. Do try it with a relative or household member.
Merry Christmas, Capricorn
They can be wild and free, and this is a theme in your family or household now until 2025. Chiron, Neptune and Saturn will line up in this zone of your chart next year and it’s showing now. There are major issues here about escaping from who or what restricts you, be it a parent, your in-laws or a child.
Chiron brings tests of nerve. Chiron will ask you the same question. What ‘impossible’ thing can you now attempt? Is it enough to be super-confident? Or do you need more time, more preparation, or more practise? This current and future 2025 cycle tests the parameters of possibility. If you succeed, it will clearly change the boundaries of what is realistic, acceptable, and allowable in your world with the relatives or those at home.
This cycle asks, “Can I get away with it? Can they?” Astrologer Zane Stein asserts that Chiron is a maverick; you make up your own rules when it touches your life, and you do your own thing, even outside your own group. Even the punk rockers didn’t conform – they all went their own ways. Chiron was found in 1977 when punk broke. This is quite a Christmas.
The money – going out and coming in – keeps you or someone else off-balance. The ships in the background show you the economy is all at sea, tossing and turning, in his city, country or perhaps between nations. Rather than jig around, expending enormous amounts of energy trying to shuffle money from one hand to another, this person needs to breathe, pause and take control. Is it you? You need a new budget.
Pamela’s cards are also very much about active imagination. She worked as a theatre set designer. So, you can direct this image as you please. Stage directions might instruct this figure (is it you?) to stop trying to make ends meet. And instead trust the situation long enough to put the money down, sit down, and draw up a plan. A proper strategy with more coming in than going out might be the solution here. There certainly needs to be time and space for other things in life than making the money go round. Is an accountant required? Stop juggling is the message here. Pause to plan.
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Aquarius – Ceres – in your image, appearance, reputation, title and branding zone from December 7th, 2024 – describes the attachment between mothers and daughters and the loss of illusion that occurs whenever the real world intrudes, busting all those ‘perfect daughter’ and ‘ideal mother’ myths! Ceres challenges daughters to be more accepting of their mothers, and it asks mothers to adapt to the way their daughters really are. This may have literal meaning for you this Christmas.
You also have Uranus in your home and family zone. If not literal, then Ceres in your cameo zone will have you redefining your portrait in quite another way, irrespective of mothers, daughters, in-laws and so on. The horoscope house (life department – Aquarius and your First House of portraits) where Ceres is will show you the kinds of issues most likely to trigger questions about how you are seen. In the male world, Ceres often describes a man’s wife and her relationship with their daughter or the attachment between his other female relatives. This might also be shaping your portrait.
Merry Christmas, Aquarius.
Dogs have a hierarchy and so does your family. Consider this though – In mythology, Ceres lost her daughter and had to find a creative compromise so she could allow both of them to move on without sacrificing the relationship altogether. Whenever you see Ceres turning up in your horoscope, you will learn about the way mothers and daughters function and a son-in-law as well. Sometimes the family connection is different, but it feels like in-laws to you.
When Absolutely Fabulous debuted on BBC-TV on November 12th, 1992, Taurean actress Joanna Lumley who plays Patsy had Ceres in her Tenth House of career. It was only a job for Lumley, but the script for the show raised typical Ceres issues too. (By the way, if you are a fan, my friend Helen Lederer can be seen in her classic Catriona role in a new documentary).
So, what is fabulous about this Christmas? Well, the chance to relaunch your look, cameo, portrait, image by February 2025. And you will be amazed at how a relative will power that.
Taking a big leap into the unknown and taking a big risk – unless one heeds a useful warning which can help with safer navigation and strategy. It could work, and why would anybody want to deter such optimism and faith? Yet, it would be crazy to just set off without a map or insurance. Above all, The Fool is about taking your time. Don’t rush this.
There may be a laptop, map and guidebook in the rucksack, but this foolish person is not looking. Instead, he or she is about to go careering off the cliff. Just in time, the white barking dog alerts him/her this adventurer can turn back. The denial in The Fool, in general (not travel-related) comes from not checking the latest news on the destination ahead. The ‘journey’ here may be symbolic not literal. Even a leap into the unknown comes with useful websites.
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Pisces – And so to your social life, friendships, social media and Christmas party circuit. You have been through a whopping sign-off here and you will really feel it around December 7th, 2024. Teams and groups too. Of course, at this time of year, it’s all more obvious to you. This is your Eleventh House, Pisces. And in your birth chart too you now have Pluto in your Eleventh House. The actress Diane Keaton had cycles in her Eleventh House of group efforts, when she lined up with colleagues Bette Midler and Goldie Hawn at the September 16th, 1996, premiere of the fun-feminism comedy, The First Wives’ Club.
Former actress Glenda Jackson – a British Labour politician – and Prime Minister Tony Blair – had these cycles too, at the peak of people politics in their lives. Aquarian athlete Cathy Freeman had this cycle near the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games. Smells like team spirit? For you, this is your own circle, team, network and you will be handling it in your own way. Sign off from power and control issues – they are history. Just after Boxing Day, it’s a new world.
And if you do have Aquarius natal chart factors, the next three months will change your life as you leave the group, join it or reshape it.
Merry Christmas, Pisces.
Ladies and their social lives, friendships, frenemies, social clubs and so on are good thematic representations for you at Christmas. What does this card say to you?
You can be a man and feel it in your political party. If you are a man, then female friends, family members, colleagues or acquaintances will spell out the issues for you among allies or within the circle. Diversity is a big one now. That’s the kind of question both men and women often have to ask themselves during a very new Pluto in Aquarius cycle. These cycles, which can be about new friends or purely online groups too, often ask us to look at questions about mothers and wives and women’s domestic roles.
In the Eleventh House, this Capricorn weather will present big new sign-off questions in terms of the group you belong to or the friends in your life. Sometimes, an acquaintance in the group (or a female friend) will carry the sign-off for you. November was crucial. January and February 2025 will finish the story for you.
Solitude brings illumination. Being alone brings a spiritual or religious breakthrough. The Hermit is personal. It really depends on how ‘light dawning’ is defined. For some people, it’s God. For other people, it’s philosophy or the multiverse theory. The man is holding a stick or possibly a mirror or even a very thin laptop. When Pamela Colman Smith created this image, laptop computers were not even thought of but the web or a phone can illuminate and inform.
The Hermit is honouring the light in the lantern without looking at it. What is in there would melt the frozen snow. It’s warm, brilliant, glowing and the only point of colour in an otherwise bleak card. The Hermit is often literal so there is a period of solitude or even a whole life which is spent alone. Soul-searching by oneself can lead to dazzling insights.
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