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Pisces Monthly Horoscope

Jessica Adams has prepared your monthly astrological forecast for January 2025. Discover what the stars have in store for you this month including your Premium Extended Forecast

Pisces Monthly Forecast

Pisces – You are more than your career, your social status or your ‘position’ in the world. However, you are still right to be looking sideways at your business card, your achievements, your success and your mission. Are you a full-time Mr. or Mrs. with a partner whose money, power and/or children defines your own status? That role too will be up for inspection now.

There are two reasons for this. Mercury leaving the retrograde zone in Sagittarius in your Tenth solar house of achievement, ambition, position and mission. At last, weeks of reversals and rescheduling is over. The other reason is also important – Mars Retrograde in Leo in your Sixth House of work, unpaid work and academia. This is an odd one. The paper trail, discussion, mail or internet traffic is corrected. (About time too). Yet, action plans about your job, unpaid job or studies will now go back and forth for months. You can get promoted now, but you can also be called into your boss’s office for a little chat about the fine print on the contract which is then reversed later.

The same odd ‘restart and reverse’ trends apply to you if you are retired, unemployed or have full-time home duties – but this cycle will be about the roles and goals you have on your own merits. Everything about your performance at work will now be much more obvious with these two concurrent transits. Projects, plans and people will come along which expose the need to rethink the calendar. Reset the diary.

Do you have Capricorn factors? November was the end of an era. Even now, you are seeing the knock-on effects of November and December. People get promoted now. Demoted too. They depart. They get new jobs. They sign mergers. They are headhunted. They win awards or get the sack. You could be one of these people, but it is just as likely you are in the thick of it.

Even if you don’t have Capricorn factors, the audition for success lasts all year but this month lets you know the score. An important consideration is how your health, fitness, mental health and wellbeing tally with all the work you must do. I include housework and gardening in that. Also, childcare and volunteering. How is this working for you?


Pisces, your Tarot card is the King of Cups.

Tarot Deck King of Cups scaled e1708228155449 300x271 - PiscesThis is the card that appears when a man is out of touch with reality and inaccessible. He is drifting, floating, cruising and in a world of his own. If you want to join him, he will have to make room for you. The ship in the background could be near his floating throne, at any moment, and he could jump aboard. You could join him. That ship could take the pair of you anywhere – perhaps, into a whole new life. Yet, he has to choose to do that.

He may go on, floating in his bubble. He does not inhabit terra firma as the rest of us do. He is very hard work if you 8want co-operation and collaboration. He may be fishy – so slippery, hard to catch; and elusive. If you want to get close to him, you will have to come over to his side of reality. He has left no room at all on his floating throne for a partner. As I’ve mentioned, your best bet here is the ship. It would be a massive departure for him to travel to you. Or to pick you up to join a trip.

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