Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Daily Horoscopes Wednesday June 5th

Are you curious to know what today has in store for you? Here’s your horoscope for Wednesday June 5.
Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Looking for Yesterday’s Horoscopes?


March 21 - April 19

Plan a faster relaunch, of your relaunch, with Mars in Aries until June 9th. This helps you move forward on matters affecting the way you look (and are seen) and there may be more ‘me’ challenges and changes to come. The Aries transits which lie ahead help you reboot. And it really is, rebooting the reboot.

Something Extra for Wednesday:

Have you heard about my new book “Your Birthday” to be published on October 15th, 2024, by Hachette USA?

Written with Sunday Times bestseller Rachel Wells, it’s a detailed astrology and Tarot profile of you, and the people you know, based on your date of birth.

You can pre-order it here.



April 20 - May 20

It’s almost time to tackle what lies below the surface, but not quite. It may be your inner world, or some other world that outsiders can neither see nor fathom. In all cases, though, you are unlikely to have every last hurdle cleared until Mars has gone from Aries, on June 9th. This may be God, the Tarot, or a counsellor.

Something Extra for Wednesday:

Have you heard about my new book “Your Birthday” to be published on October 15th, 2024, by Hachette USA?

Written with Sunday Times bestseller Rachel Wells, it’s a detailed astrology and Tarot profile of you, and the people you know, based on your date of birth.

You can pre-order it here.



May 21 - June 20

Mercury (communication, information, organisation, negotiation) is still helping your mid-2024 relaunch, so there may be some gaps to fill between now and June 17th. Still, the fresh start will be worth it. Perhaps you needed the hold-ups for a reason, especially where your appearance, title or reputation is concerned.

Something Extra for Wednesday:

Have you heard about my new book “Your Birthday” to be published on October 15th, 2024, by Hachette USA?

Written with Sunday Times bestseller Rachel Wells, it’s a detailed astrology and Tarot profile of you, and the people you know, based on your date of birth.

You can pre-order it here.



June 21 - July 22

Saturn and Neptune travel through your zone of academia, the internet, publishing and travel. This is also where you pursue European, US or Asian connections. Sometimes life moves swiftly after a long period of celestial plumbing problems. This is now the case with all this (above). Reality checks? Take it on.

Something Extra for Wednesday:

Have you heard about my new book “Your Birthday” to be published on October 15th, 2024, by Hachette USA?

Written with Sunday Times bestseller Rachel Wells, it’s a detailed astrology and Tarot profile of you, and the people you know, based on your date of birth.

You can pre-order it here.



July 23 - August 22

This has been a peculiar few weeks when you have been dealing with Saturn and his heavy rules, regulations and restrictions – at least in terms of your property, money or business. You will be able to compensate for this circuitous progress in August-September with some huge choices, but until then, it may be time to just allow the feelings to float.

Something Extra for Wednesday:

Have you heard about my new book “Your Birthday” to be published on October 15th, 2024, by Hachette USA?

Written with Sunday Times bestseller Rachel Wells, it’s a detailed astrology and Tarot profile of you, and the people you know, based on your date of birth.

You can pre-order it here.



August 23 - September 22

The absence of a complete information jigsaw (pieces have been missing or replaced) has delayed a decision about your own success and status. For now, some emotions have to filter through. Mercury and Jupiter are supplying you with all. You need to make a terrific fresh start (or restart) by June 17th at the latest.

Something Extra for Wednesday:

Have you heard about my new book “Your Birthday” to be published on October 15th, 2024, by Hachette USA?

Written with Sunday Times bestseller Rachel Wells, it’s a detailed astrology and Tarot profile of you, and the people you know, based on your date of birth.

You can pre-order it here.



September 23 - October 22

Your timeline for being heard or read (effectively, at full tilt) involves the powerful new Jupiter transit. Libra, the full story is not yet final. Something/someone must be resized in order for you to think bigger. This is very much in hand with foreigners and foreign countries now, or different cultures. Huge opportunities wait.

Something Extra for Wednesday:

Have you heard about my new book “Your Birthday” to be published on October 15th, 2024, by Hachette USA?

Written with Sunday Times bestseller Rachel Wells, it’s a detailed astrology and Tarot profile of you, and the people you know, based on your date of birth.

You can pre-order it here.



October 23 - November 21

It’s remarkable how much can change in weeks, Scorpio, in terms of the money, property, possessions or business, as Jupiter kicks in with all his answers. Then again you have had plenty of time to think – and most importantly to go through your feelings – when life was not this promising. Final and full judgement arrives soon, with great news, by June 17th.

Something Extra for Wednesday:

Have you heard about my new book “Your Birthday” to be published on October 15th, 2024, by Hachette USA?

Written with Sunday Times bestseller Rachel Wells, it’s a detailed astrology and Tarot profile of you, and the people you know, based on your date of birth.

You can pre-order it here.



November 22 - December 21

A delayed karmic rethink with a particular group, circle or network can commence soon, but first let some emotion flow. Life should be clearer shortly when you realise that your world 18 or 19 years ago is behind this karma now. For now, a few feelings need to hover in the air. Hasn’t the issue been a stuck loop or circuit?

Something Extra for Wednesday:

Have you heard about my new book “Your Birthday” to be published on October 15th, 2024, by Hachette USA?

Written with Sunday Times bestseller Rachel Wells, it’s a detailed astrology and Tarot profile of you, and the people you know, based on your date of birth.

You can pre-order it here.



December 22 - January 19

Where does the ongoing revolution come from in your world as a parent? Where is the thrilling freedom or electrifying independence as a lover? Your horoscope says, it rests with what is very, very new as Mars will enter Taurus on June 10th. And now it is time for change, yet again. Take a deep breath.

Something Extra for Wednesday:

Have you heard about my new book “Your Birthday” to be published on October 15th, 2024, by Hachette USA?

Written with Sunday Times bestseller Rachel Wells, it’s a detailed astrology and Tarot profile of you, and the people you know, based on your date of birth.

You can pre-order it here.



January 20 - February 18

A rapid sequence of events, beginning today and accelerating when Mars changes signs from June 10th, offers you the kind of space, oxygen and freedom that have been in short supply recently with your home, family, household or hometown. Look to your most liberating options, for the catalyst. It’s a Declaration of Independence thanks to Uranus in Taurus, shortly.

Something Extra for Wednesday:

Have you heard about my new book “Your Birthday” to be published on October 15th, 2024, by Hachette USA?

Written with Sunday Times bestseller Rachel Wells, it’s a detailed astrology and Tarot profile of you, and the people you know, based on your date of birth.

You can pre-order it here.



February 19 - March 20

The known digital or media world is about to turn upside-down again, but it is the only way you will experience genuine freedom, in connection with your online life. What happens over the next few weeks tilts your social media universe, but it is the only way to live a truly authentic life. It all begins on June 10th.

Something Extra for Wednesday:

Have you heard about my new book “Your Birthday” to be published on October 15th, 2024, by Hachette USA?

Written with Sunday Times bestseller Rachel Wells, it’s a detailed astrology and Tarot profile of you, and the people you know, based on your date of birth.

You can pre-order it here.


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