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This Oracle answer describes the early stages of sexual attraction and love between a man and a woman. Because the outcome could be so life-changing (marriage, babies, even separation one day!) there is hesitation . Despite the strong physical pull between you and the person in question, there is also fear.
At the same time, you two are fighting a force of nature – and some people might say, the laws of a higher power. You are both in love. You are both in the right time, at the right place. So to resist something so natural (something which ensures the continued survival of our species!) may mean you also turn your back on what is right.
Modern life is complicated, though. There may be any number of potential anxieties about having sex for the first time. Ex-partners. Contraception. The chance that one of you will lose interest. Love rivals. The list is almost as long as the list of potential positives!
It’s important to try and understand the depth of the attraction and why it is there. Is this something that could stand the test of time for both of you? If one of you walked away right now, would the other still feel that magnetic pull, several years from now? What is really going on between you?
When this Oracle answer appears it is typically very hard to turn your back on the attraction. It is powerful. It may even feel fated – meant to be. And perhaps it’s worth considering that even a relationship which fails has an important purpose in teaching you, and helping your growth and development.
So will the sex happen? Will the relationship begin? It is very unusual for it not to happen when this Oracle answer turns up! But it is a very good idea for both of you to go in with your eyes wide open. This is no time for starry eyes or projection. Try to meet each other as you really are, on the deepest level.
Sometimes you receive a second chance. A new opportunity to have a new life. This Oracle answer is about a dramatic event which will give you and those around you a chance to start all over again. It’s a little like the John Lennon song, Starting Over. The message is, it’s never too late to recycle yourself, and your life.
The event or situation which leads you to this point could make you feel as if a greater power has intervened. Even if you have no spiritual beliefs at all, the experience is still likely to feel powerful, mysterious – and greater than you. Perhaps the Universe really is playing a part.
The chance is coming to turn your back on a ‘dead’ period in your life and to move on from the dark days of the past. When this Oracle answer appears, you are unlikely to want to go back. You are being given a chance to escape from a situation which has confined you and prevented you from living your life fully.
All kinds of feelings will emerge. You may feel vulnerable. You might feel grateful. You could feel afraid. Perhaps you’ll only feel relief. It is important to give yourself plenty of time, space and support to get through this period of intense emotion, as you slowly move into a new phase of your life.
You will not be going through the experience alone. Sometimes the family is involved. Sometimes you find yourself in a wider group of people who are all affected the same way, at the same time. It can help to share what you feel. It will certainly help to do everything you can to assist each other to move forward.
It’s also important to be practical, and to move quickly on plans that will help you make the most of all the unknown potential that lies ahead. The next stage of your life may be a mystery, but you must find whatever you and others need to make the journey. Strong emotions should go hand-in-hand with an action plan.
Rather like her male counterpart, The Money Man, this woman is solely focused on wealth. Perhaps you have to be this single- minded to reach this point in life – because this woman has a lovely lifestyle. And impressive possessions and achievements. You might say she is infatuated with money.
The good life comes at a price however and her preoccupation with what she can earn or own keeps others at a distance. Unless people can meet her halfway, on her own terms (they may also share her fascination with ‘things’ or cash) then she may find it hard to relate. When this woman is part of your destiny – or when you find yourself playing this part – there will be a considerable amount of money to deal with. Rather than as ‘how much?’ the question should probably be ‘what can this achieve?’ After all it could be donated to charity, as well as invested in a Swiss Bank.
The interesting thing about this answer is what it reveals about this woman’s relationship with the financial and material side of life. Is it a distraction from other realities? Does it really make her happy or is she secretly yearning for the simple life? Is she a giver or a taker?
If you intend to have any serious kind of discussion with her about a deal, or trade-off, then you need to understand where she is coming from. What motivates her and what are her values? Without knowing this you will never really understand how to pitch, negotiate or exchange.
If you know, with full certainty, that you are the Money Woman in this instance, then this Oracle answer talks about an extremely important turning point, when a large sum of money will trigger a profound encounter with yourself. This money will show you who you are, what matters most in life, and where you are.