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There comes a time in everyone’s life when it’s not enough to have good ideas, plans or projects – they have to be taken elsewhere. This Oracle answer describes a real crossroads in your life, when you will have to choose between staying put, and moving forward. The location may be close by, or even overseas.
Of course it can be confronting to take such a risk. What if you meet with rejection? What if others have got there before you? What if the difficulty of uprooting yourself and your ideas fails to pay off? These are just some of the issues that turn up when this Oracle answer appears.
At the same time you’ll never know, if you never go. This is also something that has to be considered. If you turn your back on this chance to export what you’ve got, it might not come again. You may be left in a position where you are always wondering what might have been. Perhaps you’ll live with regrets.
It is possible you could send your ideas into new areas without actually accompanying them. But you appear to be deeply attached to at least one of them, and maybe more. Can you really trust others to do these very special concepts justice? Can the projects sell themselves, without your help?
These are all useful questions to explore when this Oracle answer turns up. If there are practical issues getting in the way of your mission, it may also help to look at the possibility of prioritising what you can take, and leaving the rest behind. Perhaps travelling a little lighter is the most effective way to go.
You are onto something good. Something with potential for the future. Now, what are you going to do about it? You not only have to think about the chances of success for your ideas – here or there – you also have to think about yourself. What would staying (or going) do for your soul? That might be the bigger issue.
This Oracle answer describes physical, psychological or spiritual healing. It may come from a professional, or it may come from someone who lacks a title or role, but has the ability to heal. Finally, this healing process may describe a human being or an animal. Either a doctor or a vet may be involved.
Being a healer requires a mixture of confidence, compassion and genuine ability. Thus, it’s a special and unusual thing that once experienced, is never forgotten. Even the most mundane experience (like going to the dentist) should never be underestimated. This too is a pure energy exchange between healer and patient.
The confidence must be there because healing is so often a physical act. There is no room for false moves or shaking hands. It also takes confidence to minister to the suffering of those who are powerful, or intimidating. Finally, you need to be confident in order to expect a good outcome – a cure, or relief.
The compassion needs to be there, no matter if this is a paid act of healing or not. Some people believe that the kind intentions that accompany a medical procedure as just as important as the act itself. Whatever your point of view, the best healing comes from the heart. It is unconditional. It’s about giving.
Healing ability can be innate or learned. Some people are good listeners and are natural counsellors. Surgeons, naturally, require years of training. At its most mysterious level, healing can be transmitted via Reiki or other spiritual practices; it can be carried out by unseen or unknown forces in the spirit world.
To submit to healing requires absolute trust. It instantly makes us vulnerable and exposed. The most successful healing happens when we are relaxed, open and accepting. This needs to happen even if there are no guarantees that the healing will bring relief, or a cure. The patient’s trust is her own gift to the healer.
This Oracle answer is not about a birth, or even about a baby – it is about pregnancy – the journey forward from conception. Thus it’s about gradual growth and development. The process, not the destination. It’s about the psychological, physical and emotional changes that occur from stage to stage.
Pregnancy reminds us how powerful women can be. Suddenly it puts women in a starring, special role. The body begins to change. The woman’s identity starts to change too. People view her differently, and she begins to see herself differently as well.
Once a woman becomes pregnant, she becomes more than she was. One becomes two.
With the pregnancy also comes an awareness of the natural cycles of life. Seeds are planted, and life begins. The slow process of growth takes hold. Can one have a guarantee of how the seed will turn out? No. But that is part of the journey of pregnancy. And this lack of certainty is also a big part of the change.
It is unlikely that there will be much room in your world for anything else at this time, apart from the pregnancy – which may be yours, or another woman’s. And that’s perfectly natural. Even if there has been a pregnancy before, the kind of growth experienced now (in every way) makes unique demands on both time and energy. The new woman will need new space.
This pregnancy will increase your self-knowledge, and bring home who and what matters most to you. The actual baby may be months off yet (this is a journey, not a destination) but this dramatic process of change around you will help you set priorities, understand yourself better and focus on the important things.
Naturally other roles also change once the journey of pregnancy begins. Career is the obvious one. But what about your status within a family, or among friends? Pregnancy also reminds you that as your role alters, so do your relationships – professional and personal.