Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for January 13-19, 2025. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast
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Capricorn – The Aquarius weather is here in your Second House of personal income, your life budget, your banking, shopping and so on. This is really new. Power is in the space. That’s now here to stay, Capricorn. Pluto shows the empowerment that comes when you find your own willpower and control yourself and your numbers. The more casual you are about finance now, the more you will leave yourself wide open to real issues about being taken over or takeover merchants and types. So, be conscious of what you’re doing.
Try to do the necessary changes before this cycle really kicks in. You have certain arrangements with your flatmates about the bond, for example, but where do you all stand legally if someone breaks a window? You’re happy to rely on a family inheritance, but what does your sister actually expect as a result of that? You’re thrilled about your husband having a trial separation, but what happens to your children’s school fees if you split up? So much to think about in such a short space of time. Whatever your situation is – the Pluto rule is that if you feel overpowered or lacking full control (since November 2024) – you use your willpower and self-control to become empowered and regain those controls.
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