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This Oracle answer appears when you have something to say, or present in writing. The message has potential too. It could begin something larger and more promising, for yourself or others. Thus, it needs to be planted in the real world, where it can take hold. All this is on your mind when this answer appears.

The hesitation or tension which is felt could prevent you from getting the message across at all. You will need to weigh up the advantages and disadvantages very carefully. There is a chance that this will go nowhere. That it may be rejected. That it may never become anything more.

How will you know, though, unless you make a move, and attempt to house your ideas or opinions properly? It’s important to remember that there is also a good chance you may succeed. You may be heard, or read, as you wish to be. What you have in your hands today could become something greater in the future.

It may help to remember that your attitude is just as important as the nature of what you have to say, or convey. If you appear to be lacking in self-confidence, or if you appear to be uncertain about the value of what you have to offer, others are less likely to be open. If you want to succeed you must look as if you mean it.

Of course, if this uncertainty is there because you are unsure of the merits of what you have to offer, perhaps you need to spend more time examining your words or concepts, so that you are absolutely sure they will stand up to inspection. Perhaps you need to focus, and investigate further.

One thing is certain. To go on like this, feeling tense or uncertain, does not help you (or the idea, project or plan) go anywhere. So it’s decision time. If you believe in what you have to offer, then you must act more confidently. If you don’t fully believe in what you have, then it’s time to re-examine and rethink.

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