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Daily Horoscopes Monday March 17th

Are you curious to know what today has in store for you? Here’s your horoscope for Monday March 17.
Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Looking for Yesterday’s Horoscopes?


March 21 – April 19

You’ll be back and forth for weeks in terms of your home, family, household, town or country and what is clearly in need of attention. Yet from late June 2025, the Sun exposes what is central and important – what can’t be overlooked. Be aware of stunning solutions and opportunities then.

Something Extra for Monday:

Discover the Tarot e1742086084194 300x191 - Daily HoroscopesIf you are a Premium Member, give yourself a reading with:

The Garden Oracle
The Smith-Waite Tarot
The Astrology Oracle



April 20 – May 20

With Mars now stuck in your internet zone, this period is extremely useful as it can give you much clearer insights into everything. You’ll get a better view of what’s functioning or not functioning now (and that includes your tech brother’s social media account or YouTube, natch).

Something Extra for Monday:

Discover the Tarot e1742086084194 300x191 - Daily HoroscopesIf you are a Premium Member, give yourself a reading with:

The Garden Oracle
The Smith-Waite Tarot
The Astrology Oracle



May 21 – June 20

You’ll be put in a position where it’s easier to improve your appearance, reputation, profile or image. Can you pat yourself on the back now for making the right decisions since 2024? You have another three months to improve these areas of your life.

Something Extra for Monday:

Discover the Tarot e1742086084194 300x191 - Daily HoroscopesIf you are a Premium Member, give yourself a reading with:

The Garden Oracle
The Smith-Waite Tarot
The Astrology Oracle



June 21 – July 22

From May 2025, a holiday from reality is beckoning with your part-time or full-time work and the chores you do vocationally together with any outside interests which you think of as your duty (volunteer work for example). It’s about academia too. Is May in your diary? It’s a holiday from the everyday.

Something Extra for Monday:

Discover the Tarot e1742086084194 300x191 - Daily HoroscopesIf you are a Premium Member, give yourself a reading with:

The Garden Oracle
The Smith-Waite Tarot
The Astrology Oracle



July 23 – August 22

Pisces traffic in your chart asks you to look at your finances, possessions, home and business in terms of karma from 18-19 years ago. Sure, there might be a salary involved but there certainly is karmic closure too. In this cycle, you’ll be asked to scrutinise your budget carefully. Are you owed?

Something Extra for Monday:

Discover the Tarot e1742086084194 300x191 - Daily HoroscopesIf you are a Premium Member, give yourself a reading with:

The Garden Oracle
The Smith-Waite Tarot
The Astrology Oracle



August 23 – September 22

What kind of friend are you? What sort of group involvements do you have? June 2025 marks a fantastic period of hope, growth, solutions and opportunities for your social life, social media and groups. Perhaps it’s in your diary. Current flux will go shortly.

Something Extra for Monday:

Discover the Tarot e1742086084194 300x191 - Daily HoroscopesIf you are a Premium Member, give yourself a reading with:

The Garden Oracle
The Smith-Waite Tarot
The Astrology Oracle



September 23 – October 22

We need to talk about Neptune. If you have developed a routine which actually functions properly and a work ethic which actually tallies with your wellbeing (as well as the lists or schedules in your diary) – then even so, you still have to cope with confused and confusing situations. It ends shortly.

Something Extra for Monday:

Discover the Tarot e1742086084194 300x191 - Daily HoroscopesIf you are a Premium Member, give yourself a reading with:

The Garden Oracle
The Smith-Waite Tarot
The Astrology Oracle



October 23 – November 21

Mars Retrograde is in your zone of internet, publishing, foreign/regional contacts, education and academia. Another bout of flux is coming – be it a trip or head trip you took or are still trying to take. It ends soon. And from late June 2025, this is a boom area.

Something Extra for Monday:

Discover the Tarot e1742086084194 300x191 - Daily HoroscopesIf you are a Premium Member, give yourself a reading with:

The Garden Oracle
The Smith-Waite Tarot
The Astrology Oracle



November 22 – December 21

Money really talks from late June 2025 with big answers. Sagittarius, if you are already optimistic about that – that’s good! It means you’re already learning what Jupiter has in mind. Soon, you’ll have many more chances to organise yourself and balance your books in every way, despite the current flux.

Something Extra for Monday:

Discover the Tarot e1742086084194 300x191 - Daily HoroscopesIf you are a Premium Member, give yourself a reading with:

The Garden Oracle
The Smith-Waite Tarot
The Astrology Oracle



December 22 – January 19

Jupiter in Gemini puts the focus back on answers in terms of your health and wellbeing along with your duty to other people and the kind of lifestyle you can justifiably be satisfied with. Take solutions while you can.

Something Extra for Monday:

Discover the Tarot e1742086084194 300x191 - Daily HoroscopesIf you are a Premium Member, give yourself a reading with:

The Garden Oracle
The Smith-Waite Tarot
The Astrology Oracle



January 20 – February 18

At the moment, Mars Retrograde in Cancer will continue to bring flux with key relationships with those who influence your work, unpaid work, housework or studies. It’s your chance to examine how well you’ve handled the situation to date. Yet from late June 2025, stunning answers appear.

Something Extra for Monday:

Discover the Tarot e1742086084194 300x191 - Daily HoroscopesIf you are a Premium Member, give yourself a reading with:

The Garden Oracle
The Smith-Waite Tarot
The Astrology Oracle



February 19 – March 20

A late June 2025 boom in big answers with your personal life in terms of parenthood, potential lovers or your children is worth your high hopes. The advantage for you? Huge solutions for your marriage, relationship, single life or connection to an ex as the world sees it. In June and July, it’s very much about pregnancies, children and that generation who could be your godchildren or offspring.

Something Extra for Monday:

Discover the Tarot e1742086084194 300x191 - Daily HoroscopesIf you are a Premium Member, give yourself a reading with:

The Garden Oracle
The Smith-Waite Tarot
The Astrology Oracle


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