Find out what the stars have in store for you today with Jessica Adams.


Daily Horoscopes Wednesday June 12th

Are you curious to know what today has in store for you? Here’s your horoscope for Wednesday June 12.
Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Looking for Yesterday’s Horoscopes?


March 21 - April 19

Your career, unpaid work, university/college degree or social position is really built on shifting ground, as Ceres retrogrades all year. You are never entirely sure of what is where, or who is where! This is characteristic of this cycle, but you have work to do. Aries, it is worth the prolonged effort as from December 7th, 2024, you sign off on the ultimate compromise – a very, very new deal for 2025.

Something Extra for Wednesday:

Have you heard about my new book “Your Birthday” to be published on October 15th, 2024, by Hachette USA?

Written with Sunday Times bestseller Rachel Wells, it’s a detailed astrology and Tarot profile of you, and the people you know, based on your date of birth.

You can pre-order it here.



April 20 - May 20

Life management is a lovely idea, but the reality of your cultural or foreign differences, worldwide web use, educational or academic agenda, publishing or digital publishing agenda is so different. Ceres Retrograde is with you until a couple of weeks before Christmas so this takes time. Talk about deal-making and bargaining; yet you sign off from this in 2025.

Something Extra for Wednesday:

Have you heard about my new book “Your Birthday” to be published on October 15th, 2024, by Hachette USA?

Written with Sunday Times bestseller Rachel Wells, it’s a detailed astrology and Tarot profile of you, and the people you know, based on your date of birth.

You can pre-order it here.



May 21 - June 20

Going back and forth, all the time, is par for the course with Ceres in your finance zone. This extends to charity, property, valuables, the bank, legacies and the rest. If you have any time and space to plan, you may want to allow until December 7th, 2024, and consider this to be a really long sign-off from very long-term questions about who or what is in control.

Something Extra for Wednesday:

Have you heard about my new book “Your Birthday” to be published on October 15th, 2024, by Hachette USA?

Written with Sunday Times bestseller Rachel Wells, it’s a detailed astrology and Tarot profile of you, and the people you know, based on your date of birth.

You can pre-order it here.



June 21 - July 22

This is sign-off year for issues about power and control with or for a partner 0r opponent. It takes time and in fact you are going backwards and forwards with Ceres and Pluto both retrograde. Allowing for a long sign-off is easier when you realise that from 2025 you will never, ever have this level of intensity with this person again.

Something Extra for Wednesday:

Have you heard about my new book “Your Birthday” to be published on October 15th, 2024, by Hachette USA?

Written with Sunday Times bestseller Rachel Wells, it’s a detailed astrology and Tarot profile of you, and the people you know, based on your date of birth.

You can pre-order it here.



July 23 - August 22

Ceres Retrograde in Capricorn is in your zone of health, lifestyle, daily routine, paid work, unpaid work, study, wellbeing and the daily details. No wonder you are going two steps forward and one step back, Leo. Yet the protracted process of making deals, reorganising your life and so on is necessary as this needs to be thoroughly and deeply done. From December 7th, 2024, it is.

Something Extra for Wednesday:

Have you heard about my new book “Your Birthday” to be published on October 15th, 2024, by Hachette USA?

Written with Sunday Times bestseller Rachel Wells, it’s a detailed astrology and Tarot profile of you, and the people you know, based on your date of birth.

You can pre-order it here.



August 23 - September 22

Slipping, sliding and swimming all over the place with your other half, your ex or your potential partner is par for the course now with Neptune in Pisces. The same goes for enemies, rivals or opponents. It’s all so hard to chart. Yet, there are anchors you can use if you set your mind to it now. Saturn also in Pisces urges a practical plan; time to roll your sleeves up.

Something Extra for Wednesday:

Have you heard about my new book “Your Birthday” to be published on October 15th, 2024, by Hachette USA?

Written with Sunday Times bestseller Rachel Wells, it’s a detailed astrology and Tarot profile of you, and the people you know, based on your date of birth.

You can pre-order it here.



September 23 - October 22

This Neptune transit in Pisces in your Sixth House of daily routine, paid work, unpaid work, lifestyle, housework, mental health and physical wellbeing is a real corker. It has been with you for years, so you have some accumulated muddle or mess to sort out, clean up and organise. Saturn is the other half of the story, and he provides the barriers, obstacles and walls. Deep breath and get stuck in.

Something Extra for Wednesday:

Have you heard about my new book “Your Birthday” to be published on October 15th, 2024, by Hachette USA?

Written with Sunday Times bestseller Rachel Wells, it’s a detailed astrology and Tarot profile of you, and the people you know, based on your date of birth.

You can pre-order it here.



October 23 - November 21

The world of parenthood-potential relationships, babies, children, Millennials or Generation Z is one space in your head where nothing is really crystallised or organised. There are good reasons for that Scorpio, but nothing is stopping you from a few boundaries. In fact, with Saturn there as well a slow and necessary process of ring-fencing should be taking place. This is the real world.

Something Extra for Wednesday:

Have you heard about my new book “Your Birthday” to be published on October 15th, 2024, by Hachette USA?

Written with Sunday Times bestseller Rachel Wells, it’s a detailed astrology and Tarot profile of you, and the people you know, based on your date of birth.

You can pre-order it here.



November 22 - December 21

Your house, family, apartment, hometown, homeland, household or sense of place is so hard to pin down. Why is that? It may be the actual structure or area, the faces involved or just your own approach. That is Neptune in Pisces. Saturn in Pisces, alongside, shows, paradoxically, what cannot be escaped. Somewhere in between these two astrological transits you need to figure out a plan.

Something Extra for Wednesday:

Have you heard about my new book “Your Birthday” to be published on October 15th, 2024, by Hachette USA?

Written with Sunday Times bestseller Rachel Wells, it’s a detailed astrology and Tarot profile of you, and the people you know, based on your date of birth.

You can pre-order it here.



December 22 - January 19

The shifting sands of the internet, the fuzzy thinking or lack of boundaries surrounding your telephone, basic communication, your commute, short-haul travel and multimedia does have an end point. While the cycle holds, though, you can try to organise and order with one eye on the realities, as well as the unrealities.

Something Extra for Wednesday:

Have you heard about my new book “Your Birthday” to be published on October 15th, 2024, by Hachette USA?

Written with Sunday Times bestseller Rachel Wells, it’s a detailed astrology and Tarot profile of you, and the people you know, based on your date of birth.

You can pre-order it here.



January 20 - February 18

Getting a firmer grip on your finances is something you have to do on a regular basis, rather like wrestling with a jellyfish, but if you want to continue to enjoy a holiday from reality (or even start it properly) you’ll organise the numbers and reinstate some walls. Neptune and Saturn in your zone of money and property is really like a vast ocean crashing against a series of big, metal walls.

Something Extra for Wednesday:

Have you heard about my new book “Your Birthday” to be published on October 15th, 2024, by Hachette USA?

Written with Sunday Times bestseller Rachel Wells, it’s a detailed astrology and Tarot profile of you, and the people you know, based on your date of birth.

You can pre-order it here.



February 19 - March 20

Neptune in Pisces, your own sign, is about your reputation, personal appearance, self-promotion, brand and image. The more things slip away from you, confuse you (or others) or even distort the picture – the greater the effort you have to put in. Saturn is here too so there is an inescapable, unavoidable set of circumstances. Figuring out a strategy with these two is worth the effort.

Something Extra for Wednesday:

Have you heard about my new book “Your Birthday” to be published on October 15th, 2024, by Hachette USA?

Written with Sunday Times bestseller Rachel Wells, it’s a detailed astrology and Tarot profile of you, and the people you know, based on your date of birth.

You can pre-order it here.


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