Jessica Adams has prepared your monthly astrological forecast for January 2025. Discover what the stars have in store for you this month including your Premium Extended Forecast
Leo – In January 2025, the South Node of karma finally leaves your Third House. A rather circular, stuck and repetitive year is now behind you. In 2025, you will stop spinning your wheels with siblings, the internet, the media, short journeys and commuting. The Third House – where the South Node has been cycling – rules brothers and sisters, communication and short-haul travel (a quick plane trip, an overnight stay or a weekend car expedition). The South Node has put you on a loop so you can deal with what you are owed or what you owe from 18 or 19 years previously.
If you have anything in Gemini in your natal chart, then 2024 and 2025 are both momentous for all the areas above. It may be a new deal with your sister. It may be a complete overhaul of your use of the internet. Maybe the arrival of Uber in your town or a driver’s license at last. Even if you don’t have anything in Gemini in your natal chart, the Sun in Aquarius makes trines to the Third House Moon in Libra passing through your chart. It will shine a huge spotlight on all these areas of your life so you can judge them and make decisions into February.
Let’s begin with your siblings. At this time of year, your karmic relationship with them will be much more obvious to other people. Is the connection to your brother or sister something to find closure with now? It would seems so. Did they just thank you in their wedding speech or have you just had a very public disagreement over the family business? You’ll either be congratulated for getting it right now or reminded how and why you’ve been getting it wrong.
If you do have Gemini factors natally, then January is the launch pad for a revolution mid-year. No other way of putting it. You will be liberated by or liberated from your brother, sister or cousin. Have you been doing the best with what the cosmos has given you in terms of your sibling or do you need to put more work in? This South Node sign-off in January will underline every single point about the relationship until you know exactly what’s going on and where you stand. The state of play with your brother or sister will be more obvious now and require your input so closure can happen.
Communication – your way with words and images, or ideas and messages – is also in the karmic spotlight now. There is so much more to your January memo, speech, website, book, script, thesis, blog, statement, essay, academic paper, letter, meeting, postcard, song lyric, screenplay or just your ‘big talk.’ It nods to life 18 or 19 years before. Karmic collection or repayment ends next.
What kind of driver or passenger are you? What sort of local tourist or regional traveller are you? How would you rate yourself on the road, in the air or on the water? All these questions matter more now because an important trip or an important transportation issue (car, bike, anything) is about to go to the top of your list. This is about neighbouring places. Neighbouring cities like Paris and London (Eurostar) or neighbouring states like Tasmania and Victoria. Again, closure comes in January 2025. A stuck circuit or loop from 2024 will finish.
Someone very special (perhaps you) is travelling between two cities or countries or relocating. This is a Major Arcana card, so it is a major journey or move. The reflective square on the tunic suggests a television, radar or computer screen. This is someone who is going places digitally, too. It is important to note that the charioteer, if he/she is wise, has to submit to a two-way process of education. It is about listening and reading. Absorbing and appreciating.
The symbols may be personal for you. The stars. Ancient Egypt. The wings. The spinning top. There are two places here, pulling in two different directions, and two very different people or points of view. Male and female. Black and white. The static chariot suggests a question about where the journey should go next; what’s the next leg of a trip?
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