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Aries Monthly Horoscope

Jessica Adams has prepared your monthly astrological forecast for January 2025. Discover what the stars have in store for you this month including your Premium Extended Forecast

Aries Monthly Forecast

Aries – Groups are powerful now. Can you survive on your own ‘out there’ or are you really better off bonding within the circle of friends and ,consequently, being made to share the space? The more you get to know Pluto’s cycles in your own horoscope, the deeper your understanding will become.

Aquarius (where Pluto is now) tells us about female experiences – something which was minimised until the arrival of feminism and Pluto in Aquarius in 60 AD. Aries, female group psychology matters now. How important is that? If you’re a woman, it’s definitely time you examined how power works with men.

In a man’s life, Pluto in Aquarius cycles point to the dynamics between the women in his group. Particularly, if he plays a dominant role with two or more women. So, a childcare group of ‘Yummy Mummies’ or his daughter in a political party with him. In all cases, though, his role will be central to the results. Pluto in Aquarius is about groups of women in the context of their relationship to men.

This cycle will teach you a lot about ‘sisterhood’ no matter if it’s played out through a casual circle of friends or a more focussed network. Sometimes women band together and share the power and play men the way that fishermen play trout. If you’re a lesbian, by the way, pay special attention to this transit.

The Church of England and women priests in a man’s world is a good example of Aquarian thinking. Do you have Aquarius natal chart factors? If so, January 2025 changes your life, and you change a small corner of your world. So, when groups of women were finally admitted to the London Stock Exchange (changing the finance industry forever), that was Aquarian thinking. Remember, women are free to play Pluto any way they want to! Sisterly solidarity is successful, now.

The choice is yours, but it’s a good idea to update yourself on female psychology, in particular, and group psychology, in general. One way or another, it’s bound to confront you, challenge you and potentially reward you. Pluto transforms.


Aries, your Tarot card is the Three of Cups.

Tarot Deck Three of Cups scaled e1708226800568 300x226 - AriesThree people, probably female at first glance, celebrate their friendship, their achievements, and a harvest of some kind. It is possible that not every person in this circle of three is female. There may be room for a man here, with his back to us, but with long hair.

There is no competition between these people. There is no secret agenda, just honest solidarity and mutual celebration. This card is about successfully planting the right things at the right time, in the right place, then attending to them until they come to fruition. Now that’s happened for all of you, it is time to prepare for the future. Use what you have achieved. There is a suggestion of this about the pumpkin. Take the seeds and grow more abundance. What, symbolically, can be the gift that goes on giving for all of you, here?

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